
De La Coppermind
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Las páginas de resumen tienen spoilers hasta el final del libro que analizan. Sin embargo, también tienen enlaces al resto de la Coppermind, que tiene spoilers completos. Para navegar de forma segura por las páginas que no son resúmenes, considere la posibilidad de utilizar la opción Máquina del Tiempo.

Parece que esta página necesita actualizarse con nueva información de Mitosis!
¡Ten cuidado! Es posible que en su estado, no contenga toda la información adicional todavía.

This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of Mitosis. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.

Chapter 1

David Charleston and Abraham visit a hotdog stand in Newcago, and David introduces Abraham to Chicago-style hotdogs and the vendor gives them half off. David enjoys the hotdog, reflecting on the way things used to be. David and Abraham go greet newcomers at the entrance of the city, where they’re being processed. As he greets people, David notices a suspicious man entering the city, and follows him. As David watches the man from a distance. The man looks around him, then splits into two identical versions of himself, and the two walk in different directions. David calls Tia and Abraham, and tells them that they have a big problem.

Chapter 2

As David tails the Epic, Tia looks him up in her files. She tells him that he’s called Mitosis, and that he can split himself nearly indefinitely. She reports that the more clones he makes, the dumber they all get, and that Mitosis hates music. Abraham goes to the government offices to get the city officials to safety, and Tia says that Prof is too far away to help. As they talk, the Mitosis clone that Davis is following steps out into the street, pulling out his gun. Mitosis announces that he is here to fight David. He announces that for every five minutes that pass without David revealing himself, he will kill a random civilian.

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5


Este meta-artículo es un demasiado pequeño. Por favor, ayuda a The Coppermind a expandirlo.
