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Banda de Denth
Líder Denth
Mundo de origen Nalthis
Universo Cosmere

Denth's crew was a group of mercenaries on Nalthis hired by Bluefingers to aid in the Pahn Kahl rebellion.[1]

While it hasn't been revealed how Denth and Tonk Fah first joined forces, Jewels originally joined the crew because she was in love with Arsteel. Arsteel joined because he wanted to try and redeem Denth. He thought a reconciliation between Denth and Vasher was possible with his help.[2] Being killed by Vasher and brought back as a Lifeless was, presumably, not part of the original plan. During the course of Warbreaker, Arsteel goes by the name Clod.

Prior to the events of Warbreaker, the crew had been hired for the task of increasing tensions between Hallandren and Idris to drive Hallandren to war.[3][4] Early on, Denth managed to get employment with Lemex to use as an in with the Idrian community in Hallandren. When word came that Vivenna was on her way, however, Denth realized that she would be a better pawn for their plan and began poisoning Lemex so that they could kidnap and use Vivenna when she arrived.[5]

Upon her arrival in Hallandren, the crew ingratiates themselves to Vivenna, letting her think that she was their employer,[6] while at the same time using her as a symbol to inflame the local Idrian population against the Hallandren leadership. It is only after her brief kidnapping by Vasher that Vivenna discovers, upon her return, the crew's actual intentions.[7]

After Denth's death, the crew split up. Jewels went to take the Lifeless Arsteel to his brother Yesteel, master of Lifeless Commands, in the hope that he could find a way to restore Arsteel's memories and personality. Tonk Fah, free from the direction and control that Denth provided for his murderous urges, went off to begin killing wantonly.[8]



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