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Padres mother
Hermanos Vin
Fallecido [1]
Grupo Camon's crew
Residencia Luthadel
Etnia Skaa
Mundo natal Scadrial

Reen was a skaa orphan from Luthadel on Scadrial.

He was half brother to Vin and looked after her in their childhood. He raised Vin to be wary of everything and trust no one, including himself, always claiming that he would betray her in the end. Later, he was captured by the Steel Inquisitors, but he never revealed Vin's existence; despite being tortured day and night, he insisted that she had starved to death years ago.[1]

Reen and Vin originally lived with their mother, who was the parent they both shared.[2] After the death of Vin's sister by her mother's hands, Reen left with Vin to earn a living in the skaa underground. The pair traveled with different crews around various towns and cities in the central dominance. When Reen left Vin, they were serving in Camon's crew in Luthadel. Camon claimed that Reen owed him a large sum of money, though the reason behind this is unknown.[2]

Throughout her life Vin was plagued by Reen's voice, which advised her against trusting in anyone. During the Siege of Fadrex City, it is revealed that Ruin was behind the psychosis, implanting the voice via her Hemalurgically charged earring.[3]


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