Plantación Tresting

De La Coppermind
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Plantación Tresting
Final Empire Opening Scene.jpg
Propietario Themos Tresting
Dominio Dominio Central
Nación Imperio Final
Mundo Scadrial
Universo Cosmere

Tresting plantation is located in the Central Dominance north-west of Luthadel.

The plantation is owned by Themos Tresting and the staff at the plantation included other lords and at least two minor obligators, as well as a number of taskmasters and over two dozen soldiers. His plantation was manned by a workforce of several hundred skaa.[1]

On a certain night Kelsier visited Tresting plantation. He entered one of the skaa hovels, where he talked with Tepper and Mennis and gave them nobleman's food. Then he heard two woman, Jess and her daughter, screaming outside their hovel, Tresting's soldiers where taking the daughter to his manor. Kelsier immediately went to the manor himself, where he killed all the plantation staff, burned down the manor and rescued Jess's daughter.[1]

The plantation skaa then went on their way to join the skaa rebels in the Arguois caverns.[1] Only a few of them actually stayed, the rest joined other plantations.[2]


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