Aradan Yomen

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Aradan Yomen
Descendientes Joshin Yomen[Falta cita]
Capacidades Vidente
Títulos King of Fadrex City
The Last Obligator (Post-Catacendre)[1]
Oficio Obligador
Lugar de nacimiento Luthadel
Etnia Noble
Mundo natal Scadrial

Aradan Yomen is an obligator of the Final Empire on Scadrial.[2]

Appearance and Personality

He had a fondness for philosophic literature and believed that Lord Ruler was the one and only god. He did not believe in his death and held the view that he would return someday to reign again.


Originally coming from Luthadel he was the Prelan of the Canton of Resource in the Western Dominance and had his seat in Fadrex City.

As the former king of the Dominance, Ashweather Cett, left for the Siege of Luthadel, Yomen seized the chance to appoint himself as the new king of the Western Dominance. He reintroduced the social structures under the Lord Ruler, which did not encounter resistances, because the people were used to it. He wore a diadem with an atium bead on it to show his power, and lead people to believe he was Mistborn. He escaped an assassination with a Hemalurgic spike.

Some months before the Final Ascension, Elend Venture moved the army of the New Empire to Fadrex City, which lead to the Siege of Fadrex City. The siege resulted in an alliance between Yomen and Venture.

Attributes and Abilities

He was an atium misting and was able to see an attackers movements in advance whilst burning atium, although this alone made him slightly clumsier than a mistborn who would have access to pewter to maintain balance. [3] Although largely a non-combatant, the discovery of an atium misting lead Elend to realise that the Mistfallen were also atium mistings. A previously unknown concept due to the Lord Ruler's suppression of knowledge regarding allomancy.[4]


He was named for the winner of an auction by Brandon Sanderson for character naming rights, Aaron Yeoman.Plantilla:Annotation refPlantilla:Annotation ref


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