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Esquirlas Odium
Investiduras Desconocido
Sistema Greater Roshar[1]
Universo Cosmere

Braize is a Shardworld in Greater Roshar, the same system as Roshar and Ashyn.[2]. It is the third planet from the system's sun.[1]

Odium is currently on Braize, although his presence is still felt on Roshar.[2] Braize is, according to Khriss, cold and inhospitable. However, despite being too cold to support life, many spren live there. Braize is unlikely to get its own books, but scenes from The Stormlight Archive will be set on Braize.[Falta cita]

Braize is known to the Vorin people as Damnation. [3] The Heralds where transported to Damnation for torture between the times of the desolations indicating that there maybe a settlement on Braize where is was done. For this reason we can assume that is is where Talenel was held after Aharietiam in the last days of the Oathpact. It is also where the Fused reside between Desolations

It appears likely that Odium is imprisoned on Braize and as such seeks more than anything else to be released. During the Battle of Thaylen Field, Dalinar says that Odium can either leave Roshar alone or destroy it but he cannot be free unless he is realised and promises this as the leader of the refounded order of Knights Radiant and Bondsmith, should they lose a contest of champions. Odium agrees but is driven off by Dalinar's grand merging of realms after Odium tries to select Dalinar himself as his champion but is refused.


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