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'''Hallandren''' es el reino más poderoso de [[Nalthis]]. Su capital es [[T'Telir]]. Es único por su jungla y las [[Lágrimas de Edgli]], que no crecen en ningún otro lugar. Es el hogar de los [[tonos iridiscentes]] de Hallandren, la religión respaldada y liderada por los [[Retornado|Retornados]].
'''Hallandren''' es el reino más poderoso de [[Nalthis]]. Su capital es [[T'Telir]]. Es único por su jungla y las [[Lágrimas de Edgli]], que no crecen en ningún otro lugar. Es el hogar de los [[tonos iridiscentes]] de Hallandren, la religión respaldada y liderada por los [[Retornado|Retornados]].

== Geography and Ecology ==
== Geografía y ecología ==
{{image|Warbreaker_Chapter_2_by_CarloswkArt.jpg|[[Vivenna]] & co entering Hallandren|side=left|width=200px}}
{{image|Warbreaker_Chapter_2_by_CarloswkArt.jpg|[[Vivenna]] y compañía entrando en Hallandren|side=left|width=200px}}
|Un paraíso oculto entre las montañas, una tierra con agradables lluvias que nunca eran frías, una tierra donde la comida crecía de manera espontánea y abundante.
|A paradise hidden between the mountains, a land with pleasant rains that never grew cold, a land where succulent food grew spontaneously.
|[[Hoid]] telling what the [[Chedesh]] thought when they first landed on Hallandren's beaches{{book ref|wb|32}}
|[[Hoid]] contando lo que los [[chedesh]] pensaron cuando vieron por primera vez las playas de Hallandren{{book ref|wb|32}}

[[Hallandren]] is located in the jungle valley on Nalthis. It is unique in the known world of Nalthis as being the only place that [[Tears of Edgli]] will grow, as well as being the only known jungle climate.{{book ref|wb|32}} The growth of plants in this region is partly helped by [[Investiture]], much like the [[Elendel Basin]].{{wob ref|9833}} The jungle is inhabited by panthers, parrots, monkeys, snakes, and crocodiles.{{book ref|wb|32}}{{book ref|wb|35}}{{book ref|wb|27}}{{book ref|wb|22}} Parts of the jungle are cleared to make room for cropland, where food and dyes are produced.{{book ref|wb|22}}
[[Hallandren]] se encuentra en el valle selvático de Nalthis. Es especial en el mundo conocido de Nalthis por ser el único lugar en el que crecen las [[Lágrimas de Edgli]], así como por ser el único clima selvático conocido.{{book ref|wb|32}} El crecimiento de las plantas en esta región se ve favorecido en parte por la [[Investidura]], al igual que en la [[Cuenca de Elendel]].{{wob ref|9833}} La selva está habitada por panteras, loros, monos, serpientes y cocodrilos.{{book ref|wb|32}}{{book ref|wb|35}}{{book ref|wb|27}}{{book ref|wb|22}} Partes de la selva se talan para dejar sitio a las tierras de cultivo, donde se producen alimentos y tintes.{{book ref|wb|22}}

To Hallandren's east,{{book ref|wb|12}} there is an inland [[Bright Sea|sea]] that features several islands.{{wob ref|7344}} At least a third of the coastline is controlled by Hallandren, which has its [[T'Telir|capital city]] built abutting the water.{{book ref|wb|9}} The area suffers frequent earthquakes.{{wob ref|3483}} There are mountains north of Hallandren, as well as toward the sunrise.
Al este de Hallandren,{{book ref|wb|12}} hay un [[Mar Brillante|mar]] interior que cuenta con varias islas.{{wob ref|7344}} Al menos un tercio de la costa está controlado por Hallandren, que tiene su [[T'Telir|ciudad capital]] construida junto al agua.{{book ref|wb|9}} La zona sufre frecuentes terremotos.{{wob ref|3483}} Hay montañas al norte de Hallandren, así como hacia el amanecer.

Elephants and zebras are said to be exotic creatures from "the south." Whether this means they come from southern Hallandren or south of Hallandren is unclear.{{book ref|wb|27}}
Se dice que los elefantes y las cebras son criaturas exóticas del "sur". No está claro si esto significa que proceden del sur de Hallandren o de la zona sur de Hallandren.{{book ref|wb|27}}

The Hallandren people have access to fine wines, sweet potatoes, figs, nuts, and garlic, among other foods; it is unknown, however, how much grows in the area and how much is imported.{{book ref|wb|14}}{{book ref|wb|26}} The Bright Sea is full of life, including many sorts of mussels, fish, and tentacled creatures.{{book ref|wb|22}}{{book ref|wb|40}}{{book ref|wb|53}}
Los habitantes de Hallandren tienen acceso a buenos vinos, boniatos, higos, nueces y ajo, entre otros alimentos; sin embargo, se desconoce cuánto crece en la zona y cuánto se importa.{{book ref|wb|14}}{{book ref|wb|26}} El mar Brillante está lleno de vida, incluyendo muchas clases de mejillones, peces y criaturas con tentáculos.{{book ref|wb|22}}{{book ref|wb|40}}{{book ref|wb|53}}

== Government ==
== Gobierno ==
|—La teocracia de Hallandren es una estructura complicada y repleta de tonterías e inercias burocráticas.
|The Hallandren theocracy is a top-heavy structure laden with bureaucratic foolishness and inertia.
|[[Vasher]]{{book ref|warbreaker|43}}
|[[Vasher]]{{book ref|warbreaker|43}}

=== Theocracy ===
=== Teocracia ===
Hallandren is a theocracy ruled by the [[Court of Gods|Pantheon]] of the [[Returned]], headed by the [[God King]]{{book ref|wb|3}} The religion behind this theocracy is the Iridescent Tones. A religion that worships the Returned as gods,{{book ref|wb|3}} and believes they returned to guide and bless their people.{{book ref|wb|3}}
Hallandren es una teocracia gobernada por el [[Tribunal de los Dioses|Panteón]] de los [[Retornado]]s, encabezado por el [[rey-dios]].{{book ref|wb|3}} La religión detrás de esta teocracia son los Tonos Iridiscentes. Una religión que venera a los Retornados como dioses,{{book ref|wb|3}} y cree que Retornaron para guiar y bendecir a su pueblo.{{book ref|wb|3}}

The [[Returned]] have duties and votes on specific matters in the city and the empire.{{book ref|wb|16}} The task of the priesthood is generally to inform the gods of the people’s opinions.{{book ref|wb|16}} The Returned can then make informed decisions, which the priests enforce. In reality the priests handle most of the minor decisions, so that the Returned only vote on the major decisions.{{book ref|wb|50}} This method of government, waiting on debates that must be brought to the gods (who cannot leave the court to be among the people of the city) by the priests, operates notoriously slowly.
Los [[Retornado]]s tienen deberes y votos en asuntos específicos de la ciudad y el imperio.{{book ref|wb|16}} La tarea del sacerdocio consiste generalmente en informar a los dioses de las opiniones del pueblo.{{book ref|wb|16}} El Retornado puede entonces tomar decisiones informadas, que los sacerdotes hacen cumplir. En realidad, los sacerdotes se encargan de la mayoría de las decisiones menores, de modo que los Retornados sólo votan las decisiones importantes.{{book ref|wb|50}} Este método de gobierno, a la espera de debates que deben ser llevados a los dioses (que no pueden abandonar la corte para estar entre la gente de la ciudad) por los sacerdotes, funciona con notoria lentitud.

El gobierno presta a los [[sinvida]] para ayudar a los ciudadanos con trabajos serviles, como la tala de árboles para crear tierras de cultivo. Los términos de dicho préstamo estipulan que en tiempos de guerra cualquier alimento producido en las tierras del propietario será confiscado por los Retornados. Aunque esto es específico de la política de préstamos a los sinvida, el gobierno se reserva el derecho de confiscar cualquier tierra en tiempo de guerra.{{book ref|wb|22}}
The government loans out [[Lifeless]] to help citizens with menial labor such as clearing land of trees in order to create farmland. Terms of such a loan stipulate that in war time any food produced on the landowner's land will be seized by the Returned. While this is specific to the policy for lending out the Lifeless, the government retains the right to seize any land during war time regardless.{{book ref|wb|22}}

==== Court Assembly ====
==== Asamblea de la Corte ====
The Court Assembly is a standing commission of the Court of Gods that provides decisions to Hallandren's citizens.{{book ref|wb|8}} It meets daily to make small judgments, but important discussions are reserved for weekly meetings of the full Assembly.{{book ref|wb|8}} The Assembly is made up primarily of priests and priestesses, and meetings are held in a large arena at the back of the Court of Gods.{{book ref|wb|8}}{{book ref|wb|14}} The Returned do not sit on the Assembly,{{book ref|wb|8}} but many of them regularly attend the weekly meetings to watch from ornate stone observation boxes,{{book ref|wb|14}} including Susebron.{{book ref|wb|44}}
La Asamblea de la Corte es una comisión permanente de la Corte de los Dioses que proporciona decisiones a los ciudadanos de Hallandren.{{book ref|wb|8}} Se reúne a diario para emitir juicios menores, pero los debates importantes se reservan para las reuniones semanales de la Asamblea en pleno.{{book ref|wb|8}} Se compone principalmente de sacerdotes y sacerdotisas, y las reuniones se celebran en una gran arena en la parte trasera de la Corte de los Dioses.{{book ref|wb|8}}{{book ref|wb|14}} Los Retornados no forman parte de la Asamblea,{{book ref|wb|8}} pero muchos de ellos asisten regularmente a las reuniones semanales para observar desde ornamentados palcos de piedra para observar,{{book ref|wb|14}} incluido Susebron.{{book ref|wb|44}}

Some Returned do not concern themselves with politics and rarely attend,{{book ref|wb|47}} while others find the meetings boring because they believe their opinions do not matter.{{book ref|wb|30}} During Assembly meetings, arguments are brought forth regarding various topics such as relations with Idris; [[Siri]] was also presented to the Court at the Assembly.{{book ref|wb|15}} The Assembly's discussions are often full of rhetoric{{book ref|wb|17}} and politically savvy Returned try to influence the direction of the Assembly.{{book ref|wb|16}} Attending the Court Assembly is thought of as a privilege by the people of Hallandren; there are only four benches in the arena for citizens to attend, so only people who are rich, influential, favored by a god, or have at least fifty Breaths attend regularly.{{book ref|wb|15}} Average citizens may enter a lottery to win a token to attend the Assembly.{{book ref|wb|15}}{{book ref|wb|50}}
Algunos Retornados no se preocupan por la política y rara vez asisten,{{book ref|wb|47}} mientras que otros consideran que las reuniones son aburridas porque creen que sus opiniones no importan.{{book ref|wb|30}} Durante las reuniones de la Asamblea, se exponen argumentos sobre diversos temas, como las relaciones con Idris; [[Siri]] también fue presentada a la Corte en la Asamblea.{{book ref|wb|15}} Los debates suelen estar llenos de retórica{{book ref|wb|17}} y los Retornados con conocimientos políticos intentan influir en la dirección que toman.{{book ref|wb|16}} Asistir a la Asamblea de la Corte es considerado un privilegio por la gente de Hallandren; sólo hay cuatro bancos en la arena para que los ciudadanos asistan, por lo que sólo las personas ricas, influyentes, favorecidas por un dios o con al menos cincuenta alientos asisten regularmente. Los ciudadanos corrientes pueden participar en una lotería para ganar una entrada para asistir a la Asamblea.{{book ref|wb|15}}{{book ref|wb|50}}

====Main Assembly====
====Asamblea principal====
The regular Court Assembly is not empowered to make major decisions such as a declaration of war; instead, all of the Returned must attend a gathering known as a "main" or "general" assembly so they can all cast a vote.{{book ref|wb|34}}{{book ref|wb|48}} The outcome of a Main Assembly becomes the Will of the Pantheon. All the gods have the right to refuse the Will of the Pantheon, although it is frowned upon. These special assemblies are rare and often very crowded, as citizens who win lottery tokens to attend an Assembly often save them for a main assembly so they can see all of the gods together.{{book ref|wb|50}}
La Asamblea ordinaria de la Corte no está facultada para tomar decisiones importantes, como una declaración de guerra; en su lugar, todos los Retornados deben asistir a una reunión conocida como asamblea "principal" o "general" para que todos puedan emitir un voto.{{book ref|wb|34}}{{book ref|wb|48}} El resultado de una Asamblea General se convierte en la Voluntad del Panteón. Todos los dioses tienen derecho a rechazar la Voluntad del Panteón, aunque está mal visto. Estas asambleas especiales son escasas y suelen estar muy concurridas, ya que los ciudadanos que ganan vales de lotería para asistir a una Asamblea suelen guardarlos para una asamblea principal y así poder ver a todos los dioses juntos.{{book ref|wb|50}}

==== Territories ====
==== Territorios ====
Hallandren controls the entire jungle valley, and is bordered by [[Idris|mountains]] to the north{{book ref|wb|5}} and east.{{book ref|wb|55}} It is also bordered by the [[Bright Sea]]{{book ref|wb|4}} and controls about one third of it’s coastline. They also control multiple islands in the Bright Sea.{{wob ref|7344}}
Hallandren controla todo el valle de la jungla, y limita con [[Idris|montañas]] al norte{{book ref|wb|5}} y al este.{{book ref|wb|55}} También limita con el [[mar Brillante]]{{book ref|wb|4}} y controla aproximadamente un tercio de su costa. También controlan varias islas en el mar Brillante.{{wob ref|7344}}

==== Administrative Districts ====
==== Distritos administrativos ====
Hallandren is made up of a number of provinces. The only known province is [[Pahn Kahl]], a quiet and peaceful province in the south of Hallandren.{{book ref|wb|55}} This province is home to an ethnic group called [[Pahn Kahl#Culture|Pahn Kahl]],{{book ref|wb|55}} although this isn’t the only place in Hallandren where these people can be found.{{book ref|wb|32}}
Hallandren está formada por varias provincias. La única provincia conocida es [[Pahn Kahl]], una provincia tranquila y pacífica en el sur de Hallandren.{{book ref|wb|55}} Esta es el hogar de un grupo étnico llamado [[Pahn Kahl#Cultura|pahn kahl]],{{book ref|wb|55}} aunque no es el único lugar de Hallandren donde se puede encontrar a esta gente.{{book ref|wb|32}}

=== The Monarchy ===
=== La monarquía ===
==== The God King ====
==== El rey-dios ====
Hallandren has had a monarchy for its entire history,{{book ref|wb|32}} some three hundred years. All of their kings have been [[Returned]], and all of them are named Susebron, with the current king being [[Susebron]] the fifth.{{book ref|wb|32}} Due to their nature as Returned they carry the title of God King.
Hallandren ha tenido una monarquía durante toda su historia,{{book ref|wb|32}} unos trescientos años. Todos sus reyes han sido [[Retornado]]s, y todos ellos se llaman Susebron, siendo el actual [[Susebron]] V.{{book ref|wb|32}} Debido a su naturaleza de Retornados llevan el título de rey-dios.

The God King has absolute power in Hallandren,{{book ref|wb|2}} although in reality he acts more like a figurehead for the priesthood.{{book ref|wb|20}} The priests also cut out his tongue to prevent him from using his [[Light of Peace|Breaths]],{{book ref|wb|20}} as their god [[Peacegiver]] commanded them to do.{{book ref|wb|40}} The God King resides in a [[Court of Gods#God king’s palace|large black palace]] in the [[Court of Gods]].{{book ref|wb|4}} He can also veto any decision made by the Pantheon of Gods.{{book ref|wb|50}}
El rey-dios tiene el poder absoluto en Hallandren,{{book ref|wb|2}} aunque en realidad actúa más como un testaferro del sacerdocio.{{book ref|wb|20}} Los sacerdotes también le cortaron la lengua para evitar que usara sus [[Tesoro de Dalapaz|alientos]],{{book ref|wb|20}} como les ordenó su dios [[Dalapaz]].{{book ref|wb|40}} El rey-dios reside en un [[Corte de los Dioses#Palacio del rey-dios|gran palacio negro]] en la [[Corte de los Dioses]].{{book ref|wb|4}} También puede vetar cualquier decisión tomada por el Panteón de Dioses.{{book ref|wb|50}}

|La dinastía de Hallandren se fundó al término de la Multiguerra, la primera obtuvo su vida y su aliento del propio Dalapaz, que fue adorado por vencer a los fantasmas de Kalad y poner un final pacífico a la Multiguerra. Desde ese día, cada rey-dios ha engendrado un hijo nacido muerto que luego retorna y toma su lugar.
|The dynasty of Hallandren was founded at the conclusion of the Manywar, the first one gaining his Breath and life from Peacegiver himself, who was revered for dispelling Kalad’s Phantoms and bringing a peaceful end to the Manywar. Since that day, each God King has fathered a stillborn son who then Returned and took his place.
|Hoid on the Hallandren Kings{{book ref|wb|32}}
|Hoid sobre los reyes de Hallandren{{book ref|wb|32}}

Some people consider [[Peacegiver]] to have been the first God King,{{book ref|wb|32}} while others don’t think so, and instead consider Susebron the first as the first king.{{book ref|wb|32}} At least one of the God Kings ruled for a century. The God Kings are believed to have received life themselves from Peacegiver.{{book ref|wb|32}}
Algunos consideran que [[Dalapaz]] fue el primer rey-dios,{{book ref|wb|32}} mientras que otros no piensan lo mismo, y en su lugar consideran a Susebron I como el primer rey.{{book ref|wb|32}} Al menos uno de los reyes-dioses gobernó durante un siglo. Se cree que estos recibieron la vida de Dalapaz.{{book ref|wb|32}}

==== The Queen ====
==== The Queen ====

Revisión del 21:46 8 ene 2024

Capital T'Telir
Mundo Nalthis
Universo Cosmere

Se encontraba en Hallandren, no obstante, la tierra de los dioses Retornados, los servidores sinvida, la investigación biocromática y, por supuesto, el color.

Hallandren es el reino más poderoso de Nalthis. Su capital es T'Telir. Es único por su jungla y las Lágrimas de Edgli, que no crecen en ningún otro lugar. Es el hogar de los tonos iridiscentes de Hallandren, la religión respaldada y liderada por los Retornados.

Geografía y ecología

Vivenna y compañía entrando en Hallandren

Un paraíso oculto entre las montañas, una tierra con agradables lluvias que nunca eran frías, una tierra donde la comida crecía de manera espontánea y abundante.

Hoid contando lo que los chedesh pensaron cuando vieron por primera vez las playas de Hallandren[2]

Hallandren se encuentra en el valle selvático de Nalthis. Es especial en el mundo conocido de Nalthis por ser el único lugar en el que crecen las Lágrimas de Edgli, así como por ser el único clima selvático conocido.[2] El crecimiento de las plantas en esta región se ve favorecido en parte por la Investidura, al igual que en la Cuenca de Elendel.[3] La selva está habitada por panteras, loros, monos, serpientes y cocodrilos.[2][4][5][6] Partes de la selva se talan para dejar sitio a las tierras de cultivo, donde se producen alimentos y tintes.[6]

Al este de Hallandren,[7] hay un mar interior que cuenta con varias islas.[8] Al menos un tercio de la costa está controlado por Hallandren, que tiene su ciudad capital construida junto al agua.[9] La zona sufre frecuentes terremotos.[10] Hay montañas al norte de Hallandren, así como hacia el amanecer.

Se dice que los elefantes y las cebras son criaturas exóticas del "sur". No está claro si esto significa que proceden del sur de Hallandren o de la zona sur de Hallandren.[5]

Los habitantes de Hallandren tienen acceso a buenos vinos, boniatos, higos, nueces y ajo, entre otros alimentos; sin embargo, se desconoce cuánto crece en la zona y cuánto se importa.[11][12] El mar Brillante está lleno de vida, incluyendo muchas clases de mejillones, peces y criaturas con tentáculos.[6][13][14]


—La teocracia de Hallandren es una estructura complicada y repleta de tonterías e inercias burocráticas.


Hallandren es una teocracia gobernada por el Panteón de los Retornados, encabezado por el rey-dios.[16] La religión detrás de esta teocracia son los Tonos Iridiscentes. Una religión que venera a los Retornados como dioses,[16] y cree que Retornaron para guiar y bendecir a su pueblo.[16]

Los Retornados tienen deberes y votos en asuntos específicos de la ciudad y el imperio.[17] La tarea del sacerdocio consiste generalmente en informar a los dioses de las opiniones del pueblo.[17] El Retornado puede entonces tomar decisiones informadas, que los sacerdotes hacen cumplir. En realidad, los sacerdotes se encargan de la mayoría de las decisiones menores, de modo que los Retornados sólo votan las decisiones importantes.[18] Este método de gobierno, a la espera de debates que deben ser llevados a los dioses (que no pueden abandonar la corte para estar entre la gente de la ciudad) por los sacerdotes, funciona con notoria lentitud.

El gobierno presta a los sinvida para ayudar a los ciudadanos con trabajos serviles, como la tala de árboles para crear tierras de cultivo. Los términos de dicho préstamo estipulan que en tiempos de guerra cualquier alimento producido en las tierras del propietario será confiscado por los Retornados. Aunque esto es específico de la política de préstamos a los sinvida, el gobierno se reserva el derecho de confiscar cualquier tierra en tiempo de guerra.[6]

Asamblea de la Corte

La Asamblea de la Corte es una comisión permanente de la Corte de los Dioses que proporciona decisiones a los ciudadanos de Hallandren.[19] Se reúne a diario para emitir juicios menores, pero los debates importantes se reservan para las reuniones semanales de la Asamblea en pleno.[19] Se compone principalmente de sacerdotes y sacerdotisas, y las reuniones se celebran en una gran arena en la parte trasera de la Corte de los Dioses.[19][11] Los Retornados no forman parte de la Asamblea,[19] pero muchos de ellos asisten regularmente a las reuniones semanales para observar desde ornamentados palcos de piedra para observar,[11] incluido Susebron.[20]

Algunos Retornados no se preocupan por la política y rara vez asisten,[21] mientras que otros consideran que las reuniones son aburridas porque creen que sus opiniones no importan.[22] Durante las reuniones de la Asamblea, se exponen argumentos sobre diversos temas, como las relaciones con Idris; Siri también fue presentada a la Corte en la Asamblea.[23] Los debates suelen estar llenos de retórica[24] y los Retornados con conocimientos políticos intentan influir en la dirección que toman.[17] Asistir a la Asamblea de la Corte es considerado un privilegio por la gente de Hallandren; sólo hay cuatro bancos en la arena para que los ciudadanos asistan, por lo que sólo las personas ricas, influyentes, favorecidas por un dios o con al menos cincuenta alientos asisten regularmente. Los ciudadanos corrientes pueden participar en una lotería para ganar una entrada para asistir a la Asamblea.[23][18]

Asamblea principal

La Asamblea ordinaria de la Corte no está facultada para tomar decisiones importantes, como una declaración de guerra; en su lugar, todos los Retornados deben asistir a una reunión conocida como asamblea "principal" o "general" para que todos puedan emitir un voto.[25][26] El resultado de una Asamblea General se convierte en la Voluntad del Panteón. Todos los dioses tienen derecho a rechazar la Voluntad del Panteón, aunque está mal visto. Estas asambleas especiales son escasas y suelen estar muy concurridas, ya que los ciudadanos que ganan vales de lotería para asistir a una Asamblea suelen guardarlos para una asamblea principal y así poder ver a todos los dioses juntos.[18]


Hallandren controla todo el valle de la jungla, y limita con montañas al norte[27] y al este.[28] También limita con el mar Brillante[29] y controla aproximadamente un tercio de su costa. También controlan varias islas en el mar Brillante.[8]

Distritos administrativos

Hallandren está formada por varias provincias. La única provincia conocida es Pahn Kahl, una provincia tranquila y pacífica en el sur de Hallandren.[28] Esta es el hogar de un grupo étnico llamado pahn kahl,[28] aunque no es el único lugar de Hallandren donde se puede encontrar a esta gente.[2]

La monarquía

El rey-dios

Hallandren ha tenido una monarquía durante toda su historia,[2] unos trescientos años. Todos sus reyes han sido Retornados, y todos ellos se llaman Susebron, siendo el actual Susebron V.[2] Debido a su naturaleza de Retornados llevan el título de rey-dios.

El rey-dios tiene el poder absoluto en Hallandren,[30] aunque en realidad actúa más como un testaferro del sacerdocio.[31] Los sacerdotes también le cortaron la lengua para evitar que usara sus alientos,[31] como les ordenó su dios Dalapaz.[13] El rey-dios reside en un gran palacio negro en la Corte de los Dioses.[29] También puede vetar cualquier decisión tomada por el Panteón de Dioses.[18]

La dinastía de Hallandren se fundó al término de la Multiguerra, la primera obtuvo su vida y su aliento del propio Dalapaz, que fue adorado por vencer a los fantasmas de Kalad y poner un final pacífico a la Multiguerra. Desde ese día, cada rey-dios ha engendrado un hijo nacido muerto que luego retorna y toma su lugar.

—Hoid sobre los reyes de Hallandren[2]

Algunos consideran que Dalapaz fue el primer rey-dios,[2] mientras que otros no piensan lo mismo, y en su lugar consideran a Susebron I como el primer rey.[2] Al menos uno de los reyes-dioses gobernó durante un siglo. Se cree que estos recibieron la vida de Dalapaz.[2]

The Queen

For most of a God King’s rule the Hallandren are without a queen.[30] This is because a queen is only selected after an infant Returns.[8]

The Queen is formally addressed with ‘Your Majesty’ or ‘Your Excellency’.[2][28] She is also sometimes addressed as ‘Vessel’ as she is considered to be a Vessel for the God King.[28]

The Queen has only one duty, to provide the kingdom with an heir.[19] She spends the rest of her time being idle, enjoying the same luxuries as the Returned.[19] She is not allowed to leave the Court of Gods.[19] She is also one of the few people in the Court of Gods who are allowed to touch the God King.[32]


The God King’s priests take an infant Returning as a sign that it’s time to change Kings.[28] They then choose a wife for the God King and hope she has a child, as they would rather have the God King's literal child.[8] Sometimes the queen is the actual mother of the child, while other times a marriage is arranged. Retired God King's are proclaimed dead from healing those in need and are taken to one of the isles in the middle of the Inner Sea.[5] They maintain a lavish lifestyle until they die.[33]

Foreign Policy and International Relationships


They were called rebels, but those “rebels” were the true Hallandren royal family. Mortal men though they might be, their bloodline was a challenge to the Court of Gods.

—Vasher thinking about the Idrians

Hallandren and Idris have a mostly antagonistic relationship. This is because of a number of reasons, most of which can find their way back to the Manywar. One of these reasons is the splintering of Hanald, with both kingdoms claiming the other’s territories as their own.[17] Another reason is the Idrian religion of Austrism. This religion, banished after the Manywar, began teaching against everything that had to do with Hallandren, such as ostentation[30] and awakening.[34] Due to these reasons, along with the false stories told by ramblemen, the hatred of Hallandren became deeply rooted in the Idrian culture.

Many Idrians in the lower mountains were forced out of their homes through famine or lack of money,[35] these Idrians, unwilling to make the long and hard journey to Bevalis to petition the king, traveled south into Hallandren and started working here.[35] These people are looked down upon by both the Idrians and the Hallandren.

After the Pahn Kahl rebellion the God King Susebron the fifth, a friend of the Idrians, took more direct control of Hallandren politics and because of this the relations with Idris likely improved.


Since the Manywar, which saw Hanald, the predecessor of Hallandren, and Tedradel go to war with each other[2] Tedradel’s opinion of Hallandren hasn’t improved much.[34] Their opinion of Hallandren is so low that Yarda considers it possible that Tedradel would go to war again, should Idris be attacked.[34]

Tedradel still has many traders in T’Telir,[9] and likely other Hallandren cities as well.

The Northern Kingdoms

Hallandren doesn’t have a very great relationship with the Northern Kingdoms. If Hallandren had decided to attack Idris a number of these kingdoms would have aided Idris.[27] Dozens of these kingdoms do not share Hallandren’s views of Idris as a rebel faction.[27]

Hallandren trades extensively with the Northern kingdoms.[27]


The Lifeless Army

Hallandren has a large lifeless army, forty thousand strong.[34] They have been adding to this army for several centuries before the Pahn Kahl rebellion.[25]

The Hallandren Lifeless army is split into four sections of ten thousand troops, each commanded by a different Returned in the Pantheon.[25] The commanders prior to the Pahn Kahl rebellion were Lightsong, Hopefinder, Allmother and Mercystar.[25] some of these Returned are bored by their duty, reasoning that they never have to actually do anything.[22]

While the bulk of the army is Lifeless,[21] there is quite a large support structure for the army proper which is composed of humans.[36]

The lifeless army resides in the lifeless barracks, located at the bottom of the Court of Gods in T’Telir..[21] These barracks are heavily fortified,[21] and the lifeless stationed here have orders to kill anyone who attacks the lifeless.[36] The lifeless are kept in the dark.[21]

Kalad’s Phantoms

After the events of the Pahn Kahl rebellion Peacegiver, under the alias of Vasher, granted the security phrase of Kalad’s Phantoms to the God King Susebron.[37] This army includes some thousand soldiers which still function.[37]


Bladed weapons

Most Hallandren use ‘Dueling Blades’ a long and thin type of blade.[36] The Hallandren also use daggers[36] and spears.[29]

Awakened clothing

It is not uncommon for an awakener to awaken their clothing, helping them fight.[38] There are even specialized sets of clothing made for this very purpose.[38]



Hallandren contains many different peoples and cultures.[9], the majority of the population is ethnic Hallandren, although the kingdom also has a number of Pahn Kahl[2] and Idrians[9] living inside it’s borders. The people at the edges of the kingdom of Hallandren have dark skin.[11] The natural hair colors of the Hallandren people include black, brown and blond.[6]

Hallandren has no nobility apart from the Returned,[29] instead it has a small but very rich class which is almost completely compromised of the most successful merchants, a middle class, and a large peasant class. Hallandren is the only nation on Nalthis to have a middle class, instead of only a high and low class.[27]

Pride is very important to the Hallandren people, and priests are considered to be even more prideful.[18] The Hallandren are also fond of carriages.[39] Although the Returned and their Queen prefer to use palanquins.[11] The Hallandren keep their dead in charnel houses.[36]


Hallandren's society places value in athleticism.[5] Duels for sport are common enough that someone talented with a blade could gain a wealth of prizes, notable fame, and a sizable following of students in their lifetime.[39] The Court of Gods’ arena is often used as a location for athletic individuals to engage in contests of physical prowess.[5]

Some arena competitions mentioned are shot put, javelin toss, archery, leaping contests, and races.[5] However, special accolades are not given to the winner, but to all the contestants, for possessing the physical prowess required to participate.[5]

Arts and Games

The Hallandren people enjoy music, painting, dance, poetry, sculpture, puppetry, play performance, sandpainting and lots of other ‘lesser’ arts.[19] The Hallandren also have fireworks, and use them to make large fireshows.[40]

By the time of the Pahn Kahl rebellion the abstract painting style is popular,[16] especially in paintings sent to Lightsong The Bold.[16] There are a few artists who can make a special type of painting,[12] invested people, such as the Returned, can see things in these paintings which aren’t actually there.[12] While normal people see the actual strokes of paint.[41][12][42]

Some wealthy Hallandren play Tarachin,[6] a notoriously difficult game.[6]Tarachin requires strength to throw the spheres correctly,[6] keen wit to understand where to place them,[6] coordination to do so with the necessary precision,[6] and a great understanding of strategy to pick the proper sphere and dominate the game field.[6]

Fashion and Beauty

a hundred different colors and as many different clothing styles were represented. It was good to see some variety again, even if that variety was somewhat garish.

—Siri thinking about the Hallandren[11]

The Hallandren wear flamboyant and brightly coloured clothing.[11] They wear a wide variety of styles,[11] with each person trying to stand out.[9] Because of this however nobody stands out.[11] Modesty in both design and color is unfashionable, but not nonexistent.[11]

Hallandren clothing is revealing,[9] with blouses that are open well below the neck, skirts well above the knees etc.[9] Clothing in Hallandren ranges from vests and shorts to long robes and gowns. Some ancient Returned wore robes that hung from only one shoulder with a wrap around their waist that came down to mid-thigh.[6] Ornate hats are popular, both on men and women.[11] Some Hallandren carry umbrellas for when it is raining.[11] Many Hallandren also dye their hair.[11] Clothing is often made from leather,[9] although silk is also used for the rich.[32] A number of women also wear trousers, considered to be utilitarian.[9]

Hallandren women wear perfumes,[32] either taking perfumed baths[32] or having someone else rub perfume onto the body. [32] They also have many kinds of make-up, such as lipstick and eyeliner.[32] Some women have a sort of paint on their thighs.[40] Long hair is seen as a sign of beauty.[32]

Glossy black hair, pale skin and a lusciously curvaceous body are considered by some to be the epitome of female beauty.[40] The Hallandren find both thin and heavy women to be attractive.[43] The epitome of male beauty is large bulging muscles and square jawed features.[6]

Biochroma and Awakening

Hallandren is known for it’s research in Biochroma.[1]

Breaths and Awakening

The Hallandren believes that losing your Breath doesn’t change you much.[16] There is also a very strict breath market.[44] Due to these reasons many people sell their breaths when they need some money. These breaths are often bought by rich people.[27] Most people stop at 50 breaths,[27] at this point they have attained the first heightening,[27] their lifespan is also improved by a good decade[27] or so and their immune system is a lot more effective. They can also do a little bit of awakening themselves,[27] a useful skill to have. People with more then a thousand breaths are uncommon, but not unheard of.[27]

Awakened objects performing tasks aren’t uncommon.[27]

The Returned

The Returned also need one breath per week to stay alive.[16] These breaths are usually provided by children.[16] The families who sell their breaths to the Returned are blessed and gain enough money to live a whole year on.[39]


Lifeless are fairly common in Hallandren,[39] although most people still give them a wide berth.[6] It is common to dress lifeless in grey clothing,[6] matching their skin and marking them as a lifeless.

People in Hallandren can pay an awakener to make a lifeless.[36] Families can also sell corpses to these people,[36] with the more skilled the person was the higher the cost is going to be.

Language and Writing

The Hallandren speak a language called Hallandren.

The Hallandren have their own Alphabet as well. The first letter of this alphabet is called shash.[31] The Hallandren also use a second script called the artisan's script.[16] This script is a form of writing based on color, each hue representing a different sound. Skilled artists of at least the Third Heightening often write poetry using this script.[16]


Hallandren has very diverse architectural styles.[29] These styles use many domes and spires, while pyramids are also used. Almost every building is painted in a bright color.[29]The Hallandren are fond of greenery and build many gardens and open spaces in their cities.[39]

Some buildings are painted for someone of the Third Heightening, with very minute changes in color. Examples of this are the Returned palaces.[11]



The Hallandren enjoy a wide variety of foods, including seafoods and sea fruits[13] as well as regular plants and animals. Known sealife includes mussels, fish, and octopi.[6][9][13] The Hallandren also like many foreign foods.[27] The Hallandren upper class enjoyes eating tinkfans, a Pahn Kahl delicacy.[45] like their food spicy.[29]


The Hallandren also drink hot tea.[27] A known variety is citrus tea.[27] They also enjoy a wide variety of juices.[35]


The Hallandren may have a calendar which views the Manywar as the year 0, as Hoid mentions that the time before the Manywar was before time itself began.[2]


Many different religions are worshipped in Hallandren, although most people follow the state religion, the Iridescent Tones. Other religions include Austrism and the Pahn Kahl faith.

The Iridescent Tones

The majority of the Hallandren people follow the Iridescent Tones.[23] This religion worships the Returned as gods[16] and considers Peacegiver to be a god amongst gods.[13]

The Court of Gods is located in Hallandren, in the city of T’Telir.[29] The Returned gods of Hallandren reside in this Court, supposedly blessing the Hallandren with guidance and good fortune.[16]

The Iridescent Tones were established in Hallandren shortly after the Manywar. After this war the Hallandren felt that they had been forsaken by Austre and saved by Peacegiver,[13] and so abandoned Austrism and began worshipping the Returned.[2]


Most of the Idrians living in Hallandren follow Austrism.[46] This is a monotheistic religion centred around the worship of Austre and the Five Visions.[47][48] Austrism was practised in Hallandren before the Manywar.[23] Idrians who convert to the Iridescent Tones are called ‘scrapes’ by other Idrians.[49] The term is an epithet that refers to a scratch on a person’s arm revealing the colorful blood underneath.

The Pahn Kahl Faith

Most Pahn Kahl living in Hallandren follow their own religion.[23] This religion is a kind of nature worship where the storms of the Bright Sea are revered as manifestations of the unity of their five gods.[50] Their religion also focuses more on the Voice that sends back the Returned,[51]

Many people in Hallandren are unaware of the Pahn Kahl religion, instead assuming them to worship the Returned as well.[11]


The Dye Trade

Hallandren’s main source of income are the dyes made from the Tears of Edgli.[2] These flowers can only be grown in Hallandren, and as such the Hallandren people have a monopoly on them. The Tears of Edgli make excellent dyes, and are far cheaper to produce then other dyes.[2] For these reasons, as well as their use in awakening, they are very desired, far more so then other dyes.[2]

Trade Routes

The Bright Sea

Hallandren is located on the western shore of the Bright Sea.[29] This sea contains many trade routes, which are a boon to the kingdoms located on its shores. Hallandren profits a lot from trade with these kingdoms, such as Tedradel.[9]

Hallandren imports fresh foodstuffs from a number of cities on the coast,[9]. they also import oil. There are many merchants from Tedradel in Hallandren, selling a wide variety of products such as clothing.[9] Hallandren has multiple Stormrunners.[52]

Idris and the Northern Kingdoms

Hallandren also trades with many other kingdoms, such as the Northern Kingdoms,[16] beyond the mountains.[27][16] These trade routes run through Idris,[27] making this country very important to Hallandren, one of the reasons they want to control it. Bebid reasons that should trade with these kingdoms stop, Hallandren would suffer a full economic collapse.[27]

Hallandren imports carpets from these nations.[16]


Priests control much of the trade in the city. Being wealthy individuals with notable political power in Hallandren's theocracy, they own and organize a large sum of the traded goods in Hallandren.[36] There were strict rules around buying and selling Breath.[1]

Truthcall is one of the Returned given a vote over issues of trade with other kingdoms. As such, his decisions hold sway over the economics of both Hallandren and its trade partners.[6]


Coins in Hallandren are called marks, with a smaller variety called bits.[24][53] Five thousand marks is considered to be a fortune,[24] while a single bit would not buy more than a mouthful of food.[53]

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

Hallandren is an agricultural society, with slash and burn techniques.[6] There are a number of Hallandren who clear these forests and then rent them to growers.[6]

The Hallandren herd livestock such as sheep and cows.[34][17] They also fish the sea for fish, octopi, mussels and squid.[6][9][13]



The region that became Hanald was originally populated by the Pahn Kahl people.[2] When the people of Chedesh, who dominated the world at the time,[2] began exploring other parts of the Inner Sea's coastline, a group of their ships discovered this valley filled with jungles.[2] One of the explorers, Vo, died and became the first Returned while on one of the ships in the bay.[2] He then died again a week later.

Dismissive of the native Pahn Kahl, his crewmates founded a kingdom on the site and named it Hanald.[2] This kingdom would grow and expand to become one of the most powerful kingdoms of its age.[2]

The Manywar and Founding

After Tensions between the Nalthian kingdoms grew Kalad, then known as Strifelover, overthrew the Royal Family and seized control of Hanald. Shortly after this he attacked the northern kingdoms of Kuth and Huth, starting the Manywar.

After a while Kalad had a change of heart and recalled his troops from their fighting.[2]He used these troops to seize control of his own country and stopped the Manywar through diplomacy. Due to this he got the name Peacegiver.[2]

During this time the Royal Family fled T’Telir,[2] heading to the northern mountains, and established the kingdom of Idris.[34] After their departure the Cult of the Returned took control of the new nation, renaming it Hallandren.[2] Their religion eventually evolved into the Iridescent Tones and became the norm within Hallandren's territory. The only notable exception was Pahn Kahl, which was absorbed into the new nation of Hallandren as a province,[54] where the people retained their own religion and culture.[51] The conclusion of the Manywar was also the foundation for Hallandren's power in the region of the Bright Sea in the modern post-war era.[55] Peacegiver also gave the first God King a treasure of fifty thousand Breaths and entrusted his priests to see that it was cared for until he needed it again.[13]

The God Kings

The Treaty With Idris

The king Dedelin negotiated a treaty with Susebron, promising to send his daughter (ostensibly Vivenna,[34] though this was not stated specifically) to the Court of Gods to marry him when Vivenna turned twenty-two, thereby reintroducing the bloodline of the royals into Hallandren's own ruling line.[34]

He couldn’t bring himself to send Vivenna to Hallandren though, so instead he sent Sisirinah,[34][30] who would go on to become queen of the Hallandren.[29]

The Pahn Kahl Rebellion

Three hundred years later, a Pahn Kahl named Vahr made an attempt at stirring up his people.[24] He spent over a decade working to that that end, but was ultimately captured and imprisoned due to Bluefingers' information leaks and killed by Vasher.[56][1]

Bluefingers himself planned an extensive subversive campaign centered around starting a war between Hallandren and Idris: he brought mercenaries and Pahn Kahl Awakeners into the tunnel system below the court,[57] manipulated Siri into distrusting the Hallandren priests,[58] and hired Denth's crew to increase tensions in the city.[59] When his plans were nearing completion, he tortured Blushweaver and Lightsong in order to get the Command phrases for Hallandren's Lifeless army, changed the Command phrase, and sent the army towards Idris.[28] The attempted rebellion was defeated when the God King, with his newly healed tongue, used Peacegiver's Treasure to storm his palace with an army of Awakened cloths. Vasher decided to give the God King the Command phrase to Kalad's Phantoms, which he then sent after the Lifeless army.[60]

Notable People


  1. a b c d El aliento de los dioses prólogo#
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab El aliento de los dioses capítulo 32#
  3. SpoCon 2013
    Arcanum - 2013-07-10#
  4. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 35#
  5. a b c d e f g El aliento de los dioses capítulo 27#
  6. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t El aliento de los dioses capítulo 22#
  7. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 12#
  8. a b c d Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-03-01#
  9. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n El aliento de los dioses capítulo 9#
  10. /r/books AMA 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-06-18#
  11. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o El aliento de los dioses capítulo 14#
  12. a b c d El aliento de los dioses capítulo 26#
  13. a b c d e f g h El aliento de los dioses capítulo 40#
  14. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 53#
  15. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 43#
  16. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o El aliento de los dioses capítulo 3#
  17. a b c d e El aliento de los dioses capítulo 16#
  18. a b c d e El aliento de los dioses capítulo 50#
  19. a b c d e f g h El aliento de los dioses capítulo 8#
  20. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 44#
  21. a b c d e El aliento de los dioses capítulo 47#
  22. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 30#
  23. a b c d e El aliento de los dioses capítulo 15#
  24. a b c d El aliento de los dioses capítulo 17#
  25. a b c d El aliento de los dioses capítulo 34#
  26. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 48#
  27. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r El aliento de los dioses capítulo 5#
  28. a b c d e f g El aliento de los dioses capítulo 55#
  29. a b c d e f g h i j El aliento de los dioses capítulo 4#
  30. a b c d El aliento de los dioses capítulo 2#
  31. a b c El aliento de los dioses capítulo 20#
  32. a b c d e f g El aliento de los dioses capítulo 6#
  33. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-06-22#
  34. a b c d e f g h i El aliento de los dioses capítulo 1#
  35. a b c El aliento de los dioses capítulo 28#
  36. a b c d e f g h El aliento de los dioses capítulo 19#
  37. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 58#
  38. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 21#
  39. a b c d e El aliento de los dioses capítulo 25#
  40. a b c El aliento de los dioses capítulo 7#
  41. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-11-16#
  42. Juramentada capítulo 102#
  43. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 23#
  44. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 39#
  45. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 36#
  46. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 31#
  47. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 29#
  48. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 13#
  49. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-02-15#
  50. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-11-23#
  51. a b Goodreads Fantasy Book Discussion Warbreaker Q&A
    Arcanum - 2010-01-18#
  52. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 42#
  53. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 41#
  54. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 54#
  55. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 52#
  56. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-07-13#
  57. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-01-18#
  58. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-12-14#
  59. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-09-07#
  60. El aliento de los dioses epílogo#
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