Fiesta de Kelesina Shores

De La Coppermind
Revisión del 22:23 28 may 2020 de Big Smooth (discusión | contribs.) (+cat, {{uncanonical}})
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Fiesta de Kelesina Shores
Mundo Scadrial
Universo Cosmere
El título de este artículo no es canon y ha sido creado por un fan ya que todavía no se ha establecido un término oficial.

Kelesina Shores's party is an event in in 342 PC on Scadrial. Kelesina Shores hosts the party in her home in the city of New Seran, on the edge of the Elendel Basin.[1]


While searching for the Bands of Mourning, the kandra ReLuur becomes "fixated" on a number of nobles in New Seran.[2] ReLuur believes that several of these nobles, including Kelesina Shores, have had interaction with Edwarn Ladrian.[3] Unfortunately, ReLuur's notes are incomplete and he has gone insane due to the removal of two of his hemalurgic spikes, so VenDell tasks Waxillium Ladrian with further investigation, starting with Kelesina's party.[3] Wax takes a train to New Seran, accompanied by Wayne, Steris, Marasi, and MeLaan.[3]


Marasi and Wayne skip the party in order to search for clues regarding ReLuur's fate, while MeLaan decides to attend in the body of a muscular man.[4][1] Wax is not looking forward to interacting with nobility, but Steris has prepared a notebook with information on all known attendees to help guide them.[5] They run into a beggar named Hoid on the way in, who gives Wax an unusual coin.[5] They have an unpleasant encounter with a local noble, Gave Entrone, who directs several thinly-veiled insults at the couple.[5] Khrissalla appears on the dance floor and asks Wax several questions about the physics of his Allomantic and Feruchemical abilities, then quickly vanishes.[1] Wax then meets with an informant, Devlin Airs, who tells him that he has seen other strange coins changing hands and also gives him some tips about the Set's activities in Dulsing and the anti-Elendel sentiment in the outer Basin.[6] Wax then talks to Kelesina Shores and spooks her by showing her the unusual coin.[6] Kelesina scurries away, but Steris creates a distraction by forcing herself to vomit all over the table[6]

While Steris recovers, Wax hears Mayor Bastien Severington of Bilming giving a speech denouncing Elendel and realizes that civil war may actually be brewing.[7] He retrieves a gun that Steris sneaked into the party and flies to a second floor balcony seeking Kelesina.[7] He eventually finds her and conceals himself nearby so he can hear her conversing with Mister Suit, Wax's uncle Edwarn and a high-ranking member of the Set.[7] Wax believes that he has enough evidence to convict Kelesina, but is not sure about Suit.[8] Kelesina's Terriswoman steward rushes in to inform her that a Seeker in Kelesina's employ detected Allomancy in the area, and Wax comes out of hiding.[8]

Wax is disappointed to see that Suit is not present but is actually talking through an advanced communication device.[9] Kelesina's steward reveals herself as a Brute and attacks Wax, then kills Kelesina with his gun, hoping to frame him for murder.[9] Wax attempts to escape, but he encounters one of the Set's kill squads, armed with aluminum weapons.[9] Wax evades them, but is caught by the steward; MeLaan shows up to help and they kill or disable all of the attackers.[9] Wax realizes that Suit had always planned to have Kelesina killed, and retrieves a powerful gold metalmind that she had on her person.[9] He also takes the communication device, which he plans to send to Elendel for inspection.[9]

Wax later cites the events of the party as an example of Steris being helpful, contrary to her position that she is irrelevant to his adventures.[10]



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