Mistborn: Birthright

De La Coppermind
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Mistborn: Birthright is a forthcoming computer game set in the Final Empire on Scadrial.[1] It was originally expected to be released in Fall of 2013, but was pushed back to a tentative release date of 2015 and moved to the new console generation.[2] It is currently planned to release in Fall 2016.[3]

It will feature an original storyline created by Brandon Sanderson set several hundreds of years before the first Mistborn novel. The game focuses on a unique combat system that puts Allomancy into the hands of gamers, when players follow Fendin "Fiddle" Fathvell, an arrogant young nobleman who must quickly master his newfound Allomantic abilities before forces at work can destroy his entire family.[4]

A young Terriswoman is featured in the story.[5]


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