Capa de brumas

De La Coppermind
Revisión del 20:39 30 dic 2014 de (discusión) (It's in both of the series thus far. Not really fair to just put one of them.)
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La Coppermind tiene spoilers de todos los trabajos publicados de Brandon, incluyendo El Hombre Iluminado. La información sobre libros que aún no se han publicado (como El archivo de las tormentas 5) está permitida sólo en las páginas de los propios libros. Para ver una visión anterior de la wiki sin spoilers de uno de estos libros, ve a nuestra Máquina del Tiempo

'It's colored and constructed to hide you in the mist,' Kelsier said. 'And it warns city guards and other Mistborn not to bother you.' He spun, letting the cloak flare dramatically. 'I think it suits me.'


Mistborn Trilogy

A mistcloak was the cloak worn by Mistborn while traveling through the mists in order to obscure their figure and so prevent them from being seen. It was a hooded garment made from a lightweight material, and consisted of ribbonlike strips of dark gray cloth sewn together at the shoulders and chest.[1] Mistcloaks were constructed to come free when pulled, so that they could not be used against the wearer in combat.[2]

Alloy of Law

In the Alloy of Law era, the mistcloak had evolved into a mistcoat. Waxillium Ladrian's, in particular, was a long, enveloping garment like a duster with a thick collar and cuffed sleeves, ankle-length and divided into strips from just above the waist.[3]


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