Inquisidor de acero

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  1. REDIRECT Template:Lifeform
A Steel Inquisitor, image by Inkthinker

The Steel Inquisitors were a type of Hemalurgic construct on Scadrial created from humans. Steel inquisitors were created and controlled by the Lord Ruler as the policing force for his ministries. The Steel inquisitors made up the Canton of Inquisition whose job it was to Control the use and spread of Allomancy

Description and Physiology

The most notable feature is the large Steel spikes where their eyes should be. These spikes fill the eye socket and protrude out the back of the head several inches. Steel inquisitors, like the obligators from which they were created, are bald with a large number of tattoos spreading from their eye sockets across their head. These tattoos indicated many things including rank and what kind of Allomancer they were before recruitment. Steel inquisitors have several more Spikes on their body, most of which are not visible

Although created from humans, they were physiologically and mentally distinct. They could, however, still mate with humans.[1]

Gallery of steel inquisitor appearances


To create an Inquisitor, metal spikes are inserted at various points in the subject's body by hammering the metal spike through the heart of a misting or Feruchemist into the new Inquisitor, this reduces the loss of power through the Hemalurgic process, due to the spike spending a minimal amount of time outside of a body. These spikes, now hemalurgicaly charged, tear into and forcibly splice information from the victim to the subject's spiritweb. This process moves vital organs, allowing the spikes to be inserted practically anywhere without fatally wounding the subject. This process is not painless for either person involved, as both violent changes to the spiritweb and having metal spikes driven into one's body causes pain. The Steel spikes inserted into eye sockets allow the Inquisitor to navigate via the blue Allomantic lines from the traces of metals in everything. The spikes create a chain in an inquisitor's body, and there is a central spike or Linchpin spike that acts as a Connector to the lower and upper spikes. If this spike is removed, the inquisitor dies.

Creating an Inquisitor bestows many of allomantic and some feruchemical abilities onto the subject, on top of their any of their own natural allomantic powers, meaning any abilities the subject had prior to the transformation are augmented by the spikes. As such, Mistborn and seekers were the preferred subjects, as their increased Seeking ability would allow them to pierce copper clouds.


Steel Inquisitors were very powerful and - with feruchemical healing - nearly invincible. Rumors in the skaa underground held that Inquisitors were immortal, that they could see into people's souls and that they were warriors with no equal.[2] However, removing spikes from an Inquisitor could effectively kill it, most notably the linchpin spike located between their shoulder blades. This was a weakness build into them by The Lord Ruler. Similarly, Inquisitors could not survive beheading this is because the chain of Spikes in a inquisitor would be broken. Removing one eye spike is not enough to kill most inquisitors. Most inquisitors need to rest frequently to charge their feruchmical powers.

Another major weakness in Inquisitors came from the Hemalurgic spikes they bore. Though this was not a problem before Ruin was release. Any Spike in a person allows for influence to be more easily pushed on a person via the tears in their spirit web. These tears allow for people to control a Hemalugic construct using allomancy. This weakness is present in both kendra and koloss. This also allowed them to be controlled by Ruin the more spikes they had, the greater the weakness was. However the stronger a creature's will is the more it can resist that influence or even break free from it for a time. Because of their Hemalurgic origins, all Steel Inquisitors were able to hear the voice of Ruin.


Depending on which Hemalurgic spikes the Inquisitor had, their abilities could vary immensely. Not all Inquisitors had an atium spike, nor could all of them tap health. During the time of Kelsier, however, most had those spikes.

  • Steel Spikes: Inquisitors lacked eyes, so they saw via the blue lines from burning iron or steel enhanced by the use of steel spikes
  • Pewter spikes:[3] offered extremely effective, almost immediate healing via Compounding gold. Not all Inquisitors had this. Feruchemical

strength and speed offered by additional pewter spikes dramatically increased strength and speed.

  • Bronze spikes: Allows inquisitors to pierce copper clouds. Mistborn and Bronze Mistings like Marsh are usually chosen to allow for this to be easily attained through minimal additional spikes

Inquisitors who had been made from Mistborn were notably more powerful, having their Allomantic abilities almost doubled. Some of the Inquisitors who obtained Feruchemical spikes also discovered out how to Compound, gaining more power from their metalminds. This is not something the Lord Ruler taught the Inquisitors. Compounding was something they had to figured out themselves.

Canton of Inquisition

During the Final Empire the Canton of Inquisition of the Steel Ministry was run by the of Steel Inquisitors, and acted as law enforcement, especially over the magical elements of society. Obligators of the Canton of Inquisition were marked by the regular Ministry tattoos with the addition of a stark red line.[4]

In addition to dealing with anyone that went against Ministry protocol, the Canton of Inquisition also had bases all around the city of Luthadel, called Soothing stations. These were to dampen the emotions of everyone in the area, calming and depressing them. In addition, it is possible that many Inquisitors found skaa Mistings this way.[4]

By revealing that Vin was the daughter of the Lord Prelan Tevidian, shortly before the death of the Lord Ruler, the Canton of Inquisition gained dominance over the other Cantons.[5]

In Well of Ascension, Sazed and Marsh visit a place called the 'Conventicle of Seran.' It is a sort of temple for the Inquisitors, and as far as we know, Sazed is the only non-Inquisitor to ever enter and leave alive. While there, Sazed discovers a message inscribed in a sheet of metal. The epigraphs for the chapters in Well of Ascension are taken from this message.

Notable Steel Inquisitors

Infiltrated the Canton of Inquisition to aid the Skaa Rebellion and was eventually turned into a Steel Inquisitor.[6] Brother of Kelsier and former leader of the Skaa Rebellion.
The Steel Inquisitor that captured Vin, presented charges Tevidian, and became the head of the Steel Ministry for a short time[5] before Marsh killed him.[6]
The Steel Inquisitor that originally hunted Reen and Vin because he was convinced Tevidian sired an illegitimate child[7] and was eventually killed by Kelsier.[8]

Inquisitors After the Final Ascension

The Inquisitors' spikes were melted down by Harmony to make earrings, and given to members of the Path by assorted Kandra. MeLaan gave Waxillium Ladrian his earring

Marsh is the only known surviving Inquisitor.


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