Usuario:Extremepayne/Blade lists

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Known Shardbearers

Radiant Shardblades

The Shardblades listed here are formed from living spren that have formed a Nahel bond with a human being. Any person that has bonded with a spren but has not yet manifested a Shardblade is not listed here.

Spren Name Radiant Name Order Typical Form Notes References
Ivory Jasnah Kholin Elsecaller Sword Blade is long and thin [1]
Pattern Shallan Davar Lightweaver Sword Initially believed it to be a dead Shardblade - Has several faint lines down its length, glowing softly the color of garnet [2]
Sylphrena Kaladin Stormblessed Windrunner Spear, sword or shield Blade and spear are covered in swirls with Windrunner's symbol at the center. [3][4]
Wyndle Lift Edgedancer Pole or fork Has never appeared as a Blade [5][6]
Spark Malata Dustbringer Blade None [7]
Glys Renarin Truthwatcher* Blade Glys is a corrupted spren, so the situation is unique. Appears thin, almost without a crossguard with waving folds to the metal [4]
Rua Lopen Windrunner Dagger or blade As a Blade, can manifest an engraving of Rua's image [8]
Caelinora Huio Windrunner Hammer or spear Larger than a typical Shardhammer [9][10]
unknown unknown Windrunner Sword Radiant from the Heraldic Epochs [11]
Phendorana Teft Windrunner Spear Spear with a strange crossguard
unknown Nale Skybreaker Sword Distinct from his Honorblade, otherwise not described [12]

Dead Shardblades

This list of known dead Shardblades is organized by current owner or most recent known owner.

Shardbearer Blade Name Previous Holder Appearance Notes References
Adolin Kholin Mayalaran[13] Tinalar Sinuous cutting edge, crystalline back, former Blade of an Edgedancer Won in a duel in Adolin's youth [14]
Aladar Unknown Unknown Unknown Prefers to lead from rear, often lends Blade to officers [15]
Dalinar Kholin (Unbound) Unknown Talenel - Unbound Wider than average - cleaver-like Unbound at the request of the Stormfather [16]
Elhokar Kholin (Deceased) Sunraiser Kalanor Long, thin - etched with ten fundamental glyphs Sunraiser's current owner is an unknown singer, who was in the invasion of Urithiru following Elhokar's death. [17]
Eshonai (Deceased) Unknown Unknown Wicked and barbed, flame patterns Taken by the Fused along with her Plate [18]
Gavilar Kholin (Deceased) Firestorm Unknown Edged on both sides, flame patterns Currently in possession of Elhokar as King's Blade, looking for worthy owner[19] [14]
Graves (Deceased) Unknown Unknown Unknown Stolen by the Fused for purposes unknown[20] [21]
Hanavanar (Deceased) Unknown Unknown Unknown Kept Blade a secret, two of his murdered men also had Blades, fate of all three unknown [14]
General Khal Unknown Relis Ruthar Unknown Won by Adolin in his duels [22]
Liss Unknown Unknown Unknown Kept a secret to be used in assassinations [23]
Meridas Amaram (Deceased) Unknown Helaran Davar Thick, curved, one edge in shape of flames or ripples, a gem stone set at the pommel. Etchings all along its surface. Stolen by Amaram from Kaladin, now owned by Rock after he killed Amaram [24][25][26]
Moash (Lost) Unknown Abrobadar Edged on both sides, twisting vine pattern at center, heliodor pommel Given up to the Fused in exchange for his life.[20] [22]
Renarin Kholin (Given up) Unknown Salinor Eved Unknown Won by Adolin in his duels, given to ardents after Renarin could manifest his own Blade [14]
Resi Unknown Unknown Unknown Only full Shardbearer in Thanadals camp, called Royal Defender [27]
Ruthar Unknown Unknown Unknown Only Blade remaining to Ruthar after Adolin's duels [28]
Talanor Unknown Unknown Unknown Only possess a Blade, refused Adolin's duel off [29]
Dalinar Kholin (Not bonded) Oathbringer Meridas Amaram Handspan wide, curvy, hooked tip, edged on one side with wave-like serrations near hilt Given to Dalinar after Amaram was shot to death with a Grandbow by Rock -- who refuses to take up Amaram's Shards. [30]
Valam (Deceased) Unknown Unknown Unknown Left beside body of the king, current owner unknown [31]

Former Shardbearers

This is a list of former Shardbearers that have lost their Blade or have died and had their Blade claimed by someone else. The references section refers to the first specific instance this person was mentioned to have a Shardblade or the Shardblade appeared, for specific references for the details provided in this table, see the respective Shardbearer's page.

Shardbearer Blade Name Previous Holder Next Holder Appearance Notes References
Abrobadar Unknown Unknown Moash Edged on both sides, twisting vine pattern at center, heliodor pommel Won by Adolin in his duels and given to Moash [32]
Gallam Unknown Unknown Relis Ruthar Unknown Defeated by Highprince Ruthar in the battle against Kalanor, Blade was given to Relis Ruthar [33]
Helaran Unknown Unknown Meridas Amaram Thick, curved, one edge in shape of flames or ripples, heliodor pommel None [25]
Kalanor Sunraiser Unknown Elhokar Long, thin - etched with ten fundamental glyphs This Blade was won by Dalinar, but given to Gavilar for his as-of-yet unborn heir [33]
Relis Ruthar Unknown Gallam General Khal Unknown Won by Adolin in his duels and given to Khal [32]
Sadees Oathbringer Unknown Unknown Long, Curved, with wavelike serrations near the hilt Eventually passed down to Tanalan [34]
Tanalan Oathbringer Unknown Dalinar Kholin Long, Curved, with wavelike serrations near the hilt Eventually passed from Sadees [34]
Torol Sadeas Oathbringer Dalinar Kholin Meridas Amaram Long, Curved, with wavelike serrations near the hilt Traded to Sadeas by Dalinar for the lives of the Bridgemen [35]
Salinor Eved Unknown Unknown Renarin Kholin Once had a ruby on the pommel, destroyed by Adolin Lost to Adolin Kholin, who granted it to his brother [14]
Tinalar Mayalaran[13] Unknown Adolin Kholin Sinuous cutting edge, crystalline back, former Blade of an Edgedancer Lost a duel to Adolin in his youth [14]


  1. Palabras radiantes epílogo#
  2. Palabras radiantes capítulo 72#
  3. Palabras radiantes capítulo 84#
  4. a b Juramentada capítulo 10#
  5. Danzante del Filo (novella) capítulo 19#
  6. Danzante del Filo (novella) capítulo 20#
  7. Juramentada capítulo 24#
  8. Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) epílogo#
  9. Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) capítulo 18#
  10. Esquirla del Amanecer (novella) capítulo 19#
  11. El camino de los reyes capítulo 19#
  12. Juramentada capítulo 106#
  13. a b Juramentada capítulo 120#
  14. a b c d e f Palabras radiantes capítulo 14#
  15. Palabras radiantes capítulo 8#
  16. Palabras radiantes capítulo 76#
  17. El camino de los reyes capítulo 13#
  18. Palabras radiantes interludio I-11#
  19. Palabras radiantes capítulo 16#
  20. a b Juramentada capítulo 43#
  21. Palabras radiantes capítulo 82#
  22. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 66#
  23. Palabras radiantes prólogo#
  24. El camino de los reyes capítulo 51#
  25. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 19#
  26. Palabras radiantes capítulo 52#
  27. El camino de los reyes capítulo 58#
  28. Palabras radiantes capítulo 67#
  29. Palabras radiantes capítulo 22#
  30. Palabras radiantes capítulo 69#
  31. Palabras radiantes interludio I-14#
  32. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 57#
  33. a b Juramentada capítulo 26#
  34. a b Juramentada capítulo 11#
  35. Juramentada capítulo 22#