
De La Coppermind
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Capacidades Worldhopping
Mundo natal Desconocido
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Nazh is a mysterious male[1] worldhopper who gathers documents and creates sketches from different Shardworlds on behalf of an unknown third party.



My friend, annotated with locations as per your instructions.


Nazh traveled to Scadrial sometime after the year 341 local date and obtained a map of Elendel made by the Canton of Cartography, which he then annotated with certain locations of the city and signed with a message, with the intention of delivering it to "his/her friend."[2]


I had to spend hours watching the bridgemen to sketch their stupid forehead glyphs so you could have them, my friend.


On Roshar in late 1173, he observed the freed bridgemen from Bridge Four to sketch the glyphs they had had tattooed on their forehead to indicate their freedom, as well as the insignia on their uniforms and the sas nahn and shash glyphs their captain, Kaladin, had, for presumably the same person as the Elendel map.[3]

Attributes and Abilities

Nazh is a capable artist. He can read and draw Rosharan glyphs and has at least basic knowledge of the geography of Elendel.[3][2] In Words of Radiance, Kaladin briefly glimpses him being ushered out of the Bridge 4 barracks by Rock and describes him as "lanky." Nazh also seems to have some other powers as he rescued one of Shallan's sketches from the bottom of the ocean..



  1. a b c Referencia rota - Falta fecha: Peter Ahlstrom's Comment #1 on 17s
    Foros de 17th Shard - {{{date}}}# Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; el nombre «17s-6274-post» está definido varias veces con contenidos diferentes Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; el nombre «17s-6274-post» está definido varias veces con contenidos diferentes
  2. a b c Mapa de Elendel
  3. a b c Referencia rota - Falta fecha: Words of Radiance Interior Art - {{{date}}}#


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