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Miles Dagouter
Miles Hundredlives by Romeo Barrera.jpg
Fallecido 342 PC[1]
Capacidades Augur & Hacedor de sangre, twinborn, Hemalurgo
Apodos Cienvidas
Religión Trellismo
Grupo Vanishers, Set
Residencia Elendel
Etnia de Terris
Mundo natal Scadrial
Universo Cosmere

¡Sois idiotas! Un día, los hombres de dorado y rojo, portadores del último metal, vendrán a por vosotros. Y seréis gobernados por ellos. Adorad. Adorad a Trell y esperad...

—Últimas palabras de Miles Dagouter[1]

Miles Dagouter, también conocido como Miles Cienvidas,[2] era el anterior vigilante de la ley de Verdadero Madil, en los Áridos de Scadrial y el líder de la banda de ladrones y secuestradores conocidos como los desvanecedores.[3] Miles estaba decidido a derribar el gobierno de Elendel en su afán por buscar justicia por el maltrato a la gente de los Áridos.

Apariencia y personalidad


Hago lo que hay que hacer, Wax. ¿No es ese el código del vigilante de la ley? No he dejado de serlo: nunca se deja de ser vigilante. Se te mete dentro. Haces lo que nadie más hará. Te alzas a favor de los pisoteados, mejoras las cosas, detienes a los criminales. Bueno, yo decidí apuntar a un tipo más poderoso de criminal.

—Miles a Wax[4]

Miles no es un hombre bueno o gentil. Es hostil,[5] un hombre gruñón que preferiría disparar a un sospechoso antes que tomarse el tiempo para determinar su culpabilidad o inocencia.[6] A pesar de sus defectos de carácter, Verdadero Madil se ha mantenido libre de crímenes, por lo que sus métodos, aunque puedan ser severos, son efectivos. Aun así, Miles nunca trae de vuelta a los criminales vivos, mata a todos y cada uno de los hombres que captura.[7] A Miles no le asusta el cambio, debido en parte a su naturaleza como augur.[8] Desde muy temprana edad, Miles odiaba a todo aquel que quebrantase la ley. Sus castigos eran severos y despiadados, especialmente hacia las personas que una vez siguieron la ley, pero le habían dado la espalda. La severidad de sus castigos se debía a su sentimiento de desesperanza. No creía que pudiera realmente marcar la diferencia dada la cantidad de crímenes que se daban en los Áridos.

Era un perro, Wax. Un sabueso controlado con falsas promesas y órdenes severas.

—Miles sobre su tiempo como vigilante de la ley[4]

Tras muchos años en los Áridos, fue creciendo dentro de Miles un odio permanente hacia la ciudad de Elendel y sus líderes.[8] En su juventud, pudo soportarlo. Sin embargo, con los años, Miles se fue desilusionando cada vez más con su papel y las cosas que veía a diario como vigilante. Empezó a creer que la ciudad le había traicionado[9] y poco a poco fue creciendo en su interior un resentimiento ante todas las injusticias que él sentía que estaba soportando. Empezó a creer que no había nada sagrado en la ley, sino que simplemente era una herramienta para que los ricos mantuvieran su poder e influencia.[8] Odia el haber permitido que otros le marcaran las reglas. Miles quema ocasionalmente oro para poder ver el hombre de ley que era antes y el criminal que es ahora. Aunque encuentra perturbador lo mucho que se odian el uno al otro, cree que esta práctica es beneficial para él. Miles piensa que esto le ayuda a mezclar algo de lo que fue con algo de lo que es, dando lugar a una nueva mezcla de sí mismo.

Miles es un hombre complejo, pero su personalidad está dominada por un deseo: la venganza contra Elendel.[8] El problema real de Miles es su ira, a veces incontrolable. Normalmente Miles posee una mente astuta con un gusto por lo dramático, algo que se puede ver fácilmente en los desvanecedores.[3] Puede perseguir un objetivo metódicamente sin que nada nuble su visión. La única excepción a esto es cuando se enfada, lo cual se puede ver con Waxillium o cuando piensa demasiado en el comportamiento de la clase alta.[8] Es posible que también estuviese siendo influido por algo.[10]

Miles siempre tuvo algo oscuro en él, lo sé. Pero ¿esto? ¿Estás seguro?

Ranette sobre los crímenes de Miles[11]

Incluso trabajando fuera de la ley, Miles sigue viéndose a sí mismo, en muchos sentidos, como un vigilante. Miles sigue actuando como un vigilante más que como un criminal, por ejemplo persiguiendo a aquellos que intentan interferir en sus planes en lugar de desaparecer.[12] Cree que sirve, si bien no a la letra, al espíritu de la ley y que ahora puede impartir verdadera justicia.[4] También cree que los auténticos criminales son los nobles de Elendel, y que para crear cambios duraderos que reduzcan los crímenes que se producen en los Áridos, tiene que destruir el sitio del cual proviene el crimen, es decir, la ciudad. Cree que un hombre puede servir a los pobres o a la nobleza, pero no a ambos a la vez.[3] Siente, además, que la élite no hace nada para ayudar a los pobres y los necesitados ni en los Áridos ni en la propia ciudad de Elendel.[13] Su deseo de derribar el sistema y destruir la ciudad no es sólo para ayudar a los pobres, también encuentra una pequeña satisfacción en la idea de ver a la nobleza corrupta castigada por su inutilidad.[8] Incluso con sus nuevas convicciones, Miles se cuestiona a sí mismo y a sus decisiones muy a menudo, como ha hecho toda su vida. A pesar de esta inseguridad, Miles muestra una actitud imperiosa y confiada.[14]

A pesar de sus fuertes creencias, a Miles le sigue impactando de gran manera la manera en que la gente lo ve. Siendo un antiguo héroe de los Áridos, Miles escondía su cara durante los ataques de los desvanecedores por miedo a ser reconocido y ser etiquetado como un criminal.[8] Le dolía cuando la gente en los Áridos le odiaba aún cuando solo estaba haciendo su trabajo, pero ahora como el líder de los desvanecedores la gente lo ama, a pesar que lo temen.[15] Aun así, Miles al final llega a la conclusión de que es un proscrito ahora y, orgulloso de ello, deja de cubrir su cara a la hora de cometer un robo.[8]


Miles tiene un rostro con rasgos afilados,[4][7] con cejas prominentes y pelo corto y negro.[4] Es un hombre atlético, con un torso potente.[7] Como vigilante de la ley en los Áridos, suele llevar un largo abrigo blanco encima de su ropa normal de los Áridos.[8] Nunca lleva sombrero, y en vez de eso se peina el pelo hacia atrás. También lleva gafas tintadas para proteger sus ojos del sol. Después de mudarse a Elendel y asumir el control de los desvanecedores, el estilo de Miles cambia notablemente.[8] Empieza a llevar las ropas de un trabajador de la ciudad, es decir, pantalones desgastados sujetos con tirantes sobre una camisa con botones. También desarrolla una postura encorvada. Cuando Miles se enfrenta con Wax por última vez, lleva su viejo uniforme de vigilante, una vez más. Independientemente de la ropa que lleve, siempre se pone botas.[4] Miles lleva sus mentes de oro en los antebrazos, y probablemente en algún otro sitio de su cuerpo,[1] perforando su piel como tornillos para evitar que tiren o Acero#Uso alomántico#empujen de ellos.[4] Tiene alrededor de treinta mentes de oro encima en todo momento.

Miles lleva consigo un mechero plateado con la insignia de los vigilantes de la ley de Verdadero Madil grabado en la superficie.[3] También fuma Magistrados ciudadanos, una marca de tabaco cara que suele llevar encima. Muchas veces hay uno o dos cartuchos de dinamita escondidos dentro de la caja de tabaco.[7] Miles lleva un revólver de gran calibre, prefiriendo potencia de fuego antes que precisión, además de un cuchillo en la parte posterior de su bota.[4] Más tarde, después de unirse al Grupo, las armas de Miles a menudo están hechas de una aleación de aluminio para impedir cualquier intento de tirar y empujar. Durante sus primeros crímenes como el líder de los desvanecedores llevaba una máscara para ocultar su identidad, puesto que es un hombre bastante conocido en ciertos círculos, pero al final deja de cubrir su rostro durante los mismos.[3]

Religious Beliefs

See Also: Survivorism and Trellism

I don't care about the Survivor's mandate. I've found something better.

—Miles to Wax on his religious beliefs[13]

At one point in his life, Miles was a Survivorist.[13] However, he felt that Elendel's current social and political establishment made a mockery of the religion, professing to believe in the independence and self-reliance of Kelsier but in actuality discouraging people from thinking for themselves.[15] Once Miles came into contact with Edwarn Ladrian and the Set, his religious beliefs began to change.[1]

Miles converted to Trellism, a religion explained in the Words of Founding[3] that preaches the divinity of Metalborn and their superiority to those without access to the Metallic Arts.[7] Because of Miles' invincibility, he has come to think of himself as divine.[16][7] Miles believes that the reason that Trell made men like him is to right the wrongs of the world.[3] He thinks that because of his powers, Miles and other Metalborn have been chosen to rule. Miles has an extreme zealotry for Trellism;[17] even in his last moments he implored that others worship Trell.[1] Miles tried to get Wax to agree with this belief, with no success.[7] Despite Miles' conversion to Trellism, some of his Survivorist beliefs still linger to inspire him.[8]

Attributes & Abilities


See Also: Allomancy

Miles is an Allomancer, more specifically an Augur.[8] Burning gold is not terribly useful on its own, and has become synonymous with one who does nothing. It grants him the ability to see the person that he would have become if he had made other choices.[18] This power is not nearly as combat useful as the Physical metals, which is sometimes an irritation for Miles.[8] He makes a point of burning gold on occasion, though, to take a careful look at his present character and what he could have been. Due to constantly confronting changes in his personality, Miles does not fear change, because he knows it also brings opportunities to become something you're not. Miles believes that occasionally confronting these possibilities allows him to mix the best of what he is with the best of what he could be. However, usually Miles ignores the Allomantic side of his powers, except when using it in concert with his Feruchemy.

See Also: Feruchemy

Miles' Feruchemical power is also gold.[3] As a Bloodmaker, Miles can store health in his goldminds, spending some time in poor health, in order to heal himself instantly later.[18] This allows Miles to take wounds that would otherwise permanently cripple or kill another ordinary man. Gold returns a man to the state he was before the injury. Therefore, it tends to not cure long-term injuries or genetic problems. It does heal the Spiritweb, and as such could heal someone who has had their soul damaged by the theft of spiritual attribute via Hemalurgic spike.[19] The greatest limit on gold Feruchemy is the amount of health stored up, which can be difficult to collect. However, Miles manages to overcome many of these limitations via Compounding. Miles has used this ability with Compounding enough to savant in the metal.[20]

See Also: Compounding

As Miles can both create Feruchemical reserves in goldminds, and burn gold, he is capable of Compounding.[3] A powerful technique, this allows him to essentially create a new metal, burning his metalminds which instead of showing gold's usual visions, power his Feruchemical healing directly via Preservation and the powers of creation.[21][22] This allows Miles to sustain truly horrifying wounds and be healed to full strength nearly instantaneously.[4] Miles is not continuously burning his goldminds though. Rather, he spends some time burning them for a massive amount of health, and then stores a huge amount of health in his metalminds, which he wears as spikes that pierce his body all over. As they are inside of Miles, they are incapable of being Pushed or Pulled on by most Allomancers. This gives Miles access to a constant supply of nearly limitless health.[3]

You can rip the tendons in my foot, Wax, but they'll reknit immediately. I think your body will give out before mine does. Push harder. Let's see what happens.

—Miles to Wax while they fight[4]

Due to the large amount of health available to Miles at all times, he can overcome many of the limits of the average Bloodmaker. Most obviously, normal Bloodmakers are limited in how many wounds or how large a wound they can heal. If their Feruchemical storages are not enough, they have to wait for a wound to heal naturally, or if the wound is severe enough, they simply die. Miles does not have to worry about conserving his Feruchemical storages, because his goldminds are more or less infinite. As a result, Miles is constantly drawing on his goldminds, even when there is no real wound to heal. This impacts him in several ways, both minor and major. Miles has not been sick in years; he never has to deal with sore muscles or headaches or feelings of tiredness.[8] Even when there is nothing for the gold to heal, Miles can still feel a faint sense of extra energy from the health he is drawing. By drawing even more additional health, Miles can eliminate his need to breathe, as he is constantly healing the damage done to his cells from hypoxia.[15] It should be noted that this is not the same thing as cadmium Feruchemy. Gasper Ferrings have the ability to store breath in a cadmiummind.[18] They store oxygen and then withdraw it later so they do not have to breathe. Miles cannot do that. His gold Feruchemy continually heals the damage done to his cells dying of oxygen starvation rather than provides them with oxygen. However, the power of gold is not limitless. It cannot allow Miles to stop his heartbeat[15] or reverse the process of aging[3] like the Lord Ruler managed with his atium Compounding.[23] Additionally, after suffering the pain of thousands of wounds that should have killed him, Miles has also grown completely invulnerable to pain.[4] It is little but a distant memory to him.[15] It also potentially has an impact on Miles' stamina, allowing him to run longer and farther than a normal man, although this is uncertain.[4]

This constant influx of health allows for Miles to do things that would destroy a lesser man. He can fall from great heights and break his legs, only to have them heal as they break.[8] As such he has no fear of falling and can therefore engage in fights on places such as the top of a moving train, jumping from car to car without fear.[4] He can take a shotgun blast to the face without flinching.[3] He has no need to seek cover from gunfire and can walk through a firefight like nothing is happening.[7] It also increases his ability to brawl.[4] He can punch as hard as he likes without injuring himself and cannot feel the pain of others hitting him.[13] One of Miles' favorite tricks is to detonate a piece of dynamite in his hand to free him from any ropes or nets or kill those near him.[7]

The largest downside of Miles' Compounding abilities is the high cost.[4] A normal Feruchemist needs to only buy metal once. Their metalminds are not consumed by their Feruchemy like they would be in Allomancy, so a single metalmind could, in theory, be used for a person's entire life. However, Miles must burn some of his metalminds to Compound their Feruchemical attribute. In his case, the metal he consumes is gold, so his Compounding is even more expensive than other types of Compounding that make use of more common metals, such as iron or steel. Miles must have a steady stream of income to keep up his constant Compounding or he risks having to stop.


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See Also: Hemalurgy

While Miles' metalminds may have taken the form of spikes piercing his form, it appears that he may have had at least one Hemalurgic spike.[24] It is unknown what metal Miles is spiked with and what attributes it granted. Due to his last words,[1] it appears that Miles may be influenced by or have have some connection to the Shard currently known only as Trell.[10] It is possible that the metal his Hemalurgic spike was made from is trellium, the same metal that the rogue kandra Bleeder used for her spikes.[25]

Fighting Skills

For all of his incredible durability, Miles lacks the power of the prime battle metals, such as steel, iron, and pewter.[8] Therefore, he has no Allomantic or Feruchemical powers to enhance his combat abilities. This means Miles is reliant primarily on guns and other mundane weapons when he wishes to deal damage. Most of the time, Miles uses a pair of big-bore pistols.[3][4] He prefers firepower to accuracy, believing it is better to miss a handful of times and be sure that when you do hit someone they stay down. As leader of the Vanishers, Miles' guns[3] and bullets[4] are typically made of aluminum, making them impossible to affect with a Steelpush or Ironpull.[26]

Miles' true combat skills are in knife fights and brawls.[4] He fights with a long-bladed knife that he usually keeps tucked into the back of his boot. Miles is known as one of the best knife-fighters in the Roughs. One of his strategies is to stab his own knife into his forearm. This prevents the knife from being able to be Pushed or Pulled by an Allomancer until he gets into close quarters with them. It also frees up his hands for grappling, while still keeping the knife within easy reach. Miles cannot feel pain, so this does not hurt him at all. As leader of the Vanishers, Miles fights with an aluminum knife. Miles is also still relatively young, as well as fast and strong, which allows him the advantage in brawls.


Miles' abilities have a few primary ways to be countered. Other than keep killing him until his gold runs out, which can take a lot of time, the first way would be via Hemalurgy. If someone could manage to remove his ability to both burn and tap gold with a Hemalurgic spike, Miles would be unable to heal himself, and his abilities would be countered.[19] However, Hemalurgy is nearly always fatal and during Miles' time, Hemalurgy is basically unknown on Scadrial, so this is not a viable option. Another easy way to counter Miles is to simply catch him. His abilities do not truly allow many offensive capabilities, so once Miles has been captured, there is little he can do to escape.[8] Tangling Miles in nets,[7] or simply delaying him until overwhelming force arrives can physically capture him, though if he brings a bomb, he can blow himself up along with the trap then heal himself.[13] Another way to defeat Miles would be to remove his metalminds, which permit him to constantly be tapping health.[1] He has so many metalminds that he would need to be captured before this method would be possible. However, this cannot be done completely since some of his metal minds are buried in his body, which cannot be removed. The final way would be to shoot him with aluminum bullets, as the presence of aluminum in a wound prevents Feruchemical healing until it is removed.[27]


Early Years in the Roughs

Fifteen years I spent out in the Roughs, trying to protect the weak. And you know what? It never got better. All that effort, it meant nothing. Children still died, women were still abused. One man wasn't enough to change things, not with the corruption here at the heart of civilization. If we're going to change things, we need to change them here, first.

—Miles Dagouter[3]

Little of Miles Dagouter's early life is known. As an adult, he worked as the lawman of True Madil. Miles spent his time hunting down criminals, often migrants from the city. Miles' methods were brutal and he killed all men he hunted down if he got the chance.[7] It was there in the Roughs that Miles first met Waxillium Ladrian. The two men did not get along well, but still they managed to become allies, if not friends.[3] Wax and Miles occasionally worked together to enforce the law,[26] along with Jon Deadfinger of Far Dorest, and Miles saved Wax's life on multiple occasions,[26] and helped Wax in his capture of Pars the Deadman.[4] During this time, Miles' legend grew, he became known as Miles Hundredlives for his incredible healing abilities, and tales of his heroics reached even Elendel.[2]

However, his time in the Roughs wore on Miles. He saw all that happened to those under his protection, despite his best efforts.[3] Miles began to feel as if his actions were a drop in the bucket compared to the sheer amount of crime coming out of Elendel. He saw it as a den of crime and corruption. His frustration with the leaders of the city who did nothing to help and themselves were a source of the corruption was incredible. As the years went by, Miles' feelings of anger continued to grow until he could take it no more. After fifteen years of keeping order in the Roughs, a disillusioned Miles decided that he needed to change tactics in order to truly help the people of the Roughs.

Leader of the Vanishers

Once the injustices of the City became too much for Miles, he left True Madil and struck out for Elendel. He came with a goal, to end the rule of the wealthy Elendel elite, punish them for their excesses, and set up a new uncorrupted government.[8] It is unknown how he came into contact with Edwarn Ladrian or the Set, however they put him in charge of a gang of thieves. It is also unknown how much of the Sets' goals Miles was aware of, but Miles joined them not because he shared the Set's aims, but rather in order to further his own plans for revenge against the City.[3] He also wanted to use the goods he stole to finance those plans.[8] Miles did not trust Edwarn fully though, and he tracked his movements recording railway routes and times in an old cigar box.[1] During this time, Miles learned of the religion, Trellism from Edwarn, which revered Metalborn as nearly divine.[7] He came to agree with this belief, abandoning Survivorism to become a Trellist.[13]

Miles began to design the concept of the Vanishers, an idea that he developed as time went on. Miles wanted the robberies to be fantastic and confusing, to befuddle any and all who investigated as to how the crimes were taking place. He designed a barge called the Machine that had a crane capable of lifting train cars.[15] The core of his robberies were all the same. Miles and his men would create a disturbance to stop the train nearby a canal and while the train's engineers were distracted, Miles' barge would pick up the target train car off of the tracks and replace it with an identical but empty train car. The Vanishers would retreat and the car would proceed onward, none the wiser.

Ashamed? Ashamed? To rob these? After what you people have done to the Roughs all these years? This isn't shameful. This here, this is payback.

—Miles on the Elendel nobility[14]

The robberies began with a fraudulent shipment of aluminum, disguised as wool, belonging to House Tekiel. However, as the robberies continued, Miles' visions of the Vanishers began to take shape. For the first robbery, a downed tree brought the train to a halt. Later, to increase mystery, Miles would set up a hand-crank car with a false front, which would appear to be an oncoming train. When the panicked engineers stopped their train to investigate, the phantom train, as well as their cargo, would already be gone. The Set then began asking Miles to take women on the train cars hostage. These women were specific, always of certain bloodlines connected back to Spook, the Lord Mistborn. Miles and his men also stole jewelry from the passengers to further fund themselves. However, the nobility of Elendel grew more cautious and stopped traveling by railway.[28] In order to continue kidnapping the women the Set required, the Vanishers had to expand the scope of their raids. After several robberies, they hit the Coolerim Playhouse, robbing the nobility and kidnapping Lady Armal.[26]

I will clean this city up, Suit. Even if I have to rip out its blackened heart with my fingernails, I'll do it.

—Miles on Elendel[3]

After the robbery at the Coolerim Playhouse, Miles chose the Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner, attended by High Lord Waxillium Ladrian and Wayne, as his next target.[29] He personally took part in the robbery, wearing a knit mask over his face to hide his identity. During the robbery he ranted about the injustices of the City and the mistreatment of the Roughs. When Lord Peterus protested the robbery and challenged Miles, he hit Peterus, cutting his head. Miles ordered the valuables of the partygoers seized and attempted to have his men take Lady Steris Harms and Lady Marasi Colms as hostages to be turned over to Edwarn Ladrian. This action enraged Peterus once again, who called Miles a coward and demanded to be taken as a hostage himself in their place. Losing his temper, Miles shot Peterus in the head to silence him, and told the Vanishers that they were allowed to have some fun with the guests now.

This murder and attempted kidnapping incited Wax and Wayne into action.[14] They returned fire on the Vanishers and successfully managed to rescue Marasi. Miles was shot in the head by Wax, but feigned death to throw off any of Wax's suspicions and escaped with a handful of men and Steris still as his hostage. Knowing that Wax would soon be on his trail, Miles ordered the Vanishers to pack up their base at the foundry in Longard and move to another foundry beneath the Ironspine Building, owned by Edwarn Ladrian.[3] This was much to Miles' displeasure, as Edwarn had wanted the Vanishers based out of the Ironspine foundry all along, but Miles had wanted to avoid constantly being under Edwarn's watch.

As the Vanishers set up the new hideout, Miles met with Edwarn Ladrian to discuss his failure at the wedding dinner.[3] Edwarn rebuked Miles for losing his temper during the raid and questioned his actions regarding Waxillium. Edwarn wondered if Miles and Wax have some sort of grudge or if Miles is unable to kill Wax. Miles assured Ladrian that he was quite capable of taking care of Waxillium and agreed to kill him later that same day. Edwarn also revealed to Miles that the Set have made preparations to steal a final shipment of aluminum from the Breaknaught, the new unrobbable freight car belonging to House Tekiel.

Is there any doubt that I have been chosen for something great? Why else would I have this power, Waxillium? Why else would we be what we are? And yet, we let others rule. Let them make a mess of our world while we do nothing but chase petty criminals.

—Miles on his powers[7]

Miles confronted Wax as Wax returned from investigating the scene of one of the Vanishers's train robberies with Wayne and Marasi.[4] Miles waited for Wax to leave his train car, and then jammed the locks on the car, trapping Wayne and Marasi before attacking Waxillium. Wax had already come to the conclusion that Miles was the leader of the Vanishers and was expecting an attack. Miles followed Waxillium to the roof of the train, where he has fled to get civilians out of the line of fire. They engaged in a gunfight, but Miles was disarmed when Wax shot his guns out of his hands. Miles spoke to Wax and attempted to explain the reason he has turned his back on the city, but Wax saw him as a simple traitor. Miles managed to get close and throw Wax off of the train, but Wax caught himself with a Steelpush and returned to the train. Miles was surprised by Waxillium and was Pushed off the train by Wax and left behind outside of Elendel.

Defeated, Miles returned to the foundry beneath the Ironspine to meet with Edwarn Ladrian.[8] Ladrian expressed his disappointment in Miles and informed Miles, to his chagrin, that their hit on the Breaknaught would be the last raid for six months. Miles was ordered to carry out the robbery, leave the foundry, and spend the coming months focusing on recruitment. Miles informed him that Wax was likely to interfere in the robbery and Edwarn ordered him to kill Wax that night. Edwarn gave Miles two Allomancers to use as resource, Push and Pull, and left the city, as Waxillium was drawing close to the Vanisher headquarters.

Capture and Execution

I served [the law] too. But now I serve something better. The essence of the law, but mixed with real justice. An alloy, Wax. The best parts of both made into one. I do something better than chase the filth sent to me from the city.

—Miles to Wax on his new philosophy[4]

The Vanishers' theft of the Breaknaught went smoothly and without incident, although Miles deduced that Wax had hidden himself in the train car itself.[15] The Breaknaught was carried back to the Ironspine in Elendel on the Machine, Miles' barge with a crane. Miles brought the train car to the subterranean foundry, where he used the electric lift's engines and winch to pull off the door of the Breaknaught. When the door was ripped off, Miles found that Wax had attached dynamite to the inside of the door, which he detonated in an attempt to slow Miles and kill his men. Miles and his men began to fire on Wax but were interrupted when Wayne and Marasi blew open the doors in the ceiling of the foundry leading the the lift, opening the lair to the outside. Miles and his men did their best to kill Wax and Wayne while Marasi fired down on them from above.

Don't tell me you never felt it. You worked every day to fix the world, Wax. You tried to end the pain, the violence, the robberies. It never worked. The more men you put down, the more troubles arose.

—Miles on lawkeeping[4]

Miles again attempted to reason with Wax, claiming that their powers were divine and gave both men the right to rule, but Wax paid his words no attention.[7] Miles badly injured Wax by surprising him with a stick of dynamite, but due to aid from Harmony, Waxillium and his allies managed to rescue Steris and kill all of Miles men, including Push, Pull, and Miles' most loyal Vanisher, Tarson.[13] Wax quietly ordered Wayne to go get the constables while he and Marasi confronted Miles by himself. Miles fought Wax in a one-on-one fistfight, not realizing that Marasi, a Pulser, was burning cadmium and hours were passing by them outside the bubble. Wax and Marasi managed to keep Miles distracted long enough for Wayne to return at dawn with a small army of constables to overwhelm Miles with sheer numbers and arrest him.

Imprisoned, Miles was brought to trial, prosecuted by a man named Daius with the help of Marasi.[1] He was found guilty and sentenced to execution by firing squad. Miles' metalminds were removed and he was shot multiple times. Miles continued to draw health from one last hidden goldmind, proclaiming that all that opposed him were fools. As his last goldmind was emptied, Miles screamed that they were all doomed to become slaves of men of red and gold, bearers of some final metal. Miles proclaimed one final time that they worship Trell, and then he died.


The most enduring component of Miles Dagouter's legacy is a Set that has gained far more power than it once possessed. Miles contributed to the growth of the Set in several ways. The first, and most simple, is in the funds he supplied the organization. The Set took a portion of the Vanishers' profits for their own personal use, although the rest goes to the Vanishers.[8] The next way that Miles aided the Set is his role in the Set's seizure of crucial financial organizations in the City from House Tekiel.[1] By purchasing the insurance companies bankrupted by the robberies, the Set gained ownership of a large part of the financial sector. They always intended for Miles to be captured so the goods would be recovered and they could avoid paying out any insurance claims. The final, and most important way that Miles impacted the Elendel was in the kidnapping of the women from Allomantic bloodlines.[30] Whatever the specifics of the Set's plans, it is clear that the women are very important in achieving their long-term goals. Without Miles and his Vanishers, the clandestine capture of noblewomen would have been far more difficult.


Waxillium Ladrian

See Also: Waxillium Ladrian

You know, Wax, I used to wonder if I'd have to face you. A part of me always thought your softness would cause it—I thought you'd let someone go that you shouldn't have. I wondered if I'd have a chance to hunt you down for it.

—Miles to Wax[4]

Miles Dagouter and Waxillium Ladrian are perhaps more similar than they are different.[3] They share an odd sort of mutual respect for one another, especially in each other's lawkeeping abilities. Miles is the only man other than Wayne that Wax trusted to watch over Weathering in his absence.[26] Wax was aware of some of Miles' hatred for the City though, and hoped that he would never act on his feelings.[3] His own similarity to Miles scares Wax. Miles for his part had huge respect for Wax, particularly for his skill as a Metalborn.[13]

I know Miles. I know how he thinks. He's like me.

—Waxillium Ladrian[8]

Miles thinks that Wax is incredibly dangerous,[15] but one of the finest men in the world, but that in returning to Elendel to associate with the nobility, he has abandoned any right he has to protection.[3] Miles also believed that Wax was too soft though, he always wondered if he would one day have to hunt down Wax for letting someone go that he should not have.[4] This mutual respect did not extend to actual friendship though, neither man felt particularly close to the other.[8]

Miles and Wax's minds work in the same way as well. Miles deduced that Waxillium's strategy for catching the Vanishers would be to hide in the train car that they were stealing simply because he knew Wax so well.[15] Miles is disappointed in Wax for becoming one of the men that, in his mind, are the cause of all of the problems in the Roughs.[4]

Wax is not a friend. We were never friends—no more than two rival kings could ever be friends. We respect each other, we did similar jobs, and we worked together. It ends there.

—Miles on his relationship with Waxillium[8]

He also feels that Wax wasted his potential, afraid to seize the true power that is his birthright as a Metalborn.[13] When fighting against Wax, Miles often becomes reckless, throwing aside his normally cautious nature in his attempts to prove that his actions are justified.[3]

In many ways, Miles and Wax are the same man that made a different decision, whether they were willing to work outside the law or not.[4] Both of them struggle with upholding the law at times, and feel a certain amount of anger and jealousy that others are permitted to break the law, while they are forced to enforce it.[31] Miles' frustrations however lead him to work outside the law, rejecting the established government. Miles mixes enforcement of an ideal law with vigilante justice carried out by himself and his men. Wax refuses to take matters into his own hands in this way. This ideological disagreement leads them into a conflict that cannot be avoided. Miles believes that since their paths have crossed,there is no way for it to end but in a final confrontation,[8] which Miles welcomes.[15]

Ultimately, Miles convinces Wax that the poor do need some help, even if Wax disagrees with the way the Miles goes about helping them.[13] He promises Miles that he will do his best to help those in need.


See Also: Wayne

I've long been wanting an excuse to put a bullet in that man's head.

—Miles on Wayne[4]

Miles and Wayne have never gotten along well.[3] Even before Wayne knows that Miles is responsible for the Vanishers, he refers to him as a terrible human being.[26] Wayne has disdain for the way Miles kills people himself rather than determining their guilt or innocence. Miles for his part finds Wayne to be a petty annoyance.[4] Miles has quietly wanted an opportunity to shoot Wayne in the head for a long time. Wayne is unsurprised to find out that Miles is the leader of the Vanishers, recalling Miles' hatred for Elendel.[3] Miles' actions as the leader of the Vanishers, especially killing Lord Peterus angered Wayne greatly.[29]

Despite their disdain for one another, Miles and Wayne have a certain respect for one another's abilities. Miles is impressed by Wayne's ability to avoid capture, stating that it was easier to draw him and Waxillium in than it is to hunt them down.[7] Miles is also careful to separate Wayne from Wax before engaging Wax in a fight, so he at least appears to have some respect for Wayne's competence as a fighter and lawman.[4] Wayne for his part is well aware how dangerous Miles is with his infinite healing abilities.[3]

Tarson and The Vanishers

See Also: Tarson and the Vanishers

Of them all, only Tarson—dear, brutal Tarson—had anything resembling true loyalty.

—Miles on Tarson[8]

Miles and Tarson's relationship was less like a friendship between equals, and more like that between a master and a servant. Tarson was the Vanisher most loyal to Miles, following Miles out of respect, instead of simply for money.[8] Tarson's loyalty makes Miles more fond of him than most of his men. Despite Tarson's rank as second in command of the Vanishers, he did not take much of independent initiative in his leadership role within the Vanishers. Miles kept him in an enforcement role,[9] keeping him around to take hostages[29] and hit whatever Miles wanted him to hit.[9] He also reported findings from the other Vanishers, as well as their general morale to Miles.[3] Tarson assisted Miles personally during Vanisher robberies.[29][15] When Waxillium and his allies confronted Miles in the foundry below the Ironspine, Tarson was the last of Miles' allies to die, shot by Wax while holding Marasi at gunpoint.[13]

Despite his leadership of the Vanishers, Miles commanded little loyalty from most of the other men within his organization. The men followed him, not out of a sense of duty or because they shared his beliefs, but instead because of their fear of him and desire for money.[3] Miles once fired a shotgun into his own head to prove to them that he could not be killed.[8] Miles' past as a lawman worries them, and when they lose to Waxillium, some wonder if Miles had colluded with Ladrian and betrayed them.[3] Miles has no real affection for the Vanishers himself, they are more tools in his mind and he expresses no sorrow when they are lost or captured. Miles believes that the fact that the Vanishers work for him pardons them from their previous crimes. He still carries his lighter bearing the symbol of the lawmen of True Madil, despite the fact that it makes the Vanishers uncomfortable. Miles is the mastermind behind the Vanishers' theatricality. He wants to gain attention from the City for his cause and draw people with similar beliefs to his cause. Miles also loves the notoriety that the Vanishers brings him, despite the fact that the people of Elendel fear him, they also love him as they never did when he enforced the law.[15]

Edwarn Ladrian and The Set

See Also: Edwarn Ladrian and the Set

Miles and Edwarn Ladrian are at best allies of circumstance. Neither man particularly likes or trusts the other. Miles had the vision for the Vanishers, and Suit helped him make this vision a reality.[15] Miles does not like being under close observation by Edwarn,[3] but for his part he spends time tracking Suit's movements.[1] Edwarn likes Miles because he is usually careful in his actions, but Miles' erratic behavior dealing with Wax causes him to question this belief.[3] Edwarn wonders if Miles is has some lingering grudge with Waxillium from their time in the Roughs. He also does not understand Miles' obsession with creating an aura of mystery around the Vanisher robberies. Miles for his part does not like that Ladrian is a part of the Elendel nobility, but is willing to work with him to further his goals. However, Edwarn is so powerful and well-connected the Miles wonders if he has gotten himself entangled in forces beyond his control. Edwarn dislikes having to watch over his underlings too much, he prefers to allow them to run things on their own with occasional oversight,[32] but Miles' actions force him to take a more active management role.[3] As Edwarn's trust in Miles' ability to handle Wax falters, he assigns the Allomancers Push and Pull to keep an eye on him.[8]

Miles did not know the Set particularly well. The Set does not like Miles, Edwarn Ladrian has to work hard to convince them that he is effective, despite the potential liability he also offers.[8] Edwarn has particular trouble convincing them to continue to support Miles after the disastrous raid at the Yomen wedding. Miles has no real loyalty to the Set, as they are a part of the establishment themselves, but he is uncertain if he will eventually turn against them or not. After Miles fails to kill Wax himself, the Set fears he is becoming too well-known and orders him to go to ground for six months after his final raid. His thievery also helps to fund the Set itself. The Set always intended for Miles to be caught, and used the collapse of House Tekiel's insurance business to gain additional control of the financial sector in the Elendel Basin.[1]


What we do, it is not outside the law. Not the true law. Oh, the rich will make their own codes, will force us to live by them. But our law is the law of humanity itself. Men who work for me, they are given the dispensation of reform. Their work here washes away their previous ... infractions. Tell them I am proud of them, Clamps. I realize we've been through something traumatic, but we did survive. We will face tomorrow with greater strength.

—Miles to the Vanishers after their defeat at the Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner[3]

Nobody cares about the Roughs—they barely seem to notice us save as a place to deposit their trash.

—Miles on the Roughs[4]

I am tired of doing what the city tells me. I should be helping people, not fighting meaningless fights as prescribed by the corrupt and the uncaring.

—Miles to Wax[7]

You are fools! One day the men of gold and red, bearers of the final metal, will come for you and you will be ruled by them... Worship... Worship Trell and wait.



Can't you see? Can't you see what important work we could be doing? Can't you see that we're meant to be doing it, perhaps even ruling. It's almost like like we, with the powers we have, are divine

—Miles to Wax[7]

Miles was created to explore a different look at a character like Kelsier. In the original Mistborn trilogy, Kell is one of the heroes of the tale. A brave revolutionary, he commits whatever crime is necessary to overthrow the corrupt regime of the Final Empire, removing those in charge and starting a new era of peace.[33] Miles on the other hand, wants all of those same things, but he is painted as a villain, because our heroes this time are on the side of the establishment. Kell and Miles have similar methods, personalities, and goals, yet one is hero and one is a villain. These are the sort of ideas Brandon wanted to play with in the development of the character of Miles.

This is also another place where Brandon wants to explore themes of how men act when they are given the powers of gods.[16] This is a theme that he has touched on with the Lord Ruler, Kelsier, Zane, and Spook. In real life, there is no evidence for superior bloodlines, but on Scadrial Allomancy and Feruchemy are inherited traits, lending credence to the idea that some men are better than others. Miles, due to his invincibility, has come to think of himself as divine. Brandon one day wants to tackle this theme directly.


  • If Miles were somehow to be severed perfectly in half and he attempted to heal himself, his spirit would randomly choose a half of his body from which to regrow a new half of his body.[34]


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Aleación de ley epílogo#
  2. a b Aleación de ley capítulo 10#
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai Aleación de ley capítulo 11#
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad Aleación de ley capítulo 13#
  5. Aleación de ley prólogo#
  6. Aleación de ley capítulo 1#
  7. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Aleación de ley capítulo 18#
  8. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad Aleación de ley capítulo 15#
  9. a b c Aleación de ley capítulo 8#
  10. a b Salt Lake City Comic-Con 2014
    Arcanum - 2014-09-04#
  11. Aleación de ley capítulo 14#
  12. Aleación de ley capítulo 12#
  13. a b c d e f g h i j k Aleación de ley capítulo 19#
  14. a b c Aleación de ley capítulo 6#
  15. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Aleación de ley capítulo 17#
  16. a b Alloy of Law Annotation Chapter 18
    Brandon's website - November 30, 2015#
  17. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 29#
  18. a b c Aleación de ley Ars Arcanum#
  19. a b Shadows of Self Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2015-10-12#
  20. Starsight Release Party
    Arcanum - 2019-11-26#
  21. Open The Fridge Interview
    Arcanum - 2011-11-16#
  22. Hero of Ages Q&A - Time Waster's Guide
    Arcanum - 2008-10-15#
  23. El Imperio Final (libro) epílogo#
  24. Alloy of Law Annotation Chapter 15
    Brandon's website - November 30, 2015#
  25. Sombras de identidad epílogo#
  26. a b c d e f Aleación de ley capítulo 2#
  27. Words of Radiance signing Philadelphia
    Arcanum - 2014-03-21#
  28. Aleación de ley capítulo 4#
  29. a b c d Aleación de ley capítulo 5#
  30. Aleación de ley capítulo 7#
  31. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 5#
  32. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 18#
  33. Sombras de identidad capítulo 17#
  34. General Reddit 2013
    Arcanum - 2013-02-20#
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