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Cónyuge Susebron
Padres Dedelin, Mother
Hermanos Vivenna, Ridger, Fafen
Títulos Princess of Idris, Queen of Hallandren
Apodos Siri
Nacionalidad de Idris
Mundo natal Nalthis

Sisirinah or Siri is a princess of Idris and the queen of Hallandren on Nalthis.

She is the daughter of king Dedelin of Idris, and the wife of Susebron.

She is sent to Hallandren to be married to the God King Susebron in place of her sister Vivenna. She fools the priests into believing that she is consummating the marriage, before discovering that the God King has no tongue, and agrees to teach him how to write whenever she is sent to his bedchamber at night. She is mistrustful of Treledees due to Bluefingers' manipulation of her. She has several meetings with the Returned Lightsong, during one of which she learns the history of T'Telir in order to determine what had killed the previous God Kings. She and Susebron fall in love during this time. She confronts Treledees in an attempt to manipulate him, revealing what she knows about Susebron's tongue. During the Pahn Kahl rebellion, she deduces Bluefingers' plan, causing him to flee, before she is captured along with her husband. Bluefingers plans to murder her and frame the Hallandren by making her death look like a sacrifice, but she is saved by Susebron before Bluefingers can kill her. Along with Vivenna and Vasher, she and her husband manage to thwart the rebellion.

Prior to being sent to Hallandren to marry the God King, she considers herself unimportant and largely ignores her tutors, choosing to forgo the typical Idrian drabness to enjoy colours and share colourful objects such as flowers with children in the capital. She is often punished for misbehaviour by being sent to work with Mab in the kitchens, but enjoys spending time there, unbeknownst to king Dedelin.[1]


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