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The Physical Realm is the realm of existence in the cosmere that contains what is perceivable to the physical senses.[1]

The cosmere is both the fictional universe and the dwarf galaxy within that universe where Brandon Sanderson's cosmere stories take place.[2]

This article lists all the known celestial bodies in the cosmere as they appear in the Physical Realm, including planets, stars and moons.

The Selish System

Main article: Selish System

The Selish System orbits a yellow star named Mashe. There are five planets in this system: two within the habitable zone, then two gas giants named Ky and Ralen, and finally a dwarf planet.


Donne is the closest planet to the sun. While it is in a habitable region, it is barren and suffers from terrible dust storms.[3]


Main article: Sel

The second planet from the sun, Sel was an Earth-like Shardworld inhabited by humans and artificially created beings called Seons and Skaze. The planet was the location of Elantris. Sel was dominated by the Fjordell Empire, with Arelon and Teod being the only remaining free nations. All these nations (except Teod which is located on a continent to the north) were situated on the continent of Opelon (named Sycla by the Fjordell Empire).


Sel has a single moon named Oem.

The Scadrian System

Main article: Scadrian System

The Scadrian System has a yellow sun. It has five planets: Scadrial within the system's habitable zone; two gas giants, named Aagal Nod and Aagal Uch; and finally two unnamed dwarf planets.[3]


Main article: Scadrial

The planet was created by the Shards Ruin and Preservation. The orbit of the planet has been changed by people using Investiture. Its size and gravitation are 1.0 cosmere standard[3].

The Taldain System

Main article: Taldain System

The Taldain System is a binary system. The two stars in it are a weak white dwarf star surrounded by a particulate ring and a blue-white supergiant.[3]


Main article: Taldain

Taldain is a tidally locked planet. It is the only planet in this system.

The Threnodite System

Main article: Threnodite System

This planetary system has four planets. The habitable zone has three planets named Monody, Elegy, and Threnody. Elegy has a single moon named Coronach. Beyond the habitable zone is a single gas giant named Purity.[3]


Main article: Threnody

Threnody, the third planet in the Threnodite system, is the minor Shardworld that contains the Forests of Hell. It is the setting for the story Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell. It has many features that are similar to Earth, including forests, mountains and oceans. Silver seems to be a fairly common resource on the planet, but because of its importance to survival, it is still finite and valuable.

The Drominad System

Main article: Drominad System

The Drominad System has seven planets. There are four planets in the habitable zone, three of which have developed human societies. An asteroid belt lies just beyond these planets. Then there are three gas giants. All these planets are named for their position from the sun (First of the Sun, Second of the Sun, etc.)[3].

First of the Sun

Main article: First of the Sun

First of the Sun is a minor shardworld consisting mainly of an large ocean and island systems[Falta cita]


First of the Sun has a single moon named First of the First.

The Rosharan System

Main article: Rosharan System

Greater Roshar is a planetary system containing thirteen planets. Some have life, sentient and not, others are barren. There are three planets in the habitable region and ten gas giants. The gas giants are named after Vorin numerals.[3]


Main article: Ashyn

Ashyn is a minor shardworld[4] that has sentient life. It is the first planet from the system's sun.

The book The Silence Divine is set here.[4] The magic system involves people who gain magical powers from diseases.[5]

Ashyn is mostly barren, with a few fertile patches.[4] It currently has no shard.[6][7]


Main article: Roshar

Roshar is the second planet from the Rosharan system's sun. It has a gravity of 0.7, a year 500 days long, with each year being 1.1 earth years. The planet consists of one large super continent.


Roshar has three moons. The first moon is Salas. It is violet, and is the smallest moon. The middle moon is Nomon, which is a bright, pale blue. And the final moon is Mishim, which is small and green.


Main article: Braize

Braize is the third planet from the sun. Odium settled on Braize, although he is still effecting Roshar. Braize is unlikely to get its own books, but scenes from The Stormlight Archive will be set on Braize.[Falta cita]

Braize is known to the Vorin people as Damnation.

Other Planets


Main article: Yolen

Yolen is home to three sentient races[8] and was the origin of all humans in the cosmere.[9] The original sixteen shardholders were from Yolen.[10]


Main article: Vax

Nothing is known of Vax, its peoples, or any Shards that may or may not be located there. All that is certain is that it has a manifestation of Investiture.


Main article: Nalthis

On Nalthis, T'Telir is the capital city of Hallandren and its bordering mountain state of Idris. The jungles are situated in a large valley surrounded by mountains and a sea.


A single moon orbits the planet.

Stars and Constellations


The Starbelt is an unusually bright patch of stars in the sky of Threnody.[11] It is useful for navigation in the Forests of Hell during the night; the light usually filtered through the trees fairly well.

The Starbelt is the same patch of unusually bright stars that is visible from Scadrial.[12] It is visible from other worlds in the Cosmere as well.[13]

Taln's Scar

Taln's Scar is a great swath of red stars that stand out against the white ones.[14]

The Tear

The Tear is a particularly bright star in the Rosharan sky. It's name comes from the single tear shed by Reya in Rosharan Mythology.[15]


Mashe is the star around which Sel and several other planets orbit.[16]


  1. El alma del emperador capítulo Day Twelve#
  2. {{{3}}}
    Theoryland - {{{date}}}# Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; el nombre «qa-977-172» está definido varias veces con contenidos diferentes
  3. a b c d e f g Arcanum ilimitado#
  4. a b c {{{3}}}
    Foros de 17th Shard - {{{date}}}# Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; el nombre «17s-post-62280» está definido varias veces con contenidos diferentes
  5. {{{3}}}
    Theoryland - {{{date}}}# Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; el nombre «qa-460-11» está definido varias veces con contenidos diferentes
  6. {{{3}}}
    Theoryland - {{{date}}}# Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; el nombre «qa-1088-37» está definido varias veces con contenidos diferentes
  7. {{{3}}}
    Theoryland - {{{date}}}# Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; el nombre «qa-1116-9» está definido varias veces con contenidos diferentes
  8. {{{3}}}
    Theoryland - {{{date}}}# Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; el nombre «qa-1052-98» está definido varias veces con contenidos diferentes
  9. {{{3}}}
    Theoryland - {{{date}}}# Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; el nombre «qa-977-198» está definido varias veces con contenidos diferentes
  10. {{{3}}}
    Theoryland - {{{date}}}# Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; el nombre «qa-1052-106» está definido varias veces con contenidos diferentes
  11. Sombras por Silencio en los bosques del infierno#
  12. {{{3}}}
    Theoryland - {{{date}}}# Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; el nombre «qa-727-60» está definido varias veces con contenidos diferentes
  13. Starbelt is visible from other worlds as well
    — Reddit - 12 March 2015#
  14. El camino de los reyes capítulo 2#
  15. Palabras radiantes capítulo 31#
  16. Arcanum ilimitado capítulo The Selish System#
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