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Fallecido Killed and replaced by Bleeder.[1]
Oficio Farmer
Residencia Elendel Basin
Mundo natal Scadrial
Universo Cosmere

Johnst is a farmer in the Elendel Basin.[1]


In 342 PC, Johnst was arrested for using explosives to destroy a dam near Corbeau. His sabotage left dozens dead, flooded the region, destroyed crops, and caused grain shortages. Johnst claimed that he only wanted to ruin his neighbor's harvest, and that the explosion was larger than he had intended.[1]

He behaved erratically during his trial and was unable to remember the names of his children. His lawyers tried to claim that he had gone insane, but he was sentenced to be hanged. Afterwards, he refused a final meal and asked that the execution be over with quickly. His grave was desecrated two days after his burial, allegedly by those who lost family in the flooding.[1]

Marasi and MeLaan deduced from his story that he had been killed and replaced by Bleeder. They postulated that she had used him to try to sow further chaos in the Elendel Basin.[1]


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Taln Fan (talk) 13:23, 8 March 2022 (UTC)

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