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Relacionado con Shards
Universo Cosmere

A Sliver is a human intelligence who has held all or a very large portion of the power of a Shard and has since released it.[1][2] There is a certain threshold of power where one would be considered a Sliver of Adonalsium. Every person on Scadrial has a bit of the power of Preservation, but they are not technically Slivers. Though there is some grey area in what it means to be a Sliver, individuals who have directly held the power of a Shard are usually termed Slivers.


  1. Slivers must be sapient beings.[2][3][fn 1]
  2. A human must hold a large portion of a Shard; a single bead of lerasium is not enough.[5] While using the Well of Ascension seems to make one a Sliver, touching the Well of Ascension but not holding and using its power might not.[Falta cita]
  3. Slivers must have used up that power or released it.

Qualities of a Sliver

Being a Sliver changes a person, there is a residue left behind in a person.[5] This residue has many effects, one of which is that a person who is capable of noticing Investiture would be able to look at someone and tell that they are a Sliver.[6] Holding a large portion of a Shard is similar to inflating a balloon.[7] It is unknown what effects this expansion of their mind and spirit ultimately has on a person. A Sliver is also not required to be pulled into the Beyond.[8] However, if a Sliver should desire to go, they are able to willingly leave instead of persisting forever.[8]

Known sources of power to become a Sliver

  1. Holding any Shard for any amount of time.
  2. The Well of Ascension

Known Slivers

Potential Slivers


  1. Whether spren can be Slivers is unclear. Brandon has previously stated that non-physical entities are considered Splinters instead of Slivers, however, he has also confirmed the Stormfather to be a Sliver. The Stormfather may be a special case as he is fused with Tanavast's cognitive shadow.[2][4]
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