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Gentes del sur de Scadrial
Mundo de origen Scadrial

And I still haven't said anything about what happened at the south pole.

Hero of Ages annotation discussing Scadrial's tilt and its poles.Plantilla:Annotation ref

The Southern Peoples are a race on Scadrial. They are mysteriously referred to in The Hero of Ages annotations,Plantilla:Annotation refPlantilla:Annotation ref suggesting that something is perhaps there. Later, Brandon confirmed that there is life on the southern pole of Scadrial.[1]

Known Facts

During the Final Empire, the Lord Ruler moved Scadrial out of its orbit, instead putting it closer to the sun. Life could only exist at the poles, where a combination of the planet's magnetic field and ferromagnetic ash shielded the land from the heat of the sun.Plantilla:Annotation ref The Final Empire was at the northern magnetic pole of the planet. However, there were people at the south pole.

These people were placed there by the Lord Ruler as a reserve in case his genetic modifications of humanity failed, such as enabling humans to not be killed by the ash. The Lord Ruler managed to find a way other than genetic modifications to help them survive in the world he created.[2] The people of southern Scadrial were known to those in the north by the time of Shadows of Self.[3]

The southern peoples do have the seeds of the Metallic Arts, though since none of them had ingested lerasium, Allomancers would have been extremely rare and Mistborn completely unheard of.[2] Also, as opposed to using the Metallic Arts in a way based on genetics like the people of the Final Empire, the southern peoples use them in a more "mechanical way."[4]

Bands of Mourning

During the later stages of The Bands of Mourning the Southern People are revealed to have traveled to the Elendel Basin in search of the Bands of Mourning. They have technology powered by Allomancy and Feruchemy, which includes invested arm bands capable of granting the user Body Heat, Weight and Connection Feruchemy. They also have airships powered by Allomancy. Their technology is fueled by "ettmetal." Their airship Brunstell crash landed near the town of Dulsing, and they were captured by The Set.[5]


The Southern Peoples are humans and wear smooth wooden masks over their faces. The masks differ depending on which clan the wearer belongs to. Allik Neverfar comes from a people that wear red masks that change according to their profession. Others called "Hunters" receive a mask a birth and one upon reaching adulthood. This second mask eventually grows into the skin. Another people called "the Fallen" wear plain, unpainted masks, until the wearer earns an ornate one. [6]

The masks are an integral part of their culture, shown when Allik Neverfar regards those without masks as "barbarians".


Esta página o sección usa información basada en teorías y especulaciones
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It is theorized that the southern peoples are the men of "red and gold" that Miles Dagouter refers to shortly before his death.

They may be the "people of the oceans" that a refugee picked up by the lost exploration vessel Ironsights claims to have encountered in a distant land when they attacked his ship, as described in "The Elendel Daily". The "people of the oceans" are apparently a violent seafaring race who have access to "Unknown Metals". These may be the 32 alloys of atium and lerasium theorised about in the Ars Arcanum of The Alloy of Law, although this is unlikely, as they have never been shown to have any access to either atium or lerasium, or they may be the unidentified silver and red metal used by Paalm to create her hemalurgic spikes.

If the above theories are true, the Southern Peoples may be Trellists.

While talking to Waxillium Ladrian, Harmony reflects on the limited progress the people of Elendel have made since the remaking of Scadrial due to the benevolent environment of the Basin, mentioning "...others, who were nearly destroyed", and implies they are significantly more advanced than those in the Basin. These "others" may be the Southern peoples.

A story in the Elendel newspaper "The House Record" made by Lady Nicelle Sauvage, a citizen of Southern Roughs city New Seran, that she briefly glimpsed a figure in a mountain range in the Roughs, describing it as having "piercing eyes, and a face like some otherwordly beast". This person may be a southerner.

Iyatil is character in Words of Radiance that wears a red and orange carapace mask, which is growing into her skin. This is similar to a description of the Hunters given by Allik Neverfar.


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