El Imperio Final (in-world)

De La Coppermind
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El Imperio Final (in-world)
Final Empire.png
Era [[Final Empire]]{{era/Final Empire|}}
Mundo Scadrial

The Final Empire was the major state on Scadrial for over 1000 years.


Alendi conquered the world in anticipation of becoming the Hero of Ages. Rashek ascended by taking the power at the Well of Ascension. He remade the world and created a number of new species.

Rashek proclaimed himself the Lord Ruler. He ruled over his empire for about 1024 years.

Kelsier's crew planned the Skaa rebellion, resulting in the fall of the Final Empire. It was followed by the New Empire under Elend Venture.


The Final Empire consisted of several Dominances

The lands surrounding the Central Dominance, which held the capital, Luthadel, contained the seven Ashmounts; Tyrian, Zerinah, Faleast, Doriel, Morag, Kalling and Torinost. These seven mountains spewed ash into Scadrial's atmosphere, cooling the world down. This was the Lord Ruler's solution to his altercations of the planets orbit.

Canals were used extensively, as the ash built up quickly away from civilization.


The Lord Ruler suppressed most technological advances, killing everyone who discovered gunpowder and the knowledge associated with it.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido He did allow some advances such as the implementation of canneries, allowing for the easy storage of food. The currency includes Boxings and Clips.


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El Imperio Final (in-world)

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