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Diferencia entre revisiones de «Corte de los Dioses»

De La Coppermind
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[[en:Court of Gods]]
[[en:Court of Gods]]
Línea 19: Línea 19:
== Apariencia ==
== Apariencia ==
=== Palacio del rey-dios ===
En el centro de la Corte de los Dioses se encuentra el palacio del [[rey-dios]], un edificio con habitaciones de todas las tonalidades de rojo, verde y azul. Las habitaciones no cumplen ninguna función específica, ya que los sirvientes llevan lo que sea necesario a la habitación en la que se encuentran (por ejemplo una bañera, una mesa para comer o una cama).{{book ref|warbreaker|8}} Alrededor de esta estructura se alzan los palacios de los distintos Retornados, cada uno del color del Retornado que en él reside. En ellos viven también los sacerdotes y el personal que cuida de los Retornados, también vestidos del color de su Retornado.{{book ref|warbreaker|4}} Hay jardines en la Corte de los Dioses. Los [[Enclave Sinvida|barracones]] de los [[sinvida]]s están situados en la base de la Corte.{{book ref|wb|30}}
The palace of the [[Susebron|God King]] is located at the far side of the Court of Gods,{{book ref|wb|4}} directly opposite to the court’s gates. It is large, far larger then the other palaces{{book ref|wb|4}} and is pyramidal in shape. The Palace is made of large blocks,{{book ref|wb|21}} approximately 10 feet high.{{book ref|wb|21}} The first few levels are formed of square blocks, though the rest of the levels are steeper and closer to a traditional fortress.{{book ref|wb|55}} The palace has four floors,{{book ref|wb|57}} and the fourth floor has a stairway{{book ref|wb|58}} to the flat palace roof.{{book ref|wb|58}} The outer walls of the palace are adorned with decorations.{{book ref|wb|55}}
Because the God king represents all colors, the rooms where the God King stays are each coloured differently.{{book ref|wb|6}} The stone walls are still black however, so coloring is achieved by filling the room with silks and tiles of a specific color.{{book ref|wb|6}} The palace is divided into two area’s, the inner part, where the God king resides, in this area the rooms are all coloured,{{book ref|wb|24}}and the outer part, this is the servants area, inside this area the rooms are all black.{{book ref|wb|24}} Some rooms have windows to the outside.{{book ref|wb|8}} Most rooms in the palace don’t have a dedicated purpose, instead the servants bring in furniture when it is needed.{{book ref|wb|8}} Because of this most things in the palace are portable, like for example bathtubs.{{book ref|wb|8}}
El palacio de [[Sondeluz]] consiste en muchas habitaciones, siendo en su mayoría cuadradas con propósitos desconocidos, también hay una cámara de alimentación, donde Sondeluz se alimenta de los alientos de los niños. Otra habitación es larga y blanca, utilizada para colgar pinturas, para que el dios pueda valorarlas. También hay un porche con buenas vistas del patio de la corte.{{book ref|wb|7}}
An exception to this is the conception chamber, this room technically lies in the servants part of the palace, with a window to the outside, from which a person can see the sea.{{book ref|wb|12}} The room has a large imposing door, which is completely plated with gold.{{book ref|wb|6}} The hallway in front of the door has four lamps without coloured glass.{{book ref|wb|6}} There are lots of storage rooms in the palace.{{book ref|wb|8}} There is also a large library.{{book ref|wb|27}}{{book ref|wb|24}} The God Kings palace is attached to the tunnel complex beneath the Court.{{book ref|wb|57}}
== Política ==
Los asuntos políticos de Hallandren se tratan en la Asamblea de la Corte. Para entrar necesitas contar con el favor de uno de los dioses, ser extremadamente influyente (generalmente esto implica tener 50 alientos o la Primera Elevación) o ganar una lotería.{{book ref|wb|13}} Los sacerdotes no tienen permitido hablar de la política de la corte.{{book ref|warbreaker|5}}
There is always food available, so that when the [[God King]] asks for it, he doesn’t have to wait.{{book ref|wb|36}}
[[Dedos Azules]] es el jefe de los escribas y se encarga de mantener la Corte en funcionamiento. Supervisa a todos los criados de la Corte de los Dioses.{{book ref|warbreaker|6}}
The Palace was first created by the shipmates of Vo, as a residence for their Queen. Before the [[Manywar]] the fortress was stark,{{book ref|wb|51}} built with odd twists and turns to confuse an invading foe.{{book ref|wb|51}} After the Manywar, while the stonework remained the same, The open dining halls or garrison rooms were split into many, smaller rooms,{{book ref|wb|51}} colorfully decorated in the mode of the Hallandren upper class.
La Corte de los Dioses es un lugar extravagante en el que cualquier deseo o necesidad de sus habitantes [[Retornado]]s es satisfecho, desde comida lujosa hasta actuaciones exóticas. Los Retornados viven entre lujos hasta que deciden entregar su Aliento Divino a una persona con una necesidad que estiman digna de ello. Sin embargo, en el momento de la [[rebelión Pahn Kahl]] la mayoría de los Retornados están contentos con su vida de excesos y se muestran apáticos hacia los deseos y necesidades de la población general. Es por esto que la mayoría de su poder político reside en sus sacerdotes. Ningún Retornado se ha sacrificado en los últimos tres años, lo que ha llevado a cierto resentimiento entre los ciudadanos de Hallandren.{{book ref|wb|16}}
=== Returned palaces ===
Ni los dioses Retornados ni la reina tienen permitido abandonar la Corte de los Dioses.{{book ref|warbreaker|8}}
Additionally all the [[Returned]] have their own palace in the Court.{{book ref|wb|3}} These palaces are arranged in a ring. While the palaces are the same color as the Returned who inhabits it, they are painted with many different hues, only visible for someone of the third [[heightening]].{{book ref|wb|14}} The palaces have two stories, although the second story is little more then a roof, with no walls.{{book ref|wb|47}} The palaces contain dozens of rooms. These rooms are filled with the finest decorations imaginable.{{book ref|wb|3}} While the palaces do have hallways, these are for the servants.{{book ref|wb|3}} At the center of a palace is a small room, in this room the residing Returned feasts on the breath of a child.{{book ref|wb|3}}
La Corte de los Dioses controla un ejército de 40 000 soldados sinvida. Están divididos en cuatro grupos, siendo estos grupos de 10 000 controlados por [[Sondeluz]], [[Madretodos]], [[Mercestrella]] y [[Esperanzador]].{{book ref|warbreaker|16}}
Each red was different, like notes on a musical scale. The walls were of pure red. The roof tiles, side columns, and other ornamentations were of slightly different shades, each distinct and intentional. The columns, for instance, formed stepping fifths of color, harmonizing with the base tint of the walls.
|Vivenna describing a Returned palace
Another room is the offering room, this room is long and thin and is completely white,{{book ref|wb|3}} something very unusual in Hallandren. This room is used to show the offerings which were made to a Returned,{{book ref|wb|3}} these will in turn rate the paintings.{{book ref|wb|3}} Petitions are heard in the petition hall, this room is often open to the outside and contains a throne for the residing Returned.{{book ref|wb|12}} All the palaces are lit by torches and lanterns with the same colours as their gods.{{book ref|wb|47}} Most palaces are connected to the large tunnel complex beneath the Court.{{book ref|wb|52}}
== Historia ==
La Corte de los Dioses se formó al final de [[la Multiguerra]], hace unos 300 años, cuando los reales fueron enviados a las tierras altas.{{book ref|warbreaker|7}}
Due to Hallandren’s climate the palaces don’t have actual walls, and are separated by little more then cloth. The Returned do employ guards, however these aren’t meant to actually protect the palaces, and are unarmed.{{book ref|wb|21}} The guards instead prevent people from entering the palaces without a reason.{{book ref|wb|21}}
La Corte formó un tratado con [[Idris]] alrededor del año 307, por el que el rey [[Dedelin]] enviaría a su hija para que se casara con [[Susebron]], el rey-dios. Este tratado legitimaría todavía más el gobierno de la Corte en [[Hallandren]], ya que el futuro heredero tendría sangre real y presumiblemente también los Mechones Reales, algo que la gente de Hallandren deseaba.{{book ref|warbreaker|2}}
=== Arena ===
En el año 327, la Corte de los Dioses se vio desafiada por la [[rebelión Pahn Kahl]]. El pueblo de Hallandren estaba enfadado con los dioses, que se habían vuelto vagos y apáticos hacia las necesidades de la gente. Habían pasado tres años desde que ningún dios sacrificaba su Aliento Divino para curar a alguien.{{book ref|warbreaker|12}} Esta rebelión fue apoyada por [[Idris]] mediante su espía [[Lemex]] junto a varios señores de los suburbios.{{book ref|warbreaker|31}}
Just outside of the ring of palaces, at the back of the Court, is an arena.{{book ref|wb|14}} This arena has a circular shape and is very ornate, although not to large.{{book ref|wb|14}} The Arena lacks a roof and its floor is made out of sand.{{book ref|wb|14}} There are four rows of benches for the common people to sit on, while the gods enjoy clefts carved into the building.{{book ref|wb|14}} These boxes are located at the tops of the arena, so everyone have to look up at them, they also have holes in them for the canopy of a [[Returned|God]].{{book ref|wb|14}} The [[God King]] also has a box, and on top of this box is a golden throne.{{book ref|wb|15}} this box is located at the very top of the arena.{{book ref|wb|15}} The arena has a stone pathway running in a circle around it.{{book ref|wb|50}}
{{image|Warbreaker Chapter 4 by CarloswkArt.jpg|side=left|width=300px}}
La rebelión fue sofocada cuando [[Dedos Azules]] informó a la Corte de la ubicación de [[Vahr]], tras lo cual fue capturado y torturado en una de sus mazmorras. Se le mantuvo con vida ya que la Corte deseaba sus alientos.{{book ref|warbreaker|prologue}} Su captura y eventual muerte a manos de [[Vasher]] fue el final de la rebelión.
The arena is a source of entertainment for the [[Returned]], but the priests debate here as well, informing the Returned about the current political situation.{{book ref|wb|15}} A lot of the larger events are held here.{{book ref|wb|14}} It also allows the common people to see the Returned.{{book ref|wb|14}} The floor of the arena can be furnished as needed, in the case of a debate for example a number of pedestals would be put down.{{book ref|wb|15}}
Mientras esto ocurría, Dedelin decidió enviar a su hija menor, [[Siri]], en vez de a su hija mayor [[Vivenna]], a casarse con el rey-dios, ya que el tratado no había estipulado cuál de sus hijas se casaría con [[Susebron]]. Esto fue recibido con disgusto por la Corte, lo que aumentó la discusión de una posible guerra.{{book ref|warbreaker|1}}
The Court’s arena is often used as a location for athletic individuals to engage in contests of physical prowess.{{book ref|wb|27}} Some arena competitions mentioned are shot put, javelin toss, archery, leaping contests, and races.{{book ref|wb|27}} The Returned often watch these events.{{book ref|wb|27}}
Si Idris no hubiera enviado a nadie, habría estallado una guerra abierta.{{book ref|warbreaker|6}} El principal argumento en contra de la guerra era que las tierras de los idrianos eran frías y no tenían nada de interés. Por contra, el principal argumento a favor era que poseer esas tierras protegería las rutas comerciales, ya que si estas rutas se perdieran se desataría el colapso económico en [[T'Telir]].{{book ref|warbreaker|5}}
Common people can enter the arena through a couple of different ways. They can simply buy their way in, or possess enough breath to be let in without issue.{{book ref|wb|14}} They can also win a lottery and be allowed into the Court.{{book ref|wb|27}}
La llegada de Siri dio comienzo a la Celebración de la Boda en la Corte, un evento de una semana de duración. Esta era la primera vez en treinta años que Hallandren tenía una reina.{{book ref|warbreaker|8}}
=== Gardens and Walls ===
Un [[alcanzador]] en [[Celebrant]] trata de vender un cuadro de la Corte de los Dioses a [[Kaladin]] por trescientos [[broam]]s de [[luz tormentosa]]. Pintado por [[Nenefra]], el cuadro parece representar nueve sombras a ojos de Kaladin, con una figura arrodillada en el centro (los [[Deshechos]] y el campeón de [[Odium]]). El cuadro es pequeño y está pintado con gruesos trazos de óleo. Sus colores son rojo y negro y parece un poco chapucero, como si se hubiera pintado sin cuidado con un cuchillo.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
The Court is essentially a giant lawn.{{book ref|wb|14}} There are no true gardens in the Court, however the Returned may summon gardeners, these then bring out many different types of plants, going so far as to create temporary flower beds.{{book ref|wb|23}}
The Court of Gods has a wall running around it,{{book ref|wb|4}} although just behind the gate there is a second wall to stop people from looking into the Court.{{book ref|wb|4}} This second wall doesn’t fully run around the Court.{{book ref|wb|4}} The walls are hung by large tapestries,{{book ref|wb|47}} these tapestries are replaced often enough to not have a single scratch.{{book ref|wb|47}}
== Miembros ==
La Corte aloja a unas dos docenas de dioses, incluyendo al rey-dios.{{book ref|warbreaker|3}} La Asamblea de la Corte tiene espacio para unos cincuenta dioses.{{book ref|warbreaker|14}}
These walls are protected by human soldiers.{{book ref|wb|55}}
Common people can enter the Court through a couple of different ways. They can simply buy their way in, or possess enough breath to be let in without issue.{{book ref|wb|14}} They can also win a lottery and be allowed into the Court.{{book ref|wb|27}}
Near the gates are a number of shelters where people can stay for the night.{{book ref|wb|21}}
=== Lifeless Enclave ===
The [[lifeless]] barracks are located at the bottom of the Court.{{book ref|wb|47}} The building is gigantic{{book ref|wb|47}} and has a covered walkway leading to it.{{book ref|wb|47}} There are multiple guard posts on the walkway from the Court to the Enclave.{{book ref|wb|47}} This walkway also contains several twisting passages, designed to confuse and disorganise enemies trying to strike at the lifeless.{{book ref|wb|47}} The lifeless are kept in the dark.{{book ref|wb|47}}
The compound is made up of four warehouse like storage areas for the different groups of [[lifeless]]{{book ref|wb|47}} There is also a track for them to run around{{book ref|wb|47}} and a room with various stones and blocks of metal for them to lift.{{book ref|wb|47}} There is also a medical area where their [[ichor-alcohol is tested and refreshed.{{book ref|wb|47}} There is also a viewing platform, allowing a person to get a good overview of the lifeless.{{book ref|wb|47}} The barracks are connected to the large tunnel complex underneath the Court.{{book ref|wb|52}}
== Functions ==
=== Politics ===
The Court of Gods is the political heart of Hallandren. The [[Returned]], who make the decisions, reside here. The Returned aren’t allowed to leave the Court however, so the priests convey the will of the common people through debates in the large arena.{{book ref|wb|16}}
As part of the government, each Returned is assigned specific administrative duties, such as maintaining the city sewers or commanding part of the army.{{book ref|wb|47}} The God King can nominally make any decision he pleases, but in reality much of the day-to-day government decisions are made by the priests of the various gods.
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The Court Assembly is a standing commission of the Court of Gods that provides decisions to Hallandren's citizens.{{book ref|wb|8}} It meets daily to make small judgments. The Assembly is made up primarily of priests and priestesses. The Returned do not sit on the Assembly, but many of them regularly attend the weekly meetings to watch.{{book ref|wb|8}} During Assembly meetings, arguments are brought forth regarding various topics. The Assembly's discussions are often full of rhetoric and politically savvy Returned try to influence the direction of the Assembly.{{book ref|wb|16}}
The regular Court Assembly is not empowered to make major decisions such as a declaration of war; instead, all of the Returned must attend a gathering known as a "main" or "general" assembly so they can all cast a vote.{{book ref|wb|34}}
[[Bluefingers]] is the head scribe and keeps the Court running.{{book ref|wb|6}}
=== Religious ===
The Court of Gods exists to protect and nurture the [[Returned]]. The [[Hallandren]] believe that the Returned come back to help the people, and therefore keep them alive.{{book ref|wb|12}}
The Returned have at least somewhat prophetic dreams,{{book ref|wb|3}} and this is one of the reasons the Returned are so valuable, Hallandren priests write them down each morning.{{book ref|wb|3}} Another reason is because of their goal, all Returned come back to achieve something.{{book ref|wb|12}} The petitions are used to help gods remember what they returned for, although some gods do actually help the people.{{book ref|wb|42}}
The Hallandren send offerings to one of the gods when they need something, an attribute like courage or boldness.{{book ref|wb|3}} These offerings are often paintings or other works of art.{{book ref|wb|3}} It is the work of the priests to record what the gods say and think of these paintings.{{book ref|wb|3}} Furthermore, the priests need to arrange breaths so that their gods can continue to live and bless humanity.{{book ref|wb|3}}
== Staff ==
=== Priesthood ===
The Court is the religious center of Hallandren, therefore it has a large amount of priests, while these priests have religious responsibilities they also rule the empire in the name of their [[Susebron|King]]. Priests wear intricate robes{{book ref|wb|3}} and some priests, likely the more important ones, wear miters.{{book ref|wb|3}} It seems the more important one is the more intricate ones robe and miter become. The robes of the priests are the colors of their god,{{book ref|wb|3}} with the God King’s priests wearing different colours everyday{{book ref|wb|24}}
The main job of the priests is to care for the [[Returned]].{{book ref|wb|3}} This includes making sure that the Returned have enough food and drinks to enjoy, dressing then etc. The more important priests have jobs like writing down the dreams of a Returned or writing down their review.{{book ref|wb|3}} Each high priest also argues in the arena in order to keep the gods informed of the common people’s opinions.{{book ref|wb|16}}
There seems to be a clear ranking system in the Priesthood, at the top is the High priest of the [[God King]]{{book ref|wb|4}} below him or her are probably the high priests of the Returned.
Priests aren’t paid for their services.{{book ref|wb|49}}
=== Servants ===
There are two kinds of servants in the Court of Gods.{{book ref|wb|6}}
The first type are the [[Hallandren]] servants.{{book ref|wb|4}} The [[God King]]’s servants are all Hallandren,{{book ref|wb|4}} these servants are dressed in different colors each day,{{book ref|wb|24}} likely because the God King represents all colors. Servants are responsible for many things, from opening doors to delivering food and washing the God King and Queen.{{book ref|wb|6}} It seems the [[Returned]] also employ Hallandren servants, these servants dress in the colours of their god and seem to have much of the same jobs.{{book ref|wb|3}} The servants duty is to be as efficient as possible without being distracting,{{book ref|wb|6}} therefore they rarely speak while working.
The second type are the Pahn Kahl servants.{{book ref|wb|6}} These servants are considered second class by most. They aren’t allowed to serve the god king, and most of them have worse jobs then the [[Hallandren]]. The Pahn Kahl servants have to wear brown.{{book ref|wb|6}}
[[Havarseth]] manages all servants in the Court.{{book ref|wb|6}}
=== Soldiers and Awakeners ===
Both of the walls are patrolled by soldiers.{{book ref|wb|55}} The Returned palaces are also guarded by soldiers,{{book ref|wb|29}} though these do not have weapons.{{book ref|wb|21}}
The priests have access to many [[lifeless]]{{book ref|wb|47}}{{book ref|wb|3}}
Some of the priests are [[awakening|awakeners]] and there are some very skilled awakeners among them.{{book ref|wb|15}}
== History ==
=== The God Kings ===
After Peacegiver stopped the war he gave his [[Breath|Breaths]] to a priest in T’Telir,{{book ref|wb|58}} this priest would go on and become the first God king. With the Royals driven out, the [[Cult of the Returned]] took over and the Court of Gods was formed.{{book ref|wb|7}}
Four more children would become God kings, all of them would be called Susebron. Susebron the third died giving away his breath to save the children in a raided village{{book ref|wb|27}} while Susebron the fourth died to heal a plague of Distrentia.{{book ref|wb|27}} Eventually [[Susebron]] the fifth returned and became king.
=== Treaty with Idris ===
The Court of Gods formed a treaty with [[Idris]] in approximately the year 307, in which was written that King [[Dedelin]] of [[Idris]] would send his daughter to be married to [[Susebron]] the fifth, the God King of [[Hallandren]]. This treaty would further legitimize the Court’s claim to rule in [[Hallandren]], as an heir would have the royal blood and presumably Royal Locks (something the people of Hallandren desired).{{book ref|wb|2}}
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=== Rebellion ===
In the year 327, the Court of Gods was challenged by the [[Pahn Kahl]] rebellion. The people of Hallandren were mad at the Gods, who had become complacent and apathetic towards the needs of the people. It had been 3 years since a God had sacrificed their Divine Breath to heal someone.{{book ref|wb|12}} This rebellion was supported by [[Idris]] via their spy [[Lemex]], along with several slumlords.{{book ref|wb|31}}
The rebellion was quelled when [[Bluefingers]] informed the court of [[Vahr]]'s location, after which he was captured and tortured in one of their dungeons. He was kept alive as the court desired his breath.{{book ref|wb|prologue}} His capture and eventual death at the hands of [[Vasher]] effectively ended the rebellion.
=== A new Queen ===
Around this time, Dedelin decided to send his youngest daughter, [[Siri]], instead of his oldest daughter [[Vivenna]], as the treaty had not stipulated which daughter would be married to [[Susebron]]. This agitated the court, spurring more talk of war.{{book ref|wb|1}}
Had Idris sent nobody, it would have meant all out war.{{book ref|wb|6}} The argument against the war was the lands held by the Idrians was undesirable and cold. The main argument for the war was to claim and protect the trade routes, as being cut off from them would lead to full economic collapse in [[T'Telir]].{{book ref|warbreaker|5}}
Siri's arrival started the Wedding Jubilation within the court, which was a weeklong celebration. This marked the first time they'd had a queen in thirty years.{{book ref|wb|8}}
== Members ==
The court holds around two dozen gods, including the God King.{{book ref|warbreaker|3}} The Court Assembly has room for around fifty gods.{{book ref|warbreaker|14}}
{| class='infobox sortable' align=center
{| class='infobox sortable' align=center
|- class=title
|- class=title
! Dios !! Atributo !! Responsabilidades !! Colores
!God !! Focus !! Responsibilities !! Colors
| [[Madretodos]]
| [[Allmother]]
| Matrons and Families
| Matronas y familias
| Held one fourth of the Lifeless Army
| Se encarga de un cuarto del ejército sinvida
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| [[Tonoazul]]
| [[Brightvision]]
| Truth
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| Copper & Aqua
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| [[Brillavisión]]
| [[Blushweaver]]
| Honesty and (self-proclaimed)Beauty
| Verdad
| Council of social ills
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| Green and Silver
| Cobre y aguamarina
| [[Encendedora]]
| [[Giftbeacon]]
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| Sinceridad y (autoproclamada) belleza
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| Consejo de Males Sociales
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| Verde y plateado
| [[Donseñalado]]
| [[Hopefinder]]
| Matrons and Families
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| Held one fourth of the Lifeless Army
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| Violet and Silver
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| [[Esperanzador]]
| [[Kindwinds]]
| Honesty
| Inocencia y belleza
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| Se encarga de un cuarto del ejército sinvida
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| Violeta y plateado
| [[Alasamables]]
| [[Lifeblesser]]
| Healing
| Honestidad
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| Blue and Silver
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| [[Bendicevidas]]
| [[Lightsong]]
| Bravery
| Curaciones
| Held one fourth of the Lifeless Army
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| Red and Gold
| Azul y plateado
| [[Sondeluz]]
| [[Mercystar]]
| Kindness and Benevolence
| Valentía
| Held one fourth of the Lifeless Army
| Se encarga de un cuarto del ejército sinvida
| Rojo y dorado
| Orange and Gold
| [[Mercestrella]]
| [[Mirthgiver]]
| Laughter
| Amabilidad y benevolencia
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| Se encarga de un cuarto del ejército sinvida
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| Naranja y dorado
| [[Da alegrías]]
| [[Peaceyearning]]
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| Risa
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| [[Ansiadepaz]]
| [[Stillmark]]
| Nobility
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| Blue and Gold
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| [[Marcaquieta]]
| Nobleza
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| Azul y dorado
| [[Susebron]]
| [[Susebron]]
| God King
| Rey-dios
| Rey
| King
| All Colors
| Todos los colores
| [[Llamadaverdadera]]
| [[Truthcall]]
| Nature
| Naturaleza
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| Maroon and Silver
| Granate y plateado
| [[Amaclima]]
| [[Weatherlove]]
| Storms
| Tormentas
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| Verde y dorado
| Green and Gold
Various past members of the Court of Gods are known.
También se conocen algunos antiguos miembros de la Corte de los Dioses.
{| class='infobox sortable' align=center
{| class='infobox sortable' align=center
|- class=title
|- class=title
!Dios !! Atributo !! Responsabilidades !! Colores
!God !! Focus !! Responsibilities !! Colors
| [[Calmavidente]]
| [[Calmseer]]
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| [[Brighthue]]
| [[Shashara|Cantaglorias{{ref|group=NdT|text="El nombre original en inglés es «Glorysinger» y apareció únicamente en las anotaciones, de modo que esta traducción no es oficial."}}]]
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| <small>(desconocido)</small>
| <small>(unknown)</small>
| [[Susebron IV]]
| [[Susebron the Fourth]]
| God King
| Rey-dios
| Rey
| King
| All Colors
| Todos los colores
| Susebron The Third
| God King
| King
| All Colors
== Notas del traductor ==
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Corte de los Dioses
First Glimpse of the God King by Howard Lyon.jpg
Uso Gobierno, Palacio
Ciudad T'Telir
Nación Hallandren
Mundo Nalthis
Universo Cosmere

¡Dominan todos los pasos hacia los reinos del norte! ¡Todas las minas de cobre abiertas! ¡Tienen guarniciones militares capaces de atacar T’Telir! ¡Y siguen diciendo que los gobiernan los reyes legítimos de Hallandren!

—Sacerdotisa de Encendedora a la Corte de los Dioses.[1]

La Corte de los Dioses es el hogar y parlamento de los Retornados en Hallandren.[2] Pese a que los Retornados son los gobernantes de la nación, están confinados tras los muros de este complejo en T'Telir, capital de Hallandren.


Palacio del rey-dios

The palace of the God King is located at the far side of the Court of Gods,[3] directly opposite to the court’s gates. It is large, far larger then the other palaces[3] and is pyramidal in shape. The Palace is made of large blocks,[4] approximately 10 feet high.[4] The first few levels are formed of square blocks, though the rest of the levels are steeper and closer to a traditional fortress.[5] The palace has four floors,[6] and the fourth floor has a stairway[7] to the flat palace roof.[7] The outer walls of the palace are adorned with decorations.[5]

Because the God king represents all colors, the rooms where the God King stays are each coloured differently.[8] The stone walls are still black however, so coloring is achieved by filling the room with silks and tiles of a specific color.[8] The palace is divided into two area’s, the inner part, where the God king resides, in this area the rooms are all coloured,[9]and the outer part, this is the servants area, inside this area the rooms are all black.[9] Some rooms have windows to the outside.[10] Most rooms in the palace don’t have a dedicated purpose, instead the servants bring in furniture when it is needed.[10] Because of this most things in the palace are portable, like for example bathtubs.[10]

An exception to this is the conception chamber, this room technically lies in the servants part of the palace, with a window to the outside, from which a person can see the sea.[11] The room has a large imposing door, which is completely plated with gold.[8] The hallway in front of the door has four lamps without coloured glass.[8] There are lots of storage rooms in the palace.[10] There is also a large library.[12][9] The God Kings palace is attached to the tunnel complex beneath the Court.[6]

There is always food available, so that when the God King asks for it, he doesn’t have to wait.[13]

The Palace was first created by the shipmates of Vo, as a residence for their Queen. Before the Manywar the fortress was stark,[14] built with odd twists and turns to confuse an invading foe.[14] After the Manywar, while the stonework remained the same, The open dining halls or garrison rooms were split into many, smaller rooms,[14] colorfully decorated in the mode of the Hallandren upper class.

Returned palaces

Additionally all the Returned have their own palace in the Court.[2] These palaces are arranged in a ring. While the palaces are the same color as the Returned who inhabits it, they are painted with many different hues, only visible for someone of the third heightening.[15] The palaces have two stories, although the second story is little more then a roof, with no walls.[16] The palaces contain dozens of rooms. These rooms are filled with the finest decorations imaginable.[2] While the palaces do have hallways, these are for the servants.[2] At the center of a palace is a small room, in this room the residing Returned feasts on the breath of a child.[2]

Each red was different, like notes on a musical scale. The walls were of pure red. The roof tiles, side columns, and other ornamentations were of slightly different shades, each distinct and intentional. The columns, for instance, formed stepping fifths of color, harmonizing with the base tint of the walls.

—Vivenna describing a Returned palace

Another room is the offering room, this room is long and thin and is completely white,[2] something very unusual in Hallandren. This room is used to show the offerings which were made to a Returned,[2] these will in turn rate the paintings.[2] Petitions are heard in the petition hall, this room is often open to the outside and contains a throne for the residing Returned.[11] All the palaces are lit by torches and lanterns with the same colours as their gods.[16] Most palaces are connected to the large tunnel complex beneath the Court.[17]

Due to Hallandren’s climate the palaces don’t have actual walls, and are separated by little more then cloth. The Returned do employ guards, however these aren’t meant to actually protect the palaces, and are unarmed.[4] The guards instead prevent people from entering the palaces without a reason.[4]


Just outside of the ring of palaces, at the back of the Court, is an arena.[15] This arena has a circular shape and is very ornate, although not to large.[15] The Arena lacks a roof and its floor is made out of sand.[15] There are four rows of benches for the common people to sit on, while the gods enjoy clefts carved into the building.[15] These boxes are located at the tops of the arena, so everyone have to look up at them, they also have holes in them for the canopy of a God.[15] The God King also has a box, and on top of this box is a golden throne.[18] this box is located at the very top of the arena.[18] The arena has a stone pathway running in a circle around it.[19]

The arena is a source of entertainment for the Returned, but the priests debate here as well, informing the Returned about the current political situation.[18] A lot of the larger events are held here.[15] It also allows the common people to see the Returned.[15] The floor of the arena can be furnished as needed, in the case of a debate for example a number of pedestals would be put down.[18]

The Court’s arena is often used as a location for athletic individuals to engage in contests of physical prowess.[12] Some arena competitions mentioned are shot put, javelin toss, archery, leaping contests, and races.[12] The Returned often watch these events.[12]

Common people can enter the arena through a couple of different ways. They can simply buy their way in, or possess enough breath to be let in without issue.[15] They can also win a lottery and be allowed into the Court.[12]

Gardens and Walls

The Court is essentially a giant lawn.[15] There are no true gardens in the Court, however the Returned may summon gardeners, these then bring out many different types of plants, going so far as to create temporary flower beds.[20]

The Court of Gods has a wall running around it,[3] although just behind the gate there is a second wall to stop people from looking into the Court.[3] This second wall doesn’t fully run around the Court.[3] The walls are hung by large tapestries,[16] these tapestries are replaced often enough to not have a single scratch.[16]

These walls are protected by human soldiers.[5]

Common people can enter the Court through a couple of different ways. They can simply buy their way in, or possess enough breath to be let in without issue.[15] They can also win a lottery and be allowed into the Court.[12]

Near the gates are a number of shelters where people can stay for the night.[4]

Lifeless Enclave

The lifeless barracks are located at the bottom of the Court.[16] The building is gigantic[16] and has a covered walkway leading to it.[16] There are multiple guard posts on the walkway from the Court to the Enclave.[16] This walkway also contains several twisting passages, designed to confuse and disorganise enemies trying to strike at the lifeless.[16] The lifeless are kept in the dark.[16]

The compound is made up of four warehouse like storage areas for the different groups of lifeless[16] There is also a track for them to run around[16] and a room with various stones and blocks of metal for them to lift.[16] There is also a medical area where their [[ichor-alcohol is tested and refreshed.[16] There is also a viewing platform, allowing a person to get a good overview of the lifeless.[16] The barracks are connected to the large tunnel complex underneath the Court.[17]



The Court of Gods is the political heart of Hallandren. The Returned, who make the decisions, reside here. The Returned aren’t allowed to leave the Court however, so the priests convey the will of the common people through debates in the large arena.[1]

As part of the government, each Returned is assigned specific administrative duties, such as maintaining the city sewers or commanding part of the army.[16] The God King can nominally make any decision he pleases, but in reality much of the day-to-day government decisions are made by the priests of the various gods.

The Court Assembly is a standing commission of the Court of Gods that provides decisions to Hallandren's citizens.[10] It meets daily to make small judgments. The Assembly is made up primarily of priests and priestesses. The Returned do not sit on the Assembly, but many of them regularly attend the weekly meetings to watch.[10] During Assembly meetings, arguments are brought forth regarding various topics. The Assembly's discussions are often full of rhetoric and politically savvy Returned try to influence the direction of the Assembly.[1]

The regular Court Assembly is not empowered to make major decisions such as a declaration of war; instead, all of the Returned must attend a gathering known as a "main" or "general" assembly so they can all cast a vote.[21]

Bluefingers is the head scribe and keeps the Court running.[8]


The Court of Gods exists to protect and nurture the Returned. The Hallandren believe that the Returned come back to help the people, and therefore keep them alive.[11]

The Returned have at least somewhat prophetic dreams,[2] and this is one of the reasons the Returned are so valuable, Hallandren priests write them down each morning.[2] Another reason is because of their goal, all Returned come back to achieve something.[11] The petitions are used to help gods remember what they returned for, although some gods do actually help the people.[22]

The Hallandren send offerings to one of the gods when they need something, an attribute like courage or boldness.[2] These offerings are often paintings or other works of art.[2] It is the work of the priests to record what the gods say and think of these paintings.[2] Furthermore, the priests need to arrange breaths so that their gods can continue to live and bless humanity.[2]



The Court is the religious center of Hallandren, therefore it has a large amount of priests, while these priests have religious responsibilities they also rule the empire in the name of their King. Priests wear intricate robes[2] and some priests, likely the more important ones, wear miters.[2] It seems the more important one is the more intricate ones robe and miter become. The robes of the priests are the colors of their god,[2] with the God King’s priests wearing different colours everyday[9]

The main job of the priests is to care for the Returned.[2] This includes making sure that the Returned have enough food and drinks to enjoy, dressing then etc. The more important priests have jobs like writing down the dreams of a Returned or writing down their review.[2] Each high priest also argues in the arena in order to keep the gods informed of the common people’s opinions.[1]

There seems to be a clear ranking system in the Priesthood, at the top is the High priest of the God King[3] below him or her are probably the high priests of the Returned.

Priests aren’t paid for their services.[23]


There are two kinds of servants in the Court of Gods.[8]

The first type are the Hallandren servants.[3] The God King’s servants are all Hallandren,[3] these servants are dressed in different colors each day,[9] likely because the God King represents all colors. Servants are responsible for many things, from opening doors to delivering food and washing the God King and Queen.[8] It seems the Returned also employ Hallandren servants, these servants dress in the colours of their god and seem to have much of the same jobs.[2] The servants duty is to be as efficient as possible without being distracting,[8] therefore they rarely speak while working.

The second type are the Pahn Kahl servants.[8] These servants are considered second class by most. They aren’t allowed to serve the god king, and most of them have worse jobs then the Hallandren. The Pahn Kahl servants have to wear brown.[8]

Havarseth manages all servants in the Court.[8]

Soldiers and Awakeners

Both of the walls are patrolled by soldiers.[5] The Returned palaces are also guarded by soldiers,[24] though these do not have weapons.[4]

The priests have access to many lifeless[16][2]

Some of the priests are awakeners and there are some very skilled awakeners among them.[18]


The God Kings

After Peacegiver stopped the war he gave his Breaths to a priest in T’Telir,[7] this priest would go on and become the first God king. With the Royals driven out, the Cult of the Returned took over and the Court of Gods was formed.[25]

Four more children would become God kings, all of them would be called Susebron. Susebron the third died giving away his breath to save the children in a raided village[12] while Susebron the fourth died to heal a plague of Distrentia.[12] Eventually Susebron the fifth returned and became king.

Treaty with Idris

The Court of Gods formed a treaty with Idris in approximately the year 307, in which was written that King Dedelin of Idris would send his daughter to be married to Susebron the fifth, the God King of Hallandren. This treaty would further legitimize the Court’s claim to rule in Hallandren, as an heir would have the royal blood and presumably Royal Locks (something the people of Hallandren desired).[26]


In the year 327, the Court of Gods was challenged by the Pahn Kahl rebellion. The people of Hallandren were mad at the Gods, who had become complacent and apathetic towards the needs of the people. It had been 3 years since a God had sacrificed their Divine Breath to heal someone.[11] This rebellion was supported by Idris via their spy Lemex, along with several slumlords.[27]

The rebellion was quelled when Bluefingers informed the court of Vahr's location, after which he was captured and tortured in one of their dungeons. He was kept alive as the court desired his breath.[28] His capture and eventual death at the hands of Vasher effectively ended the rebellion.

A new Queen

Around this time, Dedelin decided to send his youngest daughter, Siri, instead of his oldest daughter Vivenna, as the treaty had not stipulated which daughter would be married to Susebron. This agitated the court, spurring more talk of war.[29]

Had Idris sent nobody, it would have meant all out war.[8] The argument against the war was the lands held by the Idrians was undesirable and cold. The main argument for the war was to claim and protect the trade routes, as being cut off from them would lead to full economic collapse in T'Telir.[30]

Siri's arrival started the Wedding Jubilation within the court, which was a weeklong celebration. This marked the first time they'd had a queen in thirty years.[10]


The court holds around two dozen gods, including the God King.[2] The Court Assembly has room for around fifty gods.[15]

God Focus Responsibilities Colors
Allmother Matrons and Families Held one fourth of the Lifeless Army (unknown)
Brightvision Truth Copper & Aqua
Blushweaver Honesty and (self-proclaimed)Beauty Council of social ills Green and Silver
Giftbeacon (unknown) (unknown) (unknown)
Hopefinder Matrons and Families Held one fourth of the Lifeless Army Violet and Silver
Kindwinds Honesty (unknown) (unknown)
Lifeblesser Healing (unknown) Blue and Silver
Lightsong Bravery Held one fourth of the Lifeless Army Red and Gold
Mercystar Kindness and Benevolence Held one fourth of the Lifeless Army Orange and Gold
Mirthgiver Laughter (unknown) (unknown)
Peaceyearning (unknown) (unknown) (unknown)
Stillmark Nobility (unknown) Blue and Gold
Susebron God King King All Colors
Truthcall Nature (unknown) Maroon and Silver
Weatherlove Storms (unknown) Green and Gold

Various past members of the Court of Gods are known.

God Focus Responsibilities Colors
Calmseer (unknown) (unknown) (unknown)
Brighthue (unknown) (unknown) (unknown)
Susebron the Fourth God King King All Colors
Susebron The Third God King King All Colors


  1. a b c d El aliento de los dioses capítulo 16#
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v El aliento de los dioses capítulo 3#
  3. a b c d e f g h El aliento de los dioses capítulo 4#
  4. a b c d e f El aliento de los dioses capítulo 21#
  5. a b c d El aliento de los dioses capítulo 55#
  6. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 57#
  7. a b c El aliento de los dioses capítulo 58#
  8. a b c d e f g h i j k l El aliento de los dioses capítulo 6#
  9. a b c d e El aliento de los dioses capítulo 24#
  10. a b c d e f g El aliento de los dioses capítulo 8#
  11. a b c d e El aliento de los dioses capítulo 12#
  12. a b c d e f g h El aliento de los dioses capítulo 27#
  13. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 36#
  14. a b c El aliento de los dioses capítulo 51#
  15. a b c d e f g h i j k l El aliento de los dioses capítulo 14#
  16. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q El aliento de los dioses capítulo 47#
  17. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 52#
  18. a b c d e El aliento de los dioses capítulo 15#
  19. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 50#
  20. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 23#
  21. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 34#
  22. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 42#
  23. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 49#
  24. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 29#
  25. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 7#
  26. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 2#
  27. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 31#
  28. El aliento de los dioses prólogo#
  29. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 1#
  30. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 5#
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