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Grupo Set
Mundo natal Scadrial

Professor Irich is a scientist among the Set. He holds the rank of Array.

Appearance and Personality

Professor Irich has a degenerative disease which weakens his muscles and makes breathing difficult. His physician has told him the disease will eventually kill him.[1] He is thin, approximately six feet tall and has a narrow face and dark hair.[2] He carries a cane to assist his walking.[3]

Activities with The Set

He was involved in the attack on the train that carried Waxillium Ladrian and his companions to New Seran. He dropped the metal cube that Marasi Colms recovered[3] and eventually discovered was akin to an allomantic grenade.[4]

He is in charge of studying the wrecked Southern Scadrian vessel-- the Brunstell --recovered by the Set in Dulsing.[1] He is intrigued by its many mysteries but is focused on creating a weapon for Sequence and Mister Suit.


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