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The symbol for ettmetal/harmonium

Ettmetal is a kind of metal known to the Southern Scadrians. It is also called harmonium by Harmony[1][2]. Ettmetal can produce a particular Allomantic power after physical contact with an Allomancer using that power.[3] This action of releasing Allomantic power slowly uses up the ettmetal[4], similar to how other metals are burned up by an Allomancer. Unlike most other metals except aluminum, ettmetal's Allomantic effect works without being ingested. It appears to have the opposite effect to aluminum when it comes to Allomantic effects, as aluminum negates them while ettmetal mimics them.

Ettmetal explodes when in contact with water and burns "with a pure whiteness" when releasing Allomantic energy. It is used to fuel Southern Scadrian Allomantic technology, including their airships that run via Steelpushing.[4] They also have a device called the primer cube that can somehow regulate ettmetal's effects with the flip of a switch.[3] The Southern Scadrians also use ettmetal to create powerful bombs[4], which the Set have been trying to replicate to limited success.[5]

Because of its explosive interaction with water, ingesting ettmetal is likely fatal even for Allomancers. It is also likely impossible to make ettmetal Hemalurgic spikes for the same reason. Whether or not a Feruchemical attribute can be stored or tapped from it is currently unknown.

Harmonium as a God Metal

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Whereas atium contains the condensed power of Ruin and lerasium the condensed power of Preservation, ettmetal is the combination of both powers in condensed form. This combination of opposite Intents somehow affects the chemical properties of the metal, making it extremely reactive.

Harmony is another manifestation of Ruin and Preservation combined on a grander and more complete sense. This makes "harmonium" a fitting name for ettmetal, as it reflects Harmony's combined nature. It is known that harmonium is a term Sazed (as Harmony) chose for the metal[1], but whether or not the metal existed in Southern Scadrial prior to Sazed's Ascension is currently unknown. Combinations of the two Shard's powers have been known to exist even from the beginning (e.g. the Metallic Art of Feruchemy), so it might be possible that ettmetal reserves existed before Sazed took up the Shards.

If ettmetal did exist prior to Harmony, its ability to mimic the effects of the Metallic Arts could be the key to how Rashek kept the South Scadrians alive under the scorching heat of the Scadrial's sun without genetic modifications[6]. This theory would only work if ettmetal can mimic the Feruchemical storage of heat, and this is currently unknown.


  • The term "harmonium" has never been used in the stories published so far, but Brandon Sanderson introduced the term in one of his talks even before the release of Shadows of Self[7] and has afterwards confirmed that it is another term for ettmetal.[2] Wax and his companions did not know the term harmonium when Allik was talking about ettmetal, as otherwise the word would have translated.[4]
  • Brandon Sanderson has described ettmetal as "super-cesium" in reference to its violent chemical reaction to water.[2] Cesium, like other alkali metals, is an extremely reactive real life metal, and will cause an explosion with water even at sub-zero temperatures.


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