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Returning to Hearthstone

Kaladin traveled to Hearthstone to warn his parents about the approaching Everstorm, doing what he could to prepare other villages and towns as he went. However, he was too late as the Everstorm had already struck. Walking through the destruction, Kaladin was surprised to find light emanating from the manor house. Entering the house, Kaladin was stopped by one of Roshone's soldiers.[1]

The guard led Kaladin through the manor where the sounds of wounded led Kaladin to a makeshift triage room. There, he found his father, Lirin, and his mother, Hesina, attending to the wounded. After an emotional reunion, the soldiers insisted that Kaladin be taken to Roshone. Lirin offers to buy his writ of slavery, insisting that they will not take his son, lest they have to find themselves another surgeon. Kaladin observes the wounded, determining they were not signs of battle, but rather of natural disaster. The soldiers sent for Roshone who was surprised to see Kaladin alive and insistent on seeing his brands. Before the conversation went much further, Kaladin punched Roshone for his friend Moash.[2]

That, was for my friend Moash.

—Kaladin after punching Roshone[2]

Kaladin apologizes for his actions and promises not to hit the brightlord again, but rather that they need to talk. Roshone refused at first and insisted that his soldiers attack Kaladin, but they refuse after Kaladin summons Syl. The brightlord tells Kaladin that the parshmen escaped, but they fled instead of attacking the city. Kaladin asks what direction they went, but Roshone's soldiers do not know. Kaladin promises to tell Elhokar about the city's destroyed food supply. In return, he requests a horse to go hunt the parshmen and tells Roshone that he can't stay. He warns the brightlord that he must stand up and lead his people. Laral promises they will do it and arranges for Kaladin to use a spanreed. Kaladin questions whether or not she is truly happy and he is surprised to find she is content with her life in Hearthstone. Kaladin dropped the argument and returned to see his father. Lirin is happy that he returned and is well, but is concerned that he is caught up in war. Kaladin tells him that he is a “watcher at the rim” and must do what he can to protect others. His father understands and asks him to see his mother before he leaves. On his way, he runs into Laral who has the spanreed set up for Kaladin. He gives an update to Dalinar, who encourages him to find out what the enemy is doing without taking any unnecessary risks. After their conversation, Kaladin goes to see Hesina who introduces him to his new brother, Oroden. Before leaving, Kaladin promises he will come back for Lirin, Hesina, and Oroden, but Lirin insists that he must stay if the Desolation is upon them. He assures them he will return and that Dalinar has refounded the Knights Radiant and this time, they will not fail them.[3]

Highprince Dalinar Kholin has refounded the Knights Radiant. And this time, we will not fail you.

—Kaladin's promise before leaving Hearthstone[3]

Finding the Parshmen


Upon his departure from Hearthstone, Kaladin pursued the Voidbringers. After two days, he arrived in the village of Hornhollow. There, the townspeople had gathered for a town meeting. Syl transformed herself into the shape of a Shardblade and he was welcomed by the crowd. A lighteyed man asked Kaladin if he'd rather rest and eat or attack the rogue parshmen. Kaladin ordered the man to take him to them.[4]

An ardent informs him that the parshmen, about fifty in number and presumably in warform, sought the grain out specifically. Two men were hurt during the attack, Khem and another man. Kaladin then seeks out the citylord who tells him that his scouts know which direction the parshmen went, towards Kholinar. The citylord offers to have his men escort Kaladin, but he departs alone, saying they would only slow him down.[4]

Traveling with the Parshmen

When Kaladin finally caught up to the Voidbringers, he was surprised to find they not only were playing cards, but that they looked very different than what he expected. Rather than being red and black marbled like Rlain, the parshmen's skin was marbled white and red. They were not wearing warform, nor did they have red eyes. Kaladin observed them for awhile and tells Syl they had been wrong. These parshmen weren't the destroyers they had been told about. One of their number noticed him, sounding the alarm. As they took up their cudgels, Kaladin hesitated. Though he knew he could easily defeat them, it didn't set right, so he surrendered instead.[5]

The parshmen bound Kaladin to a tree while they debated what to do with him. Against Khen's wishes, they didn't kill him, but yet pulled him by a rope as they traveled. Kaladin talked up Sah, his captor, explaining card game strategies to him. As they walked, Kaladin realized that the parshmen weren't monsters, they were just slaves, like him. Sah argued that Kaladin couldn't possibly understand what they had been through, but Kaladin felt he did understand a little. Continuing on, Syl panicked, worried that the parshmen could see her or at least the spren could. Syl explained that the spren leading the parshmen must be from him, a Voidspren. Syl stayed close to Kaladin, just in case he needed to summon her.[6]

You're not monsters...You're not soldiers. You're not even the seeds of the void. You're just...runaway slaves.

—Kaladin to the parshman Sah[6]

Kaladin eventually spoke up, complimenting the parshmen and offering them assistance in their travels. Sah refuses and they continue their pace until they stop for a break. Sah's little girl, Vai, brings Kaladin some water and she asks him why his people won't leave them alone. He struggles to figure out how to explain the war and her ancestors to a seven-year-old. She retreats as the parshmen make camp and Kaladin asks Syl to help cut his rope. Rather than summoning her as a blade, he dropped a rock alerting the parshmen to his freedom. He asked for his knife so he can build a fire and after a short conference, they allowed him to do just that.[6]

Over the next few days, Kaladin spent his time showing the parshmen how to cook food, bind wounds, and build equipment. Sah becomes frustrated though that he needs Kaladin's help at all, that he fled one master just to have to listen to him explain things that he should already know. Kaladin explained that "freedom" is a strange word and that despite serving another brightlord, he feels more free now than ever. Once Sah finished the hatchet, he asked Kaladin why he isn't afraid to show them these things. Kaladin explained that he has a choice and that it doesn't have to come to war. Despite his own words, Kaladin fears that the war is inevitable, so Syl encourages him to find the middle ground.[7]


Kaladin secured a private storm bunker for the growing group of parshmen in the Vamah city of Revolar after Syl warned him of an approaching highstorm. Khen was pleased with Kaladin's work and the group hunkered down for the storm. While it raged outside and Kaladin debated how much longer he could delay returning to Urithiru, the yellow Voidspren appeared beside him. Kaladin told her he could see her and she replied that she wanted him to. She asked Kaladin why he was still there and after a lie, he admitted that the world is changing and he wanted to see which way it went. She asked Kaladin if he would fight them and he questioned if he would be allowed. She admitted that the final decision isn't with her, as she is just a messenger, but that he will find out once they reach their destination. She finally asked Kaladin how he knew of the approaching highstorm. He said he felt it in his bones and she said humans can't feel storms. She gave him a knowing smile and then disappeared.[8]

I don't know, Sah. But a war to exterminate one side or the other can't be the answer.

—Kaladin to Sah about conquering kingdoms and destroying humankind[9]

While in Revolar, the number of parshmen camping around the city continued to grow exponentially reaching at least 40,000-50,000 in number. Sah told Kaladin that the number was amazing, that he always imagined the parshmen having their own city and now they do. As they walked through the city, Kaladin saw not only signs of the Everstorm, but also of looting. He asked Sah is this what he wanted, to conquer a kingdom and destroy humankind. Sah confessed that he didn't know, but that he couldn't be a slave again. Kaladin countered that they are his people and that a war to exterminate one side or the other can't be the answer. Sah offered that maybe it doesn't have to be that way, but that he could fight alongside them in something bigger, oppressed against the oppressors. Once he passed where Syl was, she told him that there are a lot of yellow spren around and another highstorm is coming. As Khen's group approached the Parshendi leaders of the small town, the scribe evaluated them and asked about Kaladin's presence. Yixli spoke highly of him, but the scribe said that the Fused would have to label him free. He stepped out of line and saw a tall parshwoman with red eyes, like those of the Shattered Plains. Seeing the Fused, Kaladin knew it was time to go. He sucked in the Stormlight from Khen's pouch and took the pouch from her. He thanked Khen for her kindness, warned her of the impending storm, and said that no matter what she is told, he didn't wish to be her enemy.[9]

A highstorm is close. Thank you for your kindness. No matter what you are told, know this: I do not wish to be your enemy.

—Kaladin to Then[9]

He launched himself into the air as the Fused began to scream. Once in the air, Kaladin looked over the scores of parshmen and he told Syl he can't help but feel a kinship to them. She argued that they're Voidbringers and they conquered the city, but Kaladin explained that they are people who are angry and have good reason to be. He reminds her of how he felt about Elhokar, but she countered that he changed his mind. They continue to argue and Kaladin confessed that he just wanted an absolute right on this, not a moral code with exceptions. Kaladin looked down at the city once more and they both realized the parshmen guarding the humans had not done any preparations for the impending storm. Kaladin Lashed himself down to them and shouted warning of the highstorm. They just stared at him, so Kaladin summoned his blade and warned the people to take refuge wherever they did during the last storms. He charged the parshmen guards to do better and that if they wanted to claim moral superiority over the humans, they have to treat them better than they were treated.[9]

Storms, I'd hoped...I'd hoped you could tell me, give me an absolute right. For once, I'd like my moral code not to come with a list of exceptions at the end.

—Kaladin to Syl about his kinship with the parshmen[9]

During the exchange with the guards, something crashed into Kaladin, tossing him backwards. As they grasped for his throat, Kaladin kicked them off and he Lashed himself into the air. The red-eyed parshman that attacked Kaladin glowed with what looked like dark Stormlight. Another creature appeared and Kaladin Lashed himself straight toward the stormwall. He pleaded with the Stormfather to show mercy and spare the people below. The Stormfather seemed to consider his request, but said it was something that could not be done. Kaladin zoomed to the ground hoping to find the people safe, but it was all for naught. He hit the ground and dropped Syl, seizing a young father, his son, and another woman. He led them to a group of two dozen people and walked with them. Consumed with pain, Kaladin sucked in Stormlight and deflected the storm while the battered people huddled behind him. He provided them with cover, diverting the storm long enough for the people to reach the bunker. Syl was impressed with what he had done, but Kaladin was dissatisfied that it wasn't enough. Kaladin pushed himself out of the stormwall and then rode in front of the storm for a good hour. Syl instructed Kaladin to follow the wind's nudging as the Stormfather's way of apologizing. He allowed the winds to channel him for hours and by the time the storm passed, he found himself outside of Urithiru.[9]

Just listen to the piece of nature incarnate, okay? I think Father wants to apologize, in his own way

—Syl to Kaladin after his lament of not being able to save everyone during the high storm[9]

The Return to Urithiru

Bridge Four Issues

When Kaladin returned to Urithiru, he was met with a host of issues by Sigzil. He brought up the issue of Kaladin needing an actual scribe, that the bridge crews are a mess, the finances piling up faster than Leyten can deal with. Sigzil then mentioned the issue of family housing, filling Kaladin in on the fact that Peet is now betrothed to Ka, Bisig is close to being betrothed, and Punio is apparently already married. Kaladin confessed he thought that was Punio's sister. Then, Sigzil said there's the matter of Drehy and the fact that he was courting a man, Dru. Kaladin told Sigzil he did know that one. Sigzil told Kaladin that the problem was that Drehy didn't file the proper paperwork. Kaladin rolled his eyes, telling Sigzil they didn't have such forms and asking if it was really such a big issue. Sigzil admitted that it is not this issue specifically, but more than there were four religions represented in Bridge Four currently.[10]

Sigzil struggled to get his point across to Kaladin, trying to tell a story as his master did. Kaladin just blinked, not understanding what the issue was. Sigzil finally confessed that the men don't have any direction and now that they are no longer slaves, they don't know their place, specifically what a Knight Radiant was supposed to be. They needed guidance or a moral center, someone they could talk to when they were doing something wrong. Kaladin asked if Sigzil wanted to be this person and he replied that someone had to.[10]

Your master teach you to be this judgmental?

—Kaladin to Sigzil [10]

Kaladin waved for Sigzil to follow him. Kaladin encouraged Sigzil that if he wanted to be something of the unit's ardent, then he didn't mind it. But Kaladin cautioned Sigzil to make sure that he tries to understand what the men want out of life and respect that path rather than projecting what he desired for them. Sigzil countered that some of the things they were doing was just wrong. Teft had gotten into Firemoss and Huio had been visiting prostitutes. Kaladin said it wasn't forbidden, but Sigzil argued it was wrong. Kaladin asked Sigzil if his master taught him to be so judgmental. Kaladin apologized, but Sigzil said his master often said the same thing. Ultimately, Kaladin gave Sigzil permission to sit down with Huio and the other men and express his concerns and his morals, so long as it wasn't code.[10]

Windrunner Recruitment

Shifting subjects, Sigzil brought up the idea of recruitment since Bridge Four was down to twenty-eight members, especially if they were to lose any more members. Kaladin told him they wouldn't, but Sigzil still recommended they should keep an eye out for good people. He also wondered what would happen if men started bonding their own spren, specifically if Bridge Four would be dissolved. Neither talked for a while as they walked, the idea of dissolving the group seemed too painful to consider. Kaladin finally said they would consider recruitment, but he wasn't sure how, to which Sigzil promised to come up with some ideas.[10]

Lyn ran down the hallway towards the pair and she saluted Kaladin, saying he was just the man she was looking for. She informed him that the Quartermaster approved his unusual request. Kaladin eyed Lyn and asked if she was the one helping his men, even going so far as the make excuses to see them and not being afraid of the 'Lost Radiants.' Lyn confessed that based on what she had seen on the battlefield, she would rather bet on his side than bet on the opposition. Kaladin nodded and asked her if she would like to join the Windrunners. Lyn stopped in place, her jaw dropping and then agreeing on the spot. Kaladin asked if Sigzil could get the accounts and ledgers for her and explained she could also help the men write letters to their families. He also suggested that they should probably write a history of Bridge Four.[10]

Lyn deflated when she realized Kaladin meant for her to join as a scribe. She informed him that she didn't join the scouts to sit around looking at ledgers. She decided she would have to decline if that's what he was offering. Understanding, Kaladin extended an invitation to try out for the Windrunners. He admitted he wasn't sure what the test would be yet, but for her to speak with her superior for clearance to change battalions. She bounded off excited. After she left, Sigzil without thinking asked Kaladin if he was taught to be insensitive. He then suggested that maybe Kaladin should understand what people want and respect that rather than projecting on them his own ideas. Kaladin cut him off and told him to shut it.[10]

As they walked to the to the Quartermaster office, Kaladin asked Sigzil if there was anything else on his list. Sigzil recapped everything they had discussed so far and then said they needed to define their role in the army since they were no longer bodyguards. Kaladin told him they were still bodyguards, but ones that had bigger problems in that storm. Sigzil overwhelmed Kaladin with questions that he couldn't answer. Sigzil apologized, but Kaladin disagreed saying they were good questions and they were lucky to have him. He admitted that Sigzil was probably wasted in Bridge Four as she should have been a scholar. Sigzil confessed that he failed the exams, that he wasn't good enough. Kaladin disagreed, calling the tests stupid and saying Azir lost out on a chance to have them. Sigzil smiled, saying he was glad they did because he wanted to be the first into the sky when Bridge Four takes to the air. Kaladin joked that he would have to fight Lopen for that distinction. Finally arriving at the Quartermaster's office, Kaladin completed the paperwork and the pair was handed two sacks filled with emeralds to practice being Radiant with. [10]

The Last Time We March

Windrunner Training

What we're attempting today is different. I barely understand how I learned to use Stormlight. We're going to have to stumble through this together.

—Kaladin at Windrunner Training [11]

With emeralds in hand, Kaladin traveled with Bridge Four and prospective Windrunner members to the Shattered Plains for training. He admitted that they were going to have to stumble through this process together as he barely understood how to use Stormlight. He told them the first step was to swear the First Ideal and they all began belting out the words. Kaladin handed a pouch of the gemstones to Lopen explaining that the real test is whether or not they can draw Stormlight. Lopen started glowing immediately. Kaladin divided the trainees into groups with Lopen, Sigzil, and Peet leading them. Kaladin looked around for Teft, who was nowhere to be found. Leyten informed Kaladin that Teft didn't return to the barracks the night before. With his absence, Kaladin filled in his spot, training the scouts. The groups broke off with Kaladin telling the leaders he wanted everyone on the plateau glowing like they swallowed a lantern before the day was done.[11]

Kaladin listened on as Lopen told his group he would show them how he could fly. He yelled at Lopen, telling him to stop showing off. He walked over to Hobber, kneeling before him. Kaladin handed Hobber a gemstone and explained he had to breathe in the Stormlight, something he wasn't really sure he was doing until Teft explained it to him. Hobber objected, saying he wasn't that good with the spear and barely a passable cook. Kaladin folded the gemstone in Hobber's fingers and just asked him to try, explaining that being a Radiant wasn't about strength or skill as much as it was about heart. Kaladin told Hobber that his heart was the best of all of them. He gripped Hobber on the arm, almost seeming to tear up. Kaladin Stormblessed seemed intimidating to most where some days it didn't seem like all the stones in Roshar could break him. But when one of his men got injured, you could see Kaladin crack.[11]

Being a Radiant isn't so much about your strength or skill, but about your heart. And yours is the best of all of us.

—Kaladin to Hobber [11]

Rock walked over and asked Kaladin if he really thought Hobber could do this. Kaladin said he was sure that not only Hobber could do this, but all of Bridge Four, too. Catching the captain in a rare smile, Rock told Kaladin he had to come sample the drink Huio made. Kaladin said the drink was very good and Rock said he was going to promote Huio to airsick lowlander, second class. Kaladin told Rock he was becoming too fond of that term. Nearby, the two watched Lopen continue to try to convince the ground he was not going to leave it for good. Rock admitted he was fond of the term, but only because there was so many applications among them. Kaladin grinned, sipping his shiki, watching the others practice. The pair saw Drehy light up, followed by Bisig. Kaladin told Rock that this would work and then he wouldn't have to worry about which of them he would lose. Rock explained that it was still war and men would die. Kaladin disagreed, arguing Bridge Four would be protected by their powers.[11]

The captain asked Rock about how things worked on the Peaks with only the younger sons going to war. Kaladin stated that meant they hardly ever lost sons in battle. Rock laughed, telling Kaladin he didn't know how big Horneater families were. Rock explained that the Peaks were a different place. Kaladin admitted they sounded nice and Rock offered for him and Bridge Four to come visit sometime as they are all family now. The two watched as Lopen still remained stuck to the ground. The two laughed and Rock said that perhaps Lopen would be less "Lopen" when he was away from the toxic air. Kaladin chuckled, but then asked Rock what happened to his brother. Rock told him that it is a sad story and the day was not one for sad stories. Kaladin patted him on the shoulder and told him if he ever needed to talk, he would be around. Rock nodded and pointed to the where someone was crossing the bridge to their plateau, saying the king had been wanting to speak with him.[11]

A King's Request

Elhokar told Kaladin he was right, that the men's power had been restored. He asked Kaladin how soon they would be ready. Kaladin admitted that he didn't know. They were in fighting shape, but it was hard to know when they would master their Windrunner powers. Elhokar asked the captain if he would be willing to fly him to Kholinar. Kaladin said that he would do as his commander told him to do. Elhokar explained that's not what he meant, but if he would go personally to help him reclaim their homeland. Kaladin agreed, asking for a few weeks to train his men. He preferred to take some squire Windrunners with him and hopefully even leave a Radiant behind in case something happened to him. Elhokar said they would need some time for his Uncle to try to contact people in Kholinar using his vision, perhaps twenty days. He asked Kaladin if that would be enough time and Kaladin said he would have to. Kaladin walked over and resumed training with his scouts.[11]

Rock returned to the kitchen to hand Hobber the plates so they could begin distributing the food. However, Hobber didn't respond to his request. Rather, he was focused on the gemstone in his hand. Rock stepped forward, his thoughts encouraging Hobber to drink it. The energy changed and several windscreen turned toward Hobber. In a moment, it seemed like everything else to Rock had faded as Hobber's fist began to glow. Rock shouted and Hobber jumped in surprise. His jaw dropped and he stared at the now-dun sphere. He held up his hand and shouted at the other men.[11]

A Miracle

It will work, Rock. This will protect him.

—Kaladin to Rock after Hobber's healing [11]

Later, after much practice, Hobber finally drew in his first Stormlight, surprising everyone. The bridgemen came rushing over and Kaladin ordered them to give all their gemstones to Hobber. The men scrambled to give Hobber their gemstones and the lights dampened. As Bridge Four celebrated with the newly healed Hobber, Kaladin stepped over to Rock and told him this would work. However, their celebration was cut short by a plume of smoke off to the west.[11]

A Family Surprise and One Last Run

Rock ran at the center of the front of the bridge, leading the rest of the bridgemen while Kaladin flew ahead to check it out. Rock roared forward, his skin starting to glow with Stormlight, carrying the bridge all on his own, towing the others. Skar called out the marching song and all of Bridge Four echoed the words. While Bridge Four had grown strong in past runs, nothing compared to this run. Rock called out commands as Kaladin or Teft had once done.[11]

As they neared the source of the smoke, a beleaguered caravan, Rock threw his weight against the bridge pushing it across the chasm and charged over. The others followed and Dabbid and Lopen unhooked the shield and spears from the side of the bridge. They fell into squads behind Rock, who refused a spear from Lopen. Kaladin floated overhead with his Shardspear in hand. He was looking off in the distance at the figures that streaked away. Drehy muttered that it was a Voidbringer attack. They walked through dozens of bodies before Rock saw a head and then six more faces poke out, his family.[11]

After Bridge Four spent some time helping the wounded, Rock introduced his family to Bridge Four and Kaladin introduced the group. After a few moments, Kaladin stepped up and clapped him on the shoulder, giving Rock and his family his rooms. He promised that this would light a fire under him and he would get family quarters for the bridgemen. Rock wanted to object, but decided it was more honorable to take the gift and simply thanked Kaladin for the rooms and for other things.[11]

Kaladin told Rock to go walk with his family, that the crew could handle the bridge today. Rock resisted, saying it would be a privilege to carry the bridge one last time, for his family. Kaladin questioned the one last time and Rock explained that soon they would be taking to the skies and would no longer have to carry the bridge. The rest of Bridge Four looked subdued, knowing this was true, but Rock told them not to be sad. There was great stew waiting and they could march not towards death, but towards food and good songs. The solemn group of men took up the bridge respectfully with Kaladin taking his place in front as they set out on one final run.[11]

Reclaiming Kholinar

Meeting of the Radiants

The parshmen aren't our enemies.

—Kaladin speaking to the Radiants [12]

Kaladin attended a meeting of the Radiants, leaning against the wall like a thundercloud. Dalinar had explained what the Stormfather had told him during his last vision about the Almighty and the ten Heralds and how they broke their oaths. Kaladin recapped that basically that meant anyone who could help them was either crazy, dead, traitor, or a combination of all three. They debated what they should do after and Jasnah said they must curb the Voidbringer assault. Kaladin disagreed, saying the parshmen weren’t their enemies. Jasnah continued to argue with Kaladin that the parshmen will pursue their extinction and that perhaps he should visit Dalinar’s visions to see what the consequences of a soft heart are.[12]

Kaladin countered that he’s seen war, he’s a soldier, but the Ideals have expanded his focus and he knows they aren’t monsters. Dalinar stopped Jasnah’s reply and asked Kaladin if he saw an accommodation here. Kaladin admitted that he didn’t know and Dalinar told him he couldn’t afford to stay his hand from war. Kaladin argued that maybe he should reconsider the other wars rather than using them to justify this one. Dalinar said that if they can be certain of one thing, it was protecting his homeland. Kaladin nodded and told them of his promise to Elhokar. Dalinar promises that once they secure the homeland, he will seek to negotiate with the parshmen. Jasnah disagreed, but without further information, nothing was certain.[12]

Maybe, that should make you reconsider those other wars, rather than using them to justify this one.

—Kaladin countering Dalinar [12]

Kaladin agreed to fly in front of the storm to test it, taking a small group. Dalinar agreed, He offered to send Adolin and suggested three of Kaladin’s men and the king. Kaladin expressed his concern about Elhokar going, but Dalinar said he needed to go for personal reasons. Jasnah argued this was too small, not ambitious enough, as it didn’t address the real problem, the Fused. Jasnah suggested that they should find the Heralds and kill them. Kaladin fiercely objected and Jasnah explained that if they killed the Heralds, it would return them to Damnation and trap the spirits of the Voidbringers. Kaladin strongly objected at her lack of sympathy to which she countered with logic. Dalinar stopped them both from arguing and they took a break.[12]

Rescuing Teft

Here's your blood money, you eel.

—Kaladin to the den keeper after finding Teft [13]

Kaladin went with Rock to find Teft who was draped over a table, drooling, after three bowls of firemoss. They pushed open the tent and Kaladin called to Rock that they found him. Kaladin knelt beside him and the den's keeper said that Teft owed them for three bowls. Rock told the den keeper he should be glad that they do not rip off pieces of his body and pay him for that. Teft croaked and turned away, not wanting them to see him in this state. The den keeper argued that his establishment was completely legal and if they assaulted them, they would bring the guard to defend them. Kaladin gave the den keeper his "blood money," and asked Rock to get Teft. Rock was gentle with his touch and Teft started crying. Kaladin asked Teft what happened to his coat and he confessed he sold it. Kaladin fell silent and Rock carried him halfway back until Teft protested at Rock's breath and asked to walk on his own two feet.[13]

Kaladin and Rock set Teft up in one of the barrack rooms, privately, away from the rest of the bridgemen. They wrapped blankets around him and brought him some of Rock's stew. Teft apologized and promised to tell them if he started feeling the need again. They made him promise that he would let them know if he needed help in the future. Then, Kaladin and Rock left, allowing him to rest.[13]


Sadeas' Murder

When Sadeas was found murdered, Teft was quick to defend Bridge Four against the allegations from Sadeas' officers, saying they found him like this.[14]

Encounter with the Unmade Re-Shephir

Teft traveled with the rest of Bridge Four and Adolin to help Shallan after she chases the mysterious spren into a tunnel. As they looked over where Pattern had led them, Teft agreed with Lyn, but questioned why someone would hide a room in this spot. Before anyone could answer Teft's question, Renarin whispered that there was something ancient down below. He looked to Shallan, saying the entire tower was weird and wondered if she had noticed it, too. Teft said that Renarin is the expert on weird and that they will trust his word. This caused Rock and Lopen to start arguing over who was truly the weirdest among them. When Drehy asked Teft what their marching orders would be, Teft deferred to Adolin. Adolin asked Shallan if she was sure they needed to do this and she replied yes, they have to. Adolin then requested Teft to give them a heavy rearguard. With Adolin's request, Teft shuffled some personnel before they proceeded. Once the marching orders had been set, the bridgemen proceeded along with Shallan and Adolin into the tunnel.[15]

Kid, you're the expert on what's weird. We'll trust your word.

—Teft to Renarin about the ancient spren[15]

As they descended into darkness, Teft reminded Shallan that she should not expect anything extraordinary from his men. While some of them had been able to suck in Stormlight and strut around like they were Stormblessed, Teft confessed that stopped when Kaladin left. Lopen replied optimistically that the ability would return when Kaladin returned. Teft quieted Lopen, not wanting to give away their position. However, he did reassure Shallan that his men would do their best. After a lengthy walk, they finally reached the bottom of the shaft, causing several of the bridgemen to sigh.[15]

Upon reaching the bottom, they entered a hall with bright mosaic tiles and gorgeous intricate pictures of the Heralds made of thousands of tiles adorning the ceiling. The walls contained depictions of the Almighty in his traditional form as well as a woman in the shape of a tree, hands spreading toward the sky and becoming branches. There were murals of shapes that depicted ten kinds of spren, possibly one for each order. Adolin sent a vanguard of bridgemen ahead and they soon returned.[15]

At their return, Lyn relayed that there were metal doors ahead, one on each side. The group moved towards the doors and the bridgemen tried to open then with no success. Drehy wiped his brow and said they were locked. Adolin said he had a key, raising his Shardblade. Shallan objected, but Adolin reminded her they were chasing a murderer. Shallan waved all the bridgemen back while Adolin rammed his blade into the door. Teft tried the door and was able to shove it open.[15]

The bridgemen ducked in first, spears in hand, taking point. Once they secured the room, an old library, Adolin led them to secure the second room. Their searching was cut short when Lyn called for Adolin, Shallan, and the rest of Bridge Four. They returned to the corridor to find a large mass reflecting the light like glistening tar standing in front of Renarin. Seeing this, the bridgemen put themselves in front of Shallan, between her and Renarin. Teft barked orders to get the men in formation in two lines. Hearing the commotion, Adolin burst out of the second library room, joining the bridgemen.[15]

The darkness seeped down the hall towards them, coating everything, becoming figures and creatures that rippled into existence. Renarin whispered that one of the Unmade was here, Re-Shephir, the Midnight Mother. Adolin shouted for Shallan and the men to run back up the hall as he charged the figures. Shallan noticed the creatures looked like them, particularly one that looked like Teft, one like Lopen, and two with the appearance of Shardplate.[15]

Teft ordered the men to make a careful retreat, not allowing themselves to get boxed in. Renarin ignored Teft's orders, frozen until Adolin grabbed his arm and Teft shouted at him again. He fell in line and they began to retreat in line. Suddenly, the enemy moved causing the bridgemen to curse and turn their spears as the main mass of darkness swept up the sides of the corridor, covering the murals. The creatures surrounded Bridge Four who now formed a circle to keep from being attacked from the rear. The creatures thrust spears at the bridgemen, wounding one now and again. Lyn and Lopen bandaged the injured while Renarin used Stormlight to heal them so they could return to the line.[15]

Shallan noticed the Unmade was imitating them and began to talk to it while Teft and the others continued to fight off the midnight creatures. Shallan breathed in Stormlight to create her own radiant force that spread out to surround and protect the bridgemen. The men of Bridge Four were able to momentarily relax while Adolin asked Shallan whether now would be the time to fight or retreat. They decided to fight and Adolin asked if the bridgemen were ready to give it another go. Lopen replied that they would last longer than him, even with his fancy armor.[15]

Shallan asked Adolin for them to clear a path close enough for her to touch the Unmade. Adolin asked Renarin to guard his back and Bridge Four shouted, rushing in behind him forming a spear line on either side of Shallan. As Teft and the rest of the bridgemen along with Adolin and Renarin continued to struggle to hold back the midnight creatures, Shallan reached out with her safehand and touched the Unmade.[15]

Guards seem like a very, very good idea.

—Teft about the corridor where they found the Unmade[16]

Shallan dropped backward into the room to find Renarin healing a bridgemen who ad been hurt. She quickly asked Adolin what happened to the Unmade. He said it fled like smoke farther down into the mountains. Eth asked if they should chase it. Shallan, feeling the change in the tower, told them not to chase it. She told him they could post guards, but she didn't think it would return. Teft agreed that guards sounded like a very good idea. She frowned at his comment but followed his gaze to what the Re-Shephir had been hiding - thousands upon thousands of cut gemstones.[16]

Struggle with Firemoss Addiction

Teft work up and unfortunately his first sensation was pain. He wondered if he'd ever been useful as he rolled over and groaned, his jacket gone. Getting to his feet, Teft realized he was in an alleyway between tents in the Breakaway market. He was halfway through relieving himself when he realized what he was doing. His first thought was that at least he wasn't some drunkard who wallowed in filth, but that thought reminded him of a deeper pain, the pain of need. He wasn't a drunkard, he was something far, far worse. He walked down the alleyway and women passed looking away as if embarrassed for him. He then thought maybe it was a good thing he lost his coat, so he didn't shame his entire crew. However, he told himself he was already a shame to the crew.[13]

He made his way to the well and drank the water despite his stomach immediately cramping in rejection, a regular occurrence after a night on firemoss. As he took another sip, he debated throwing him in. He wondered if he did, would he still feel the itching need inside. He noticed in the water's reflection, a woman with pale white skin, glowing faintly, with hair that hovered around her head like clouds. He slapped the water and told her to leave him alone, to go find someone else who cares.[13]

You leave me alone. You just go find someone who cares.

—Teft to the spren [13]

He stumbled away and realized that returning the barracks would be the smart thing to do, but he couldn't face Bridge Four like this. He wandered the market instead, keeping his eyes down. He remembered how he used to function before, some moss here and there, but then Kaladin left and he faced the monster of the darkness, including one that looked just like him. He'd needed the moss to deal with that. Looking up, the spren stood in front of and whispered that he'd spoken oaths. Teft thought the oaths stupid and foolish, disappointed that becoming Radiant didn't remove his cravings.[13]

He found a tent nestled among the taverns and he walked in, sitting down at a table. A woman brought over a little bowl of firemoss, not bothering to ask for payment that she knew he would have. Teft stared at the bowl, loathing himself, but the yearning increased tenfold. He seized the firemoss and rubbed it between his raw, blistering fingers. A minute later, the firemoss washed away his pains and strengthened his resolve. Where the moss used to give Teft a feeling of euphoria, now it was necessity to survive. It washed away his burdens and the memories of the dark version of himself. He was a wretch and a coward and he knew he didn't deserve to wear the symbol of Bridge Four and the spren would be better off fleeing.[13]

Don't see me. Don't...

—Teft when Kaladin and Rock find him [13]

He went through three bowls before a garish light made him blink and raise his head from the drool-stained table. A figure knelt beside him as Teft heard Kaladin's voice. The den's keeper said that Teft owed them for three bowls. Rock told the den keeper he should be glad that they do not rip off pieces of his body and pay him for that. Teft croaked and turned away, not wanting them to see his state. The den keeper argued that his establishment was completely legal and if they assaulted them, they would bring the guard to defend them. Kaladin gave the den keeper his "blood money," and asked Rock to get Teft. Rock was gentle with his touch and Teft started crying. Kaladin asked Teft what happened to his coat and he confessed he sold it. Kaladin fell silent and Rock carried him halfway back until Teft protested and asked to walk on his own two feet.[13]

Kaladin and Rock set Teft up in one of the barrack rooms, privately. They wrapped blankets around him and brought him some of Rock's stew. Teft apologized and promised to tell them if he started feeling the need again. He couldn't eat the stew just yet though, unable to keep anything down. They let him rest and Teft thought about how they were better friends than he deserved, growing into something grand while Teft stayed on the ground. Before the day was up, Teft was back to training bridgemen from other crews, able to function, but even as he went back to work, the realization that he wasn't going to get any more firemoss for a while hurt him more than anything. He realized he was going to have to go a few excruciating days of feeling like half a man, where all he wouldn't feel anything but his self-loathing and his shame. The thought of no help terrified Teft.[13]



As Veil shoved her way through the crowd chasing the shadow, she found Rock holding his hand. He had been stabbed just like the Horneater man Veil had stabbed previously. Rock, not knowing who Veil is, asked who she is to ask such a question. She fibbed and said she was on Aladar's policing force. Rock told her he was fine, but that he didn't see the person well due to the hat and the long coat. When a woman screamed, the man attacked him, stabbing Rock in the hand and then running away. Rock reasoned that perhaps it was an assassination attempt by someone who might be angry that he is a Kholin guard.[17]

Encounter with the Unmade Re-Shephir

Rock traveled with the rest of Bridge Four and Adolin to help Shallan after she chases the mysterious spren into a tunnel. When Renarin points out there is something ancient in the tunnel and that the whole tower seems weird, Rock argued with Lopen on who was truly the weirdest among them. Some discussion later and with the marching orders finally set, the bridgemen proceeded along with Shallan and Adolin into the tunnel. After a lengthy walk, they finally reached the bottom of the shaft, causing several of the bridgemen to sigh.[15]

Upon reaching the bottom, they entered a hall with bright mosaic tiles and gorgeous intricate pictures of the Heralds made of thousands of tiles adorning the ceiling. The walls contained depictions of the Almighty in his traditional form as well as a woman in the shape of a tree, hands spreading toward the sky and becoming branches. There were murals of shapes that depicted ten kinds of spren, possibly one for each order. Adolin sent a vanguard of bridgemen ahead and they soon returned.[15]

At their return, Lyn relayed that there were metal doors ahead, one on each side. The group moved towards the doors and the bridgemen tried to open then with no success. Drehy wiped his brow and said they were locked. Adolin said he had a key, raising his Shardblade. Shallan objected, but Adolin reminded her they were chasing a murderer. Shallan waved all the bridgemen back while Adolin rammed his blade into the door. Teft tried the door and was able to shove it open.[15]

The bridgemen ducked in first, spears in hand, taking point. Once they secured the room, an old library, Adolin led them to secure the second room. Their searching was cut short when Lyn called for Adolin, Shallan, and the rest of Bridge Four. They returned to the corridor to find a large mass reflecting the light like glistening tar standing in front of Renarin. Seeing this, the bridgemen put themselves in front of Shallan, between her and Renarin. Teft barked orders to get the men in formation in two lines. Hearing the commotion, Adolin burst out of the second library room, joining the bridgemen.[15]

The darkness seeped down the hall towards them, coating everything, becoming figures and creatures that rippled into existence. Renarin whispered that one of the Unmade was here, Re-Shephir, the Midnight Mother. Adolin shouted for Shallan and the men to run back up the hall as he charged the figures. Shallan noticed the creatures looked like them, particularly one that looked like Teft, one like Lopen, and two with the appearance of Shardplate.[15]

Teft ordered the men to make a careful retreat, not allowing themselves to get boxed in. Renarin ignored Teft's orders, frozen until Adolin grabbed his arm and Teft shouted at him again. He fell in line and they began to retreat in line. Suddenly, the enemy moved causing the bridgemen to curse and turn their spears as the main mass of darkness swept up the sides of the corridor, covering the murals. The creatures surrounded Bridge Four who now formed a circle to keep from being attacked from the rear. The creatures thrust spears at the bridgemen, wounding one now and again. Lyn and Lopen bandaged the injured while Renarin used Stormlight to heal them so they could return to the line.[15]

Shallan noticed the Unmade was imitating them and began to talk to it while Rock and the others continued to fight off the midnight creatures. Shallan breathed in Stormlight to create her own radiant force that spread out to surround and protect the bridgemen. The men of Bridge Four were able to momentarily relax while Adolin asked Shallan whether now would be the time to fight or retreat. They decided to fight and Adolin asked if the bridgemen were ready to give it another go. Lopen replied that they would last longer than him, even with his fancy armor.[15]

Shallan asked Adolin for them to clear a path close enough for her to touch the Unmade. Adolin asked Renarin to guard his back and Bridge Four shouted, rushing in behind him forming a spear line on either side of Shallan. As Rock and the rest of the bridgemen along with Adolin and Renarin continued to struggle to hold back the midnight creatures, Shallan reached out with her safehand and touched the Unmade.[15]

Shallan dropped backward into the room to find Renarin healing a bridgemen who ad been hurt. She quickly asked Adolin what happened to the Unmade. He said it fled like smoke farther down into the mountains. Eth asked if they should chase it. Shallan, feeling the change in the tower, told them not to chase it. She told him they could post guards, but she didn't think it would return. Teft agreed that guards sounded like a very good idea. She frowned at his comment but followed his gaze to what the Re-Shephir had been hiding - thousands upon thousands of cut gemstones.[16]

The Last Time We March

Training to be Windrunners

Rock placed his cauldron on the plateau of the Shattered Plains while Bridge Four gathered for Windrunner training. As he stirred the stew, he reflected on how the chasms had helped him find his purpose again after a long time of being lost. Rock observed as Kaladin stepped up to begin the training, Kaladin's good spirits not lost on him. When Kaladin told the group they would have to swear the First Ideal, Rock whispered the words as well. When Kaladin asked where Teft was, Rock was surprised that he was just now noticing his absence. As much as he loved his captain, he knew that Kaladin could get a little distracted.[11]

As the training began, Rock handed off the stirring to Dabbid. He watched as Huio was stirring the shiki he had made the day before. He was horrified though when Huio added labzo to the drink. Rock bellowed and stomped over to him demanding to know what he was doing. Huio said something in Herdazian and Rock yelled for Lopen to come talk to his cousin. However, Lopen paid him no mind and continuing talking about how he got stuck to the ceiling earlier. Huio just simply offered Rock a spoon of the mixture to try. Rock was surprised to find the drink was very good. Huio smiled and Rock asked him to do the same to the rest of the shiki, promising he wouldn't kill him.[11]

Rock searched for Hobber, knowing the man couldn't have gotten far since he was unable to walk. His search was interrupted by Lopen's failed attempt to fly and Kaladin's scolding in response. He grunted in amusement and rounded the cooking station to find Hobber with Kaladin kneeling before him. Kaladin explained he had to breathe in the Stormlight, something he wasn't really sure he was doing until Teft explained it to him. Hobber objected, saying he wasn't that good with the spear and barely a passable cook. Rock knew that passable was a stretch, but Hobber needed a job he could do sitting after he was injured in the attack by the Assassin in White and Rock was happy to have him. Rock watched as Kaladin folded the gemstone in Hobber's fingers and just asked him to try, explaining that being a Radiant wasn't about strength or skill as much as it was about heart. Kaladin told Hobber that his heart was the best of all of them. Rock looked on as Kaladin gripped Hobber on the arm, almost seeming to tear up.[11]

Rock knew that Kaladin Stormblessed seemed intimidating to most where some days it didn't seem like all the stones in Roshar could break him. But when one of his men got injured, you could see Kaladin crack. Rock walked over and asked Kaladin if he really thought Hobber could do this. Kaladin said he was sure that not only Hobber could do this, but all of Bridge Four, too.[11]

Ha! Finding a smile on your face, Kaladin Stormblessed, is like finding lost sphere in your soup. Surprising, yes, but very nice too.

—Rock to Kaladin [11]

Catching the captain in a rare smile, Rock told Kaladin he had to come sample the drink Huio made. Kaladin said the drink was very good and Rock said he was going to promote Huio to airsick lowlander, second class. Kaladin told Rock he was becoming too fond of that term. Nearby, the two watched Lopen continue to try to convince the ground he was not going to leave it for good. Rock admitted he was fond of the term, but only because there was so many applications among them. Kaladin grinned, sipping his shiki, watching the others practice. The pair saw Drehy light up, followed by Bisig. Kaladin told Rock that this would work and then he wouldn't have to worry about which of them he would lose. Rock explained that it was still war and men would die. Kaladin disagreed, arguing Bridge Four would be protected by their powers.[11]

Kaladin...This thing we have begun, it is still war. Men will die."

—Rock to Kaladin [11]

The captain asked Rock about how things worked on the peaks with only the younger sons going to war. Kaladin stated that meant they hardly ever lost sons in battle. Rock laughed, telling Kaladin he didn't know how big Horneater families were. Rock explained that the Peaks were a different place. Kaladin admitted they sounded nice and Rock offered for him and Bridge Four to come visit sometime as they are all family now. The two watched as Lopen still remained stuck to the ground. The two laughed and Rock said that perhaps Lopen would be less "Lopen" when he was away from the toxic air. Kaladin chuckled, but then asked Rock what happened to his brother. Rock told him that it is a sad story and the day was not one for sad stories. Kaladin patted him on the shoulder and told him if he ever needed to talk, he would be around. Rock nodded and pointed to the where someone was crossing the bridge to their plateau, saying the king had been wanting to speak with him.[11]

Rock listened on as Kaladin talked to the king, knowing he didn't just come to talk to the captain, but also to observe the training. Rock handed a drink to the king, seeing their old bridge as he did. Rock thought they had lost it, but a salvage party found it and hauled it up at Teft's request. He looked beyond it and was unsettled with what he saw, the next plateau ruined by the Everstorm and the Battle of Narak. Dalinar patted the bridge and walked back to his cooking station. He washed his hands and got to work on the bread. Despite not participating in the training or sparring, he was still a part of Bridge Four. As he continued to work the bread, he could almost hear his mother's humming in their kitchen. He knew that Kaladin had been wrong. He didn't become a cook, he'd always been one. He closed his eyes, humming his mother's song until he heard Prince Renarin's footsteps beside him.[11]

Helping Others

That one, will never hold a spear again. He will not fly, but he is Bridge Four. I am forbidden to fight, but I am Bridge Four. And you, you might have fancy title and different powers. But I know Bridge Four. And you, Renarin Kholin, are Bridge Four.

—Rock trying to reassure Renarin [11]

Rock hollered at Renarin and said he could use some help with the bread, which caused Renarin to smile immediately. Rock knew that all Renarin had ever wanted was to be treated like the others. Rock didn't push Renarin to talk, but instead waited. He wondered where his spren was. Rock could see them all, but he'd never seen one with the prince. After a few moments, Renarin asked Rock if his being a Truthwatcher meant he couldn't be in Bridge Four anymore. Rock told him that was nonsense, that they all were Bridge Four, even Dabbed who could no longer hold a spear and Rock who was forbidden to fight. Renarin asked him if he ever worried that he wasn't the person everyone thought him to be. Rock surmised that maybe it is not that Renarin isn't what everyone claims him to be, but that he is worried he is that person. Renarin admitted that he was afraid to talk to the ardents because he doesn't want to stand out. Rock pointed to Rlain and Renarin said that he doesn't count. Rock pointed out that Rlain is probably told that all the time and asks Renarin how that must feel. Renarin stared for a long time and then walked over to sit beside Rlain, bringing a smile to Rock's face as he finishes the bread.[11]

Rock then talked with Leyten who was still shaken by their encounter with the Unmade. Rock calmed and commiserated with him until he felt better and returned to practice. Other still had their worries and came to talk with the Horneater. Skar, who was the best spearman among them since Moash left, was feeling self-conscious since he had been unable to draw Stormlight. Rock asked Skar to teach him what he had learned and Rock actually managed to draw in some Stormlight to Skar's delight and surprise. While others would have felt worse, Rock knew Skar would feel better because he was a teacher at heart.[11]

An Offering and a Miracle

They are looking. This thing is happening. Not just bridge men. Not just squires. Radiants, as Kaladin wishes.

—Rock to Syl [11]

With the men watered and the stew done, Rock looked out of the plateaus and almost stumbled into his own cauldron at the sight. Gods, strong gods, like Sylphrena were glowing a faint blue as they clustered around a tall spren woman. Rock bowed and tried to think of an appropriate offering. Syl said that Rock was so wonderfully respectful, it bordered on silly. Rock asked Syl if they were her kin. Syl admitted that they maybe kind of sort of were. She could barely remember Phendorana's voice reprimanding her and how she got in so much trouble for searching out Kaladin. She told Rock they probably wouldn't speak to her because then they would have to admit they were wrong and they hated being wrong. Rock nodded and Syl commented about his tan fading. He fished out his spheres and set each one in its own bowl and then approached the spren. The most important one studied Rock as he did. She rested her hand over one of the bowls and drew out the Starlight. Then she zipped away. The rest of the spren remained, watching the practicing men and women. Rock admitted to Syl that Kaladin's wish was happening, that they aren't just bridge men or even squires, but Radiants. Syl told Rock they will see and then zipped away.[11]

Rock returned to the kitchen to hand Hobber the plates so they could begin distributing the food. However, Hobber didn't respond to his request. Rather, he was focused on the gemstone in his hand. Rock stepped forward, his thoughts encouraging Hobber to drink it. The energy changed and several windscreen turned toward Hobber. In a moment, it seemed like everything else to Rock had faded as Hobber's fist began to glow. Rock shouted and Hobber jumped in surprise. His jaw dropped and he stared at the now-dun sphere. He held up his hand and shouted at the other men.[11]

The bridgemen came rushing over and Kaladin ordered them to give all their gemstones to Hobber. The men scrambled to give Hobber their gemstones and the lights dampened. Hobber cried that he could feel his toes again. He reached out for support and Drehy and Peet helped him slip off his stool, righting him. He finally forced them back, standing precariously on his own. The men of Bridge Four celebrated and Lopen gave the Bridge Four salute. It seemed to be something special coming from him, one of the first time Lopen had been able to make the salute back. Hobber saluted back. Kaladin stepped over to Rock and told him this would work. However, their celebration was cut short by a plume of smoke off to the west.[11]

A Family Surprise and One Last Run

Rock ran at the center of the front of the bridge, leading the rest of the bridgemen while Kaladin flew ahead to check it out. The smell of memories wasn't lost on Rock as he remembered coming in search of a Shardplate or Shardblade with Kef'ha. Kef'ha and Rock hadn't anticipated the cruelty of Torol Sadeas who had not only murdered Kef'ha without a proper duel, but also killed much of Rock's family who resisted and seized his property. Rock roared forward, his skin starting to glow with Stormlight, carrying the bridge all on his own, towing the others. Skar called out the marching song and all of Bridge Four echoed the words. While Bridge Four had grown strong in past runs, nothing compared to this run. Rock called out commands as Kaladin or Teft had once done.[11]

As they neared the source of the smoke, a beleaguered caravan, Rock threw his weight against the bridge pushing it across the chasm and charged over. The others followed and Dabbid and Lopen unhooked the shield and spears from the side of the bridge. They fell into squads behind Rock, who refused a spear from Lopen. Kaladin floated overhead with his Shardspear in hand. He was looking off in the distance at the figures that streaked away. Drehy muttered that it was a Voidbringer attack.[11]

Rock pushed his way through the caravan, seeing bodies everywhere. The Voidbringers had killed dozens. Rock found one body that wasn't human, but rather had marbled skin instead. A brilliant white arrow stuck from its back, Rock recognizing it as a Unkalaki feather. He looked to the right where someone poked their head out from behind a heap of furniture. Then, other faces poked out, six in total. Rock dashed over towards them as his family had finally arrived at the Shattered Plains.[11]

After Bridge Four spent some time helping the wounded, Rock introduced his family to Bridge Four and Kaladin introduced the group. Rock blinked away the happy tears that his family was here. Renarin then arrived alone with Adolin and two companies of troops. Renarin quickly set out to healing, saving several lives. Tuaka pulled Rock close and asked what happened. Rock explained that Kef'ha, Tifi, and Sinaku'a. Tuaka started to say something about what Rock is now, but Rock cut her off, saying he was a chef now. He pulled her close and told her they would take them to the tower and then he would tell her stories. Tuaka said that she had stories as well, as something was very wrong at the Peaks. She promised to explain when they were safe and that he was wise to usher them forward. Rock whispered that he was a fool to follow Kef'ha.[11]

I am a fool. I would blame the air, but I was a fool above too. A fool to ever let Kef'ha leave on this errand of stupidity.

—Rock his wife, Tuaka [11]

Kaladin stepped up and clapped him on the shoulder, giving Rock and his family his rooms. He promised that this would light a fire under him and he would get family quarters for the bridgemen. Rock wanted to object, but decided it was more honorable to take the gift and simply thanked Kaladin for the rooms and for other things. Kaladin told Rock to go walk with his family, that the crew could handle the bridge today. Rock resisted, saying it would be a privilege to carry the bridge one last time, for his family. Kaladin questioned the one last time and Rock explained that soon they would be taking to the skies and would no longer have to carry the bridge. The rest of Bridge Four looked subdued, knowing this was true, but Rock told them not to be sad. There was great stew waiting and they could march not towards death, but towards food and good songs. The solemn group of men took up the bridge respectfully with Kaladin taking his place in front as they set out on one final run.[11]

No. It will be a privilege to carry him one last time, for my family.

—Rock to Kaladin about their final bridge run [11]

Rescuing Teft

Be glad we do not rip off pieces of your body and pay you with those.

—Rock to the den keeper after finding Teft [13]

Rock went with Kaladin to find Teft who was draped over a table, drooling, after three bowls of firemoss. They pushed open the tent and Kaladin called to Rock that they found him. Kaladin knelt beside him and the den's keeper said that Teft owed them for three bowls. Rock told the den keeper he should be glad that they do not rip off pieces of his body and pay him for that. Teft croaked and turned away, not wanting them to see him in this state. The den keeper argued that his establishment was completely legal and if they assaulted them, they would bring the guard to defend them. Kaladin gave the den keeper his "blood money," and asked Rock to get Teft. Rock was gentle with his touch and Teft started crying. Kaladin asked Teft what happened to his coat and he confessed he sold it. Kaladin fell silent and Rock carried him halfway back until Teft protested at Rock's breath and asked to walk on his own two feet.[13]

Kaladin and Rock set Teft up in one of the barrack rooms, privately, away from the rest of the bridgemen. They wrapped blankets around him and brought him some of Rock's stew. Teft apologized and promised to tell them if he started feeling the need again. They made him promise that he would let them know if he needed help in the future. Then, Kaladin and Rock left, allowing him to rest.[13]


Perel Murder

At the murder of Vedekar Perel, Peet met Dalinar and explained they found Perel and immediately sent for him considering the murder looked so similar to Sadeas' murder.[18]

Finding Oathbringer

Once Lyn retrieved Dalinar, Peet and Leyten meet him on a balcony near where Sadeas was murdered. Once outside of the first level of the tower, Leyten tells Dalinar what Peet found, pointing to the rock wall. Protruding from the stone floor was the hilt of a Shardblade. Dalinar took a handkerchief from his pocket and used it to grab the hilt, its scream a distant whine. He knew immediately it was Oathbringer. Peet agreed with Dalinar that the killer must have dropped it out of the window and it clipped the stone. Peet, along with the other four bridgemen, accompanied Dalinar as he walked back into the tower to return the blade to Ialai Sadeas. After a heated discussion with Amaram, Dalinar asked Peet and the other bridgemen to leave him. They hesitated, but eventually retreated.[19]

Encounter with the Unmade Re-Shephir

Peet traveled with the rest of Bridge Four and Adolin to help Shallan after she chases the mysterious spren into a tunnel. Some discussion later and with the marching orders finally set, the bridgemen proceeded along with Shallan and Adolin into the tunnel. After a lengthy walk, they finally reached the bottom of the shaft, causing several of the bridgemen to sigh.[15]

Upon reaching the bottom, they entered a hall with bright mosaic tiles and gorgeous intricate pictures of the Heralds made of thousands of tiles adorning the ceiling. The walls contained depictions of the Almighty in his traditional form as well as a woman in the shape of a tree, hands spreading toward the sky and becoming branches. There were murals of shapes that depicted ten kinds of spren, possibly one for each order. Adolin sent a vanguard of bridgemen ahead and they soon returned.[15]

At their return, Lyn relayed that there were metal doors ahead, one on each side. The group moved towards the doors and the bridgemen tried to open then with no success. Drehy wiped his brow and said they were locked. Adolin said he had a key, raising his Shardblade. Shallan objected, but Adolin reminded her they were chasing a murderer. Shallan waved all the bridgemen back while Adolin rammed his blade into the door. Teft tried the door and was able to shove it open.[15]

The bridgemen ducked in first, spears in hand, taking point. Once they secured the room, an old library, Adolin led them to secure the second room. Their searching was cut short when Lyn called for Adolin, Shallan, and the rest of Bridge Four. They returned to the corridor to find a large mass reflecting the light like glistening tar standing in front of Renarin. Seeing this, the bridgemen put themselves in front of Shallan, between her and Renarin. Teft barked orders to get the men in formation in two lines. Hearing the commotion, Adolin burst out of the second library room, joining the bridgemen.[15]

The darkness seeped down the hall towards them, coating everything, becoming figures and creatures that rippled into existence. Renarin whispered that one of the Unmade was here, Re-Shephir, the Midnight Mother. Adolin shouted for Shallan and the men to run back up the hall as he charged the figures. Shallan noticed the creatures looked like them, particularly one that looked like Teft, one like Lopen, and two with the appearance of Shardplate.[15]

Teft ordered the men to make a careful retreat, not allowing themselves to get boxed in. Renarin ignored Teft's orders, frozen until Adolin grabbed his arm and Teft shouted at him again. He fell in line and they began to retreat in line. Suddenly, the enemy moved causing the bridgemen to curse and turn their spears as the main mass of darkness swept up the sides of the corridor, covering the murals. The creatures surrounded Bridge Four who now formed a circle to keep from being attacked from the rear. The creatures thrust spears at the bridgemen, wounding one now and again. Lyn and Lopen bandaged the injured while Renarin used Stormlight to heal them so they could return to the line.[15]

Shallan noticed the Unmade was imitating them and began to talk to it while Peet and the others continued to fight off the midnight creatures. Shallan breathed in Stormlight to create her own radiant force that spread out to surround and protect the bridgemen. The men of Bridge Four were able to momentarily relax while Adolin asked Shallan whether now would be the time to fight or retreat. They decided to fight and Adolin asked if the bridgemen were ready to give it another go. Lopen replied that they would last longer than him, even with his fancy armor.[15]

Shallan asked Adolin for them to clear a path close enough for her to touch the Unmade. Adolin asked Renarin to guard his back and Bridge Four shouted, rushing in behind him forming a spear line on either side of Shallan. As Peet and the rest of the bridgemen along with Adolin and Renarin continued to struggle to hold back the midnight creatures, Shallan reached out with her safehand and touched the Unmade.[15]

Shallan dropped backward into the room to find Renarin healing a bridgemen who ad been hurt. She quickly asked Adolin what happened to the Unmade. He said it fled like smoke farther down into the mountains. Eth asked if they should chase it. Shallan, feeling the change in the tower, told them not to chase it. She told him they could post guards, but she didn't think it would return. Teft agreed that guards sounded like a very good idea. She frowned at his comment but followed his gaze to what the Re-Shephir had been hiding - thousands upon thousands of cut gemstones.[16]

The Last Time We March

Training to be Windrunners

Peet went to the Shattered Plains with the rest of Bridge Four and other prospective members for Windrunnner training. After Kaladin spoke, Peet along with Sigzil and Lopen served as leaders for the training groups. They split off to practice with Kaladin telling the leaders he wanted everyone on the plateau glowing like they swallowed a lantern before the day was done.[11]

A Miracle

Late into the practice, when Hobber finally drew in his first Stormlight, the bridgemen came rushing over and Kaladin ordered them to give all their gemstones to Hobber. The men scrambled to give Hobber their gemstones and the lights dampened. Hobber cried that he could feel his toes again. He reached out for support and Drehy and Peet helped him slip off his stool, righting him. He finally forced them back, standing precariously on his own. The men of Bridge Four celebrated and Lopen gave the Bridge Four salute to which Hobber saluted back. However, their celebration was cut short by a plume of smoke off to the west.[11]

A Family Surprise and One Last Run

Rock ran at the center of the front of the bridge, leading the rest of the bridgemen while Kaladin flew ahead to check it out. Rock roared forward, his skin starting to glow with Stormlight, carrying the bridge all on his own, towing the others. Skar called out the marching song and all of Bridge Four echoed the words. While Bridge Four had grown strong in past runs, nothing compared to this run. Rock called out commands as Kaladin or Teft had once done.[11]

As they neared the source of the smoke, a beleaguered caravan, Rock threw his weight against the bridge pushing it across the chasm and charged over. The others followed and Dabbid and Lopen unhooked the shield and spears from the side of the bridge. They fell into squads behind Rock, who refused a spear from Lopen. Kaladin floated overhead with his Shardspear in hand. He was looking off in the distance at the figures that streaked away. Drehy muttered that it was a Voidbringer attack.[11]

A head poked out followed by six more faces that turned out to be Rock’s wife and children. After Bridge Four spent some time helping the wounded, Rock introduced his family to Bridge Four and Kaladin introduced the group.[11]

Kaladin told Rock to go walk with his family, that the crew could handle the bridge today. Rock resisted, saying it would be a privilege to carry the bridge one last time, for his family. Kaladin questioned the one last time and Rock explained that soon they would be taking to the skies and would no longer have to carry the bridge. The rest of Bridge Four looked subdued, knowing this was true, but Rock told them not to be sad. There was great stew waiting and they could march not towards death, but towards food and good songs. The solemn group of men took up the bridge respectfully with Kaladin taking his place in front as they set out on one final run.[11]


Finding Oathbringer

Once Lyn retrieved Dalinar, Leyten and Peet meet him on a balcony near where Sadeas was murdered. Dalinar asked who it was they found, but Leyten tells him it wasn't a who, but something else. Leyten led him down some steps outside of the first level of the tower where three more bridgemen waited. Leyten explained that they found it by accident as they patrolled among the planters when Peet noticed something strange. He pointed to the rock wall. Protruding from the stone floor was the hilt of a Shardblade. Dalinar took a handkerchief from his pocket and used it to grab the hilt, its scream a distant whine. He knew immediately it was Oathbringer. Leyten, along with the other four bridgemen, accompanied Dalinar as he walked back into the tower to return the blade to Ialai Sadeas. After a heated discussion with Amaram, Dalinar asked Leyten and the other bridgemen to leave him. They hesitated, but eventually retreated.[19]

Encounter with the Unmade Re-Shephir

Leyten traveled with the rest of Bridge Four and Adolin to help Shallan after she chases the mysterious spren into a tunnel. Some discussion later and with the marching orders finally set, the bridgemen proceeded along with Shallan and Adolin into the tunnel. After a lengthy walk, they finally reached the bottom of the shaft, causing several of the bridgemen to sigh.[15]

Upon reaching the bottom, they entered a hall with bright mosaic tiles and gorgeous intricate pictures of the Heralds made of thousands of tiles adorning the ceiling. The walls contained depictions of the Almighty in his traditional form as well as a woman in the shape of a tree, hands spreading toward the sky and becoming branches. There were murals of shapes that depicted ten kinds of spren, possibly one for each order. Adolin sent a vanguard of bridgemen ahead and they soon returned.[15]

At their return, Lyn relayed that there were metal doors ahead, one on each side. The group moved towards the doors and the bridgemen tried to open then with no success. Drehy wiped his brow and said they were locked. Adolin said he had a key, raising his Shardblade. Shallan objected, but Adolin reminded her they were chasing a murderer. Shallan waved all the bridgemen back while Adolin rammed his blade into the door. Teft tried the door and was able to shove it open.[15]

The bridgemen ducked in first, spears in hand, taking point. Once they secured the room, an old library, Adolin led them to secure the second room. Their searching was cut short when Lyn called for Adolin, Shallan, and the rest of Bridge Four. They returned to the corridor to find a large mass reflecting the light like glistening tar standing in front of Renarin. Seeing this, the bridgemen put themselves in front of Shallan, between her and Renarin. Teft barked orders to get the men in formation in two lines. Hearing the commotion, Adolin burst out of the second library room, joining the bridgemen.[15]

The darkness seeped down the hall towards them, coating everything, becoming figures and creatures that rippled into existence. Renarin whispered that one of the Unmade was here, Re-Shephir, the Midnight Mother. Adolin shouted for Shallan and the men to run back up the hall as he charged the figures. Shallan noticed the creatures looked like them, particularly one that looked like Teft, one like Lopen, and two with the appearance of Shardplate.[15]

Teft ordered the men to make a careful retreat, not allowing themselves to get boxed in. Renarin ignored Teft's orders, frozen until Adolin grabbed his arm and Teft shouted at him again. He fell in line and they began to retreat in line. Suddenly, the enemy moved causing the bridgemen to curse and turn their spears as the main mass of darkness swept up the sides of the corridor, covering the murals. The creatures surrounded Bridge Four who now formed a circle to keep from being attacked from the rear. The creatures thrust spears at the bridgemen, wounding one now and again. Lyn and Lopen bandaged the injured while Renarin used Stormlight to heal them so they could return to the line.[15]

Shallan noticed the Unmade was imitating them and began to talk to it while Leyten and the others continued to fight off the midnight creatures. Shallan breathed in Stormlight to create her own radiant force that spread out to surround and protect the bridgemen. The men of Bridge Four were able to momentarily relax while Adolin asked Shallan whether now would be the time to fight or retreat. They decided to fight and Adolin asked if the bridgemen were ready to give it another go. Lopen replied that they would last longer than him, even with his fancy armor.[15]

Shallan asked Adolin for them to clear a path close enough for her to touch the Unmade. Adolin asked Renarin to guard his back and Bridge Four shouted, rushing in behind him forming a spear line on either side of Shallan. As Leyten and the rest of the bridgemen along with Adolin and Renarin continued to struggle to hold back the midnight creatures, Shallan reached out with her safehand and touched the Unmade.[15]

Shallan dropped backward into the room to find Renarin healing a bridgemen who ad been hurt. She quickly asked Adolin what happened to the Unmade. He said it fled like smoke farther down into the mountains. Eth asked if they should chase it. Shallan, feeling the change in the tower, told them not to chase it. She told him they could post guards, but she didn't think it would return. Teft agreed that guards sounded like a very good idea. She frowned at his comment but followed his gaze to what the Re-Shephir had been hiding - thousands upon thousands of cut gemstones.[16]

The Last Time We March

Training to be Windrunners

Leyten went to the Shattered Plains with the rest of Bridge Four and other prospective members for Windrunnner training. When Kaladin split the trainees into groups, he searched for Teft. Leyten told Kaladin that Teft had not returned to the barracks the night before.[11]

After training for a bit, Leyten went to talk to Rock. Leyten was still shaken by their encounter with the Unmade. Rock calmed and commiserated with him. Feeling better, Leyten went back to practice.[11]

A Miracle

Late into the practice, when Hobber finally drew in his first Stormlight, the bridgemen came rushing over and Kaladin ordered them to give all their gemstones to Hobber. The men scrambled to give Hobber their gemstones and the lights dampened. Hobber cried that he could feel his toes again. He reached out for support and Drehy and Peet helped him slip off his stool, righting him. He finally forced them back, standing precariously on his own. The men of Bridge Four celebrated and Lopen gave the Bridge Four salute to which Hobber saluted back. However, their celebration was cut short by a plume of smoke off to the west.[11]

A Family Surprise and One Last Run

Rock ran at the center of the front of the bridge, leading the rest of the bridgemen while Kaladin flew ahead to check it out. Rock roared forward, his skin starting to glow with Stormlight, carrying the bridge all on his own, towing the others. Skar called out the marching song and all of Bridge Four echoed the words. While Bridge Four had grown strong in past runs, nothing compared to this run. Rock called out commands as Kaladin or Teft had once done.[11]

As they neared the source of the smoke, a beleaguered caravan, Rock threw his weight against the bridge pushing it across the chasm and charged over. The others followed and Dabbid and Lopen unhooked the shield and spears from the side of the bridge. They fell into squads behind Rock, who refused a spear from Lopen. Kaladin floated overhead with his Shardspear in hand. He was looking off in the distance at the figures that streaked away. Drehy muttered that it was a Voidbringer attack.[11]

A head poked out followed by six more faces that turned out to be Rock’s wife and children. After Bridge Four spent some time helping the wounded, Rock introduced his family to Bridge Four and Kaladin introduced the group.[11]

Kaladin told Rock to go walk with his family, that the crew could handle the bridge today. Rock resisted, saying it would be a privilege to carry the bridge one last time, for his family. Kaladin questioned the one last time and Rock explained that soon they would be taking to the skies and would no longer have to carry the bridge. The rest of Bridge Four looked subdued, knowing this was true, but Rock told them not to be sad. There was great stew waiting and they could march not towards death, but towards food and good songs. The solemn group of men took up the bridge respectfully with Kaladin taking his place in front as they set out on one final run.[11]


Perel Murder

Lopen, along with Peet and Rlain, were the bridgemen that found Vedekar Perel dead in a similar fashion to Torol Sadeas.[18]

Encounter with the Unmade Re-Shephir

Lopen traveled with the rest of Bridge Four and Adolin to help Shallan after she chases the mysterious spren into a tunnel. He asked if the spren is what killed Highprince Sadeas. Shallan hesitated at his question and glanced at Adolin. When Renarin points out there is something ancient in the tunnel and that the whole tower seems weird, Lopen argued with Rock on who was truly the weirdest among them. Some discussion later and with the marching orders finally set, the bridgemen proceeded along with Shallan and Adolin into the tunnel.[15]

When Teft pointed out that Shallan should not expect anything extraordinary from the bridgemen, Lopen reassured them it would return once Kaladin returned. Teft quieted Lopen, not wanting to give away their position. While they were walking, Lopen tossed a diamond chip into the hole. Adolin glared at him, hissing that they didn't want to give it warning. Lopen wilted, but nodded. The diamond chip did help them see there was an end to the descent. After a lengthy walk, they finally reached the bottom of the shaft, causing several of the bridgemen to sigh.[15]

Upon reaching the bottom, they entered a hall with bright mosaic tiles and gorgeous intricate pictures of the Heralds made of thousands of tiles adorning the ceiling. The walls contained depictions of the Almighty in his traditional form as well as a woman in the shape of a tree, hands spreading toward the sky and becoming branches. There were murals of shapes that depicted ten kinds of spren, possibly one for each order. Adolin sent a vanguard of bridgemen ahead and they soon returned.[15]

At their return, Lyn relayed that there were metal doors ahead, one on each side. The group moved towards the doors and the bridgemen tried to open then with no success. Drehy wiped his brow and said they were locked. Adolin said he had a key, raising his Shardblade. Shallan objected, but Adolin reminded her they were chasing a murderer. Shallan waved all the bridgemen back while Adolin rammed his blade into the door. Teft tried the door and was able to shove it open.[15]

The bridgemen ducked in first, spears in hand, taking point. Once they secured the room, an old library, Adolin led them to secure the second room. Their searching was cut short when Lyn called for Adolin, Shallan, and the rest of Bridge Four. They returned to the corridor to find a large mass reflecting the light like glistening tar standing in front of Renarin. Seeing this, the bridgemen put themselves in front of Shallan, between her and Renarin. Teft barked orders to get the men in formation in two lines. Hearing the commotion, Adolin burst out of the second library room, joining the bridgemen.[15]

The darkness seeped down the hall towards them, coating everything, becoming figures and creatures that rippled into existence. Renarin whispered that one of the Unmade was here, Re-Shephir, the Midnight Mother. Adolin shouted for Shallan and the men to run back up the hall as he charged the figures. Shallan noticed the creatures looked like them, particularly one that looked like Teft, one like Lopen, and two with the appearance of Shardplate.[15]

Teft ordered the men to make a careful retreat, not allowing themselves to get boxed in. Renarin ignored Teft's orders, frozen until Adolin grabbed his arm and Teft shouted at him again. He fell in line and they began to retreat in line. Suddenly, the enemy moved causing the bridgemen to curse and turn their spears as the main mass of darkness swept up the sides of the corridor, covering the murals. The creatures surrounded Bridge Four who now formed a circle to keep from being attacked from the rear. The creatures thrust spears at the bridgemen, wounding one now and again. Lyn and Lopen bandaged the injured while Renarin used Stormlight to heal them so they could return to the line.[15]

Shallan noticed the Unmade was imitating them and began to talk to it while Lopen and the others continued to fight off the midnight creatures. Shallan breathed in Stormlight to create her own radiant force that spread out to surround and protect the bridgemen. The men of Bridge Four were able to momentarily relax while Adolin asked Shallan whether now would be the time to fight or retreat. They decided to fight and Adolin asked if the bridgemen were ready to give it another go. Lopen replied that they would last longer than him, even with his fancy armor.[15]

We'll last longer than you will, gaucho! Even with your fancy armor.

—Lopen to Adolin[16]

Shallan asked Adolin for them to clear a path close enough for her to touch the Unmade. Adolin asked Renarin to guard his back and Bridge Four shouted, rushing in behind him forming a spear line on either side of Shallan. As Lopen and the rest of the bridgemen along with Adolin and Renarin continued to struggle to hold back the midnight creatures, Shallan reached out with her safehand and touched the Unmade.[15]

Shallan dropped backward into the room to find Renarin healing a bridgemen who ad been hurt. She quickly asked Adolin what happened to the Unmade. He said it fled like smoke farther down into the mountains. Eth asked if they should chase it. Shallan, feeling the change in the tower, told them not to chase it. She told him they could post guards, but she didn't think it would return. Teft agreed that guards sounded like a very good idea. She frowned at his comment but followed his gaze to what the Re-Shephir had been hiding - thousands upon thousands of cut gemstones.[16]

The Last Time We March

Training to be Windrunners

Just part of the plan, gon! If I am to become a delicate cloud upon the sky, I must first convince the ground that I am not abandoning her.

—Lopen to the ground [11]

Lopen went to the Shattered Plains with the rest of Bridge Four and the prospective Windrunner members for training. After Kaladin spoke, he handed a pouch of gemstones to Lopen, who immediately began glowing. Lopen along with Sigzil and Peet served as leaders for the training groups. They split off to practice with Kaladin telling the leaders he wanted everyone on the plateau glowing like they swallowed a lantern before the day was done.[11]

When Huio sprinkled labzo into the drink, Rock yelled at Lopen to come and have a talk with his cousin so he would quit ruining the mixture. However, Lopen paid him no mind and continuing talking about how he got stuck to the ceiling earlier. Lopen told his group to watch carefully as he was going to fly. He jumped up and crashed back down to the plateau. Kaladin yelled at Lopen, telling him to stop showing off. Lopen apologized, but remained stuck to the plateau. Kaladin asked if he stuck himself to the ground, but Lopen said it was all part of his plan.[11]

An Offering and a Miracle

Late into the practice, when Hobber finally drew in his first Stormlight, the bridgemen came rushing over and Kaladin ordered them to give all their gemstones to Hobber. The men scrambled to give Hobber their gemstones and the lights dampened. Hobber cried that he could feel his toes again. He reached out for support and Drehy and Peet helped him slip off his stool, righting him. He finally forced them back, standing precariously on his own. The men of Bridge Four celebrated and Lopen gave the Bridge Four salute. It seemed to be something special coming from him, one of the first time Lopen had been able to make the salute back. Hobber saluted back. However, their celebration was cut short by a plume of smoke off to the west.[11]

A Family Surprise and One Last Run

Rock ran at the center of the front of the bridge, leading the rest of the bridgemen while Kaladin flew ahead to check it out. Rock roared forward, his skin starting to glow with Stormlight, carrying the bridge all on his own, towing the others. Skar called out the marching song and all of Bridge Four echoed the words. While Bridge Four had grown strong in past runs, nothing compared to this run. Rock called out commands as Kaladin or Teft had once done.[11]

As they neared the source of the smoke, a beleaguered caravan, Rock threw his weight against the bridge pushing it across the chasm and charged over. The others followed and Dabbid and Lopen unhooked the shield and spears from the side of the bridge. They fell into squads behind Rock, who refused a spear from Lopen. Kaladin floated overhead with his Shardspear in hand. He was looking off in the distance at the figures that streaked away. Drehy muttered that it was a Voidbringer attack.[11]

A head poked out followed by six more faces that turned out to be Rock’s wife and children. After Bridge Four spent some time helping the wounded, Rock introduced his family to Bridge Four and Kaladin introduced the group.[11]

Kaladin told Rock to go walk with his family, that the crew could handle the bridge today. Rock resisted, saying it would be a privilege to carry the bridge one last time, for his family. Kaladin questioned the one last time and Rock explained that soon they would be taking to the skies and would no longer have to carry the bridge. The rest of Bridge Four looked subdued, knowing this was true, but Rock told them not to be sad. There was great stew waiting and they could march not towards death, but towards food and good songs. The solemn group of men took up the bridge respectfully with Kaladin taking his place in front as they set out on one final run.[11]


Perel Murder

Rlain, along with Peet and Lopen, were the bridgemen that found Vedekar Perel dead in a similar fashion to Torol Sadeas. Rlain's presence made the other soldiers uncomfortable as they positioned themselves subtly to protect Dalinar. Despite wearing a Bridge Four uniform, many still considered him a danger.[18]

Encounter with the Unmade Re-Shephir

Rlain traveled with the rest of Bridge Four and Adolin to help Shallan after she chases the mysterious spren into a tunnel. Some discussion later and with the marching orders finally set, the bridgemen proceeded along with Shallan and Adolin into the tunnel. After a lengthy walk, they finally reached the bottom of the shaft, causing several of the bridgemen to sigh.[15]

Upon reaching the bottom, they entered a hall with bright mosaic tiles and gorgeous intricate pictures of the Heralds made of thousands of tiles adorning the ceiling. The walls contained depictions of the Almighty in his traditional form as well as a woman in the shape of a tree, hands spreading toward the sky and becoming branches. There were murals of shapes that depicted ten kinds of spren, possibly one for each order. Adolin sent a vanguard of bridgemen ahead and they soon returned.[15]

At their return, Lyn relayed that there were metal doors ahead, one on each side. The group moved towards the doors and the bridgemen tried to open then with no success. Drehy wiped his brow and said they were locked. Adolin said he had a key, raising his Shardblade. Shallan objected, but Adolin reminded her they were chasing a murderer. Shallan waved all the bridgemen back while Adolin rammed his blade into the door. Teft tried the door and was able to shove it open.[15]

The bridgemen ducked in first, spears in hand, taking point. Once they secured the room, an old library, Adolin led them to secure the second room. Their searching was cut short when Lyn called for Adolin, Shallan, and the rest of Bridge Four. They returned to the corridor to find a large mass reflecting the light like glistening tar standing in front of Renarin. Seeing this, the bridgemen put themselves in front of Shallan, between her and Renarin. Teft barked orders to get the men in formation in two lines. Hearing the commotion, Adolin burst out of the second library room, joining the bridgemen.[15]

The darkness seeped down the hall towards them, coating everything, becoming figures and creatures that rippled into existence. Renarin whispered that one of the Unmade was here, Re-Shephir, the Midnight Mother. Adolin shouted for Shallan and the men to run back up the hall as he charged the figures. Shallan noticed the creatures looked like them, particularly one that looked like Teft, one like Lopen, and two with the appearance of Shardplate.[15]

Teft ordered the men to make a careful retreat, not allowing themselves to get boxed in. Renarin ignored Teft's orders, frozen until Adolin grabbed his arm and Teft shouted at him again. He fell in line and they began to retreat in line. Suddenly, the enemy moved causing the bridgemen to curse and turn their spears as the main mass of darkness swept up the sides of the corridor, covering the murals. The creatures surrounded Bridge Four who now formed a circle to keep from being attacked from the rear. The creatures thrust spears at the bridgemen, wounding one now and again. Lyn and Lopen bandaged the injured while Renarin used Stormlight to heal them so they could return to the line.[15]

Shallan noticed the Unmade was imitating them and began to talk to it while Rlain and the others continued to fight off the midnight creatures. Shallan breathed in Stormlight to create her own radiant force that spread out to surround and protect the bridgemen. The men of Bridge Four were able to momentarily relax while Adolin asked Shallan whether now would be the time to fight or retreat. They decided to fight and Adolin asked if the bridgemen were ready to give it another go. Lopen replied that they would last longer than him, even with his fancy armor.[15]

Shallan asked Adolin for them to clear a path close enough for her to touch the Unmade. Adolin asked Renarin to guard his back and Bridge Four shouted, rushing in behind him forming a spear line on either side of Shallan. As Rlain and the rest of the bridgemen along with Adolin and Renarin continued to struggle to hold back the midnight creatures, Shallan reached out with her safehand and touched the Unmade.[15]

Shallan dropped backward into the room to find Renarin healing a bridgemen who ad been hurt. She quickly asked Adolin what happened to the Unmade. He said it fled like smoke farther down into the mountains. Eth asked if they should chase it. Shallan, feeling the change in the tower, told them not to chase it. She told him they could post guards, but she didn't think it would return. Teft agreed that guards sounded like a very good idea. She frowned at his comment but followed his gaze to what the Re-Shephir had been hiding - thousands upon thousands of cut gemstones.[16]

The Last Time We March

Training to be Windrunners

Rlain went to the Shattered Plains with the rest of Bridge Four and other prospective members for Windrunnner training. He wore warform as he sat quietly and watched the others train. Renarin eventually approached Rlain and sat down beside him, which Rlain appreciated.[11]

A Miracle

Late into the practice, when Hobber finally drew in his first Stormlight, the bridgemen came rushing over and Kaladin ordered them to give all their gemstones to Hobber. The men scrambled to give Hobber their gemstones and the lights dampened. Hobber cried that he could feel his toes again. He reached out for support and Drehy and Peet helped him slip off his stool, righting him. He finally forced them back, standing precariously on his own. The men of Bridge Four celebrated and Lopen gave the Bridge Four salute to which Hobber saluted back. However, their celebration was cut short by a plume of smoke off to the west.[11]

A Family Surprise and One Last Run

Rock ran at the center of the front of the bridge, leading the rest of the bridgemen while Kaladin flew ahead to check it out. Rock roared forward, his skin starting to glow with Stormlight, carrying the bridge all on his own, towing the others. Skar called out the marching song and all of Bridge Four echoed the words. While Bridge Four had grown strong in past runs, nothing compared to this run. Rock called out commands as Kaladin or Teft had once done.[11]

As they neared the source of the smoke, a beleaguered caravan, Rock threw his weight against the bridge pushing it across the chasm and charged over. The others followed and Dabbid and Lopen unhooked the shield and spears from the side of the bridge. They fell into squads behind Rock, who refused a spear from Lopen. Kaladin floated overhead with his Shardspear in hand. He was looking off in the distance at the figures that streaked away. Drehy muttered that it was a Voidbringer attack.[11]

A head poked out followed by six more faces that turned out to be Rock’s wife and children. After Bridge Four spent some time helping the wounded, Rock introduced his family to Bridge Four and Kaladin introduced the group.[11]

Kaladin told Rock to go walk with his family, that the crew could handle the bridge today. Rock resisted, saying it would be a privilege to carry the bridge one last time, for his family. Kaladin questioned the one last time and Rock explained that soon they would be taking to the skies and would no longer have to carry the bridge. The rest of Bridge Four looked subdued, knowing this was true, but Rock told them not to be sad. There was great stew waiting and they could march not towards death, but towards food and good songs. The solemn group of men took up the bridge respectfully with Kaladin taking his place in front as they set out on one final run.[11]


Finding Oathbringer

Lyn ran to find Dalinar as he wandered the halls, explaining that Bridge Four needed him. Lyn led him to the same section of the tower where Sadeas had been murdered. She led him to a balcony where Leyten and Peet waited.[19]

Encounter with the Unmade Re-Shephir

Lyn traveled with the rest of Bridge Four and Adolin to help Shallan after she chases the mysterious spren into a tunnel. During the discussion, Lyn piped in to say they had scouted near this spot at least a dozen times. After some discussion, Adolin delegated roles to Bridge Four before they entered the tunnel. He asked Lyn to draw maps so they would know the exact line of retreat should it become necessary. Some discussion later and with the marching orders finally set, the bridgemen proceeded along with Shallan and Adolin into the tunnel. After a lengthy walk, they finally reached the bottom of the shaft, causing several of the bridgemen to sigh.[15]

Upon reaching the bottom, they entered a hall with bright mosaic tiles and gorgeous intricate pictures of the Heralds made of thousands of tiles adorning the ceiling. The walls contained depictions of the Almighty in his traditional form as well as a woman in the shape of a tree, hands spreading toward the sky and becoming branches. There were murals of shapes that depicted ten kinds of spren, possibly one for each order. Adolin sent a vanguard of bridgemen ahead and they soon returned.[15]

At their return, Lyn relayed that there were metal doors ahead, one on each side. The group moved towards the doors and the bridgemen tried to open then with no success. Drehy wiped his brow and said they were locked. Adolin said he had a key, raising his Shardblade. Shallan objected, but Adolin reminded her they were chasing a murderer. Shallan waved all the bridgemen back while Adolin rammed his blade into the door. Teft tried the door and was able to shove it open.[15]

The bridgemen ducked in first, spears in hand, taking point. Once they secured the room, an old library, Adolin led them to secure the second room. While they searched the rooms, Lyn followed Renarin down the corridor. She called for Adolin, Shallan, and the rest of Bridge Four. In front of Renarin, a large mass reflected the light like glistening tar. Renarin stumbled, crying they can't fight this. Seeing this, the bridgemen put themselves in front of Shallan, between her and Renarin. Teft barked orders to get the men in formation in two lines. Hearing the commotion, Adolin burst out of the second library room, joining the bridgemen.[15]

The darkness seeped down the hall towards them, coating everything, becoming figures and creatures that rippled into existence. Renarin whispered that one of the Unmade was here, Re-Shephir, the Midnight Mother. Adolin shouted for Shallan and the men to run back up the hall as he charged the figures. Shallan noticed the creatures looked like them, particularly one that looked like Teft, one like Lopen, and two with the appearance of Shardplate.[15]

Teft ordered the men to make a careful retreat, not allowing themselves to get boxed in. Renarin ignored Teft's orders, frozen until Adolin grabbed his arm and Teft shouted at him again. He fell in line and they began to retreat in line. Suddenly, the enemy moved causing the bridgemen to curse and turn their spears as the main mass of darkness swept up the sides of the corridor, covering the murals. The creatures surrounded Bridge Four who now formed a circle to keep from being attacked from the rear. The creatures thrust spears at the bridgemen, wounding one now and again. Lyn and Lopen bandaged the injured while Renarin used Stormlight to heal them so they could return to the line.[15]

Shallan noticed the Unmade was imitating them and began to talk to it while the bridgemen continued to fight off the midnight creatures. Shallan breathed in Stormlight to create her own radiant force that spread out to surround and protect the bridgemen. The men of Bridge Four were able to momentarily relax while Adolin asked Shallan whether now would be the time to fight or retreat. They decided to fight and Adolin asked if the bridgemen were ready to give it another go. Lopen replied that they would last longer than him, even with his fancy armor.[15]

Shallan asked Adolin for them to clear a path close enough for her to touch the Unmade. Adolin asked Renarin to guard his back and Bridge Four shouted, rushing in behind him forming a spear line on either side of Shallan. As the bridgemen along with Adolin and Renarin continued to struggle to hold back the midnight creatures, Shallan reached out with her safehand and touched the Unmade.[15]

Shallan dropped backward into the room to find Renarin healing a bridgemen who ad been hurt. She quickly asked Adolin what happened to the Unmade. He said it fled like smoke farther down into the mountains. Eth asked if they should chase it. Shallan, feeling the change in the tower, told them not to chase it. She told him they could post guards, but she didn't think it would return. Teft agreed that guards sounded like a very good idea. She frowned at his comment but followed his gaze to what the Re-Shephir had been hiding - thousands upon thousands of cut gemstones.[16]

Becoming Windrunners


Lyn ran down the hallway towards the pair and she saluted Kaladin, saying he was just the man she was looking for. She informed him that the Quartermaster approved his unusual request. She fell into step with Sigzil and just shrugged, not knowing what the request was. Kaladin eyed Lyn and asked if she was the one helping his men, even going so far as the make excuses to see them and not being afraid of the 'Lost Radiants.' Lyn confessed that based on what she had seen on the battlefield, she would rather bet on his side than bet on the opposition. Kaladin nodded and asked her if she would like to join the Windrunners. Lyn stopped in place, her jaw dropping and then agreeing on the spot. Kaladin asked if Sigzil could get the accounts and ledgers for her and explained she could also help the men write letters to their families. He also suggested that they should probably write a history of Bridge Four.[10]

Lyn deflated when she realized Kaladin meant for her to join as a scribe. She informed him that she didn't join the scouts to sit around looking at ledgers. She decided she would have to decline if that's what he was offering. Seeing her shoulders fall, Sigzil was surprised that he found he wanted to punch his captain, not hard, just a "wake up" punch. He hadn't felt that way since Kaladin first woke him that first morning in Sadeas' warcamp. Understanding, Kaladin extended an invitation to try out for the Windrunners. He admitted he wasn't sure what the test would be yet, but for her to speak with her superior for clearance to change battalions. She bounded off excited.[10]


Encounter with the Unmade Re-Shephir

Sounds like that girl you've been seeing, Skar.

—Eth teasing Skar[15]

Eth traveled with the rest of Bridge Four and Adolin to help Shallan after she chases the mysterious spren into a tunnel. Eth joked that the spren sounds like the girl Skar has been seeing. Some discussion later and with the marching orders finally set, the bridgemen proceeded along with Shallan and Adolin into the tunnel. After a lengthy walk, they finally reached the bottom of the shaft, causing several of the bridgemen to sigh.[15]

Upon reaching the bottom, they entered a hall with bright mosaic tiles and gorgeous intricate pictures of the Heralds made of thousands of tiles adorning the ceiling. The walls contained depictions of the Almighty in his traditional form as well as a woman in the shape of a tree, hands spreading toward the sky and becoming branches. There were murals of shapes that depicted ten kinds of spren, possibly one for each order. Adolin sent a vanguard of bridgemen ahead and they soon returned.[15]

At their return, Lyn relayed that there were metal doors ahead, one on each side. The group moved towards the doors and the bridgemen tried to open then with no success. Drehy wiped his brow and said they were locked. Adolin said he had a key, raising his Shardblade. Shallan objected, but Adolin reminded her they were chasing a murderer. Shallan waved all the bridgemen back while Adolin rammed his blade into the door. Teft tried the door and was able to shove it open.[15]

The bridgemen ducked in first, spears in hand, taking point. Once they secured the room, an old library, Adolin led them to secure the second room. Their searching was cut short when Lyn called for Adolin, Shallan, and the rest of Bridge Four. They returned to the corridor to find a large mass reflecting the light like glistening tar standing in front of Renarin. Seeing this, the bridgemen put themselves in front of Shallan, between her and Renarin. Teft barked orders to get the men in formation in two lines. Hearing the commotion, Adolin burst out of the second library room, joining the bridgemen.[15]

The darkness seeped down the hall towards them, coating everything, becoming figures and creatures that rippled into existence. Renarin whispered that one of the Unmade was here, Re-Shephir, the Midnight Mother. Adolin shouted for Shallan and the men to run back up the hall as he charged the figures. Shallan noticed the creatures looked like them, particularly one that looked like Teft, one like Lopen, and two with the appearance of Shardplate.[15]

Teft ordered the men to make a careful retreat, not allowing themselves to get boxed in. Renarin ignored Teft's orders, frozen until Adolin grabbed his arm and Teft shouted at him again. He fell in line and they began to retreat in line. Suddenly, the enemy moved causing the bridgemen to curse and turn their spears as the main mass of darkness swept up the sides of the corridor, covering the murals. The creatures surrounded Bridge Four who now formed a circle to keep from being attacked from the rear. The creatures thrust spears at the bridgemen, wounding one now and again. Lyn and Lopen bandaged the injured while Renarin used Stormlight to heal them so they could return to the line.[15]

Shallan noticed the Unmade was imitating them and began to talk to it while Eth and the others continued to fight off the midnight creatures. Shallan breathed in Stormlight to create her own radiant force that spread out to surround and protect the bridgemen. The men of Bridge Four were able to momentarily relax while Adolin asked Shallan whether now would be the time to fight or retreat. They decided to fight and Adolin asked if the bridgemen were ready to give it another go. Lopen replied that they would last longer than him, even with his fancy armor.[15]

Shallan asked Adolin for them to clear a path close enough for her to touch the Unmade. Adolin asked Renarin to guard his back and Bridge Four shouted, rushing in behind him forming a spear line on either side of Shallan. As Eth and the rest of the bridgemen along with Adolin and Renarin continued to struggle to hold back the midnight creatures, Shallan reached out with her safehand and touched the Unmade.[15]

Shallan dropped backward into the room to find Renarin healing a bridgemen who ad been hurt. She quickly asked Adolin what happened to the Unmade. He said it fled like smoke farther down into the mountains. Eth asked if they should chase it. Shallan, feeling the change in the tower, told them not to chase it. She told him they could post guards, but she didn't think it would return. Teft agreed that guards sounded like a very good idea. She frowned at his comment but followed his gaze to what the Re-Shephir had been hiding - thousands upon thousands of cut gemstones.[16]

The Last Time We March

Training to be Windrunners

Eth went to the Shattered Plains with the rest of Bridge Four and other prospective members for Windrunnner training. Eth eventually was able to breathe in Stormlight and accidentally stuck his hand to a stone causing others in Bridge Four to laugh.[11]

A Miracle

Late into the practice, when Hobber finally drew in his first Stormlight, the bridgemen came rushing over and Kaladin ordered them to give all their gemstones to Hobber. The men scrambled to give Hobber their gemstones and the lights dampened. Hobber cried that he could feel his toes again. He reached out for support and Drehy and Peet helped him slip off his stool, righting him. He finally forced them back, standing precariously on his own. The men of Bridge Four celebrated and Lopen gave the Bridge Four salute to which Hobber saluted back. However, their celebration was cut short by a plume of smoke off to the west.[11]

A Family Surprise and One Last Run

Rock ran at the center of the front of the bridge, leading the rest of the bridgemen while Kaladin flew ahead to check it out. Rock roared forward, his skin starting to glow with Stormlight, carrying the bridge all on his own, towing the others. Skar called out the marching song and all of Bridge Four echoed the words. While Bridge Four had grown strong in past runs, nothing compared to this run. Rock called out commands as Kaladin or Teft had once done.[11]

As they neared the source of the smoke, a beleaguered caravan, Rock threw his weight against the bridge pushing it across the chasm and charged over. The others followed and Dabbid and Lopen unhooked the shield and spears from the side of the bridge. They fell into squads behind Rock, who refused a spear from Lopen. Kaladin floated overhead with his Shardspear in hand. He was looking off in the distance at the figures that streaked away. Drehy muttered that it was a Voidbringer attack.[11]

A head poked out followed by six more faces that turned out to be Rock’s wife and children. After Bridge Four spent some time helping the wounded, Rock introduced his family to Bridge Four and Kaladin introduced the group.[11]

Kaladin told Rock to go walk with his family, that the crew could handle the bridge today. Rock resisted, saying it would be a privilege to carry the bridge one last time, for his family. Kaladin questioned the one last time and Rock explained that soon they would be taking to the skies and would no longer have to carry the bridge. The rest of Bridge Four looked subdued, knowing this was true, but Rock told them not to be sad. There was great stew waiting and they could march not towards death, but towards food and good songs. The solemn group of men took up the bridge respectfully with Kaladin taking his place in front as they set out on one final run.[11]


Encounter with the Unmade Re-Shephir

Ha ha. How about we toss you in that pit, Eth, and see how far down this thing goes.

—Skar's reply to Eth's teasing[15]

Skar traveled with the rest of Bridge Four and Adolin to help Shallan after she chases the mysterious spren into a tunnel. When Eth joked about the girl Skar had been seeing, he quipped back that they should throw Eth into the pit just to see how far the thing goes. Some discussion later and with the marching orders finally set, the bridgemen proceeded along with Shallan and Adolin into the tunnel. After a lengthy walk, they finally reached the bottom of the shaft, causing several of the bridgemen to sigh.[15]

Upon reaching the bottom, they entered a hall with bright mosaic tiles and gorgeous intricate pictures of the Heralds made of thousands of tiles adorning the ceiling. The walls contained depictions of the Almighty in his traditional form as well as a woman in the shape of a tree, hands spreading toward the sky and becoming branches. There were murals of shapes that depicted ten kinds of spren, possibly one for each order. Adolin sent a vanguard of bridgemen ahead and they soon returned.[15]

At their return, Lyn relayed that there were metal doors ahead, one on each side. The group moved towards the doors and the bridgemen tried to open then with no success. Drehy wiped his brow and said they were locked. Adolin said he had a key, raising his Shardblade. Shallan objected, but Adolin reminded her they were chasing a murderer. Shallan waved all the bridgemen back while Adolin rammed his blade into the door. Teft tried the door and was able to shove it open.[15]

The bridgemen ducked in first, spears in hand, taking point. Once they secured the room, an old library, Adolin led them to secure the second room. Their searching was cut short when Lyn called for Adolin, Shallan, and the rest of Bridge Four. They returned to the corridor to find a large mass reflecting the light like glistening tar standing in front of Renarin. Seeing this, the bridgemen put themselves in front of Shallan, between her and Renarin. Teft barked orders to get the men in formation in two lines. Hearing the commotion, Adolin burst out of the second library room, joining the bridgemen.[15]

The darkness seeped down the hall towards them, coating everything, becoming figures and creatures that rippled into existence. Renarin whispered that one of the Unmade was here, Re-Shephir, the Midnight Mother. Adolin shouted for Shallan and the men to run back up the hall as he charged the figures. Shallan noticed the creatures looked like them, particularly one that looked like Teft, one like Lopen, and two with the appearance of Shardplate.[15]

Teft ordered the men to make a careful retreat, not allowing themselves to get boxed in. Renarin ignored Teft's orders, frozen until Adolin grabbed his arm and Teft shouted at him again. He fell in line and they began to retreat in line. Suddenly, the enemy moved causing the bridgemen to curse and turn their spears as the main mass of darkness swept up the sides of the corridor, covering the murals. The creatures surrounded Bridge Four who now formed a circle to keep from being attacked from the rear. The creatures thrust spears at the bridgemen, wounding one now and again. Lyn and Lopen bandaged the injured while Renarin used Stormlight to heal them so they could return to the line.[15]

Shallan noticed the Unmade was imitating them and began to talk to it while Skar and the others continued to fight off the midnight creatures. Shallan breathed in Stormlight to create her own radiant force that spread out to surround and protect the bridgemen. The men of Bridge Four were able to momentarily relax while Adolin asked Shallan whether now would be the time to fight or retreat. They decided to fight and Adolin asked if the bridgemen were ready to give it another go. Lopen replied that they would last longer than him, even with his fancy armor.[15]

Shallan asked Adolin for them to clear a path close enough for her to touch the Unmade. Adolin asked Renarin to guard his back and Bridge Four shouted, rushing in behind him forming a spear line on either side of Shallan. As Skar and the rest of the bridgemen along with Adolin and Renarin continued to struggle to hold back the midnight creatures, Shallan reached out with her safehand and touched the Unmade.[15]

Shallan dropped backward into the room to find Renarin healing a bridgemen who ad been hurt. She quickly asked Adolin what happened to the Unmade. He said it fled like smoke farther down into the mountains. Eth asked if they should chase it. Shallan, feeling the change in the tower, told them not to chase it. She told him they could post guards, but she didn't think it would return. Teft agreed that guards sounded like a very good idea. She frowned at his comment but followed his gaze to what the Re-Shephir had been hiding - thousands upon thousands of cut gemstones.[16]

The Last Time We March

Training to be Windrunners

Skar went to the Shattered Plains with the rest of Bridge Four and other prospective members for Windrunnner training. Unable to draw in Stormlight, Skar went to talk to Rock about the issue. Perhaps the best spearman among them since Moash left, Skar was feeling self-conscious about his inability. Rock asked Skar to teach him what he had learned and Rock actually managed to draw in some Stormlight to Skar's delight and surprise. While others would have felt worse, Skar felt better and walked with a spring in his step as he was a teacher at heart.[11]

A Miracle

Late into the practice, when Hobber finally drew in his first Stormlight, the bridgemen came rushing over and Kaladin ordered them to give all their gemstones to Hobber. The men scrambled to give Hobber their gemstones and the lights dampened. Hobber cried that he could feel his toes again. He reached out for support and Drehy and Peet helped him slip off his stool, righting him. He finally forced them back, standing precariously on his own. The men of Bridge Four celebrated and Lopen gave the Bridge Four salute to which Hobber saluted back. However, their celebration was cut short by a plume of smoke off to the west.[11]

A Family Surprise and One Last Run

Rock ran at the center of the front of the bridge, leading the rest of the bridgemen while Kaladin flew ahead to check it out. Rock roared forward, his skin starting to glow with Stormlight, carrying the bridge all on his own, towing the others. Skar called out the marching song and all of Bridge Four echoed the words. While Bridge Four had grown strong in past runs, nothing compared to this run. Rock called out commands as Kaladin or Teft had once done.[11]

As they neared the source of the smoke, a beleaguered caravan, Rock threw his weight against the bridge pushing it across the chasm and charged over. The others followed and Dabbid and Lopen unhooked the shield and spears from the side of the bridge. They fell into squads behind Rock, who refused a spear from Lopen. Kaladin floated overhead with his Shardspear in hand. He was looking off in the distance at the figures that streaked away. Drehy muttered that it was a Voidbringer attack.[11]

A head poked out followed by six more faces that turned out to be Rock’s wife and children. After Bridge Four spent some time helping the wounded, Rock introduced his family to Bridge Four and Kaladin introduced the group.[11]

Kaladin told Rock to go walk with his family, that the crew could handle the bridge today. Rock resisted, saying it would be a privilege to carry the bridge one last time, for his family. Kaladin questioned the one last time and Rock explained that soon they would be taking to the skies and would no longer have to carry the bridge. The rest of Bridge Four looked subdued, knowing this was true, but Rock told them not to be sad. There was great stew waiting and they could march not towards death, but towards food and good songs. The solemn group of men took up the bridge respectfully with Kaladin taking his place in front as they set out on one final run.[11]


Encounter with the Unmade Re-Shephir

I assume we're heading down into this awful crypt of terror.

—Drehy about the tunnel [15]

Drehy traveled with the rest of Bridge Four and Adolin to help Shallan after she chases the mysterious spren into a tunnel. During Rock and Lopen's "argument," Drehy interrupted and assumed that they are heading down into the crypt. Drehy asked Teft what the marching orders would be.[15]

Teft rather than give the orders, deferred to Adolin instead. Some discussion later and with the marching orders finally set, the bridgemen proceeded along with Shallan and Adolin into the tunnel. After a lengthy walk, they finally reached the bottom of the shaft, causing several of the bridgemen to sigh.[15]

Upon reaching the bottom, they entered a hall with bright mosaic tiles and gorgeous intricate pictures of the Heralds made of thousands of tiles adorning the ceiling. The walls contained depictions of the Almighty in his traditional form as well as a woman in the shape of a tree, hands spreading toward the sky and becoming branches. There were murals of shapes that depicted ten kinds of spren, possibly one for each order. Adolin sent a vanguard of bridgemen ahead and they soon returned.[15]

At their return, Lyn relayed that there were metal doors ahead, one on each side. The group moved towards the doors and the bridgemen tried to open then with no success. Drehy wiped his brow and said they were locked. Adolin said he had a key, raising his Shardblade. Shallan objected, but Adolin reminded her they were chasing a murderer. Shallan waved all the bridgemen back while Adolin rammed his blade into the door. Teft tried the door and was able to shove it open.[15]

The bridgemen ducked in first, spears in hand, taking point. Once they secured the room, an old library, Adolin led them to secure the second room. Their searching was cut short when Lyn called for Adolin, Shallan, and the rest of Bridge Four. They returned to the corridor to find a large mass reflecting the light like glistening tar standing in front of Renarin. Seeing this, the bridgemen put themselves in front of Shallan, between her and Renarin. Teft barked orders to get the men in formation in two lines. Hearing the commotion, Adolin burst out of the second library room, joining the bridgemen.[15]

The darkness seeped down the hall towards them, coating everything, becoming figures and creatures that rippled into existence. Renarin whispered that one of the Unmade was here, Re-Shephir, the Midnight Mother. Adolin shouted for Shallan and the men to run back up the hall as he charged the figures. Shallan noticed the creatures looked like them, particularly one that looked like Teft, one like Lopen, and two with the appearance of Shardplate.[15]

Teft ordered the men to make a careful retreat, not allowing themselves to get boxed in. Renarin ignored Teft's orders, frozen until Adolin grabbed his arm and Teft shouted at him again. He fell in line and they began to retreat in line. Suddenly, the enemy moved causing the bridgemen to curse and turn their spears as the main mass of darkness swept up the sides of the corridor, covering the murals. The creatures surrounded Bridge Four who now formed a circle to keep from being attacked from the rear. The creatures thrust spears at the bridgemen, wounding one now and again. Lyn and Lopen bandaged the injured while Renarin used Stormlight to heal them so they could return to the line.[15]

Shallan noticed the Unmade was imitating them and began to talk to it while Drehy and the others continued to fight off the midnight creatures. Shallan breathed in Stormlight to create her own radiant force that spread out to surround and protect the bridgemen. The men of Bridge Four were able to momentarily relax while Adolin asked Shallan whether now would be the time to fight or retreat. They decided to fight and Adolin asked if the bridgemen were ready to give it another go. Lopen replied that they would last longer than him, even with his fancy armor.[15]

Shallan asked Adolin for them to clear a path close enough for her to touch the Unmade. Adolin asked Renarin to guard his back and Bridge Four shouted, rushing in behind him forming a spear line on either side of Shallan. As Drehy and the rest of the bridgemen along with Adolin and Renarin continued to struggle to hold back the midnight creatures, Shallan reached out with her safehand and touched the Unmade.[15]

Shallan dropped backward into the room to find Renarin healing a bridgemen who ad been hurt. She quickly asked Adolin what happened to the Unmade. He said it fled like smoke farther down into the mountains. Eth asked if they should chase it. Shallan, feeling the change in the tower, told them not to chase it. She told him they could post guards, but she didn't think it would return. Teft agreed that guards sounded like a very good idea. She frowned at his comment but followed his gaze to what the Re-Shephir had been hiding - thousands upon thousands of cut gemstones.[16]

The Last Time We March

Training to be Windrunners

You're not a king, Lopen. We've been over this.

—Drehy to Lopen [11]

Drehy went to the Shattered Plains with the rest of Bridge Four and other prospective members for Windrunnner training. While he was showing off and attempting to fly, Lopen explained he must convince the ground he is not abandoning her before his regal ascent into the sky. Drehy told Lopen that he was not a king and that they had been through this. After some time practicing, Drehy finally started glowing with Stormlight as Rock and Kaladin watched on.[11]

An Offering and a Miracle

Late into the practice, when Hobber finally drew in his first Stormlight, the bridgemen came rushing over and Kaladin ordered them to give all their gemstones to Hobber. The men scrambled to give Hobber their gemstones and the lights dampened. Hobber cried that he could feel his toes again. He reached out for support and Drehy and Peet helped him slip off his stool, righting him. He finally forced them back, standing precariously on his own. The men of Bridge Four celebrated and Lopen gave the Bridge Four salute to which Hobber saluted back. However, their celebration was cut short by a plume of smoke off to the west.[11]

A Family Surprise and One Last Run

Rock ran at the center of the front of the bridge, leading the rest of the bridgemen while Kaladin flew ahead to check it out. Rock roared forward, his skin starting to glow with Stormlight, carrying the bridge all on his own, towing the others. Skar called out the marching song and all of Bridge Four echoed the words. While Bridge Four had grown strong in past runs, nothing compared to this run. Rock called out commands as Kaladin or Teft had once done.[11]

As they neared the source of the smoke, a beleaguered caravan, Rock threw his weight against the bridge pushing it across the chasm and charged over. The others followed and Dabbid and Lopen unhooked the shield and spears from the side of the bridge. They fell into squads behind Rock, who refused a spear from Lopen. Kaladin floated overhead with his Shardspear in hand. He was looking off in the distance at the figures that streaked away. Drehy muttered that it was a Voidbringer attack.[11]

Voidbringer attack. We should have guessed they'd start raiding our caravans.

—Drehy as the figures streaked away [11]

A head poked out followed by six more faces that turned out to be Rock’s wife and children. After Bridge Four spent some time helping the wounded, Rock introduced his family to Bridge Four and Kaladin introduced the group.[11]

Kaladin told Rock to go walk with his family, that the crew could handle the bridge today. Rock resisted, saying it would be a privilege to carry the bridge one last time, for his family. Kaladin questioned the one last time and Rock explained that soon they would be taking to the skies and would no longer have to carry the bridge. The rest of Bridge Four looked subdued, knowing this was true, but Rock told them not to be sad. There was great stew waiting and they could march not towards death, but towards food and good songs. The solemn group of men took up the bridge respectfully with Kaladin taking his place in front as they set out on one final run.[11]


Encounter with the Unmade Re-Shephir

Sigzil traveled with the rest of Bridge Four and Adolin to help Shallan after she chases the mysterious spren into a tunnel. Some discussion later and with the marching orders finally set, the bridgemen proceeded along with Shallan and Adolin into the tunnel. After a lengthy walk, they finally reached the bottom of the shaft, causing several of the bridgemen to sigh.[15]

Upon reaching the bottom, they entered a hall with bright mosaic tiles and gorgeous intricate pictures of the Heralds made of thousands of tiles adorning the ceiling. The walls contained depictions of the Almighty in his traditional form as well as a woman in the shape of a tree, hands spreading toward the sky and becoming branches. There were murals of shapes that depicted ten kinds of spren, possibly one for each order. Adolin sent a vanguard of bridgemen ahead and they soon returned.[15]

At their return, Lyn relayed that there were metal doors ahead, one on each side. The group moved towards the doors and the bridgemen tried to open then with no success. Drehy wiped his brow and said they were locked. Adolin said he had a key, raising his Shardblade. Shallan objected, but Adolin reminded her they were chasing a murderer. Shallan waved all the bridgemen back while Adolin rammed his blade into the door. Teft tried the door and was able to shove it open.[15]

The bridgemen ducked in first, spears in hand, taking point. Once they secured the room, an old library, Adolin led them to secure the second room. Their searching was cut short when Lyn called for Adolin, Shallan, and the rest of Bridge Four. They returned to the corridor to find a large mass reflecting the light like glistening tar standing in front of Renarin. Seeing this, the bridgemen put themselves in front of Shallan, between her and Renarin. Teft barked orders to get the men in formation in two lines. Hearing the commotion, Adolin burst out of the second library room, joining the bridgemen.[15]

The darkness seeped down the hall towards them, coating everything, becoming figures and creatures that rippled into existence. Renarin whispered that one of the Unmade was here, Re-Shephir, the Midnight Mother. Adolin shouted for Shallan and the men to run back up the hall as he charged the figures. Shallan noticed the creatures looked like them, particularly one that looked like Teft, one like Lopen, and two with the appearance of Shardplate.[15]

Teft ordered the men to make a careful retreat, not allowing themselves to get boxed in. Renarin ignored Teft's orders, frozen until Adolin grabbed his arm and Teft shouted at him again. He fell in line and they began to retreat in line. Suddenly, the enemy moved causing the bridgemen to curse and turn their spears as the main mass of darkness swept up the sides of the corridor, covering the murals. The creatures surrounded Bridge Four who now formed a circle to keep from being attacked from the rear. The creatures thrust spears at the bridgemen, wounding one now and again. Lyn and Lopen bandaged the injured while Renarin used Stormlight to heal them so they could return to the line.[15]

Shallan noticed the Unmade was imitating them and began to talk to it while Sigzil and the others continued to fight off the midnight creatures. Shallan breathed in Stormlight to create her own radiant force that spread out to surround and protect the bridgemen. The men of Bridge Four were able to momentarily relax while Adolin asked Shallan whether now would be the time to fight or retreat. They decided to fight and Adolin asked if the bridgemen were ready to give it another go. Lopen replied that they would last longer than him, even with his fancy armor.[15]

Shallan asked Adolin for them to clear a path close enough for her to touch the Unmade. Adolin asked Renarin to guard his back and Bridge Four shouted, rushing in behind him forming a spear line on either side of Shallan. As Sigzil and the rest of the bridgemen along with Adolin and Renarin continued to struggle to hold back the midnight creatures, Shallan reached out with her safehand and touched the Unmade.[15]

Shallan dropped backward into the room to find Renarin healing a bridgemen who ad been hurt. She quickly asked Adolin what happened to the Unmade. He said it fled like smoke farther down into the mountains. Eth asked if they should chase it. Shallan, feeling the change in the tower, told them not to chase it. She told him they could post guards, but she didn't think it would return. Teft agreed that guards sounded like a very good idea. She frowned at his comment but followed his gaze to what the Re-Shephir had been hiding - thousands upon thousands of cut gemstones.[16]

A Question of Morals

From his cot, Sigzil listened as Rock had to shout at the rest of Bridge Four for them to line up properly for breakfast. Even after months in Bridge Four and now as apprentice Knights Radiant, they still couldn't figure it out. He thought about how they wouldn't last a day in Azir where order was required. He thought back to his time in Azir and how he'd been the first in his family with a real shot at passing the exams. He shook his head, pushing aside his silly dream, and got ready. While shaving, Sigzil nicked himself. He sucked in a breath, inadvertently breathing in Stormlight, healing it. He remembered that Kaladin was back and Sigzil believed his return was going to solve so many problems.[10]

At breakfast, Sigzil almost ran into Lopen who swung down in front of him, hanging upside down from the ceiling with Stormlight. Sigzil asked Lopen what he was doing and Lopen replied practicing. Sigzil asked Lopen to move and Lopen refused, citing he was not one-armed anymore and he can't be shoved around. Lopen ribbed Sigzil, drawing laughter from Rock. Sigzil started to ask how Lopen how he managed to get up on the ceiling, but he stops him, not even wanting to know. Chaos continued to ensue at breakfast and Sigzil tried to yell for the men to be ready for captain's inspection. His request fell on deaf ears and he wondered where Teft could be, since they actually listened to him. He hoped that he was helping with the inspection and not doing the "other thing." Slipping from the crowded room, Sigzil went to see Kaladin.[10]

Sigzil found Kaladin doing his morning push-ups, with his blue jacket draped over the chair. Kaladin asked him if the men were up and mustered. Sigzil admitted they seemed on the border of a food fight when he left and only half were in uniform. Kaladin said they'd been ready and asked if there was something Sigzil wanted. Sigzil opened his notebook and admitted there was lots of things, first of which was that Kaladin needed a real scribe. He went on to say that the bridge crews are a mess, the finances piling up faster than Leyten can deal with him and an entire host of problems requiring an officer's attention. Kaladin joked that's the fun part of running an army. Missing his sarcasm, Kaladin urged Sigzil to continue.[10]

Sigzil started with the issue of family housing, filling Kaladin in on the fact that Peet is now betrothed to Ka, Bisig is close to being betrothed, and Punio is apparently already married. Kaladin confessed he thought that was Punio's sister. Then, Sigzil said there's the matter of Drehy and the fact that he was courting a man, Dru. Kaladin told Sigzil he did know that one. Sigzil told Kaladin that the problem was that Drehy didn't file the proper paperwork. Kaladin rolled his eyes, telling Sigzil they didn't have such forms and asking if it was really such a big issue. Sigzil admitted that it is not this issue specifically, but more than there were four religions represented in Bridge Four currently.[10]

Sigzil struggled to get his point across to Kaladin, trying to tell a story as his master did. Kaladin just blinked, not understanding what the issue was. Sigzil finally confessed that the men don't have any direction and now that they are no longer slaves, they don't know their place, specifically what a Knight Radiant was supposed to be. They needed guidance or a moral center, someone they could talk to when they were doing something wrong. Kaladin asked if Sigzil wanted to be this person and he replied that someone had to.[10]

Kaladin waved for Sigzil to follow him. Kaladin encouraged Sigzil that if he wanted to be something of the unit's ardent, then he didn't mind it. But Kaladin cautioned Sigzil to make sure that he tries to understand what the men want out of life and respect that path rather than projecting what he desired for them. Sigzil countered that some of the things they were doing was just wrong. Teft had gotten into Firemoss and Huio had been visiting prostitutes. Kaladin said it wasn't forbidden, but Sigzil argued it was wrong. Kaladin asked Sigzil if his master taught him to be so judgmental. Kaladin apologized, but Sigzil said his master often said the same thing. Ultimately, Kaladin gave Sigzil permission to sit down with Huio and the other men and express his concerns and his morals, so long as it wasn't code.[10]

Becoming Windrunners


Shifting subjects, Sigzil brought up the idea of recruitment since Bridge Four was down to twenty-eight members, especially if they were to lose any more members. Kaladin told him they wouldn't, but Sigzil still recommended they should keep an eye out for good people. He also wondered what would happen if men started bonding their own spren, specifically if Bridge Four would be dissolved. Neither talked for a while as they walked, the idea of dissolving the group seemed too painful to consider. Kaladin finally said they would consider recruitment, but he wasn't sure how, to which Sigzil promised to come up with some ideas.[10]

Lyn ran down the hallway towards the pair and she saluted Kaladin, saying he was just the man she was looking for. She informed him that the Quartermaster approved his unusual request. She fell into step with Sigzil and just shrugged, not knowing what the request was. Kaladin eyed Lyn and asked if she was the one helping his men, even going so far as the make excuses to see them and not being afraid of the 'Lost Radiants.' Lyn confessed that based on what she had seen on the battlefield, she would rather bet on his side than bet on the opposition. Kaladin nodded and asked her if she would like to join the Windrunners. Lyn stopped in place, her jaw dropping and then agreeing on the spot. Kaladin asked if Sigzil could get the accounts and ledgers for her and explained she could also help the men write letters to their families. He also suggested that they should probably write a history of Bridge Four.[10]

Lyn deflated when she realized Kaladin meant for her to join as a scribe. She informed him that she didn't join the scouts to sit around looking at ledgers. She decided she would have to decline if that's what he was offering. Seeing her shoulders fall, Sigzil was surprised that he found he wanted to punch his captain, not hard, just a "wake up" punch. He hadn't felt that way since Kaladin first woke him that first morning in Sadeas' warcamp. Understanding, Kaladin extended an invitation to try out for the Windrunners. He admitted he wasn't sure what the test would be yet, but for her to speak with her superior for clearance to change battalions. She bounded off excited. After she left, Sigzil without thinking asked Kaladin if he was taught to be insensitive. He then suggested that maybe Kaladin should understand what people want and respect that rather than projecting on them his own ideas. Kaladin cut him off and told him to shut it.[10]

I don't want to be huddled over a ledger when Bridge Four takes to the air. I want to be first into the sky.

—Sigzil to Kaladin [10]

As they walked to the to the Quartermaster office, Kaladin asked Sigzil if there was anything else on his list. Sigzil recapped everything they had discussed so far and then said they needed to define their role in the army since they were no longer bodyguards. Kaladin told him they were still bodyguards, but ones that had bigger problems in that storm. Sigzil overwhelmed Kaladin with questions that he couldn't answer. Sigzil apologized, but Kaladin disagreed saying they were good questions and they were lucky to have him. He admitted that Sigzil was probably wasted in Bridge Four as she should have been a scholar. Sigzil confessed that he failed the exams, that he wasn't good enough. Kaladin disagreed, calling the tests stupid and saying Azir lost out on a chance to have them. Sigzil smiled, saying he was glad they did because he wanted to be the first into the sky when Bridge Four takes to the air. Kaladin joked that he would have to fight Lopen for that distinction. Finally arriving at the Quartermaster's office, Kaladin completed the paperwork and the pair was handed two sacks filled with emeralds to practice being Radiant with. [10]

The Last Time We March

Training to be Windrunners

Sigzil went to the Shattered Plains with the rest of Bridge Four and other prospective members for Windrunnner training. After Kaladin spoke, Sigzil along with Lopen and Peet served as leaders for the training groups. They split off to practice with Kaladin telling the leaders he wanted everyone on the plateau glowing like they swallowed a lantern before the day was done.[11]

A Miracle

Late into the practice, when Hobber finally drew in his first Stormlight, the bridgemen came rushing over and Kaladin ordered them to give all their gemstones to Hobber. The men scrambled to give Hobber their gemstones and the lights dampened. Hobber cried that he could feel his toes again. He reached out for support and Drehy and Peet helped him slip off his stool, righting him. He finally forced them back, standing precariously on his own. The men of Bridge Four celebrated and Lopen gave the Bridge Four salute to which Hobber saluted back. However, their celebration was cut short by a plume of smoke off to the west.[11]

A Family Surprise and One Last Run

Rock ran at the center of the front of the bridge, leading the rest of the bridgemen while Kaladin flew ahead to check it out. Rock roared forward, his skin starting to glow with Stormlight, carrying the bridge all on his own, towing the others. Skar called out the marching song and all of Bridge Four echoed the words. While Bridge Four had grown strong in past runs, nothing compared to this run. Rock called out commands as Kaladin or Teft had once done.[11]

As they neared the source of the smoke, a beleaguered caravan, Rock threw his weight against the bridge pushing it across the chasm and charged over. The others followed and Dabbid and Lopen unhooked the shield and spears from the side of the bridge. They fell into squads behind Rock, who refused a spear from Lopen. Kaladin floated overhead with his Shardspear in hand. He was looking off in the distance at the figures that streaked away. Drehy muttered that it was a Voidbringer attack.[11]

A head poked out followed by six more faces that turned out to be Rock’s wife and children. After Bridge Four spent some time helping the wounded, Rock introduced his family to Bridge Four and Kaladin introduced the group.[11]

Kaladin told Rock to go walk with his family, that the crew could handle the bridge today. Rock resisted, saying it would be a privilege to carry the bridge one last time, for his family. Kaladin questioned the one last time and Rock explained that soon they would be taking to the skies and would no longer have to carry the bridge. The rest of Bridge Four looked subdued, knowing this was true, but Rock told them not to be sad. There was great stew waiting and they could march not towards death, but towards food and good songs. The solemn group of men took up the bridge respectfully with Kaladin taking his place in front as they set out on one final run.[11]


The Last Time We March

Training to be Windrunners

As the training began, Rock handed off the stirring to Dabbid. Dabbid still didn't talk and hadn't since Kaladin and Rock pulled him from the battlefield. However, he was helpful to Rock in the kitchen and had become something of an unofficial mascot for the group. Even when Rock stepped away, Dabbid continued to stir. Despite not participating in the training or sparring, he was still a part of Bridge Four.[11]

A Miracle

Late into the practice, when Hobber finally drew in his first Stormlight, the bridgemen came rushing over and Kaladin ordered them to give all their gemstones to Hobber. The men scrambled to give Hobber their gemstones and the lights dampened. Hobber cried that he could feel his toes again. He reached out for support and Drehy and Peet helped him slip off his stool, righting him. He finally forced them back, standing precariously on his own. The men of Bridge Four celebrated and Lopen gave the Bridge Four salute to which Hobber saluted back. However, their celebration was cut short by a plume of smoke off to the west.[11]

A Family Surprise and One Last Run

Rock ran at the center of the front of the bridge, leading the rest of the bridgemen while Kaladin flew ahead to check it out. Rock roared forward, his skin starting to glow with Stormlight, carrying the bridge all on his own, towing the others. Skar called out the marching song and all of Bridge Four echoed the words. While Bridge Four had grown strong in past runs, nothing compared to this run. Rock called out commands as Kaladin or Teft had once done.[11]

As they neared the source of the smoke, a beleaguered caravan, Rock threw his weight against the bridge pushing it across the chasm and charged over. The others followed and Dabbid and Lopen unhooked the shield and spears from the side of the bridge. They fell into squads behind Rock, who refused a spear from Lopen. Kaladin floated overhead with his Shardspear in hand. He was looking off in the distance at the figures that streaked away. Drehy muttered that it was a Voidbringer attack.[11]

A head poked out followed by six more faces that turned out to be Rock’s wife and children. After Bridge Four spent some time helping the wounded, Rock introduced his family to Bridge Four and Kaladin introduced the group.[11]

Kaladin told Rock to go walk with his family, that the crew could handle the bridge today. Rock resisted, saying it would be a privilege to carry the bridge one last time, for his family. Kaladin questioned the one last time and Rock explained that soon they would be taking to the skies and would no longer have to carry the bridge. The rest of Bridge Four looked subdued, knowing this was true, but Rock told them not to be sad. There was great stew waiting and they could march not towards death, but towards food and good songs. The solemn group of men took up the bridge respectfully with Kaladin taking his place in front as they set out on one final run.[11]


The Last Time We March

Training to be Windrunners

Huio helped Rock in the "kitchen" on the Shattered Plains when the rest of Bridge Four and other prospectives traveled there for Windrunner training. By his own request, Huio was becoming a more common fixture in the kitchen. The Herdazian man was humming while he stirred the shiki that Rock had prepared the night before. He took a handful of lazy from a pot and sprinkled it into the liquid much to Rock's dismay. Huio said something in Hardazian and Rock hollered at Lopen to come and have a talk with his cousin since he was ruining the drinks. However, Lopen paid him no mind and continuing talking about how he got stuck to the ceiling earlier. Huio just simply offered Rock a spoon of the mixture to try. Rock was surprised to find the drink was very good. Huio smiled and Rock asked him to do the same to the rest of the shiki, promising he wouldn't kill him.[11]

Even when Rock stepped away, Huio continued to help with the meal, adding the meat when instructed. Despite not participating in the training or sparring, he was still a part of Bridge Four.[11]

A Miracle

Late into the practice, when Hobber finally drew in his first Stormlight, the bridgemen came rushing over and Kaladin ordered them to give all their gemstones to Hobber. The men scrambled to give Hobber their gemstones and the lights dampened. Hobber cried that he could feel his toes again. He reached out for support and Drehy and Peet helped him slip off his stool, righting him. He finally forced them back, standing precariously on his own. The men of Bridge Four celebrated and Lopen gave the Bridge Four salute to which Hobber saluted back. However, their celebration was cut short by a plume of smoke off to the west.[11]

A Family Surprise and One Last Run

Rock ran at the center of the front of the bridge, leading the rest of the bridgemen while Kaladin flew ahead to check it out. Rock roared forward, his skin starting to glow with Stormlight, carrying the bridge all on his own, towing the others. Skar called out the marching song and all of Bridge Four echoed the words. While Bridge Four had grown strong in past runs, nothing compared to this run. Rock called out commands as Kaladin or Teft had once done.[11]

As they neared the source of the smoke, a beleaguered caravan, Rock threw his weight against the bridge pushing it across the chasm and charged over. The others followed and Dabbid and Lopen unhooked the shield and spears from the side of the bridge. They fell into squads behind Rock, who refused a spear from Lopen. Kaladin floated overhead with his Shardspear in hand. He was looking off in the distance at the figures that streaked away. Drehy muttered that it was a Voidbringer attack.[11]

A head poked out followed by six more faces that turned out to be Rock’s wife and children. After Bridge Four spent some time helping the wounded, Rock introduced his family to Bridge Four and Kaladin introduced the group.[11]

Kaladin told Rock to go walk with his family, that the crew could handle the bridge today. Rock resisted, saying it would be a privilege to carry the bridge one last time, for his family. Kaladin questioned the one last time and Rock explained that soon they would be taking to the skies and would no longer have to carry the bridge. The rest of Bridge Four looked subdued, knowing this was true, but Rock told them not to be sad. There was great stew waiting and they could march not towards death, but towards food and good songs. The solemn group of men took up the bridge respectfully with Kaladin taking his place in front as they set out on one final run.[11]


The Last Time We March

Training to be Windrunners

Bisig went to the Shattered Plains with the rest of Bridge Four and other prospective members for Windrunnner training. After some training, Bisig started glowing with Stormlight shortly after Drehy did while Kaladin and Rock watched on.[11]

A Miracle

Late into the practice, when Hobber finally drew in his first Stormlight, the bridgemen came rushing over and Kaladin ordered them to give all their gemstones to Hobber. The men scrambled to give Hobber their gemstones and the lights dampened. Hobber cried that he could feel his toes again. He reached out for support and Drehy and Peet helped him slip off his stool, righting him. He finally forced them back, standing precariously on his own. The men of Bridge Four celebrated and Lopen gave the Bridge Four salute to which Hobber saluted back. However, their celebration was cut short by a plume of smoke off to the west.[11]

A Family Surprise and One Last Run

Rock ran at the center of the front of the bridge, leading the rest of the bridgemen while Kaladin flew ahead to check it out. Rock roared forward, his skin starting to glow with Stormlight, carrying the bridge all on his own, towing the others. Skar called out the marching song and all of Bridge Four echoed the words. While Bridge Four had grown strong in past runs, nothing compared to this run. Rock called out commands as Kaladin or Teft had once done.[11]

As they neared the source of the smoke, a beleaguered caravan, Rock threw his weight against the bridge pushing it across the chasm and charged over. The others followed and Dabbid and Lopen unhooked the shield and spears from the side of the bridge. They fell into squads behind Rock, who refused a spear from Lopen. Kaladin floated overhead with his Shardspear in hand. He was looking off in the distance at the figures that streaked away. Drehy muttered that it was a Voidbringer attack.[11]

A head poked out followed by six more faces that turned out to be Rock’s wife and children. After Bridge Four spent some time helping the wounded, Rock introduced his family to Bridge Four and Kaladin introduced the group.[11]

Kaladin told Rock to go walk with his family, that the crew could handle the bridge today. Rock resisted, saying it would be a privilege to carry the bridge one last time, for his family. Kaladin questioned the one last time and Rock explained that soon they would be taking to the skies and would no longer have to carry the bridge. The rest of Bridge Four looked subdued, knowing this was true, but Rock told them not to be sad. There was great stew waiting and they could march not towards death, but towards food and good songs. The solemn group of men took up the bridge respectfully with Kaladin taking his place in front as they set out on one final run.[11]


The Last Time We March

Training to be Windrunners

Hobber went to the Shattered Plains with the rest of Bridge Four and other prospective members for Windrunnner training. While the others were training, Hobber helped Rock in the kitchen. Kaladin walked over and handed him a gemstone. Kaladin explained he had to breathe in the Stormlight, something he wasn't really sure he was doing until Teft explained it to him. Hobber objected, saying he wasn't that good with the spear and barely a passable cook. Rock knew that passable was a stretch, but Hobber needed a job he could do sitting after he was injured in the attack by the Assassin in White and Rock was happy to have him. Kaladin folded the gemstone in Hobber's fingers and just asked him to try, explaining that being a Radiant wasn't about strength or skill as much as it was about heart. Kaladin told Hobber that his heart was the best of all of them. He gripped Hobber on the arm, almost seeming to tear up.[11]

I don't know if...I mean, sir, I'm no Radiant. I was never that good with the spear. I'm barely a passable cook.

—Hobber to Kaladin [11]

A Miracle

Rock returned to the kitchen to hand Hobber the plates so they could begin distributing the food. However, Hobber didn't respond to his request. Rather, he was focused on the gemstone in his hand. The energy changed and several windscreen turned toward Hobber. In a moment, it seemed like everything else had faded as Hobber's fist began to glow. Rock shouted and Hobber jumped in surprise. His jaw dropped and he stared at the now-dun sphere. He held up his hand and shouted at the other men.[11]

I can feel them again! I can feel my toes!

—Hobber as the Stormlight heals him [11]

The bridgemen came rushing over and Kaladin ordered them to give all their gemstones to Hobber. The men scrambled to give Hobber their gemstones and the lights dampened. Hobber cried that he could feel his toes again. He reached out for support and Drehy and Peet helped him slip off his stool, righting him. He finally forced them back, standing precariously on his own. The men of Bridge Four celebrated and Lopen gave the Bridge Four salute. It seemed to be something special coming from him, one of the first time Lopen had been able to make the salute back. Hobber saluted back. Kaladin stepped over to Rock and told him this would work. However, their celebration was cut short by a plume of smoke off to the west.[11]


Meeting the Voidbringers

Moash sat and ate some stew by the fire while he listened to Graves and Febrth argue over which direction to go. Graves wanted to follow the map, while Febrth wanted to follow the Passions. Grave argued with him saying he was supposed to have given up such superstitions to follow the Diagram now. Moash continued to eat the "stew," but admitted that he hated it when any of them cooked as no one could cook like Rock. Done eating, Moash dropped his bowl, spilling the stew, grabbed his coat, and walked away from the pair. Moash kicked a rock and stubbed his toe, cursing and looking over his shoulder as the argument ended.[20]

Which I'll do, when we're not crawling across winter's own frozen backside.

—Moash to Graves about his coat[13]

Graves joined Moash, who asked how lost they were. Graves told him they weren't lost at all, if Febrth would look at the map. Graves glanced at Moash's coat, telling him he was supposed to get rid of it. Moash agreed, once they weren't stuck in wintery conditions. Graves conceded and said he should at least get rid of the patch so it doesn't give them away. Moash felt at the patch, bringing back memories. His skin went clammy as he cut the stitches on the Bridge Four patch. While the patch was easy to remove, he remembered the tattoo on his arm that he had gotten with the others that would be much more difficult to remove. Moash looked at it one last time, but wasn't able to bring himself to throw it away.[20]

He walked back over to the fire and settled in, wondering if the others were sitting around Rock's stewpot somewhere, laughing, joking, ribbing Kaladin, or betting to see how many mugs Lopen could drink. He could almost hear them, but then he imagined hearing Kaladin tell what he had done. He knew he should throw the patch in the fire, but still couldn't. He looked up to the skies and saw something moving.[20]

Four Voidbringers descended on the small camp, striking right where he had been sitting. Another stabbed Graves through the chest and then yanked the weapon free and beheaded him, his Shardblade materializing soon after. Febrth and Fia were struck down as well, leaving just Moash. He threw himself into a roll, just dodging the creature's attack. Kaladin's training took over as his Shardblade fell into his fingers, dancing away from the creature. The Voidbringer rounded the fire towards him, light glittering off her body. These weren't like the Parshendi he'd seen before, these had swirling skin and deep red eyes. Dark light, like inverse Stormlight clung to each of them. He remembered that Graves had spoken of these creatures as merely one of many events predicted by the "Diagram."[20]

The creature came for him and he lashed out, driving her back. However, she tried again, almost gliding in her movement towards him. Moash struggled to hit her again, realizing how clunky his blade was. He twisted to the side as she struck again, this time giving Moash a long cut on his arm. The other Voidbringers continued to pilfer through the wagon, one getting excited as it found the Shardplate. At that moment, a spear rolled out of the wagon and he dismissed his Shardblade, diving for the spear. He could almost hear Kaladin's voice as he took up the spear and stood his ground as the Voidbringer came for him. He thrust the spear and took the Voidbringer down much to her surprise. Moash went to stab through her chest, but she didn't fall. However, he was able to block her next attack.[20]

Bridge Four, you bastards.

—Moash to the Voidbringers {book ref


The Voidbringer reached and touched Moash's chest, trying to spill her dark light into him. Fortunately, Kaladin had prepared him for this too. He seized the Voidbringer and he threw her off balance. He Lashed him, growing stronger and got his knife, driving it into her chest. Her body fell limp and and the force keeping him in the air ran out. They both fell to the crowd, her body cushioning his fall. He turned toward the other three stunned Voidbringers and said they could probably kill him, but he was at least taking one of them with him. The woman in the center looked to Moash and said he had passion. She then gave him a choice, die here or accept defeat and give up his weapons.[20]

With a shrug, he tossed his spear aside and summoned his Blade. He pressed his hand to the gemstone and willed the bond to break, throwing the sword to the ground. One of the Voidbringers took it and another flew off, leaving Moash confused. A short time later, six more returned and they seized the Shardplate bundles and then picked up Moash and hauled him into the air.[20]

  1. Juramentada capítulo 5#
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  10. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Juramentada capítulo 35#
  11. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj Juramentada capítulo 37#
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  14. Juramentada capítulo 2#
  15. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq Juramentada capítulo 29#
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  20. a b c d e f g Juramentada capítulo 43#