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Steris Harms
Cónyuge Waxillium Ladrian
Padres Jackstom Harms
Hermanos Marasi Colms
Residencia Elendel
Mundo natal Scadrial
Universo Cosmere

Como ya te he dicho muchas veces, estoy al corriente de mi reputación. Debo abrazar mi naturaleza.


Steris Harms es la hija de lord Jackstom Harms y la hermanastra de Marasi Colms, así como la prometida, y con el tiempo esposa, del gran señor Waxillium Ladrian. Steris suele afirmar que no encaja bien con los demás, y lo compensa memorizando sin descanso las normas sociales y los hechos relevantes de la sociedad de Scadrial y creando listas exhaustivas de imprevistos para todas y cada una de las ocasiones posibles. Es autista.[NdT 1][2][3]

Apariencia y personalidad

Por mucho que haya ensayado para fingirme normal, la eficacia de mis listas de comentarios y chistes prefabricados también tiene un límite. La gente se huele que no estoy siendo sincera, que no me gustan las mismas cosas ni pienso como ellos.

—Steris a Wax[4]

Steris tiene el pelo rubio,[5] y lo lleva normalmente recogido en un moño. A menudo lleva una expresión severa o fría. Steris confecciona cuidadosamente sus atuendos para mantenerse al día con la moda actual, sin adelantarse ni quedarse atrás.[6] Debido a que es autista, Steris se siente a menudo desconectada de quienes la rodean. Se suele describir a sí misma como aburrida,[4] y menciona varias veces que a los demás les resulta difícil pasar mucho tiempo con ella. [7] Como miembro del círculo cercano de Wax, Steris tiene a menudo la sensación de que no tiene nada que aportar a sus heroicidades. Durante la caza de los Brazales de Duelo, Steris se otorga a sí misma una calificación de utilidad de 7/100. [8]

Steris hace frente a su desconexión estando tan preparada y siendo tan minuciosa como es humanamente posible. Siempre lleva consigo al menos un cuaderno, en el que guarda múltiples listas. Ha recopilado listas de comentarios ingeniosos para utilizar durante la conversación,[9] personas desagradables a las que invitar a su boda,[10] y, en una ocasión, una lista de veintisiete páginas de cosas que llevar a un viaje espontáneo.[11] Steris es conocida por preparar planes exhaustivos y planes de reserva, y planes de reserva de la reserva, y por hacer el equipaje de acuerdo con esos planes, trayendo acero o armas adicionales para que Wax las utilice y, en una ocasión, sacando de su cuaderno un escondite para un medallón de latón.[12]

Steris es muy inteligente y dedicada a lo que considera sus deberes. Pone una enorme cantidad de esfuerzo en aprender todo lo que puede sobre los protagonistas y las distintas facciones de la sociedad de Elendel,[9] y se toma muy en serio sus responsabilidades como jefa de la Casa Ladrian, hasta el punto de revisar las finanzas de la casa en un esfuerzo por recuperar tres recortes perdidos.[11] Su dedicación e interés por lo que Wax considera tareas sin sentido y aburridas le inspira una mayor dedicación a sus propias responsabilidades como alto señor Ladrian.[13]

Steris es propensa a momentos de profunda reflexión y expresión poética, así como a momentos de sorprendente honestidad.[14] Habla formalmente la mayor parte del tiempo, excepto con Wayne, a quien no respeta en absoluto.


Vida temprana

Steris se crió en la casa Harms, con lord y lady Harms. Los padres de Steris no estaban emocionalmente unidos. Su padre comentó que Steris se parece mucho a su madre.[6] Steris estaba al tanto de las aventuras extramatrimoniales de lord Harms y las ve como algo normal, hasta el punto de que escribió una cláusula para las aventuras en su contrato matrimonial original.[5]

Compromiso con Wax y captura por los Desvanecedores

Yo no hice esas reglas. Tampoco las apruebo: muchas son incovenientes. Pero es la sociedad en la que vivimos. Por tanto, hago de mí algo que pueda sobrevivir en ese entorno.

—Steris a Wax[6]

Steris hace una visita a la mansión Ladrian para discutir la organización de un compromiso entre ella y Wax.[5] Esta era la primera vez que Steris y Wax se reunían en persona, aunque llevaban varios meses intercambiando cartas sobre una unión de casas. Steris presentó a Wax un documento "minucioso" de al menos 20 páginas que describía cada etapa de su noviazgo y compromiso, así como los términos de su eventual matrimonio, un acuerdo que Wax aceptó. Fue aquí donde Steris también conoció a Wayne, en la piel del ficticio tío Maskil de Wax.

Steris y Wax asistieron como pareja a la boda de Yomen-Ostlin unos días después de su primer encuentro.[6] Cuando entraron en la fiesta, Steris instruyó a Wax sobre cómo la sociedad de Elendel giraba en torno a reuniones como ésta, y cómo las invitaciones se utilizaban casi como armas. También informó a Wax de que ya no respondería negativamente a su actuación de "hombre de la frontera ignorante". A pesar de esta declaración, ella se frustró con su tosca charla en la mesa y abandonó su grupo por un momento. Como resultado, ella estaba en el baño cuando los Desvanecedores atacaron la fiesta. Steris y Marasi fueron los objetivos de secuestro del ataque, [15] y mientras Wax pudo rescatar a Marasi, Steris fue finalmente secuestrada.[16] Lord Harms estaba devastado por la pérdida de su única hija (legítima), y se ofreció a financiar los esfuerzos de Wax para recuperarla.[17] Al día siguiente, Wax convence a Marasi para que le revele que ella y Steris son en realidad medio hermanas, en lugar de primas como se las presentó al principio.

Wax se sentía intensamente culpable por no haber salvado a Steris, y por ello emprendió una intensa investigación sobre los Desvanecedores y sus misteriosos patrocinadores financieros. Cuando finalmente se enfrentó a Miles Cienvidas, el líder de los Desvanecedores, Wax descubrió a Steris escondida en una habitación de la guarida de Miles.[18] La rescató de la habitación y utilizó sus poderes feruquímicos y alománticos para derrumbar el edificio, hecho que a Steris le pareció estimulante. A continuación, hizo que Steris huyera del lugar para buscar a los alguaciles. Después de que la pelea terminara y Miles fuera arrestado, Steris fue entrevistada sobre su experiencia por la policía, y luego ofreció a Wax su agradecimiento por su rescate.[19] Le informó de que "seguía siendo pura" después de su cautiverio, y le sugirió que la pareja adelantara el calendario de su relación que se había establecido en su contrato, un avance que se vería facilitado por su dramático rescate. Steris también informó a Wax de que ya no se quejaría de su afición a recorrer la ciudad luchando contra el crimen, porque cada uno podría aceptar al otro por lo que era. Por primera vez, Steris manifiesta una pequeña muestra de afecto hacia Wax.

Durante el ataque de Paalm

This is how it’s going to be, with him, isn’t it? Always being left behind in the middle of something? Always half feeling as if I’m part of his life?

—Steris to Wayne, about Wax[20]
Steris consoles Wax after Lessie's death

Steris goes on a cordial visit to Ladrian Mansion to do some wedding planning. Her main goal of the day is to decide who to invite to the wedding between her and Wax. Steris reveals that she has been reading the public records of Wax’s arrests in the Roughs in an effort to discover more about his life. They decide to invite Douglas Venture in an effort to control the chaos that Steris knows will inevitably appear at any major event in Wax’s life before Wax is ushered out the door by Wayne to chase down their latest prey, the Marksman. Before he leaves, Steris asks Wax to take care of Marasi.

Later that day, Wax accompanies Steris to see the governor speak at Lady ZoBell’s party.[14] On the way there, Wax tells Steris a story about his uncle from his childhood. When traffic clogs up, Wax uses Ranette’s new grappling hook to climb ZoBell Tower with Steris according to the plan in Steris’s notebook. During this climb Steris voices how wonderful she thinks it is to fly by allomancy, although Wax feels she is uncomfortable with the experience. During the party, Steris discards her usual plan for working the crowd in favor of Wax’s goal of finding Bleeder.[9] Steris evidences interest in the methods Wax uses to protect himself during a social occasion, and proves much better than he is at navigating, and ending, conversations. Steris also revealed that she had prepared a list of witty quips that she thought Wax would enjoy, prompting Wax to say that he thought she was being truly genuine with him even though she was working off a list. Steris and Wax encountered MeLaan in disguise before finally being able to speak with Governor Replar Innate. Steris defends Wax to the governor before being left behind when Bleeder begins to speak to Wax. After Wax chases Bleeder out of ZoBell tower Steris is left to make small talk with Wayne, who tells her that he finds her repulsive and indicates that he would rather be anywhere else than talk with her. Eventually, Marasi sends Steris off to wait in safety until Bleeder is captured.[20]

After Wax confronts Paalm and learns the truth about Lessie, he goes through a severe depressive episode.[21] During this time, Steris handled all of his affairs, from looking after the events of House Ladrian to making conversation and excuses to his visitors. After he recovers, Wax states that Steris gave him an invaluable gift by allowing him to cry and to grieve without requiring anything of him.

The Hunt for the Bands of Mourning

At the morning of Wax and Steris’ wedding, Steris asks Wax if he needs a breather. Wax also asks Steris if she is having second thoughts, and she says no. When approaching the church, a Kandra by the name of VenDell tries to ask Wax for help, but Wax interupted him and said no. Later he told Steris that for obvious reasons he wanted nothing to do with them. During the wedding ceremony, some gangs flood the church.[22] Steris tells Wax that getting drenched must be rather novel, as he gets exploded a lot.[7] Steris then returns to her father's house to recover.[23]

Looking over the house finances with Wax

Later, when Steris learns that she, Marasi, Wayne, and Wax are going to stop Suit and recover a spike that was taken from a kandra named ReLuur, Steris accompanies Wax after freaking out about how she needed to do things like make lists.[24]

They boarded a train to New Seran. During that ride, she was reading a book on human repoduction, and lied that it was about the history of New Seran. When Wax found out she was lying, she became greatly embarrassed. After hearing Wax tak about why he is a lawman, Steris convinces Wax to help her look for three lost clips by comparing ledgers.[11] Later, Marasi walks in on Wax finding the last lost clip.[13]

Then, the train gets attacked by robbers, and Wax tells Steris to stay safe. Later, Steris reveals that she keeps vials of steel flakes in cod-liver oil in case Wax needed them. While Wax is fighting, Steris picks up the shotgun Ranette made for Wax to shoot when his weight is increased and fired it. She managed to hit the robber's arm, but she gets flung off of the train.[25] Wax saves her and brings her back to the train where Marasi and Wax defeat the remaining robbers.[26] Wax finds Steris doing needlework, and comforts her. They then take a cargo train to New Seran.[27]

When they get to their hotel, Steris gives the owner Aunt Gin a list of things that might happen to her hotel. The list includes things like shoot outs and hostage situations, as well as events that have a very small chance of happening, such as a cattle stampede through the lobby.[28]

At Lady Kelesina's party, after helping Wax with talking with people she hoped would give Wax the information he needed,[29][4] she deliberately made herself projectile vomit all over her table to give them a believable excuse to leave and to rest, giving Wax a chance to spy on Kelesina.[30][31] After Wax and MeLaan kill the house steward, Steris comes out from behind a bush. Wax then shows Steris his appreciation by showing her the acendants field.[32] They then gather their things and leave a very worried Aunt Gin. Steris tells Aunt Gin that they had been framed for murder, which was on page seventeen of the list Steris had given her.

Wax, Wayne, Marasi, MeLaan, and Steris barely escaped New Seran, but only after Wax brought down a gondola line.[33] They were driving to dulsing because that is where ReLuur's spike was sent to. While Steris and Wax were sleeping, Marasi burned a pinch of cadmium, throwing everything from one time frame to the next, causing a large jolt and waking both Wax and Steris. Shortly afterward, they arrived at a large warehouse, and Wax told Steris that she should stay with the horses, expecting Steris to argue. Instead, she just accepted the fact and waited.[34]

Steris expected Wax and the others to come back on foot, but instead, Wax brought her onto an airship. They brought all of their supplies, and once up, Steris started organizing their supplies.[35]

When they approached the temple, Steris pointed out that someone had to watch for Suit's men and keep a lookout. So Steris, Marasi, and Wayne stayed behind.[8] While on lookout, Steris showed Marasi a chart of how usefull everyone was on the hunt, with the max score being one hundred. Wax and MeLaan both had a score of one hundred. Wayne was a seventy-five. Marasi was an eighty-three. Steris had given herself a score of four. Steris then told Marasi how she felt about Wax.

When I'm with him, Marasi, I burn. It's wonderful.

—Steris on Wax.

Steris at first refused to admit that she loved Wax, then admits that she does love him and thinks it's foolish.[36]

A little after Suit and some of his minions entered the temple, Steris watced Marasi fly away, using the Bands of Mourning, and found it very unexpected because it hadn't made the list or appendix.[12] Shortly afterward, Steris goes with Allik to his old crew, and gives them heat medallions as well as rifles, and they attack Suit's men. The Set was defeated shortly afterward.[37]

Afterward, Wax and the leader of Alik's crew, Jordis, were arguing about the Bands and what to do with them. Steris convinced Wax and Jordis to compromise and make an alliance. The next morning, Wax thanked Steris for her help.[38][39]

After Wax and Steris got off of the airship, they were greeted by Governor Aradel. Wax then brought Steris in front of a priest, and asked her if she wanted to marry him, and not because of a contract. Steris said that she couldn't remember anything else that hadn't been on her list that was so wonderful. She then agreed.[39]


Wax and Steris flying in the mists

Waxillium Ladrian

8:17. Way into the building blocked by traffic. Lord Waxillium carries us up to the top floor by Allomancy, which is completely inappropriate and at the same time breathtaking.

—Steris' planner[14]

Steris began her relationship with Wax with a touch of desperation, as her efforts to secure a future for herself and her house had come to a stalemate.[19] However, after Wax rescues her from her captivity by the Vanishers, she evidences some affection for him.[19] By the time Wax goes to search for the Bands of Mourning, Steris has fallen deeply in love with him,[36] even though she regards the emotion as foolish.

At the beginning of their relationship, Wax regards Steris as an inconvenient necessity, and even enjoys needling her until she loses her temper. As their relationship progresses, however, Wax finds himself becoming protective of Steris’s feelings as well as her person.[4] Eventually Wax realizes that he not only cares for Steris, but that he loves her. Since their first wedding was ruined by Wayne, Wax surprises Steris with a private wedding after their return from the Seran Mountain Range, delighting her with the one thing she had never expected - a marriage marked more by love than by duty.

Jackstom Harms

Steris has a close, but complicated, relationship with her father. When she was kidnapped by the Vanishers, Lord Harms was devastated,[16] and offered to bankroll Wax’s efforts to find her.[17] Lord Harms loves his sole legitimate daughter deeply, and even allows her to bully him into various activities.


Wayne is the only person to whom Steris does not speak formally, often calling him an idiot. Wayne also does not treat Steris nicely, to the point that Wax asks him to stop.[expandir]


Marasi is Steris's illegitimate half sister by Lord Harms. They are not particularly close, with Steris not knowing about Marasi at all until she was a teenager. Their relationship is mostly formal, but they still share occasional sincere moments.[Falta cita]


  • Steris will have viewpoint chapters in The Lost Metal
  • Steris was deliberately written as autistic; Brandon felt like he did a poor job representing people on the spectrum with Adien in Elantris, and so she and Renarin were written partially in an attempt to correct that.[40]
  • Steris was based on a friend of Brandon's whom he initially found very abrasive. Part of his intention with her was to create a characters whom readers would dislike before learning more about her and falling in love with her.[3]

Notas del traductor

  1. Pese a que en el texto original en inglés dice "está dentro del espectro autista", lo más correcto y aceptado por la comunidad es esta opción


  1. Sombras de identidad capítulo 10#
  2. Shadows of Self Lansing signing
    Arcanum - 2015-10-13#
  3. a b FanX 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-09-08#
  4. a b c d Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 12#
  5. a b c Aleación de ley capítulo 2#
  6. a b c d Aleación de ley capítulo 4#
  7. a b Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 2#
  8. a b Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 23#
  9. a b c Sombras de identidad capítulo 9#
  10. Sombras de identidad capítulo 2#
  11. a b c Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 5#
  12. a b Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 28#
  13. a b Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 6#
  14. a b c Sombras de identidad capítulo 8#
  15. Aleación de ley capítulo 5#
  16. a b Aleación de ley capítulo 6#
  17. a b Aleación de ley capítulo 7#
  18. Aleación de ley capítulo 19#
  19. a b c Aleación de ley capítulo 20#
  20. a b Sombras de identidad capítulo 12#
  21. Sombras de identidad epílogo#
  22. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 1#
  23. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 3#
  24. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 4#
  25. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 7#
  26. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 8#
  27. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 9#
  28. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 10#
  29. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 11#
  30. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 13#
  31. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 14#
  32. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 15#
  33. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 16#
  34. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 17#
  35. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 21#
  36. a b Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 24#
  37. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 29#
  38. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 30#
  39. a b Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 31#
  40. Read For Pixels 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-09-01#
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