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De La Coppermind
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m (→‎Chapter 21: adding some necessary links, red for now)
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=== Chapter 24 ===
=== Chapter 24 ===
Mizzy activates the imager to look at Tia's plan. She had planned for two teams to infiltrate Sharp Tower, the residence of Larcener now taken over by Prof. Unfortunately, it required lots of equipment that isn't exactly available, even if they could afford it. David decides the only way is to get Larcener to help them. He tells him that one of their team has been captured by Limelight and that he'll be paying them a visit soon. Larcener is extremely upset at the incompetence of the Reckoners. David says if he doesn't conjure up what they need, they'll leave the city, leaving Larcener to deal with Limelight. Larcener is forced to accept because he can't interfere and must stay hidden. He calls all humans evil and broken. David sees an infinite darkness in his eyes.

=== Chapter 25 ===
=== Chapter 25 ===

Revisión del 23:13 13 jul 2016

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This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of Calamity. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.


A brief word that appears to be the from the point of view of David Charleston, claiming the depths will have him again.

Part One

Chapter 1

David sits in a tree stand outside the Knighthawk Foundry in West Virginia. Tia is missing since the events in Babilar, so he's the lead for the team consisting of Megan, Cody, Mizzy, and Abraham. Hunted by Prof and almost broke, this is the Reckoners' last desperate attempt to get equipment because Knighthawk refuses to deal with them. As they begin the infiltration, drones attack the team members from every direction, even coming out through a door on the forest floor itself. The door is jammed open by some forest foliage, and David decides to go in that way, handing ops over to Cody.

Chapter 2

David sneaks through the tunnel towards the complex. Megan, over the radio, warns him to be careful since he doesn't have a complete infiltration suit on -- he will have a small heat signature. He tries some random corridors, hoping to grab something useful and get out quickly. Some drones approach and David ducks into an unlocked room. He finds out Abraham has also infiltrated from the roof, but the defenses are overwhelming; they need to get out soon. David takes in his surroundings and discovers he is in a room with bodies.

Chapter 3

David finds tubs and jars of body parts. He hears a noise over by the door and sees a flicker of light. A small cleaning bot has entered the room through a flap on the door. David tells Mizzy over the radio that it's just a cleaning bot, which unfortunately alerts it to his presence. He grabs it before it can scoot away and leaves it upside down as he moves on. He reasons that this room is probably a decoy because you'd need to freeze the Epics' cells to keep the DNA from degrading, so he breaks into a room next door. He finds some freezers and a bunch of drones guarding them. They point their guns at him.

Chapter 4

Just in time, David pulls back from the ambush. He retreats back down the hall to a more defensible position, then uses his gun's ability to fire around corners to take down some of the robots. He orders Mizzy to tell everyone else to pull out. He must find out what's in the heavily-guarded freezers. He sets up his gun on a tripod and fires it remotely, hoping to keep the robots distracted, and heads back into the room. Next, he fakes getting shot by sending off the cleaning bot trailing blood, then hides in a tub to conceal his heat signature. The war bots take the bait and leave the room. David goes back to the freezers and finds a bunch of glass vials inside. He hears a voice, talking to him. He's been discovered.

Chapter 5

A single armed robot, from which the voice projects, points a rifle at David. The voice thinks that Prof has sent in a team to rob him. While talking, the voice is informed by someone else that someone has stolen something valuable. He orders David to return the item or he'll shoot. Just as David is about to call the team, Firefight melts through a wall. David lunges at the robot to get out of range, getting shot in the leg in the process. More drones drop from the ceiling and start shooting Firefight, fooled by the large heat signature. David grabs some vials and heads out with Megan's help; his wound is bad and very painful. Firefight meets his eyes and raises his hand toward him. They make their way back towards where David, and apparently Megan, came in. She lets Firefight go because she's getting a headache from resisting someone "trying to get in" her head. They find another group of drones waiting for them in ambush. Megan causes a cave-in and labors under the attack caused by using her powers so much.

Chapter 6

Megan is having difficulty keeping Calamity from controlling her. David helps calm her down with a lighter and the illusion of the cave-in disappears. They both surrender to the drones and the voice comes back from one of them. He demands to know how they figured out how to replicate Firefight's power and finally realizes that she must be an Epic. Mizzy sets off some explosives that causes an actual cave-in that very closely mimics the illusion, sparing them from getting crushed. David figured that since Megan was tired, she would use a cave-in from a reality very close to theirs, so the actual cave-in would be very similar. As they start to escape, Megan hangs back to cover David so the rest can escape. The voice and figure show up on a panel as David is about to leave. He realizes they aren’t working for Prof any longer and decides they need to talk. The drones stop and David faints.

Chapter 7

David wakes up on a couch, mostly healed but exhausted. The man belonging to the voice is there talking to Megan and Abraham. He introduces himself as Dean Knighthawk. A mannequin sits nearby and expresses body language as he talks since he appears to be paralyzed. Knighhawk is very curious about Megan's powers and why she hasn't become angry and annoyed after using them. He wants to know the secret to staving off the madness. David agrees to tell him if he'll keep quiet for a while and equip them. He reveals that they don't want to destroy Prof (now known as Limelight), but bring him back.

Chapter 8

Knighthawk is picked up by his mannequin, and they walk down the hall, talking about the plan to turn Prof back. Knighthawk doubts it will work because Jonathon knows the Reckoners' methods. David asks about motivators, but Knighthawk is coy about what they really are. He wants to protect his trade secret. They stop at a room to get breakfast: popcorn.

Chapter 9

The rest of the team joins David and Megan as Knighthawk eats. Abraham asks Knighthawk for his harmsway, but it's the only one he has, and even though it isn't as good as Prof's version, he doesn't want to give it up. He instead offers to loan them the powers of Rtich. The motivator is hidden in a tub of potato salad. Knighthawk hides his good stuff in mundane places so robbers will grab useless stuff. He also offers a crystal grower, a useful item in the "city of salt," Altanta, where Jonathan is. The team tries to get more out of him, accusing him of being lazy and cowardly. He has a cynical attitude toward the Reckoners and only desires to survive in this new, crazy world. He tells them to get out and never contact him again. David tells Megan to lead the rest of the team out while he tries to get more answers from Knighthawk.

Chapter 10

David finds Knighthawk in his room of mementos, staring at the dead body of a beautiful women in a silvery coffin. She is Amala, Knighthawk's wife. She had been an Epic before being killed by Prof. Knighthawk keeps her in stasis, hoping that he can find some Epic healing ability that will bring her back. He warns David that Megan will turn sometime, just as his Amala had, despite fighting off the insanity for as long as she could. David confides to Knighthawk that he wants to kill Calamity, who is an actual Epic himself, and that he needs his help to do it. Knighthawk finally relents and tells him a motivator is actually an incubator for cells harvested from an Epic. He gives him a sample incubator so David can harvest some cells from Prof in order to make a more powerful harmsway for his wife. David doesn't make any promises, but he takes the device.

Part Two

Chapter 11

David wakes from a nightmare that he assumes has something to do with his encounter with Calamity, but he shrugs it off. The team is driving in two jeeps toward Atlanta (renamed Ildithia), now somewhere in Kansas. David sends a kiss to Megan via text but gets a response from Knighthawk instead, who can monitor their communications after all. Megan talks about finding her family again. She speculates that many people are not living in cities but off the land, hidden, like her father had trained her to do, fearing a nuclear holocaust. They stop to switch drivers, and while Abraham takes a short walk, Mizzy complains to David that he's allowed revenge against Steelheart but she isn't against Firefight. David tells her to direct her vengeance toward the real culprit: Calamity. He receives another text from Megan: Kansas City has disappeared.

Chapter 12

Kansas City has been destroyed by Obliteration. Knighthawk sends a photo of him holding a glowing device, so now he can destroy cities without warning. His apparent plan is to destroy all current and future Epics by simply killing everyone. The team decides to go after him next after dealing with Prof. David fiddles with the jar of mercury but can't get the Rtich device to work. They stop when they find Ildithia's salty trail of destruction. They see some people moving away from the city, and Megan goes to investigate.

The people are refugees, fleeing Ildithia because of a power struggle between Limelight (Prof) and the resident Epic, Larcener. The team decides to enter the city mingled in with some refugees from Kansas City.

Chapter 13

The team abandons the jeeps in an old farmhouse and change into rougher clothes. Abraham warns them to keep their head down and act submissive. When they arrive, they are given an orientation on how the city works and are told to keep their heads down due to some trouble between Epics. After their gear is searched, they accept a job hauling crates in exchange for food. David converses with someone who explains the tribal nature of the city since there is no police force. She confirms that Limelight is in town and is now mostly in control. Suddenly the streets empty. David dashes into store and peers out. It's Prof.

Chapter 14

Prof strolls down the street with a green globe trailing behind him. It holds Stormwind, who is completely subdued inside the bubble. David manages to make contact with all the team members, all of whom are safe at the moment. Cody has his sights on Prof and feeds the video to the team. Prof yells for the resisting Epics to come out, and he reaches out and vaporizes an entire building, revealing an Epic with two machine guns. He fires at Prof, but he encloses him in another green bubble and crushes him, just like he did to Exel and Val. A minor Epic named Dynamo comes forward and bows, and Prof demands to know where Larcener is. Dynamo begins to lead him, but Prof first peers into a crate that is partially open. He is heading in Mizzy's direction, and David decides to follow.

Chapter 15

Mizzy is trapped in a parking garage, and Dynamo is leading Prof right to it. He instead goes further down the street and uses his powers to find another hiding Epic, who he promptly kills. It's a copy of Dead Drop, an Epic who can make copies of himself, but this one was actually a copy of Larcener, who can assume powers. Prof is annoyed that he has only found a decoy and announces that he is going to destroy the market/parking garage and tells everyone to get out or die. Megan makes herself and David look different and they go out so she can create some illusions that can save Mizzy.

Chapter 16

David and Megan follow the crowd out into the street. Prof demands that everyone kneel before the new god of Ildithia. Suddenly, Firefight is kneeling next to David, but not aflame. Firefight assumes that he is in David's world, and notes that he (David) is alive here. Then he disappears, leaving a confused and frightened young man in his place. Prof then starts recruiting soldiers, and David joins the volunteers so they can get to Mizzy easier. Prof then destroys the parking garage with people still inside, commanding his new minions to kill who's left. David and Megan run with the other volunteers, breaking off and finding Mizzy, Megan leaving behind copies of their disguised selves while their "true" selves escape down an alley. David hears a baby start to cry, with its mother frantically trying to calm it down. It catches Jonathan's attention, and he looks extremely annoyed. But David sees a struggle on his face -- he turns away and walks on without harming the baby.

Chapter 17

A few days have passed. The team has built a safe house with Knighthawk's crystal grower. David and Megan discuss Firefight's sudden appearance. She doesn't know if she inadvertently brought him through residual effects of her power. She's not really familiar with all that she can do because other Epics used to kill her because they feared her strange ability, so she laid low until Steelheart took her in. She fears that her reincarnated selves are really different people. David doesn't mind and compares her to the sunrise, always changing but beautiful. After they make out for a while, David finds the steel skull of Steelheart in Abraham's pack. He wonders if he would have tried to turn him instead of kill him if he knew then what he knows now. Abraham has also smuggled in an imager. David invites the team to take a walk to discuss plans.

Chapter 18

David leads the planning discussion as the team walks through the city. They don't know Prof's weakness, and Megan can't necessarily create it, so it's difficult to plan what to do. David is disturbed by the uneasy peace of the city, maintained by armed groups divided along racial lines. They also discuss Larcener, who has a whole catalog of powers and is apparently lazy. They find a job hauling crates again. David tucks his old broken mobile that can still be tracked into a certain crate. They try to gain some intelligence by chatting with the other workers. One man David talks to complains about Larcener's loose hold on the city and the resulting social disorder. After a day of working, they collect their food ration and head back to the safe house. They have learned very little, and David is discouraged. Megan notices and tells him he has done well so far; little is decided in the preliminary meetings. A light on the wall indicates someone has entered the apartment adjacent to the safe house. A moment later the door opens, revealing Larcener.

Chapter 19

Larcener walks in unconcerned at their guns and claims that he simply wants to hide from Limelight. He demands a drink and is generally quite arrogant toward the group. David makes some demands on him for their allowing him to stay, and to their surprise, he agrees. He appears to be afraid despite displaying some rare and powerful abilities like dowsing (being able to "smell" another Epic). Knighthawk sends a text to David, reporting that the crate with the phone is on the move. David leaves Megan to protect the group and takes Abraham to follow the crate.

Chapter 20

Knighthawk presses David on what he's tracking, but David only tells him that Larcener showed up on their doorstep. Abraham rents two bikes so they can catch up to the crate. As they ride, David remembers the thrill of learning how to ride a bike with his father. Abraham notices that he's crying. They turn onto a street and see a minor Epic called Neon using a dowser on everyone that passed. The machine takes a long time with David but eventually reads him as not an Epic. They continue on and arrive at an apartment building with some guards outside. David tells them to give a stranger among them their descriptions. Tia shows up with more guards.

Chapter 21

David and Abraham are disarmed and marched into the building to a room with no windows. Tia asks David to recount a conversation they had to verify that it's really him. She then asks how they found her, and they explain that they saw her unique brand of cola in the crate. And so did Prof. This spurs the whole group into action while Tia and David discuss what to do with Prof. Abraham convinces her that David's idea about facing your fears was a good theory and that they should try to bring him back. There's no way they can simply kill all of the Epics; they must try something different. A guard bursts into the room and reports to Carla, apparently the one in charge of the family, that the new Epic is on his way and their building is surrounded by a rival family. They prepare for battle, but Tia knows it is hopeless. She will give herself up to Prof to avoid bloodshed. She gives David a chip that contains her plans and tells him that Jon's weakness is his powers. When someone else uses his powers on him, it negates the rest of them. David promises to rescue her.

Down in the street, Tia is presented to Prof, and he puts her in one of his green force field orbs. She was right; he didn't kill her right away. He'd want to interrogate her first.

Chapter 22

David wakes from another nightmare during the night. He looks around for Megan but can't find her. He finds Abraham working with the mercury. He can turn it into a surface that can support his weight. He continues to look for Megan and wanders into Larcener's room. He tells Larcener that he could beat Prof, but Larcener says he's not allowed to fight, just observe. David asks him if he doesn't sleep to avoid the nightmares the all Epics have, and Larcener gets angry and indignant. He moves on and finally finds Megan enjoying the scenery in an empty field from a parallel universe. David suggests she bring a Prof from another world, who hasn't succumbed, to fight the evil one here. Then his powers could be negated so they could make him confront his fear, turning him back. He encourages her to experiment more with her powers, which she reluctantly does. David finds himself in mid-air.

Chapter 23

David crashes to the ground and looks up at the stars. Ildithia is there in the distance and there is no Calamity in the sky. After a moment he is drawn back to the hideout to a frantic Megan. Cody comes to check up on them. David asks Megan to show them the same world, and Cody looks at this version of Ildithia through his scope. They are not only in a different world but in a different location in that world, outside the city. David wonders how there can be Epics there without Calamity to give them powers. They all return to bed so they can plan tomorrow.

Part Three

Chapter 24

Mizzy activates the imager to look at Tia's plan. She had planned for two teams to infiltrate Sharp Tower, the residence of Larcener now taken over by Prof. Unfortunately, it required lots of equipment that isn't exactly available, even if they could afford it. David decides the only way is to get Larcener to help them. He tells him that one of their team has been captured by Limelight and that he'll be paying them a visit soon. Larcener is extremely upset at the incompetence of the Reckoners. David says if he doesn't conjure up what they need, they'll leave the city, leaving Larcener to deal with Limelight. Larcener is forced to accept because he can't interfere and must stay hidden. He calls all humans evil and broken. David sees an infinite darkness in his eyes.

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Part Four

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

Chapter 47

Chapter 48

Chapter 49

Chapter 50

Chapter 51

