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[[File:|150px|thumb|right|link=bendalloy|The Allomantic symbol for bendalloy]] Bendalloy is the External Temporal Pushing metal. An Allomancer burning bendalloy is able to squeeze time in a bubble around them, making it pass more quickly. Feruchemists can use bendalloy to store nutritional energy, and when used as a Hemalurgic spike, bendalloy steals an unknown quality.

Allomantic Use

A bendalloy Misting is known as a Slider. Burning bendalloy pulls on time around the user, causing time to pass more quickly in a bubble around them. Events inside the bubble appear to move much faster to someone outside.[1] One nugget of bendalloy can compress approximately two minutes into fifteen seconds.[2] This bubble is approximately five feet across, and cannot be moved once it is in place. Careful examination may reveal the edge of the bubble, where air appears to shimmer. Projectiles fired out of the bubble experience some force that throws them wildly off-course.[3] When multiple bubbles occur in the same space their effects are multiplied.[4] When a Bendalloy bubble and a cadmium bubble occur in the same place, their effects cancel out resulting in no change.[3]

Feruchemical Use

[[File:|150px|thumb|right|link=bendalloy|The Feruchemical symbol for bendalloy]] A bendalloy Ferring is known as a Subsumer. Bendalloy is used to store nutrition and calories. While filling a bendalloymind, a Feruchemist is able to eat large quantities of food without becoming full. Tapping such a metalmind will allow the user to go without food. A separate bendalloymind can be used to store fluid intake.[1]

Hemalurgic Use

When used as a Hemalurgic spike, bendalloy steals some unknown trait or quality.


In an original mockup of the complete Table of Allomantic Metals, this metal was named cerrobend. However, the word cerrobend was a trademarked, commercial name for the metal, and so Brandon was forced to use bendalloy instead.



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