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Diferencia entre revisiones de «Lumar»

De La Coppermind
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=== Lluvias ===
=== Lluvias ===
|Sí, las esporas son peligrosas: crean pinchos rojos, puntiagudos como agujas. Pero la verdadera amenaza es la lluvia.
|Yes, the spores are dangerous—they create red spines, sharp as a needle. But the real danger is the rain.
|[[Crow]]{{book ref|tress|35}}
|[[Cuervo]]{{book ref|tress|35}}
Aunque Lumar tiene un ciclo del agua, es poco conocido. Las nubes adoptan la forma de cintas estrechas que se entrelazan rápidamente a lo largo del cielo, creando cortinas de lluvia conocidas como '''franjas de lluvia'''. A medida que el agua energiza las esporas, las borrascas provocan manifestaciones masivas de los elementos de los éteres, convirtiéndolos en un peligro adicional para los seres vivos. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los océanos, las borrascas son predecibles; una franja de lluvia siempre seguirá el mismo camino, tanto que los habitantes de Lumar crean mapas de lluvia que pueden predecir con precisión sus ubicaciones durante siglos.{{book ref|tress|35}}
Though Lumar does have a water cycle, it is poorly understood. Clouds take the form of narrow ribbons that weave swiftly along the sky, creating curtains of rain known as '''rainlines'''. As the water energizes the spores, squalls cause massive manifestations of the aethers' elements, making them a further danger to living beings. However, over most oceans, squalls are predictable; a ribbon of rain will always follow the same pathway, enough so that the Lumarans create rain maps that can accurately predict their locations for centuries.{{book ref|tress|35}}
La única excepción es el [[mar Carmesí]], tristemente célebre por sus impredecibles borrascas. Allí, las precipitaciones se producen de forma inesperada y siguen trayectorias aleatorias, lo que puede resultar especialmente peligroso para los barcos varados en esporas. Como tal, este océano permanece deshabitado, con pocas embarcaciones que sobrevivan al viaje allí.{{book ref|tress|35}}
The only exceptions to this is the [[Crimson Sea]], infamous for its unpredictable squall patterns. Rainfall there comes unexpectedly and follows random paths, which can be particularly dangerous to sporelocked ships. As such, this ocean remains uninhabited, with few vessels surviving the journey there.{{book ref|tress|35}}
The water cycle on Lumar is very strange and not fully understood, having some relation to the decomposition of spores on the seafloor.{{wob ref|16136}}{{wob ref|16142}}{{wob ref|16131}} It is a point of curiosity and research by [[Xisis]].{{wob ref|16142}}
El ciclo del agua en Lumar es muy extraño y no se entiende del todo, teniendo alguna relación con la descomposición de las esporas en el fondo marino.{{wob ref|16136}}{{wob ref|16142}}{{wob ref|16131}} [[Xisis]] lo considera un tema curioso digno de investigación.{{wob ref|16142}}
=== Tierra y fauna ===
=== Tierra y fauna ===

Revisión del 15:18 19 feb 2024

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Esquirlas None
Investiduras Éteres
Universo Cosmere

En mi caso, creo que no presté la atención debida a lo arrebatador que era el mundo de Trenza. Para mí era un planeta atrasado que se ahogaba en los desechos de los éteres, que resultan más útiles en otras encarnaciones y, de todos modos, son mucho más fáciles de recolectar en las propias lunas. Así y todo, en ninguno de mis viajes he presenciado nada comparable a esas esporas.

Lumar es un planeta en el cosmere cuyas doce lunas albergan una variedad única de éteres.[2] Solo los forasteros lo llaman así, aunque la palabra "Lumar" tiene un significado más o menos similar a los nombres que algunas culturas locales dan al planeta.[3]

Geografía y ecología

Un barco bloqueado por esporas en el mar Esmeralda, con la luna esmeralda visible. Fuera del bullir, los mares son lo suficientemente sólidos como para que la gente camine sobre la superficie.

Lunas y océanos de esporas

Lumar se encuentra en un sistema estelar desconocido considerado un lugar apartado del cosmere.[4] El planeta está rodeado por un conjunto de doce lunas, cada una de ellas situadas en órbitas geoestacionarias equidistantes y opresivamente cercanas a la superficie.[5] Cada día, el sol pasa por detrás de una de las doce lunas, lo que hace que la sombra que proyecta enfríe la tierra unos grados.[6] Esto se denomina sombra de las lunas, y es diferente de un eclipse total.[7]

Cada luna alberga uno de los doce éteres; los éteres producen esporas que llueven sobre la superficie de Lumar en grandes caídas perpetuas conocidas como lunacuerdos. Como resultado, todo el planeta está cubierto por océanos de esporas de éter.[2][5] Los mares y las lunas ocupan un lugar destacado en el lenguaje local, y muchas personas juran por las lunas o utilizan frases como "cómo en los mares".[7]

Debido a que las lunas están a la misma distancia entre sí, cada mar tiene el mismo tamaño y aproximadamente la misma forma pentagonal.[1] Esto funciona geométricamente como doce pentágonos que teselan la esfera, y debido a la forma de los mares y del planeta, cada mar limitaría con otros cinco, con tres alrededor de cada vértice. La superficie es irregular: cada mar es en realidad un montón de arena, más alta en el lunacuerdo y más baja en el borde, donde se entremezclan las esporas de los mares vecinos. Sin embargo, el gran tamaño de los mares hace que la inclinación sea imperceptible a menos que uno se encuentre muy cerca de la cima.[8] Muy por debajo de la superficie, el fondo marino está lleno de respiraderos térmicos que bombean grandes cantidades de burbujas de aire, junto con el proceso de descomposición de las esporas[9]. Esto lleva a que las esporas fluidicen, lo que hace que los océanos se comporten como líquidos. Los lugareños llaman a este proceso "el bullir". El bullir suele durar días; sin embargo, es habitual que se detenga durante periodos de tiempo variables, conocidos como quietud, dejando a todos los barcos que lo atraviesan varados en las esporas hasta que se reanuda.[10][11] En esos periodos de calma, el océano es lo bastante sólido como para caminar sobre él, aunque hay que tener mucho cuidado al hacerlo.[11]

Los barcos que surcan los mares suelen tener proas reforzadas para protegerlos de las esporas gruesas.[12]

Los mares no son especialmente profundos, miden sólo unos cientos de metros en su punto más hondo.[13] Hay todo un complejo ecosistema propio en el fondo; sin embargo, no se sabe nada de él.[13] Se trata de una investigación de Xisisrefliel y sus sirvientes.

Los mapas de Lumar conservan la forma pentagonal de los mares, pero no se sabe qué tipo de proyección utilizan para mantener la forma a pesar de que los pentágonos regulares no pueden cubrir el plano.[1]

Océanos conocidos

De esos cinco, sólo se sabe que los mares Esmeralda, Zafiro y Rosa están habitados. Sin embargo, se pueden encontrar personas en los otros océanos -- Xisis y sus sirvientes viven en el fondo del mar Carmesí, mientras que el mar de Medianoche es el hogar de la hechicera y sus criaturas de Esencia de Medianoche.[13][8] Se puede suponer además que existe un mar de Luz Solar, debido a la existencia del éter de luz solar.[19] Aunque no se nombra explícitamente, hay un océano sin nombre en el planeta que tiene esporas de color dorado.[6]

Los éteres y los comeesporas

Vuestras lunas son el hogar de un grupo de entidades voraces conocidas como éteres. Pero mientras los verdaderos éteres de otros mundos establecen relaciones simbióticas con la gente, los de vuestras lunas se han vuelto insaciables, agresivos y lujuriantes.

La variedad de éter de Lumar tiene un apetito agresivo por el agua; el más mínimo contacto con ella o con cualquier líquido que la contenga (como el sudor o la sangre) hará que las esporas de éter estallen en su elemento. Esto representa un inmenso peligro para todos los seres vivos del planeta, ya que la inhalación de una sola espora puede provocar una explosión de enredaderas en crecimiento, picos masivos o simplemente estallidos de aire en el cuerpo de una persona; un suceso que casi siempre es mortal. Sin embargo, tanto la plata como la sal matan las esporas, esto lo aprovechan los habitantes de Lumar para mantenerse a salvo.[5]

Los éteres principales de las lunas parecen mostrar cierto nivel de conciencia, aunque son irracionales y rabiosos. En ocasiones, los éteres más conscientes infectan a los humanos que se encuentran en la superficie del planeta. Estas personas son conocidas como comeesporas. No está claro cómo se infecta alguien con éter; las teorías van desde las personas que caen en los mares y de alguna manera sobreviven hasta consumir una espora especial. Sea cual sea la causa, como resultado, el éter forma una relación parasitaria con el comeesporas, exigiendo que el anfitrión le proporcione cantidades cada vez mayores de agua. El agua proporcionada por comeesporas se utiliza de alguna manera para alimentar a los principales éteres en las lunas.[2]

A cambio, los éteres protegen al comeesporas. Como tales, los comeesporas son increíblemente difíciles de matar, siempre que puedan mantener su éter alimentado. Con el tiempo, Los éteres demandan cada vez más agua y, al carecer de ella, empiezan a consumir a su huésped. Como tal, la infección es increíblemente dolorosa y siempre fatal, y la mayoría de los comedores de esporas no duran más de unos pocos años antes de que el parásito los consuma.[2] Por lo general, es incurable; solo el dragón Xisis puede curar la infección, y afirma que la cura debe reaplicarse continuamente, pues de lo contrario el parásito reaparecerá al cabo de uno o dos años.[20]

Aunque en Lumar se pueden encontrar doce variedades de éteres, también existe una leyenda local sobre un decimotercer tipo de esporas llamadas "esporas de hueso", cuyo color se debate entre el blanco, el negro o ambos. Se desconoce el origen de la historia.[21] Esta descripción es similar a la arena de Taldain), cuyos organismos reaccionan a la Investidura convirtiéndose de negro a blanco.


Sí, las esporas son peligrosas: crean pinchos rojos, puntiagudos como agujas. Pero la verdadera amenaza es la lluvia.

Aunque Lumar tiene un ciclo del agua, es poco conocido. Las nubes adoptan la forma de cintas estrechas que se entrelazan rápidamente a lo largo del cielo, creando cortinas de lluvia conocidas como franjas de lluvia. A medida que el agua energiza las esporas, las borrascas provocan manifestaciones masivas de los elementos de los éteres, convirtiéndolos en un peligro adicional para los seres vivos. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los océanos, las borrascas son predecibles; una franja de lluvia siempre seguirá el mismo camino, tanto que los habitantes de Lumar crean mapas de lluvia que pueden predecir con precisión sus ubicaciones durante siglos.[22]

La única excepción es el mar Carmesí, tristemente célebre por sus impredecibles borrascas. Allí, las precipitaciones se producen de forma inesperada y siguen trayectorias aleatorias, lo que puede resultar especialmente peligroso para los barcos varados en esporas. Como tal, este océano permanece deshabitado, con pocas embarcaciones que sobrevivan al viaje allí.[22]

El ciclo del agua en Lumar es muy extraño y no se entiende del todo, teniendo alguna relación con la descomposición de las esporas en el fondo marino.[23][24][9] Xisis lo considera un tema curioso digno de investigación.[24]

Tierra y fauna

The Emerald Sea and its moon as seen from the island of Diggen's Point

Although most of the planet is covered in spore oceans, Lumar does have numerous islands inhabited by humans. Some islands have enough soil to grow ordinary crops; others are barren rocks. Little is known about planetary flora, save that flowers and trees of unspecified species can both be found.[25][5]

The largest known land feature of Lumar are multiple mountain ranges that border the Crimson Sea. They are largely considered impassable for ships; as such, the only way to cross to the other side of the planet, at least in that direction, is through Crimson and the bordering Midnight Sea.[21]

Humans are the only known sapient inhabitants of Lumar, barring rare offworlders such as Ulaam or Xisis. There is no coral, or any other sea life on the planet, owing to the oceans being deadly to any water-based living creature. Fish, however, can be found in lakes on some of the islands.[26][6] Rats, cats, pigeons and butterflies are common, as are seagulls; despite the dangers of the spore oceans, the birds can often be found far from the island shores.[27][10][11]

Islas conocidas


It is unknown how Lumar came to be inhabited by people, or whether the planet was always home to aether spores. It is known that for a time, it was home to the Iriali people; however, one day the Iriali simply disappeared, seemingly without a trace and leaving all their possessions behind.[6] At around the same time, the people of Lumar became aware that a dragon, Xisis, has been living beneath the Crimson Sea.[29] It is unknown when exactly Xisis arrived on the planet, though he was likely already there during the True Desolation of Roshar.[30]

Over the centuries, Lumar became better-known to the people of the wider cosmere, enough so for rare visitors to begin appearing. Around three hundred years after the Iriali's disappearance, stories of people from the stars became grew popular among sailors, and common folk could trade with the "wizards" from outer space, leading to some proliferation of Invested technology.[16] At some point, an Elantrian named Riina moved to the planet; landing her ship on an island in the Midnight Sea, she took control of the Midnight Essence there and dubbed herself the Sorceress. The Sorceress soon attained fearsome reputation with the locals, due to both her Awakened guards, and the curses she would put on people who inconvenienced her.[31][14] She also imposed tariffs on all trade going through the Midnight Sea, which eventually led to conflict with the king of the nearby Verdant.[21]

Eventually, the king attempted to send Charlie, a son of one of his dukes, to marry the Sorceress, which only led to her capturing him and transforming him into a rat.[3] However, Tress, chasing after Charlie, found her way to the sorceress, and, with the assistance of Hoid and the crew of Crow's Song, managed to force Riina to abandon the planet. This led to Tress and her crew taking charge of the Midnight Sea and the creatures within.[32]


As Lumar is a planet of islands, there are no solid borders between various states; islands declare their allegiance by flying the flag of the local king or queen. Each ocean appears to be its own state, with the Sorceress controlling whole of the Midnight Sea, and an unnamed king theoretically ruling over every island on the Verdant Sea.[25]

Mar Glauco

The Verdant Sea is ruled by a feudal system, with dukes, reigning over individual islands, answering to a king.[33][5] The king controls all ships that sail between the islands, and can press them into service as needed for his own purposes.[34] He has several groups that can enforce his will; those include both the standing army and the marshalls who keep the peace, as well as the tax collectors and inspectors who control the coming and going of ships and cargo.[6][35] Additionally, the king is rumoured to have a team of assassins and special agents known as the King's Masks. However, it is unclear whether they are real or made up as propaganda.[17]

Pirates act as an important part to the economy, taking it from the wealthy who hoard money that they gather from the people, and inject it back into the system. Due to this, they exist in a sort of quasi-legal state.[36]

The Verdant Sea feuds with the Midnight Sea; as all trade to the other side of the planet must go through Midnight, the Sorceress has imposed high tariffs. The king eventually refused to pay them and began to prepare for war until Tress and her crew banished the sorceress.[21]

The Verdant Sea borders the Crimson Sea,[37] the Rose Sea,[18] and the Sapphire Sea.[16]

Asentamientos conocidos

Mar Zafiro

The Sapphire Sea borders the Verdant Sea.[16]

Islas de Lobu

It is a mark of pride among my people, and my family in particular, to execute an excellent hunt.

The other known society on Lumar are the people of Islands of Lobu, who have dark skin and black, curly hair.[16][11][41] The people of Lobu are a society of hunters who take pride in the prey they catch. Tales of the greatest hunts are written down with great embellishments and a lot of bragging; such letters are then hung on the walls of their family halls.[19]

Over the generations, what constitutes a hunt has been stretched to include many seemingly-unrelated professions, such as trade or shoemaking, to allow the society to develop without losing their culture. However, no matter the shape the hunt takes, the pride remains. A person chooses their hunt as they come of age, and then pursues it to the best of their ability; for example, a person who chose trade may become an excellent haggler.[19]

Mar Rosa

The Rose Sea is known to be inhabited, though nothing is known of its government or culture.[18]


They vanished, you know. The entire people: poof. There one day, gone the next, their island left uninhabited.

At one point, there was an island on Lumar inhabited by the Iriali. However, roughly three hundred years before Tress and Charlie were born, the entire population vanished seemingly overnight. While it's possible that they simply departed the planet, their fate is unknown to the locals, with some claiming that they were "taken" by the gods. Today, only some of the Iriali's possessions, as well as cultural memory of their golden hair, remain on the planet.[6] Notably, the Iriali's departure occurred at roughly the same time that Xisis become a known presence on Lumar. There is, however, no evidence that those two events are at all related.[29]

It's unknown what, if any relation there is between the Iriali of Lumar and the Iriali of the Rosharan kingdom of Iri. The timing of the Lumarans' departure from their planet makes it impossible for them to be the Rosharans' ancestors,[fn 1] but it is impossible to determine if the Lumarans were descended from the inhabitants of Roshar, or if they were a different, separate group within the same cosmere-wide culture.

Cultura y sociedad

The human civilization on Lumar is pre-industrial; they do, however, possess some particular technologies to assist them in surviving the planet's unforgiving oceans. Ships use the seethe to sail between the inhabited islands, leading to well-developed trade. Silver is common, with every ship having plenty of it in its deck and railing to help kill the spores.[10]

Salted masks are sometimes used as means of personal protection from the spores, although it is possible to travel semi-safely without them.[10] As salt is a secondary way of dealing with spores, salt mining is an important industry on the planet.[5] The people of Lumar have found ways to live on many of the islands; where farming is impossible, they grow food in compost vats, and even ferry soil from other lands.[5] Lumarans have even attempted to fly to the moons, though it's unknown if they succeeded.[42]


I follow the path of the gods themselves by delivering death indiscriminately. To do otherwise would presume I am greater than they.

The primary religion on Lumar appears to be lunar worship, which is disseminated by groups of priests gathered into various moonschools. The priesthood appears to be comprised of traveling preachers, who visit various islands to teach people their moonschool's philosophy about life and the gods. Such sermons typically happen on moondays, when the sun is eclipsed by one of the moons, at the highest point of the given island.[7] Another day of celebration for this religion is that of Twelveday.[37]

Little is known about the details of moon worship. There appear to be named figures tied to the moons, with the Midnight moon being referred to as "Thanasmia's own".[14] Gods seem to be considered callous, with no regards to whom they kill and what fate they bestow upon people, though that interpretation may be personal to Crow rather than generally-accepted.[22]

Navegación y piratería

It was a mixed crew, with a variety of ethnicities and nearly as many women as men. That wasn't uncommon in the spore seas. You took whoever was willing. Sexism interfered with profits.

Ships are plentiful on Lumar; typically, they have a crew of around thirty or more, with sixty being considered particularly large.[43][44] A typical ship will have roughly the same proportion of male and female crew members; as very few people are willing to risk sailing the spores, a culture of gender equality has developed among the sailors.[43] However, not all who sail the seas are there willingly -- on Verdant Sea, and possibly others, people who fall into debt can be pressed into ship labor by the king's collectors.[45]

Piracy is a common and accepted part of sea travel on Lumar. Pirate ships chase down the merchant vessels and shoot only to disable, using water-filled cannonballs to activate the spores and trap the ships in them. A captured merchant ship then surrenders an agreed-upon sum of goods and money -- called a ransom price -- whereupon both ships part ways somewhat amicably. The king's marshals keep records of what ships prey on others and what was robbed and stolen; in the event that a pirate crew is captured, this avoiding of unnecessary killing ensures that they are imprisoned rather than executed.[36] Pirates are an important part of the economy, taking wealth from the rich, who simply hoard large amounts of wealth gathered from the people through the capitalistic systems in place on Lumar, therefore removing it from the system and keeping it from the people. They then inject it back into the system as a stimulus to help lower class merchants and other peoples.[36]

There is, however, a second type of pirates, called deadrunners. Unlike regular pirates, those crews kill those they steal from. Deadrunners are shunned even by other pirate crews, and face death in the event of capture.[36] However, deadrunners can easily never be discovered, should they leave no survivors of their massacres.[36]

Uso de esporas

While Lumar is pre-industrial in its technology, its people have figured out multiple ways to use spores of the twelve seas in their daily life, particularly as it pertains to sailing. Those who work with spores and create machinery utilizing them are known as sprouters.[18]

One of the more common applications of spores is in firearms. Lumar does not appear to have discovered gunpowder; instead, zephyr spores are used. Individual spores, or small sacks of them, are packed into the bottom of the gun barrel and the fuse is wetted rather than set aflame. This activates the zephyr, resulting in an explosion of air that launches the projectiles.[46] In larger guns, the cannonballs themselves utilize spore-based technology, combining verdant, roseite and zephyr to create an explosive charge of water and shrapnel.[47]

Outside of weapons, spores do have peaceable applications. Roseite is grown as a form of temporary bandage for ships, the crystal creating patches that temporarily fill in any gaps in the hull.[18] Sunlight spores are used as fuel in cooking ovens, and verdant vines can be eaten as emergency food.[19][48] A more advanced use of the spores can be found in the emergency flare guns. Much like cannonballs, flare guns utilize a combination of roseite, verdant and zephyr to create an explosive charge; additionally, sunlight spores serve as the source of the flare's light.[7] Riina claims that more types of advanced spore guns can be found elsewhere on the planet.[3]

Influencias externas

Worldhoppers on Lumar will freely use their powers in front of the locals.

She'd heard stories of visitors from the stars, but had thought them fancies. Even if there did seem to be more and more of them these days, talked of among sailors.

Few worldhoppers visit Lumar, although enough that stories of "visitors from the stars" have began to spread across the planet.[48] As most Lumarans are not wholly cosmere-aware, a variety of folk beliefs about the visitors arose. Those outsiders are often referred to as wizards or sorcerers, while kandra are called zombies.[4] Their advanced technology is considered magical in and of itself, and has found its way into the hands of the locals. Tablets from Nalthis can be purchased and used for basic needs such as writing out text; however, it appears that the Lumarans are never actually taught the details of how the technology works.[16] Some Scadrian influences have also made their way to the planet, with death being said to have nails in his eyes -- presumably referring to Marsh.[40][49]

Notable outsiders to make their home on Lumar include the Sorceress, an Elantrian who took control of the Midnight Sea, and Xisis, a dragon who studies the aethers at the bottom of the Crimson Sea and trades wishes for local servants. Those two have integrated into the planet's culture well enough that they are not recognized as extraterrestrials.[29][31]

Unlike First of the Sun, there does not appear to be any major interstellar nation vying for control over Lumar; it's unknown if this is due to the deadly ecosystem, or the planet's relative unimportance on the galactic scene.

Habitantes destacados de Lumar


  • The word "Lumar" was coined by Isaac Stewart, who came up with multiple names for the planet and presented them to Brandon. It was meant to evoke both fairy tales and the inspiration for Tress of the Emerald Sea, The Princess Bride.[50] It is most likely a portmanteau of the Latin words "luna" (moon) and "mare" (sea; also used for plains on the Moon that early astronomers mistook for actual seas).
  • Lumar is not the origin world of the aethers, nor is it the planet that Aether of Night takes place on.[51]
  • The spore oceans came about due to Brandon's fascination with the process of fluidization, as well as his desire to properly introduce aethers into the published Cosmere.[52]
  • By the time Tress of the Emerald Sea was written, Lumar's location in the cosmere, and the layout of its star system, had not been established.[53]
  • The Cognitive Realm of Lumar is "a little weirder than normal" and its appearance likely was not finalized before Tress of the Emerald Sea was published.[54]
  • After he began envisioning Lumar's fluidized oceans, Brandon watched YouTuber Mark Rober's video Liquid Sand Hot Tub- Fluidized air bed to confirm that the scientific concept was feasible.[12]


  1. Iriali departed Lumar three hundred years prior to the start of Tress of the Emerald Sea; Tress takes place after the events of The Stormlight Archive (as evidenced by Sazed having released the kandra and the technology on display), and on Roshar, the kingdom of Iri existed for thousands of years prior to the start of The Stormlight Archive; as such, it is mathematically impossible for the Lumaran Iriali to depart Lumar, travel to Roshar and start the Kingdom of Iri.
  1. a b c Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 42#
  2. a b c d e f Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 28#
  3. a b c Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 60#
  4. a b Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 18#
  5. a b c d e f g h Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 1#
  6. a b c d e f g h i Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 2#
  7. a b c d Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 41#
  8. a b Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 46#
  9. a b Tress Spoiler Stream
    Arcanum - 2023-03-31#
  10. a b c d e Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 8#
  11. a b c d Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 12#
  12. a b La ciencia de la magia: Trenza del mar Esmeralda
    — Brandon Sanderson on YouTube #
  13. a b c Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 51#
  14. a b c d e Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 5#
  15. Secret Project #1 Reveal and Livestream
    Arcanum - 2022-03-08#
  16. a b c d e f g Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 15#
  17. a b Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 30#
  18. a b c d e Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 10#
  19. a b c d e Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 40#
  20. Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 52#
  21. a b c d Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 23#
  22. a b c d e f Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 35#
  23. Tress Spoiler Stream
    Arcanum - 2023-03-31#
  24. a b Tress Spoiler Stream
    Arcanum - 2023-03-31#
  25. a b Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 36#
  26. Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 58#
  27. Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 20#
  28. Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 29#
  29. a b c Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 31#
  30. El ritmo de la guerra Ars Arcanum#
  31. a b Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 64#
  32. Trenza del mar Esmeralda epílogo#
  33. Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 57#
  34. Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 9#
  35. Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 6#
  36. a b c d e Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 17#
  37. a b Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 39#
  38. Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 19#
  39. Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 21#
  40. a b Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 53#
  41. Tress At The Wheel
  42. Secret Project #1 Reveal and Livestream
    Arcanum - 2022-03-08#
  43. a b c Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 13#
  44. Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 14#
  45. Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 45#
  46. Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 16#
  47. Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 37#
  48. a b c Trenza del mar Esmeralda capítulo 22#
  49. El metal perdido Ars Arcanum#
  50. Secret Project #1 Reveal and Livestream
    Arcanum - 2022-03-08#
  51. Secret Project #1 Reveal and Livestream
    Arcanum - 2022-03-08#
  52. Secret Project #1 Reveal and Livestream
    Arcanum - 2022-03-03#
  53. Secret Project #1 Reveal and Livestream
    Arcanum - 2022-03-08#
  54. Tress Spoiler Stream
    Arcanum - 2023-03-31#
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