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Capital T'Telir
Mundo Nalthis
Universo Cosmere

Se encontraba en Hallandren, no obstante, la tierra de los dioses Retornados, los servidores sinvida, la investigación biocromática y, por supuesto, el color.

Hallandren es el reino más poderoso de Nalthis. Su capital es T'Telir. Es único por su jungla y las Lágrimas de Edgli, que no crecen en ningún otro lugar. Es el hogar de los Tonos Iridiscentes de Hallandren, la religión respaldada y liderada por los Retornados.


Vivenna & co entrando en Hallandren

Un paraíso oculto entre las montañas, una tierra con agradables lluvias que nunca eran frías, una tierra donde la comida crecía de manera espontánea y abundante.

Hoid explicando lo que el pueblo Chedesh pensó la primera vez que desembarcaron en las playas de Hallandren[2]

Hallandren se ubica en un valle (las tierras bajas) rodeado por el mar Brillante y las montañas. Abarca un tercio de la costa del mar Brillante, y su capital, T'Telir, también situada en la costa, es un importante centro de comercio.[3] Las Lágrimas de Edgli sólo crecen en el suelo de Hallandren.[4] Esto se debe a las filtraciones de Investidura provenientes de la Perpendicularidad de Dotación.[5][6] El valle goza de un clima moderado que nunca es demasiado frío y que muy pocas veces es duro.[7] Este clima también favorece que los alimentos crezcan sin dificultades. Con frecuencia se manifiestan fuertes terremotos.[8]

Gobierno y religión

La teocracia de Hallandren es una estructura complicada y repleta de tonterías e inercias burocráticas.

Hallandren es una teocracia gobernada por el Panteón de los Retornados, liderado por el [Rey dios|rey-dios]]. Los Tonos Iridiscentes, que nacieron del Culto de los Retornados, es la religión que está detrás de esta teocracia, y es la responsable de la adoración y cuidado de los Retornados de Hallandren. Cada Retornado recibe un palacio en la Corte de los Dioses en T'Telir, y son atendidos por un grupo de sirvientes y sacerdotes. Los sacerdotes organizan los encuentros entre los Retornados y los ciudadanos, incluyendo la ofrenda semanal de aliento que los Retornados necesitan para sobrevivir, y las audiencias diarias de peticiones.

Como parte del gobierno, a cada Retornado se le asignan unas funciones administrativas específicas, como mantener las cloacas de la ciudad o dirigir parte del ejército. Supuestamente, el rey-dios puede tomar cualquier decisión que desee, aunque, en la realidad, la mayor parte de las decisiones del día a día son tomadas por los sacerdotes de los diferentes dioses.

Un nuevo rey-dios es elegido cada vez que Retorna un niño.[10] Los sacerdotes del rey-dios se toman el Retorno de un niño como una señal de que es hora de cambiar de rey-dios. Entonces, eligen una esposa para el rey-dios y esperan a que tenga un hijo, para así poder tener un hijo propio del rey-dios.[11] Cuando el rey-dios se retira, se proclama que ha muerto para curar a los necesitados y se le traslada a una de las islas del mar Interior.[12] Allí mantiene una vida de lujos hasta que muere.[13]

Asamblea de la Corte

La Asamblea de la Corte es un prestigioso consejo de la Corte de los Dioses que toma decisiones concernientes a los ciudadanos de Hallandren.[14] Se reúne diariamente para celebrar juicios menores, pero los debates importantes son llevados a cabo semanalmente por el Pleno de la Asamblea.[14] La Asamblea esta formada principalmente sacerdotes y sacerdotisas, y las reuniones se celebran en un gran anfiteatro al fondo de la Corte de los Dioses.[14][15] Los Retornados se mantienen al margen de la asamblea,[14] pero muchos de ellos asisten regularmente a las reuniones semanales para observar desde los palcos de piedra tallada,[15] incluido Susebron.[16] Algunos Retornados no se involucran con la política y no asisten casi nunca,[17] mientras que otros lo encuentran aburrido porque sienten que su opinión no tiene trascendencia alguna.[18] Durante las reuniones de la Asamblea, se exponen argumentos relacionados con diferentes temas tales como las relaciones con Idris; a Siri también la exponen ante la Corte en una asamblea.[19] Los debates de la Asamblea suelen estar llenos de retórica,[20] y los Retornados más entendidos en política intentan influir en la dirección que toma la Asamblea.[21] Asistir a la Asamblea de la Corte está considerado como un privilegio para la gente de Hallandren; there are only four benches in the arena for citizens to attend, so only people who are rich, influential, favored by a god, or have at least fifty Breaths attend regularly.[19] Average citizens may enter a lottery to win a token to attend the Assembly.[19][22]

Asamblea general

The regular Court Assembly is not empowered to make major decisions such as a declaration of war; instead, all of the Returned must attend a gathering known as a "main" or "general" assembly so they can all cast a vote.[23][24] These special assemblies are rare and often very crowded, as citizens who win lottery tokens to attend an Assembly often save them for a main assembly so they can see all of the gods together.[22]


The Hallandren Lifeless army was split into four sections of ten thousand troops, each commanded by a different Returned in the Pantheon.[23] They are kept underground in darkness and have people to maintain and exercise them.[17]

The commanders prior to the Pahn Kahl rebellion were Lightsong, Hopefinder, Allmother and Mercystar.[23] Blushweaver convinced Mercystar to share her command phrase and traded her vote on the council of social ills to Hopefinder in exchange for his command phrase;[18] she later changes both of their command phrases, thus giving her sole control over half of the nation's Lifeless.[23] Blushweaver attempted to do the same with Allmother, but failed to persuade her.[23][25] Lightsong, however, gained Allmother's trust based on their former association with Calmseer, and they shared their command phrases with each other.[26] Lightsong withheld these phrases from Blushweaver, and later changed both command phrases to one that only he knew, leaving him with sole control over half the total forces of Hallandren.[17] During the Pahn Kahl rebellion, Blushweaver was tortured by the rebels until she gave them her command phrase. Upon seeing Blushweaver die, Lightsong despondently gave up his new command phrase out of fear for Llarimar's life.[27]

There are also human city guards, but the bulk of the army is still the Lifeless.[17]



The valley where Halladren is now located was discovered by the sea-faring people of the Chedesh. The tropical climate and abundance of food made the region a paradise compared to the mountains and deserts elsewhere. The sailors founded a kingdom known as Hanald on the shores of the Inner Sea. The only other inhabitants of the jungle were the native Pahn Kahl people, whose "kingdom" was in reality a collection of fishing villages.

El primer Retornado

The First Returned, Vo, was born during this time. It was the people on his ship who founded Hanald. He declared the Five Visions before dying a week later. His wife became the first Queen of Hanald, and governed over the kingdom's early days.[28]


The Tears of Edgli are a unique resource only available in Hallandren. The flowers produce dyes that work in any cloth and have a very vibrant color. The kingdom used this to their advantage, trading the unique dyes to other kingdoms. A vast mercantile effort combined with the opening of the northern passes made Hallandren rich. They controlled a lucrative region, and this gave them powerful bargaining power.

La Multiguerra

Roughly 300 years before the the Pahn Kahl rebellion, the Manywar was started by Hallandren. While accounts differ over the real start of the war, they all revolve around the creation of the single-Breath Lifeless and the other discoveries of the Five Scholars. Kalad the Usurper took control of Hallandren in some fashion, and started the war for unknown reason. Eventually, Peacegiver stopped the war by bringing Kalad's Phantoms (which formed the bulk of the army) to take control of the kingdom.

At the conclusion of the Manywar, the Returned were firmly established as the rulers of Hallandren. Furthermore, the royal family (descendants of the first queen) was exiled to Idris. Peacegiver also gave the first God King a treasure of fifty thousand Breaths and entrusted his priests to see that it was cared for until he needed it again.

La rebelión Pahn Kahl

Three hundred years later, a Pahn Kahl named Vahr made an attempt at stirring up his people. He spent over a decade working to that that end, but was ultimately captured and imprisoned due to Bluefingers' information leaks and killed by Vasher.[29][1] Bluefingers himself planned an extensive subversive campaign centered around starting a war between Hallandren and Idris: he brought mercenaries and Pahn Kahl Awakeners into the tunnel system below the court,[30] manipulated Siri into distrusting the Hallandren priests,[31] and hired Denth's crew to increase tensions in the city.[32] When his plans were nearing completion, he tortured Blushweaver and Lightsong in order to get the Command phrases for Hallandren's Lifeless army, changed the Command phrase, and sent the army towards Idris.[10] The attempted rebellion was defeated when the God King, with his newly healed tongue, used Peacegiver's Treasure to storm his palace with an army of Awakened cloths. Vasher decided to give the God King the Command phrase to Kalad's Phantoms, which he then sent after the Lifeless army.[33]


Hallandren and its inhabitants live a very colorful life, as they are sitting on the Tears of Edgli. T'Telir, in particular, is famous for having color everywhere and anywhere it can be displayed. Society is fairly well-off, with a middle class that doesn't exist anywhere else with similar technological development.

Coins in Hallandren are called bits.[20][34] A single bit would not buy more than a mouthful of food.[34]

Skilled artists of at least the Third Heightening often write poetry using the Artisan's script.[35]

Hallandren's society places value in athleticism. Duels for sport are common enough that someone talented with a blade could gain a wealth of prizes, notable fame, and a sizable following of students in their lifetime.[36] The Court of Hallandren's arena is often used as a location for athletic individuals to engage in contests of physical prowess. Some arena competitions mentioned are shot put, javelin toss, archery, leaping contests, and races.[12] However, special accolades are not given to the winner, but to all the contestants, for possessing the physical prowess required to participate.


When Hallandren was still known as Hanald, the kingdom had little of note economically, until the Tears of Edgli were found. These flowers quickly turned the country into an economic powerhouse. T'Telir's location on the Bright Sea made it easy to access Hallandren textiles and dyes, which quickly turned the city of T'Telir into a prime port and a center of trade for all kingdoms in Nalthis.[3]

While the Bright Sea's trade routes are a boon to Hallandren, they only connect Hallandren to the southern kingdoms, which do not provide nearly enough income for the kingdom as a whole. For Hallandren to thrive, it needs access to trade routes to the northern kingdoms, which are monopolized by Idris. Bebid postulates that a drawn out war with Idris would cut off their primary trade routes and would lead to "full economic collapse."[37]

Priests control much of the trade in the city. Being wealthy individuals with notable political power in Hallandren's theocracy, they own and organize a large sum of the traded goods in Hallandren.[38] There were strict rules around buying and selling Breath.[1]

Truthcall is one of the Returned given a vote over issues of trade with other kingdoms. As such, his decisions hold sway over the economics of both Hallandren and its trade partners.[4]


  1. a b c El aliento de los dioses prólogo#
  2. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 32#
  3. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 9#
  4. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 22#
  5. YouTube Livestream 3
    Arcanum - 2020-01-25#
  6. SpoCon 2013
    Arcanum - 2013-07-10#
  7. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 12#
  8. /r/books AMA 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-06-18#
  9. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 43#
  10. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 55#
  11. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-03-01#
  12. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 27#
  13. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-06-22#
  14. a b c d El aliento de los dioses capítulo 8#
  15. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 14#
  16. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 44#
  17. a b c d El aliento de los dioses capítulo 47#
  18. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 30#
  19. a b c El aliento de los dioses capítulo 15#
  20. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 17#
  21. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 16#
  22. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 50#
  23. a b c d e El aliento de los dioses capítulo 34#
  24. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 48#
  25. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 38#
  26. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 42#
  27. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 53#
  28. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 29#
  29. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-07-13#
  30. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-01-18#
  31. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-12-14#
  32. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-09-07#
  33. El aliento de los dioses epílogo#
  34. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 41#
  35. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 3#
  36. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 25#
  37. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 5#
  38. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 19#
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