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Capacidades Returned
Oficio Five Scholars
Mundo natal Nalthis

Shashara was one of the Five Scholars on Nalthis and was instrumental in creating Nightblood.


Shashara's life before she Returned is a mystery. Upon her Return, she was named Glorysinger by the Cult of the Returned.

Five Scholars

Shashara was one of the Five Scholars. Vasher indicates that she was one of the more talented Awakeners in the group. She was instrumental in the creation of the one-Breath Command to create Lifeless, and in the creation of Nightblood.

She was the sister of Denth. She eventually married Vasher and the two of them collaborated on their Awakening work.

Battle of Twilight Falls

Shashara drew Nightblood the only time it was used in battle during the Manywar. While the details of the Battle of Twilight Falls has yet to be revealed, Vasher found the outcome to be horrifying enough to take action.


Vasher slew Shashara, his own wife, with Nightblood when it became clear that she was going to reveal how to create more sentient swords to the general populace. She had already revealed the Command to create Lifeless from a single Breath, which was a contributing factor in the start of the Manywar.


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