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Fallecido Degollada por los rebeldes de Pahn Kahl durante su secuestro[1]
Capacidades Retornado, Sombra cognitiva
Títulos Encendedora la Hermosa, Encendedora la Sincera, Diosa de la Sinceridad y de las Relaciones Interpersonales[2]
Residencia T'Telir
Nacionalidad de Hallandren
Mundo natal Nalthis
Universo Cosmere

Soportaré la horrible carga de ser la más maravillosa de los dioses.

—Encendedora a Sondeluz[3]

Encendedora es un Retornado de Hallandren en Nalthis.

Apariencia y personalidad

Soy la diosa de la lujuria, por tu bien. Tengo que cumplir con mi función.

—Encendedora a Sondeluz[4]

Encendedora es considerada la personificación de la belleza. Tiene el pelo negro brillante, la piel pálida, unos ojos deslumbrantes, labios rojos y un cuerpo lujuriosamente curvilíneo. [5] Aunque Mercestrella es del tipo voluptuoso y Encendedora es del tipo esbelto, se considera que ambas poseen una belleza divina.[6] Como los Retornados parecen exactamente lo que creen que son, Encendedora se muestra tal y como ella percibe ser el máximo exponente de la belleza sincera.[7] Percibirse perfecta le ha granjeado una actitud superficial y narcisista. Ella expresa su disgusto por la apariencia de la gente corriente, bromea con que tener un mal sentido de la moda es peor que ser un asesino, y afirma en broma que el centro de atención debería ser siempre ella. [8]

Encendedora lleva poca ropa y aparece frecuentemente vistiendo provocadoras túnicas con sus colores, verde y plateado. Se la ve a menudo en poses seductoras. Su personalidad está centrada en la seducción, haciendo proposiciones sexuales a Sondeluz en varias ocasiones y hablando muchas veces sobre sus relaciones amorosas con compañeros Retornados y mortales, incluyendo sus propios sacerdotes. [5]

Como muchos Retornados, Encendedora vive una vida de lujos debido a la naturaleza de la Corte de los Dioses: un grupo de sirvientes le sigue allá donde va, atendiendo todos sus caprichos. Esto le ha hecho ser un poco perezosa y caprichosa. A pesar de ello, está decidida a mejorar el destino de Hallandren y se toma su papel como diosa lo suficientemente en serio como para dedicar un gran esfuerzo a controlar el ejército de Hallandren para preservar el reino.[5][9] En gran parte debido a la longitud de su mandato, se ha convertido en "una de las figuras más dinámicas de la corte".[10]

¡Dominan todos los pasos hacia los reinos del norte! ¡Todas las minas de cobre abiertas! ¡Tienen guarniciones militares capaces de atacar T'Telir! ¡Y siguen diciendo que los gobiernan los reyes legítimos de Hallandren!

—Encendedora a la Corte de los Dioses[11]

Encendedora incita directamente a Sondeluz a la acción.[11][6] Cuando él sugiere dejar que el universo siga su curso, ella le pide "combartirlo"[12], insinuando que ella no está tan perdida en el aburrimiento y la desidia como otros dioses. Es ingeniosa y también disfruta de los debates con él.[13] Sondeluz afirma que es poco probable que ella se relacionara con él si no tuviera un motivo oculto, ya que los quince años que lleva como Retornada la han hecho increíblemente sabia y diestra.[5]

Cuando Encendedora retorna, no está contenta con el título de "la Sincera". Valora ganarse una reputación de honor y justicia, pero decide que la imagen pública de diosa del amor y el romance le saldrá más natural y le ayudará a obtener mayor poder. Así es como ella se ve a sí misma ahora.[13]

Atributos y habilidades

Como Retornada, Encendedora tiene un Aliento Divino que le otorga los beneficios de pertenecer a la Quinta Elevación. Esto incluye:

  • Reconocimiento de aura - le permite conocer el número de alientos que posee una persona.
  • Tono perfecto
  • Perfecto reconocimiento del color - le permite determinar instantáneamente e instintivamente los tonos exactos de color y sus armonías tonales.
  • Perfecto sentido vital - le permite sentir gente a su alrededor.
  • No envejecimiento - le hace inmune a la mayoría de toxinas y males físicos, convirtiéndole funcionalmente en inmortal.

She is a skilled negotiator and politician, as demonstrated by her ability to convince other Returned to place her in control of half of the country's Lifeless military forces.[8]

Her presence on the Court of Gods as a Returned grants her a palace, at least 30 servants, a high priestess, and 6 lesser priests.[5]



Before Blushweaver's Return, she was a very well known and powerful merchant in Hallandren.[5][14] She was assassinated after exposing a group of dye merchants she worked with for their untrustworthy, deceptive, and criminal practices; this was the basis of her original name upon her Return.[14]

She Returned in order to attempt to stop the invaders she saw taking T'Telir after Bluefingers' revolt in her vision.[14] She was named Blushweaver the Honest by the Iridescent Tones, but in her first year as a Returned successfully campaigned to change it to Blushweaver the Beautiful.[13]

During the rebellion

By inviting that woman into our city, we may have initiated the end of Returned rule in Hallandren.

—Blushweaver to Lightsong[5]

When Blushweaver Returned, she was given a seat on the council of social ills, where she weekly participated in important votes.[8] She was one of the oldest living Returned during the events of the Pahn Kahl rebellion, having Returned about fifteen years previously.[5][11]

Blushweaver, aware of the subtleties of politics, was very active in trying to defend Hallandren and their way of life. To this end, she had spies in Idris, seeded the crowds at Court Assemblies with people outspoken in support of war,[11] and lobbied the gods who had been assigned military responsibilities and therefore held the Command phrases for the Lifeless armies. She promised to vote however Hopefinder - one of the four Returned who held Command phrases - wished, and in exchange he gave her the security phrase to his portion of the army.[8] Mercystar also agreed to give up her Lifeless troops thanks to Lightsong's unwitting help when he investigated the break-in at her palace.[8] Though Blushweaver had a very warm relationship with Lightsong himself, he refused to give her his Lifeless commands; she also failed to convince Allmother to part with her pass phrase.[4] Still, after spending her efforts on those four Returned she eventually held the Command phrases for half of the Lifeless army.[15]

Later, Blushweaver was kidnapped, taken down to the tunnel system below the court, and tortured by a group of priests to force her to give up her Lifeless Command phrase. The false priests, in truth Pahn Kahl rebels, later slit her throat to show Lightsong how willing to kill they were. This eventually won the rebellion control over the entire Lifeless Army, which they sent up to Idris.[1]

Blushweaver would be pleased with how the rebellion attempt ended, though it cost her her life.[14]


with Lightsong


I trust her as much as I trust any other Returned. But if war does come, then she’ll quickly become the second-most-powerful person in the kingdom.

—Lightsong to Allmother, discussing Blushweaver[15]

Blushweaver's most notable relationship as a Returned is with Lightsong. They enjoy each other's company and look forward to their verbal sparring, though they also care for each other more deeply. While Blushweaver would like to become involved romantically, Lightsong rejects her advances.[5] She tries to get Lightsong on her side regarding war with Idris, but he isn't able to bring himself to trust her completely and so withholds his and Allmother's Command phrases from Blushweaver.[15] The Pahn Kahl rebels kill her in the tunnels because they suspect Lightsong loves her and want to make an impression on him.[1]


Inhanna is Blushweaver's high priestess, the one who delivers her votes and argues in court on her behalf.[11][3]


  • Blushweaver is one of the first gods Brandon named, which served as the naming standard for other gods in the Court.[13]


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