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Realmatic Theory refers to the structure of the Cosmere. There are three realms: Physical, Spiritual, and Cognitive.

I have come to see that each power has three aspects: a physical one, which can be seen in the creations made by Ruin and Preservation; a spiritual one in the unseen energy that permeates all of the world; and a cognitive one in the minds which controlled that energy.

Sazed's earliest experiences after his ascension.[1]

Physical Realm

All of Brandon's published works take place almost exclusively in the Physical Realm. Of the three realms, it is the most readily understood, as it behaves in much the same way as our universe does.

Spiritual Realm

All that is currently known about the Spiritual Realm is that it is the site of the afterlife in the Cosmere (at least for people from Scadrial, and likely for the rest of the Cosmere as well), and that when they are not in use, Shardblades are stored there.

Cognitive Realm

Extremely little is known about the Cognitive Realm. Brandon tends to be rather close-lipped on the subject.


It has been speculated that Shadesmar, seen briefly in The Way of Kings, is a part of the Cognitive Realm. Little is known about Shadesmar. Its very existence was one of Brandon's best-kept secrets until the release of The Way of Kings.


  1. THoA Cptr 57 Epigraph
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