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Aliento biocromático

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Aliento biocromático
Relacionado con Despertar, Dotación
Tipo Investidura
Mundo de origen Nalthis
Universo Cosmere
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El aliento biocromático, también conocido simplemento como aliento, es la forma más común de investidura en Nalthis.


Todos los nalthianos nacen con un aliento, aunque cada cual puede decidir transferir ese aliento a otra persona.[1] Es posible que los niños cuyos padres son nalthianos y poseen alientos nazcan con un aliento propio aunque el nacimiento no se produzca en Nalthis.[2] Cuando una persona muere, los alientos que llevaba consigo vuelven a Dotación y no se quedan en el cuerpo del difunto, sino que se van con su alma.[3][4] Los humanos pueden utilizar los alientos para despertar y también el simple hecho de tener uno o más alientos les da ciertos beneficios.

La fuerza de los alientos es variable, y tiende a disminuir cuando la persona enferma.[5] Esta fluctuación de poder de los alientos normalmente es imperceptible, especialmente si la persona tiene muchos alientos.[6] Cuantos más alientos tiene una persona, más intensos se ven los colores a su alrededor y mayor es el radio de acción de este cambio.[5] Es posible ocultar este efecto.[7] Los alientos en suficiente cantidad interactúan de manera extraña con el daltonismo y la sinestesia.[8][9][10]

Cuando una persona muere, es posible que su aliento palpite, produciendo oleadas de color aumentado.[11] Este efecto es poco habitual.[12] También es posible que algunas personas sean capaces de avivar los colores a su alrededor de forma intencionada.[13]

Mediante un mecanismo todavía desconocido, los alientos pueden contener recuerdos codificados.[14][15] Retirar los alientos en los que está almacenada la memoria causa la pérdida de dichos recuerdos.[14][15]


Despertar es el proceso de utilizar los alientos biocromáticos para animar un objeto. Quienes utilizan esta técnica se conocen como despertantes. Para hacerlo, dicen un Mandato en su lengua natal mientras visualizan la acción que desean que el objeto lleve a cabo.[16] Los Mandatos son la parte más importante del despertar, y la habilidad de un despertante depende de su capacidad para utilizar los Mandatos correctamente.

Este proceso hace que parte de los alientos que el despertante tiene almacenados abandonen su cuerpo y se Invistan en el objeto despertado. Dependiendo del objeto, el coste puede ser desde uno hasta mil alientos, e incluso más. Además, algo de color de los objetos cercanos se utiliza como combustible para el proceso de despertar. Esto se manifiesta, por ejemplo, como una bufanda roja destiñéndose al gris. Aunque la pérdida de color es permanente, el sistema de magia se considera de fin-neutral, ya que los alientos se pueden recuperar del objeto despertado (en la mayoría de los casos).[17][1]

Aunque cualquiera puede beneficiarse de poseer un aliento, quienes no son de Nalthis «probablemente tengan que sortear algunos obstáculos para despertar» con dicho aliento.[18]

Es imposible absorber los alientos de un objeto que ha despertado otra persona, excepto si ésta hubiera vaciado su Identidad con Intención.[19] Lo más probable es que esto se deba a que los alientos que hay en el objeto están marcados por el alma del depertante, ya que el aliento es parte del alma.[20]

Tipos de entidades biocromáticas

Vasher clasifica las entidades biocromáticas en cuatro tipos.[16] En algún momento Vasher tuvo que cambiar el sistema. Se refiere a los spren como entidades investidas de tipo uno, y las describe como poder que ha cobrado vida por cuenta propia. Añade que lo solía considerar tipo uno ahora es tipo dos. No está claro si se han hecho otros reajustes a sus sitema.[NdT 1][21]

Tipo uno

Las manifestaciones biocromáticas espontáneas en un anfitrión difunto, más conocidas como Retornados, son la única entidad biocromática que se produce de manera natural. Conservan su consciencia tras ser retornados (por Dotación) después de haber muerto, y están dotados de un Aliento Divino. Los Retornados pueden despertar utilizando los alientos que tengan además de su Aliento Divino,[22] pero entregar su Aliento Divino resulta en su muerte.

Este Aliento Divino, un poderoso aliento que otorga instantáneamente los poderes de las cinco primeras Elevaciones, es una Astilla de Dotación.[23] Entregar el Aliento Divino a otra persona cura instantáneamente a dicha persona, a cambio de la vida del Retornado.[24] Los Alientos Divinos no pueden transferirse como alientos usuales, ya que se convierten en Investidura cinética cuando se utilizan.[25]

Tipo dos

Type II BioChromatic entities are Mindless Manifestations in a Deceased Host, or more commonly known as "Lifeless", and are non-sentient reanimated animal remains. They have a functioning brain, and are able to interpret old Commands and have new Commands given. These creatures are made via complex Commands that reanimate a dead person or animal. These Commands are guarded closely by those who know them.

Type II entities are cheap to make, even with awkward Commands (used to cost 50 breaths before the Manywar). This is due to the Law of BioChromatic Parallelism. However, Breath sticks so firmly to the construct that it is impossible to remove afterwards. Once a Lifeless is created, it will obey any instructions given to it that include a pre-determined Command Phrase(similar to a password). Human Lifeless are able to understand more abstract instructions than animal Lifeless. However, the skill of the Awakener who Awakens the Lifeless also affects its ability. Any Lifeless will retain a level of skill that it had in life. For example, a soldier's corpse would make a better soldier Lifeless than that of a farmer's.

The Lifeless can function for a long time if cared for and repaired. Lifeless can withstand otherwise mortal wounds, but too much damage will eventually cause the Lifeless to cease activity, which means that Lifeless bodies need to be maintained and repaired (e.g. by sewing its wounds shut) when needed, otherwise they are going to need a new Breath. One innovation in Lifeless maintenance is the use of ichor-alcohol, a substance discovered by Yesteel that could act as blood for Lifeless and that greatly prolongs their viability.

Lifeless created from bones encased in stone have the advantage of being extremely resilient and not needing ichor-alcohol. It is also possible to make stone Lifeless by transforming a dead body to stone (e.g. via Soulcasting) before Awakening it.[26]

The discovery of how to create Lifeless with just a single Breath eventually led to the Lifeless armies of the Manywar. One example of a single-Breath Lifeless Command is, "Awaken to my Breath, serve my needs, live at my Command and my word".

Type III

The process generally thought of as Awakening creates Type III entities, a BioChromatic manifestation in an organic host far removed from being alive. Examples include Awakened ropes, cloth, or skeletal remains.

They are between the two extremes of inorganic objects and dead bodies. Therefore, these have the advantage of requiring less Breath (still more than corpses, often over one hundred) to Awaken than inorganic objects while at the same time allowing for Breath recovery. They have the strength to easily strangle people. The more it resembled living beings, the easier it is to be Awakened, so a skilled Awakener would prepare human-shaped and organic clothes for Awakening purposes. When Awakened, it tends to mimic living things, forming muscle-like structures or the shape of hands. They are understandably the most common type of BioChromatic host entities created. However, other types of BioChromatc hosts are generally more powerful.

Type IV

Type IV BioChromatic entities are sentient objects made by Awakening inorganic materials like metal and stone. This requires at least the Ninth Heightening. Nightblood, a sentient Awakened sword, is an example of this type of entity. He was created by Shashara with the help of her husband Talaxin, also known as Vasher, using a thousand Breaths and the Command "Destroy evil".

Nightblood is incapable of determining morality[27] and has a rigid way of thinking similar to a spren on Roshar.[28] The large number of Breaths he contains also grants him incredible destructive power. The threat of more weapons like Nightblood being created eventually caused Talaxin to kill Shashara to prevent the knowledge of this form of Awakening from becoming public.

Stone is presumed to be similarly difficult to Awaken. However, Lifeless can be made by enclosing bones in stone, making near-indestructible warriors. Talaxin used this technique to create the legendary Kalad's Phantoms.

Vivenna's Blade might also be a Type IV entity, though it has not been confirmed.

BioChromatic Laws

Law of BioChromatic Parallelism

The closer a host is to a living shape and form, the easier it is to Awaken.

This is easily understood since BioChroma is the power of life, and seeks patterns of life.[16]

Law of Comparability

The amount of Breath required to Awaken something isn't necessarily indicative of its power once Awakened.[16]

A good example is that a piece of cloth cut into a square and a piece of cloth cut into the shape of a man take very different amounts of Breath to Awaken, but will serve essentially the same function once Awakened.

Collecting Breath

Lemex transferring his Breaths to Vivenna

In order to achieve the most interesting and extravagant Awakening, more than one Breath is required. Since each person is born with a single Breath, an Awakener must collect Breaths from other individuals.[1] The method by which this is done is itself a type of Awakening, using the Command "My life to yours, my Breath become yours." The person imparting the Breaths must be in physical contact with the recipient.

As a person gains more Breaths, they are granted certain properties. These Heightenings, as they are known, are markers along a continuous scale of Breath. As a person gains more Breath, they are more resistant to disease (for example), but at approximately 2,000 Breaths this reaches a maximum and they are immune to most diseases.[29] If a person was sick before receiving a large amount of Breaths, they will quickly be cured.[30] The number of Breaths for each Heightening are approximate.[31] Depending on the quality of Breath, it may take fewer Breaths to realize a Heightening. Furthermore, very little is known about the upper Heightenings (above the Sixth). Very few individuals amass such a store of Breath.

If a person gains a large amount of Breaths at once, they will feel a sudden burst of pleasure and shock.[32] This typically causes people to collapse to the ground, quivering.[11] This will not occur if the person recently had a large amount of Breaths.[30]

If enough Breaths are collected, they can start to affect the personality of the person holding them. "Breaths do bring some things along with them," but they are not "terribly individual" depending on their original owner.[33] For example, Vahr's resolve was strengthened because of the similar mindsets of those he collected his Breaths from, but the effect only manifested due to the large amount of Breaths he had.[34]


Heightening number Approximate number of Breaths to reach this Heightening Effects of the Heightening
First Heightening 50 Aura Recognition
Second Heightening 200 Perfect Pitch
Third Heightening 600 Perfect Color Recognition
Fourth Heightening 1,000 Perfect Life Sense
Fifth Heightening 2,000 Agelessness
Sixth Heightening 3,500 Instinctive Awakening
Seventh Heightening 5,000 Invested Breath Recognition
Eighth Heightening 10,000 Command Breaking
Ninth Heightening 20,000 Greater Awakening
Audible Command
Tenth Heightening 50,000 Color Distortion
Perfect Invocation


Drab is the colloquial name for anyone in Hallandren without a BioChromatic Breath. Terms such as Dull or Faded One are also used.[35]

Without Breath, colors lose their vibrancy and their other senses are dulled. Contrary to what many people believe in Hallandren,[35] being without a breath has significant negative effects. They feel less emotion and are more susceptible to depression. A person's allure decreases, as does the strength of their immune system. The latter stems from the fact that Breath acts as a sort of magical booster for the body, and thus the body doesn't need to build up immunity.[36][37] Due to these facts, they typically have a shorter lifespan. Drabs lack life sense (the instinctive feeling to know if someone is watching them) and do not register on the life sense of others.[38] A Drab is also incapable of Returning.[39]

Many people sell their Breaths when they are short of cash, then spend their time trying to earn enough money to buy back a Breath. However, some people who gave their Breath to a Returned out of their beliefs cherish their status as a Drab.

If someone is made into a Lifeless before Endowment Returned that person, Endowment's gift of a divine Breath would come down, strike the Lifeless, and 'all kinds of craziness' would occur. They would end up as a 'Drab god'.[40]


  • Breath is specifically named BioChromatic Breath due to some of the Five Scholars having visited other more advanced worlds that had a more scientific approach to the study of Investiture.[41]
  • A person from another planet in the cosmere would have more Innate Investiture than a Drab, but less than someone with one Breath.[42]

Notas del traductor

  1. "En El ritmo de la guerra Zahel habla de «entes Investidos de clase uno/dos» en vez de «entidades biocromáticas de tipo uno/dos»."


  1. a b c El aliento de los dioses prólogo#
  2. Orem Signing
    Arcanum - 2019-03-16#
  3. Oathbringer London signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-28#
  4. Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-10-04#
  5. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 14#
  6. Arcanum Unbounded San Francisco signing
    Arcanum - 2016-11-30#
  7. /r/books AMA 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-06-06#
  8. FanX Spring 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-04-19#
  9. Rithmatist Denver signing
    Arcanum - 2013-05-16#
  10. Skype Q&A
    Arcanum - 2018-10-08#
  11. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 10#
  12. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 21#
  13. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 12#
  14. a b El ritmo de la guerra epílogo#
  15. a b Dragonsteel 2022
    Arcanum - 2022-11-14#
  16. a b c d El aliento de los dioses capítulo 46#
  17. Stormlight Three Update #5
    Arcanum - 2016-11-21#
  18. Words of Radiance Dayton signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-19#
  19. RoW Release Party
    Arcanum - 2020-11-17#
  20. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-10-26#
  21. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 15#
  22. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 55#
  23. Goodreads Fantasy Book Discussion Warbreaker Q&A
    Arcanum - 2010-01-18#
  24. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-09-09#
  25. Skype Q&A
    Arcanum - 2018-10-08#
  26. The Way of Kings Re-Read Interview
    Arcanum - 2014-06-10#
  27. Steelheart Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2013-10-05#
  28. Amsterdam signing, 2011
    Arcanum - 2011-05-31#
  29. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 32#
  30. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 43#
  31. El aliento de los dioses Ars Arcanum#
  32. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 57#
  33. Q&A with Brandon Sanderson
    Arcanum - 2011-01-10#
  34. Q&A with Brandon Sanderson
    Arcanum - 2011-01-10#
  35. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 3#
  36. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-02-07#
  37. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-02-22#
  38. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 35#
  39. Alloy of Law release party
    Arcanum - 2011-11-07#
  40. 17th Shard Forum Q&A
    Arcanum - 2012-09-26#
  41. Arcanum Unbounded Seattle signing
    Arcanum - 2016-12-01#
  42. JordanCon 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-04-23#
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