{!{character |image=Jasnah.jpg |family=House Kholin|parents=Gavilar, Navani|siblings=Elhokar |world=Roshar|nation=Alethkar |abilities={!{tag+|elsecaller}} |titles=Princess of Alethkar (?) |profession=Historian
Scholar |groups=Veristitalians |born=1139 |books=The Stormlight Archive }} Jasnah Kholin is an Alethi princess on Roshar. She is the sister of King Elhokar, daughter of the late King Gavilar and Navani, and niece of Highprince Dalinar. She is known widely as a brilliant scholar and for her denunciation of Vorinism.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido She is a member of the Veristitalians, an order of historians dedicated to reconstructing unbiased and factual accounts of the past in order to better understand the present.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido She is training Shallan Davar as her ward.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido

Appearance and Personality

Jasnah is a reserved and statuesque woman. She is widely praised for her beauty, always graceful and dressed immaculately. She is tall and slender with a full chest. She has tan skin and deep black hair that, when unbound, reaches the middle of her back. She has a squarish face and pale violet eyes with an Plantilla:Wp.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido

Jasnah is generally a stern and serious person, although she occasionally shows a wry sense of humor.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido She sometimes acts in a brusque manner, and can be exceptionally rude when someone gets on her bad side.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido She is determined, confident, and often stuborn as well.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido She has a brilliant mind and shows wisdom and care in her studies.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido She is very passionate about scholarship and wants others to share in her passion as well.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido She often encourages her ward, Shallan, to come up with answers on her own, instead of simply giving them to her.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido She considers history to be the most important literary subart. She is prejudiced against the visual arts, going so far as to call them frivolities, although having Shallan as her ward may have changed her opinions on the subject.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido She can be extremely tough and ruthless, as she showed when she killed the four footpads that attacked her and Shallan in cold blood. She harbors a deep hatred towards men like them, possibly because of something that has been done to her in the past.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido

Jasnah is a self-professed atheist.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido This has caused her not insignificant problems and led to her being ostracized a bit, but she has never compromised in her beliefs for the sake of appearances.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido While she is confident in her lack of faith in the devotaries, like the true scholar that she is, she also always keeps an open mind to the possibility of being wrong.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido


Attributes and Abilities


Jasnah has a Nahel bond with an unknown spren which gives her the ability to Surgebind. She has access to the Surges of transformation and transportation.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido As with all Surgebinders, she has superhuman speed, strength and healing when she holds Stormlight. She has demonstrated her ability to Soulcast multiple times, though her other abilities remain yet to be seen. She is in the process of becoming a Knight Radiant from the Order of Elsecallers.


Jasnah can use Soulcasting in various ways with great precision, ranging from burning letters into a page,Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido to transforming boulders into smoke,Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido and purifying Shallan's blood from a poison called backbreaker powder.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido She also used Soulcasting as a very deadly weapon when she and Shallan was attacked by four footpads in Kharbranth and she Soulcast their assailants into fire, crystal and smoke.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido She has expressed that she is not very capable of Soulcasting organics and she was unable to successfully Soulcast the strawberry jam that Kabsal brought to Shallan's hospital room.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido

She has also shown the ability to Soulcast multiple targets at distance. In this method of Soulcasting, bolts of Stormlight can be seen traveling towards the intended target. When Jasnah used this ability to transform two men into smoke, it caused the smokestone she used to shatter, indicating that this method may use more Stormlight than regular Soulcasting.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido This ability may be a specialized version of Soulcasting or a distinct ability resulting from manipulating a combination of the Surges of transformation and transportation.

Jasnah uses a fake Soulcaster fabrial to disguise her Surgebinding abilities from the public.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido




I have kept a journal since I was a child, in order to practice my writing skills.”
“Congratulations. Should I need someone to write a treatise on their stuffed pony or give an account of an interesting pebble they discovered, I shall send for you.

—Shallan and JasnahError en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido

Ignorance is hardly unusual, Miss Davar. The longer I live, the more I come to realize that it is the natural state of the human mind. There are many who will strive to defend its sanctity and then expect you to be impressed with their efforts.

—Jasnah to ShallanError en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido

...a woman’s mind is her most precious weapon. It must not be employed clumsily or prematurely. Much like the aforementioned knife to the back, a clever gibe is most effective when it is unanticipated.

—Jasnah to ShallanError en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido

Youthful immaturity is one of the cosmere’s great catalysts for change... To be young is about action. To be a scholar is about informed action.

—Jasnah to ShallanError en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido

Too many scholars think of research as purely a cerebral pursuit. If we do nothing with the knowledge we gain, then we have wasted our study. Books can store information better than we can—what we do that books cannot is interpret. So if one is not going to draw conclusions, then one might as well just leave the information in the texts.

—Jasnah to ShallanError en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido

I always forgive curiosity, Your Majesty. It strikes me as one of the most genuine of emotions.

—Jasnah to TaravangianError en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido

A true scholar must not close her mind close on any topic, no matter how certain she may feel. Just because I have not yet found a convincing reason to join one of the devotaries does not mean I never will. Though each time I have a discussion like the one today, my convictions grow firmer.

—Jasnah to ShallanError en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido

When we are young, we want simple answers. There is no greater indication of youth, perhaps, than the desire for everything to be as it should. As it has ever been. The older we grow, the more we question. We begin to ask why. And yet, we still want the answers to be simple. We assume that the people around us—adults, leaders—will have those answers. Whatever they give often satisfies us. ... Indeed, it seems to me that aging, wisdom, and wondering are synonymous. The older we grow, the more likely we are to reject the simple answers. Unless someone gets in our way and demands they be accepted regardless.

—Jasnah to ShallanError en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido

You will find wise men in any religion, Shallan, and good men in every nation. Those who truly seek wisdom are those who will acknowledge the virtue in their adversaries and who will learn from those who disabuse them of error. All others—heretic, Vorin, Ysperist, or Maakian—are equally closed-minded.

—Jasnah to ShallanError en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido

Let the Vorin believe as they wish—the wise among them will find goodness and solace in their faith; the fools would be fools no matter what they believed.

—Jasnah to ShallanError en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido

It strikes me that religion—in its essence—seeks to take natural events and ascribe supernatural causes to them. I, however, seek to take supernatural events and find the natural meanings behind them. Perhaps that is the final dividing line between science and religion. Opposite sides of a card.

—Jasnah on why she researches VoidbringersError en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido


  • In The Way of Kings Prime, Jasnah was a viewpoint character with as many chapters as the other characters. Brandon decided too many viewpoints was too distracting and cut Jasnah's parts in the final version.[1]
  • Jasnah will probably get a flashback book of her own.[2]
  • Brandon read a lot of atheist message boards and talked with atheists he knew while developing Jasnah.[3]
  • Brandon thinks having Sazed and Jasnah together could lead to some great discussions of philosophy.[4]
  • Jasnah has never met Shallan's stepmother, Malise Gevelmar, even though she revealed that she knew Malise had married Shallan's father when she meets Shallan.[5]

See Also


  1. Jasnah was a main character
  2. Have we met all the main point-of-view characters yet?
  3. How did you portray Jasnah's atheism so well?
  4. Which six would you choose and why?
  5. Has Malise Gevelmar ever met Jasnah?

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