Taller de Clubs

De La Coppermind
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Taller de Clubs
Propietarios Clubs
Uso Business
Ciudad Luthadel
Mundo Scadrial
Universo Cosmere

Clubs' shop is a carpentry shop and is a front for his work as a smoker.[1]


Clubs' shop's Carpentry section is a successful business in its self with several apprentices and other staff. This allows Clubs to have a fair amount of independence unlike most Skaa in the Final Empire. It has quarters for the apprentices and any people currently employing Clubs' as a smoker along with spaces for meetings and a kitchen. The shop also has multiple hidden lookout posts and at least one hidden exit for escape in case of either Guards or Steel Inquisitors.


Clubs employs several apprentices that do a large share of the work for the shop but many of them are skaa Mistings among these are several more smokers to keep a cloud running all day. The only notable apprentice is Clubs' nephew Lestibournes later named Spook by Kelsier, who Becomes a member of Kelsier's crew and later continues to support Vin.


During the events of The Final Empire Clubs'shop is used as a central location for the Kelsier's crew to run their plans while actually in Luthadel.


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