
De La Coppermind
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Nacionalidad de Hallandren
Mundo natal Nalthis

Nanrovah was a priest in the Hallandren Court of Gods prior to the Pahn Kahl rebellion.

He was the high priest of Stillmark the Noble[1], and was notably the most outspoken against going to war with Idris. Later, however, he changed his position, suddenly supporting the notion of war[2], due to a calculated attack on his carriage by Denth[3] and his associates, where they kidnapped his daughter, Misel, and held her hostage and threatened to kill her if he didn't stop openly opposing the war.[4] After her rescue, he was able to safely oppose the war again.[5] He was a traditionalist, and argued most proposals brought forth in the Court of the Gods.[1] He met with Vasher on a few occasions to discuss his opposition to the war.[4] His father was one of the wealthiest merchants in Hallandren.[4]


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