Pahn Kahl

Revisión del 06:51 28 dic 2016 de Skaa (discusión | contribs.) (→‎Religion: reverted some unwise changes I made)

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Pahn Kahl
Etnia Pahn Kahl
Mundo Nalthis

But everyone knows the Pahn Kahl are practically Hallandren.

Lightsong on the Pahn Kahl[1]

Pahn Kahl is a small territory under the control of Hallandren on Nalthis.[2] The Pahn Kahl form a distinct but often overlooked group within the culturally dominant Hallandren, with a separate language and religion.[3] They were formerly an independent country, but were absorbed into Hallandren after their defeat in the Manywar.[4] Three centuries later, many of the Pahn Kahl still longed for independence.[5]


Pahn Kahl is located on the shores of the Bright Sea, an enclosed ocean within the continent.[6] Originally, only the Pahn Kahl inhabited the valley between two mountain ranges. The land has a perpetually warm climate, and is dominated by tropical jungles and sandy beaches. Delicious fruit grew plentifully, as well as the Tears of Edgli, a flower that can be used to create brilliant dyes. Gradually, other peoples came to the area and founded a second kingdom, gradually restricting Pahn Kahl's territory and autonomy. By the year 321,[7] all that remained of Pahn Kahl's territory is a small province in the south of Hallandren.[2]


Early History

The earliest Pahn Kahl people lived in the jungles and on the shores of the Bright Sea.[6] They were the first people in that region of Nalthis, and they controlled the land,[5] although they had little in the way of a centralized government.[6] Instead, they were a loosely organized group of fishing villages. With the explorations of the people of Chedesh, the Pahn Kahl's homeland became better known. When Vo was Returned, the first in the history of Nalthis, a second kingdom was founded in the valley by Vo's shipmates. They named the kingdom Hanald and crowned Vo's wife queen.

Manywar and Subjugation

Years later, Pahn Kahl's neighbor Hanald gave control of its Lifeless army to a powerful Awakener named Kalad, who was also Returned.[6] After a vision of a coming war, Kalad wrested control of the nation away from Vo's royal descendants and started a preemptive war against other nations. The Pahn Kahl generally hold that this war was the fault of Hanald's royal family, who they accuse of seeking new Awakening techniques and Lifeless without realizing these could be turned against them.

Pahn Kahl joined the coalition of countries named the Pahn Unity, a group of kingdoms united in their desire to defeat Hanald.[8] The Pahn Unity was defeated and the nation of Pahn Kahl was subjugated,[4] its people made into workers and slaves.[2]

Eventually Kalad, then known as Peacegiver, came to regret the bloodshedPlantilla:Annotation ref and ended the war[9]. The former royal family of Hanald seceded, forming a separate kingdom called Idris in the mountains, and the kingdom of Hanald, now ruled by the Returned, was renamed Hallandren. Pahn Kahl remained under the control of Hallandren, and over time the Pahn Kahl people became heavily associated with their conquerors, with few outside of Pahn Kahl understanding or caring about the difference between the two peoples.[3]

Failed Rebellions

For more information see Vahr, and the Pahn Kahl rebellion.

You're from Pahn Kahl, yet everyone always just assumes that your people are Hallandren. The Pahn Kahl people were here first, in this land, but it was taken from you. Now you're just another province, part of the kingdom of your conquerors.

— Siri to Bluefingers[5]

Despite their defeat, the Pahn Kahl were not content to remain subjugated. Approximately three hundred years after the defeat of the Pahn Unity, around the year 321,[7] a Pahn Kahl man named Vahr began to foment rebellion among the Pahn Kahl dye workers[10] and dissidents.[11] He convinced many of them to give him their Breath and began to assemble an army.[11] Little to Vahr's knowledge, a second group of Pahn Kahl, led by the God King Susebron's steward, Haverseth, were also independently plotting a rebellion.[5] Haverseth, also known as Bluefingers, felt that Vahr's rebellion was drawing too much attention to the Pahn Kahl people.[11] Bluefingers leaked information about Vahr into the Court of the Gods resulting in Vahr's capture and the end of his rebellion.Plantilla:Annotation ref

Bluefingers's own rebellion was far more subtle than Vahr's. As he did not have his own army,[5] he instead conspired to instigate a war between Hallandren and Idris, hoping that in the fighting Pahn Kahl could declare independence and break away.[12] Due to his high-level position as the God King's steward, Bluefingers was in the perfect position to manipulate events,Plantilla:Annotation ref and his actions were often overlooked or ignored because his race.Plantilla:Annotation ref

Bluefingers sneaked Pahn Kahl Awakeners into the Court through tunnelsPlantilla:Annotation ref to begin Breaking the Lifeless in Hallandren's armies.Plantilla:Annotation ref He later used these Lifeless, along with mercenaries and Pahn Kahl scribes disguised as priests to take control of the God King's palace and capture both the God King and his wife, Sisirinah.[2] He also gained control of the rest of Hallandren's forty thousand Lifeless soldiers by forcing the Returned gods Lightsong and Blushweaver to reveal their Commands.[13] These Lifeless were then Commanded to march on Idris to start a new war.

Bluefingers intended to kill both Blushweaver and Lightsong then plant their corpses surrounded by Idrian bodies, making it appear as if Idrian rebels had killed them in retaliation for deploying the Lifeless against Idris.[2] He also intended to kill both Siri and Susbron and make it appear as if the God King had his wife sacrificed on an altar and had been killed by vengeful Idrian assassins.[2][4]

However, Lightsong thwarted these plans by healing the God King's maimed tongue with his divine Breath, allowing Susebron to finally make use of his incredibly strong BioChroma to save Siri, and defeat the Pahn Kahl rebels.[4] Peacegiver, who had been attempting to prevent this conflict on his own in the guise of Vasher, gave Susebron control of his ancient army of Lifeless, Kalad's Phantoms.[12] Susebron used this army to defeat the Lifeless soldiers that were marching on Idris, preventing the war between the two kingdoms and quashing the Pahn Kahl rebellion.[10]


People and Language

The Pahn Kahl are racially different from the dominantly Hallandren population.[2] They have a different skin tone and facial features than the Hallandren. They are also shorter on average than the Hallandren as well. Pahn Kahl also have their own language.Plantilla:Annotation ref Its words are full of airy sounds.

Role in Hallandren Society

Within the kingdom of Hallandren, the Pahn Kahl were often ignoredPlantilla:Annotation ref, seen as second class citizens[14] typically less trustworthy than the Hallandren.[15] On the other hand, many not familiar with the Pahn Kahl may struggle to differentiate the Pahn Kahl from the other Hallandren; oftentimes they are not seen as their own distinct people.[1] This confusion is a great annoyance to them. The Pahn Kahl are often marginalized by the Hallandren, and are very frustrated with being ignored and subjugated by them.Plantilla:Annotation ref This is especially infuriating to them as the Pahn Kahl were the first people in the region, and have been conquered by relative newcomers.[5]

Many of the Pahn Kahl live a difficult life, working under harsh overseers in the dye fields.[14] Some have managed to work their way into high importance but low prestige jobs, such as stewards and servants for the priests and Returned in the Court of the Gods. This provides a far better life than working in the dye fields. This work is however unstable, anytime a new God King is chosen, all his workers lose their jobs.[14] In addition to this, Pahn Kahl servants have to work harder to gain jobs within the theocracy, and those jobs are often more difficult than the Hallandren servants.[14] They all required to wear brown robes[3][16] and are forbidden to speak to or touch the God King himself.[14] In fact they are not even permitted to be servants to the God King,[15] although they may be servants for his wife.[17] Pahn Kahl are also not permitted to serve as priests to the gods either.[3]

All these things have led to their rebellious spiritPlantilla:Annotation ref and their desire for revenge and freedom.[4] Consumed by their anger, as well as their desire for independence, the Pahn Kahl have lost much of their cultural identity.[18]


The Pahn Kahl religion has similarities with the Iridescent Tones, but is more conceptualist and does not include worship of the Returned.[18] Rather, it involves a kind of nature worship where the storms of the Bright Sea are revered as manifestations of the unity of their five gods.Plantilla:Annotation ref The Pahn Kahl believe that one of these five gods is the Voice that calls the Returned[18], which in reality is the Shard Endowment.[19]

In their theology, the Returned are those who lived just lives but died lacking in faith. They are forbidden entrance into heaven, but are not sent to hell. Instead, they are given a second chance to find the true faith in life by Returning.Plantilla:Annotation ref Many of the Pahn Kahl do not mind the Returned, and accept the God King as monarch.[3] They simply see the Returned as misguided. Since they do not see them as divinities, the only thing the Pahn Kahl find extraordinary about the Returned is the strength of their BioChroma.

Many outsiders consider the Pahn Kahl religion to be simplistic, especially in contrast with the elaborate doctrine of the Iridescent Tones.[1] In fact, many people in Hallandren and beyond have no understanding of the religion or are not even aware that the Pahn Kahl have their own separate religion at all.[3][1][20] Unfortunately, some aspects of the Pahn Kahl religion have been forgotten even by its followers, due in part to their single-minded desire for independence from Hallandren.[18]


Only one example of Pahn Kahl cuisine is currently known. The sweet pastries called tinkfans are considered to be a delicacy.[15] They are even eaten by the Returned in the Court of the Gods. Tinkfans are traditionally consumed in small bites, with a small piece of bread eaten between each bite as a palate cleanser.

Notable People

  • Vahr: A failed revolutionary who tried to lead the Pahn Kahl to freedom through force.[10]
  • Tonk Fah: A mercenary working for Denth.[21]
  • Haverseth: Also called Bluefingers, serves as steward to the God King while plotting his own rebellion.[3]


  • Brandon often adds an additional "h" to Pahn Kahl words in order to distinguish them and make them sound "airier".Plantilla:Annotation ref
  • One of Brandon's concerns is that he made the Pahn Kahl too forgettable to the reader as well, lessening the impact of their rebellion.Plantilla:Annotation ref
  • One of the things that would be explored further in Nightblood, the sequel to Warbreaker is the Pahn Kahl and their culture.[18]


  1. a b c d El aliento de los dioses capítulo 14#
  2. a b c d e f g El aliento de los dioses capítulo 55#
  3. a b c d e f g El aliento de los dioses capítulo 15#
  4. a b c d e El aliento de los dioses capítulo 57#
  5. a b c d e f El aliento de los dioses capítulo 54#
  6. a b c d El aliento de los dioses capítulo 32#
  7. a b Map of T'Telir
  8. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 26#
  9. El aliento de los dioses epílogo#
  10. a b c El aliento de los dioses prólogo#
  11. a b c El aliento de los dioses capítulo 1#
  12. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 58#
  13. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 53#
  14. a b c d e El aliento de los dioses capítulo 34#
  15. a b c El aliento de los dioses capítulo 36#
  16. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 24#
  17. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 48#
  18. a b c d e What do the Pahn Kahl believe in? All we seem to know is that they are similar to the Iridescent Tones. Any more info?
    Theoryland - 2010-01-18#
  19. The only thing I'll confirm (and I don't think I've said this before) is that The Voice is, indeed, one of the Shards of Adonalsium. (Endowment is that Shard's true name, by the way.)
    Theoryland - 2009-07#
  20. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 29#
  21. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 56#
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