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{/{location |map=Shadesmar (TWoK).jpg |world=Roshar |universe=Cosmere |books=The Stormlight Archive }}

Shadesmar is a Rosharan word for the Cognitive Realm.[1] The word Shadesmar is sometimes used in non-Rosharan contexts when referring to that Realm.[2][3] It is known in Rosharan mythology as the kingdom of the spren.[4]

"Is this because he’s from the Cognitive Realm? The books say that the Spiritual Realm is a place of pure truth, while the Cognitive is more fluid." WOR Chapter 24, whatever this means

Geography and Ecology

The Shadesmar Map

The map of Shadesmar labels several areas in the Cognitive Realm, including regions called "Expanses" that are outside of Roshar. If you walk far enough (likely for days) in the direction of one of those Expanses, you can arrive on another world.[5] The areas labeled are as follows:


Shadesmar is a overlay of the Physical Realm, filled with personified ideas, as well as the cognitive aspects of physical objects.{/{wob ref| }}[8] Space does not map directly between location, with distance depending on the amount of consciousness in or about a given place.

Geographically, Roshar in the Cognitive Realm appears like an inversion of the continent in the Physical Realm, with the land reflecting as a sea of beads and bodies of water as land made of obsidian.[9]{book ref|sa3|87}}{book ref|sa3|89}} Peninsulas, that reflect physical world rivers, will have lighthouses built at the very end of them, as a signal to passing ships that there is land nearby. They also provide a waypoint for ships to restock supplies on their journey.[10] Canal's are occasionally cut through the peninsulas to make sea travel easier.[11]

The land in Shadesmar is made of a glassy, black obsidian or obsidian like material.[Falta cita] It is easy to move quietly over land.[12] The ground is cold.[13]

Black sky, and a strange, tiny,[9] white sun that hangs on the horizon in the far distance.[14][8] The sun does not move, and there is no day/night cycle.[15] Clouds run towards the sun - combined with the sea of beads it gives the impression that the sun is at the end of a long tunnel[16] The clouds are straight and long and point towards the horizon.[4] They are also rather flat.[17] The sun can be described as 'cold'[18] The sun does not appear to change position in the sky, regardless of time of day or distance travelled.[10] The sky is completely black with no stars or moon visible.[10]

The "seas" are made of tiny, translucent,[8] dark glass beads[14][4] that represent objects that exist in the Physical Realm. These beads are bean-sized, or slightly larger than a fingernail.[19] The beads are attracted to Stormlight[14] and will force their way through barriers if possible (such as a hand over a mouth).[4] The beads represent "souls of objects." [18] It is possible to suffocate if drawn beneath the beads.[20] It does not seem possible to swim through the beads as bodies as they provide no buoyancy.[4] Sinking in the beads is similar to sinking through a viscous liquid.[4] The weight of individual beads differ based on their physical form, with larger objects correlating to heavier beads.[9] Spren can translate conversations between humans and beads though it is possible to speak to the cognitive aspect of the beads directly.[9] The impression given off by the beads match the magnitude of the object in the Physical Realm (eg. the palace).{book ref|sa3|89}} Nonetheless, the sea roils and the beads constantly moving and clack against each other.[21][22] Beads can be carried anywhere in Shadesmar, regardless of where its corresponding item is in the Physical Realm, as the tie between the physical and cognitive aspects occurs through the Spiritual Realm.[11] If not properly secured, they will work their way back to the corresponding location of their physical counterpart.[11] Rocks can be found near the shore, hidden within the beads.[23]

The seas are populated by spren of different varieties.[18]

The minds of sentient beings reflect in the Cognitive Realm as small[9] flames.[14] They give off light.[20] The differ in size, between species?consciousness?.[9] The hover above the sea of beads.[24] These flames will disappear if the person is to die, however, unlike in the Scadrian subastral, they do not seem to appear in Shadesmar before they move on to the Beyond.[18]{Winds Pleasure reference? Maybe other references of this as well}}{/{MB:Secret History reference}}[Falta cita] The flames do not appear to be hot and if someone touches them they will be able to percieve the person in the Physical, including their emotions.{book ref|sa3|89}} Souls that are corrupted will turn red.[17]

Fused souls that do not yet inhabit a body appear twisted and shimmer with a dark light, in a rough humanoid shape.[17]

Shadesmar is considered a dangerous place due to potential to attract the wrong spren which would attack.{book ref|sa3|89}}

When asked if this is the general rule, Sanderson said "there are places in Shadesmar that are different, and some are the same."[25]

Crystal looking trees can be found along the southern coast of Sea of Lost Lights, near the Expanse of the Vapors[9][26] The have spikey limbs made of glass, with no leaves.[9]

There is a variety of plant life in Shadesmar, including ferns,[10] trees,[9] and _____. The plants can look brittle, however, they grow in the same way as plants in the Physical Realm.[10]

Many ferns are black, however, some have vibrant colors, that blend together to create a stained glass effect. If touched, they will crumple.[10]

Living objects, that appear to be made of obsidian also exist. One type resembles a mushroom. They can be as large as trees but grow very, very slowly.[12] Like in the Physical Realm, lifespren are attracted to the plants in Shadesmar.[23]

It is possible to find creatures that are not native to the Cognitive Realm in Shadesmar such as birds.[27]

On the island that represents the Longbrow's Strait there is a jungle made of black, glass plants. The trunks of the trees are translucent and the leaves are a multitude of colors. Moss can also be found resembling melted glass. It will break when touched. Further inland there are trees with deep crimson trunks and limbs of burnt red crystals. At the ends of the branches are bunches of minerals.[23]

The obsidian ground can be cracked and broken[23]

There is no wind in Shadesmar.[17]

Forested mountains.[17]

Notable Location

Some spren are intelligent enough to build their own civilizations and live on cities in Shadesmar, while others are more like animals.[8][21]

Cryptics rule one of the greater cities in Shadesmar, though its name is unknown.[28]

Celebrant Lasting Integrity - south west of Celebrant

Unyielding Fidelity - close to Kharbranth


In Shadesmar, the highstorm appears as rippling, colorful, lights and shimmering clouds that glow with a strange, ethereal luminescence. Riino surprised Kaladin hasn't seen a highstorm before.[12] The highstorm has a vibrant set of colors.[12] They appear to have a pulse, potentially a beat.[12] Accessing the highstorm through Shadesmar, such as by using Riino's globe of magic, will allow someone Invested brief access to the Spiritual Realm, as the three Realms blend together.[12] Fortune tellers such as Riino hold services where travellers can pay to have their fortunes told for the cost of two marks of Stormlight.[12] Like many Rosharan cultures, the spren also disapprove of fortune tellers meaning that Riino and others like him are forced to live in remote locations.[12]

It is possible for the Stormfather to detect someone who rides the Highstorm by accessing it through Shadesmar, though he does not seem used to this happening.[Falta cita] This is not two ways, however, as Kaladin cannot feel the Stormfather or experience the Physical Realm/see Roshar.[12]


It is likely that after the Recreance, Rosharans stopped travelling to Shadesmar, with Jasnah being one of the first, or the first, to interact with spren in a long time.[29]

The night of Gavilar's death, Jasnah enters Shadesmar when confronted by Ivory and makes the castle hallway + a knight out of beads.[4]

Cryptics in Kharbranth[30][31][14][16]

Shallan soulcasts in her room[14] Shallan Soulcasts near Jasnah and is saved by her[20] Jasnah researches Shadesmar from this point onward [8]

After being attacked aboard the Wind Pleasure, Jasnah Elsecalls to Shadesmar to save herself.[9][32] Shallan enters Shadesmar to Soulcast the Winds Pleasure in an attempt to save the crew from being slaughtered. Later, stick scene.[9]

While in Shadesmar, Jasnah caused quite a bit of strife with the spren. While there she learnt about the Everstorm and that it would transform the singers and knows that this has not happened before. She spent some time with the highspren who shared with her details of past Desolations and how the Fused return, which lead her to want to seek particular records upon her return to the Physical. At some point she began searching for a waypoint where the realms were close enough for her to Elsecall back to the Physical Realm. Shortly before she arrived back in the Physical Realm, it is implied she was in some sort of conflict.[29]

(Spit this paragraph and move first bit elsewhere) Both Orders can use the glass beads in Shadesmar to form various structures that can be used there. For example, Jasnah can create a raft out of Shadesmar beads that she could stand safely on.[20] While trapped in Shadesmar, Shallan uses this ability on several occasions. While attempting to use the Thaylen City Oathgate, she makes a wall physically appear there, rather than just being made of beads. This is called manifesting, and is described as being dangerous by Captain Notum.

Shallan suggests to Jasnah that they should investigate the library rooms in Urithiru in Shadesmar after Pattern makes a comment about the room containing memories. Jasnah says she will investigate. Renarin later uncovers the hidden gem archive, which is likely what Pattern is referring to.[33]

Ivory suggests that Jasnah search for Taln in Shadesmar as it is harder to hide due to the the manifestation of souls.[34]

Azure first travelled to Shadesmar a year before Part 4 OB. She used guides to pass through and thought there was a lot of crazy stuff that she avoided as much as possible.[18] It took four weeks for her to pass through.[21]

Moving through Cultivation's Perpendicularity became a rarer occurrence after the Fused and voidspren increased their influence in Shadesmar[12] and took over the area in which the perpendicularity was located.[35] Ships that travelled in the direction of the perpendicularity never arrived at their destination.[12]

In 1173, voidspren began appearing in Shadesmar, west of the Nexus of Imagination, near the Physical Realm countries of Marat and Tukar. They made their way to Cultivation's Perpendicularity and seized control then demanding tribute from any wishing to travel through from Shadesmar. Their influence and control spread across Shadesmar, reaching as far as Celebrant. Following their arrival, spren became much more interested in traveling in the east to avoid encountering Odium's forces.[27]

News that Surgebinders had returned was not widespread common knowledge when Kaladin and co visited Shadesmar (or at least Riino didn't know).[12]

When Shallan tries to use the corrupted Oathgate in Kholinar it transports all those in the control room to Shadesmar.[24] Azure tells them that the way to get out is to go to where the Horneater Peaks are in the Physical Realm and use Cultivation's Perpendicularity.[21]

After transporting Kaladin and co to Shadesmar, Sja-anat reported to Odium that they had been sent far from the transfer point. Odium tasked his forces to hunt for the group within the Cognitive Realm. Sja-anat warns Shallan of this, so that she and her friends can better evade their enemies.[12]

At some point, likely in either 1173 or 1174, Sja-anat succeeded at Enlightening an Oathgate spren for the first time,[12] corrupting the Kholinar Oathgate and allowing for passage between Realms again, after the gates were locked by Honor (?).[Falta cita]

Shallan and friends are transported to Shadesmar through the corrupted Kholinar Oathgate by Sja-anat. They escape, following a penninsula that represents the Deathbend River till they reach Riino's Lighthouse. From there they travel to Celebrant on Ico's ship. After drawing the attention of the Fused, the group escapes on board the Honor's Path after surrendering themselves to the honorspren. Once the Fused catchup to the ship, the group, bar Azure, escape through the ocean of beads then travel on foot across the island of the Longbrow's Strait to reach Thaylen City.

Just before Honor died he ordered the Oathgates locked, forbidding the spren from letting people transition realms.[17] In 1174, during the Battle of Thaylen City, Dalinar Kholin summoned Honor's Perpendicularity, combining Shadesmar with the other two realms.[36]

Culture and Society

Spren Societies

Main article: Spren

Spren are Splinters that are created[Falta cita] and reside in the Cognitive Realm of Roshar. Spren are ideas personifed that have gained sentience,[8] and in some cases, sapience. Each spren represents an idea or concept, and are described as ideas that gained life. Unlike in the Physical Realm, spren have mass and substance in Shadesmar.[15]

Lesser spren can be pulled partially into the Physical Realm from Shadesmar by thoughts and emotions.[8] Emotion spren are attracted by emotions.[9] Only part of the body of a spren appears in the Physical Realm, whereas lesser spren have their entire body in the Cognitive Realm.[15]

Radiant spren can choose to transition their minds from Shadesmar and into the Physical Realm, and can be pulled through temporarily to form Shardblades. Even when their minds have transitioned to the Physical, Radiant spren still exist mostly in the Cognitive and can sometimes be viewed if looking into Shadesmar.[9] This partial transition is also why Radiant spren are oftentimes invisible to anyone they have not chosen to reveal themselves to, though different spren have different skill levels at both appearing and disappearing.[37] Spren that have transitioned have barely any substance in the Physical making it difficult to touch them, and in some cases it should be impossible.[37]

When Radiant spren first transition their minds from Shadesmar, they lose much of their mind and memory,[9] and risk losing their sapience.{\{get reference to Syl at Honor Chasm}} Returning to the Cognitive Realm does not restore their memories completely, however, they do appear to gain a certain amount of recognition about their surroundings[10] and some memories of the Realm.[Falta cita]

There is great variety among spren, both in appearance and in cognitive levels. Most spren appear physical differently in the Physical Realm,[28] than they do in the Cognitive.[24]

Many spren in Shadesmar are hostile towards humans due to their part in the Recreance. This makes getting information about Shadesmar, spren, their cities and their culture, quite difficult.[8] There are, however, spren who are still friendly towards humans,[27] and/or who will help them travel the realm by either providing them passage or specific guides.[18][21][35] Not all of these guides however trust humans with more than a contract of travel.[35] Lightspren are usually guides, as they have a propensity for travel. They are the traders of Shadesmar and transport and trade goods amongst the spren.[22]

Cryptics have a single city and are content with not possessing more. They are more interested in listening.[34] Humans are warned against Cryptics. Cryptics themselves do not take offense to this and believe it to be because they are famous within Shadesmar.[21] They make some humans in the Cognitive nervous.[12] Cryptics have a fearful reputation.[28] They could be equated to the upper class of Shadesmar.[28]

Lesser spren appear to live in the beads.[18]

Spren do not need to sleep or eat,[15] nor do they get tired from activity,[10] even in Shadesmar. They may feed off human emotions. In Shadesmar they can think on their own without a bond.[15]

As is the case in the Physical Realm, emotionspren can be attracted in Shadesmar. This can be dangerous, and even potentially deadly, as some types of emotionspren are much larger and more vicious than they appear to be in the Physical Realm.[21][10] Like in the Physical Realm, lifespren are attracted to the plants in Shadesmar.[23]

Not all lesser spren live in Shadesmar, with windspren rarely being seen in the Cogntive Realm because the winds do not fade like passions do.[10] It may be that other naturespren, if not all naturespren, live primarily in the physical realm.

Spren, when corrupted by Sja-anat, have a physical change to the bodies in the Cognitive Realm, instead of just the Physical manifestation being changed. Sja-anat is able to control and speak through these spren to others that are in the Cognitive Realm.[12]

Sea travel is conducted on ships pulled by mandras in lieu of sails, a mast, and oars.[12] Multiple mandras have to be used at the same time on all ships, as they will occasionally be pulled into the Physical Realm and vanish -- a phenomenon known as 'dropping'.[22] Ships move faster than an average ship in the Physical Realm, largely because they are not dependent on wind direction and can use the most efficient path to reach their destination.[22] Reachers use physical lamps for light, as Stormlight fades too quickly in Shadesmar to be of use.[22] At least some Reacher ships keep rations and water making machines aboard in case they ferry human passengers.[22] The Reachers are aware of the dangers of the Physical Realm during the Final Desolation and consider Shadesmar to be a safer place.[35]

Not all ships are equipped, or willing, to take on human passengers. Although dock registrar's will keep a list of all ships in port and their destinations, as well as which will take passangers, they do not keep record of which ships are human friendly, and humans looking for passage must visit each ship individually to ask about passage.[35]

Lesser spren, such as mandras can only travel so far away from human population centers in the Physical Realm before they will begin to die. The reason for this is unknown.[22]

Feast of Light - honorspren dress up when they go to this.[35]

Generally the humans that visit Shadesmar are refugees, merchants, or explorers.[22] Considering that Jasnah caused such a ruckus when she went through Shadesmar as it had been a long time since the spren had, had to deal with a human like her, it may be that humans normally found in Shadesmar come from off world.

Although mixed spren cities exist, such as Celebrant, the different varieties of spren do not mingle very often and will more often than not keep to their own kind. Honorspren are rarely, if ever, seen due to their unfavourable relationship with the other spren. Humans are also rare enough that any in a spren city will be noticed by those around them.[27]

Spren children do not appear like human children. They are also not common. Spren are born in parts of Shadesmar when power coalesces and becomes sapient. When this occurs, older spren will go and fetch the new spren children. It doesn't happen often and many spren will go hundreds of years without doing it.[27]

Aging of spren does not occur like it does with humans. Without a bond, they do not learn fast or change much.[27]

There is some level of knowledge of the cosmere among the spren is Shadesmar and they are able to acquire wares from other planets.[27] Effects such as rippling clothing and hair that occur for honorspren in the Physical Realm, does not occur in Shadesmar.[12]

A wanted picture of Syl is posted in many, if not all, port cities in Shadesmar by the honorspren after her disappearance from Lasting Integrity.[27]

Celebrant keeps a store of sand that can be used to put out fires when required.[27] Due to Shadesmar's lack of water, this may be the main purpose of such a store.

Not all spren live primarily in Shadesmar. This may be due to the specific nature of the spren in question. For example, wind spren live primarily in the Physical Realm and are rarely seen in the Cognitive.[11]

Honorspren use a different spren language.[11]

Spren are able to sense the Everstorm in Shadesmar even if they are not directly aware of it.[23]

Gardening in the Cognitive distinctly differs to that in the Physical. Gardening plants is considered pedestrian, with more impressive gardens being made out of the souls of objects. Cultivationspren are known to be gardeners of chairs. These objects are not manifested but instead grown into crystals. This level of gardening appears to be akin to artistry with exhibitions being put on to display the spren's work.[38]


Deadeyes are spren who have been 'killed' though the breaking of the Nahel bond. Most deadeyes came into being after the Recreance.[Falta cita]

They exist in both the Cognitive, as a spren, and the Physical, as a blade, Realms simultaneously. Because shardblades are their physical form, deadeyes are unable to be summoned as a blade in Shadesmar. They will, however, still respond if someone tries to summon them in the Cognitive Realm, stretching in an unnatural way towards the summoner.[18] This causes them to screech, though It is unclear if this causes them pain or if they are objecting.

Deadeyes still maintain the same general appearance they took prior to dying, however, appear raggedy and their eyes are scratched out.[24]

They are often placid, and unphased by what goes on around them.[18][Falta cita] However, that does not mean they are able to feel stronger emotion or become dangerous if provoked.[13] They are known to wander off without care for their surroundings,[35] particularly if being summoned in the Physical Realm. This has led to some spren imprisoning deadeyes to prevent them from disappearing.[35] It is unclear if the deadeye can still be summoned in the Physical Realm, if locked in captivity.

The Recreance

It is likely that after the Recreance, Rosharans stopped travelling to Shadesmar, with Jasnah being one of the first, or the first, to interact with spren in a long time.[29]

Inkspren often do not speak of those who were lost during the Recreance. All older Inkspren were lost during the event, with only children remaining. Due to this, the remaining Inkspren received no guidance or nurture while they grew. It took centuries for the Inkspren to recover the culture and society that had been lost, with them only beginning tto regain it by 1174. Many inkspren would prefer to kill those that attract them, than rebond humans.[34]

It has been long believed, by many sapient spren in Shadesmar, that the honorspren would never rebond with humans after the Recreance.[34]

The honorspren, despite knowing something bad was coming, refused to take action, prior to Syl leaving for the Physical Realm.She believes the honorspren born after the Recreance to be foolish because of this.[10] The honorspren (Notum) were not aware of exactly when the Radiant's began to return, though did not appear surprised. They had hoped the day would never come.[11]

The spren do not appreciate those who claim to tell the future, leading to supposed oracles living in remote parts of Shadesmar.[12]

Lightspren are highly distrustful of humans and do not believe they can be trusted with oaths, though a contract of travel is fine. They believe that humans will betray trust if given to them and believe this to be in their nature.[35]

Ashspren are overly hostile to humans.[27]

Not all spren hold grudges so strongly against humans that they are against rebonding humans. Cultivationspren[27] and Cryptics[Falta cita] appear to be more willing to rebond humans.

All of the honorspren, baring Syl were killed in the Recreance, becoming deadeyes. Centuries later, the Stormfather created only ten more honorspren.[11]


Stormlight is the major currency of Shadesmar and can be traded in for chips (?) which can then be used to buy items or barter for passage.[21] Infused spheres can also be traded directly, depending on who someone is trading with.[12] Dun spheres can be traded, however are worth much less than infused ones.[35]

Like all of Shadesmar, Celebrant uses Stormlight for currency. Due to Stormlight fading quickly while in the Cognitive Realm, Celebrant employs moneylenders who will exchange notes for renewed spheres. The Stormlight is then transferred to perfect gemstones[22] where it will remain indefinitely without fading.

As many of the items in Shadesmar are manifested from the Physical Realm, prices in Shadesmar vary based on the longevity of each item.[27] Haggling appears to be acceptable.[27]


There is a complex, but negative political relationship between Honorspren and Cryptics.[28] Jasnah has not been able to devote much time to learning about spren politics.[28]

Inkspren do not like Cryptics and think they cause trouble due to their enjoyment of lies. They do not war with the Cryptics, however, may have warred with the honorspren.[34]

The honorspren have tried to conquer Shadesmar, at least once. They failed or were eventually overthrown. The other spren in Shadesmar are not endeared towards them, due to their actions.[34][22][27]

Following the escape of Syl from Lasting Integrity,[Falta cita] posters of Syl were placed around Shadesmar in an effort to find her.[22]

There is an enemy stronghold in the vicinity of Thaylen City.[27]

Since their arrival in Shadesmar, the voidspren have spread their influence across the realm. They have partial control of the free city Celebrant, and have captured Cultivation's Perpendicularity.[27] Fused will periodically check on the city and conduct inspections.[27] Their goal is to build their own empire in the Realm, and they took the perpendicularity to be able to control travel between the realms.[11]

There appears to be some sort of hostility between the Fused and the honorspren.[27]

Cultivationspren do not have their own cities or kingdoms. In the scheme of things they aren't very important in Shadesmar.[39]

Food and Drink

It is possible to find food and water in Shadesmar that is suitable for humans. It is most easily found in port cities. There is a constant supply that keeps food in Shadesmar to accomodate the humans that live there.[21] Tinned food is a common type of food found in Shadesmar, and may originate from Scadrial due to their canning processes.[12][27][Falta cita]

Spren do not require food or water.[21]

Water can be produced using devices that will manifest liquid from the Physical Realm. Pure water can be produced by ice that is physically located on high mountain tops that has never melted or known warmth.[22]

Spren are said to feed on human emotion,[Falta cita][22] however they also appear to get some sort of reaction from the highstorm as it appears to energize them.[35][23]

Clothing =

While some spren manifest their own clothing as part of the essence, others wear physical clothing, likely manifested from the Physical Realm.[27] Spren do not follow Rosharan fashion or cultural trends and will mix and match items in ways that would be considered bizarre by Rosharans.[27]

Spren who manifest their own clothing can change them in Shadesmar, however it takes Stormlight to do so.[27]


Spren have their own languages, with some knowing human languages.[40][27] Cryptics do not use human languages.[40] Many Reachers in Ico's crew do not know Alethi.[27]


General knowledge of the existence of Shadesmar has faded on Roshar and it has become mythology.[4]

The Ardentia are aware of Shadesmar to some extent and that it is possible to visit. This may not be widespread knowledge throughout the Ardentia.[41] There may be at least some literature that talks about Shadesmar.[41] and have used fabrials that allow them to Soulcast objects through it. Details of Shadesmar may have been changed or erased from written text by the Vorin church during the Hierocracy.[28]

Shadesmar is named in nursery tales.[4]

Jasnah writes publicly about Shadesmar in one of her earlier works.[28]


Azure, Shallan, and Kaladin all get impressions from the beads they pick up while in Shadesmar, so it should be reasonable to say that any Invested person can manifest objects there. Adolin, not being an Invested person, gets only the vaguest impressions of the objects the beads represent.

Each bead gives a distinct impression of physical object when touched by someone who is Invested.[4][18] This can include both their physical appearance and their 'soul'. They can be knitted together to form objects based of the cognitive aspect of a given bead (eg Jasnah's knight, Shallan's doors). It is possible to make only part of an object. Bead objects can be commanded to move on their own, though not well.[4] Those who are Invested are more easily able to recoginize the soul of the beads - someone with little passive Investiture will only sometimes get very faint impressions (even as little as only a potential colour), and sometimes nothing at all.[18][21] However, Investiture is not needed to visualize the soul of a bead.[11]

The beads gravitate towards Investiture and are able to give the impression to a person that they are after something.[4]

Stormlight (or an alternative source of Investiture) is needed[20] in order to control objects in Shadesmar, as well as for Soulcasting. Traveling there without sufficient Stormlight is considered to be perilous.

Traditionally, the Elsecallers have been the prime liaisons with the 'great ones of the spren' and were happy to bring along people of other orders to assist them in their visits and interactions. Implied that Elsecallers had a higher affinity for Shadesmar than Lightweavers or Willshapers.[42]

Beads and spren are attracted to Stormlight. For this reason, it can be dangerous for Surgebinders to use their powers in Shadesmar, although different powers have different levels of detectability (Windrunners will attract more attention than Lightweavers).[18] It does not appear that the Surges necessarily need to be used for spren and beads to become aware of it - a Radiant or gem holding stormlight is enough.

Spren, at least lesser spren, feed on stormlight.[18] Sapient spren also are affected by stormlight, however, have claimed they do not 'feed' on it as such.[Falta cita] Sapient spren are well aware of how dangerous it can be to carry stormlight in Shadesmar (in terms of other spren and beads).[18] The spren can be distracted from people within Shadesmar if there are high emotions on the other side in the Physical.[18]

Stormlight can be used to build objects out beads. The soul within a given bead can be used as a guide when creating objects - it is unclear if a guide is necessary. It is unclear if any Invested person is able to create such objects. These objects can be load bearing, even when they would not be in the Physical Realm, and the entire object does not need to be created.[18] These structures do not always move easily, which may correlate to their size and to the soul of the bead (Shallan and Oathgate platform).{book ref|sa3|89}} It is possible to reclaim some of the stormlight expended when the item breaks apart.{book ref|sa3|89}} Visualization required.{book ref|sa3|89}}

When the realms are combined, or close, it is easier for Elsecallers to see into the Cognitive. It is unclear which of the Elsecaller surges allow for this, or if it is restricted to their order.[43]


Manifestations of fire give off no heat and cast shadows away from their light source.[12]

Surgebinders (?)

All Radiant's have an attachment to Shadesmar, by virtue of the Nahel bond.[32] Some Orders however, have greater access due to being able to access particular Surges.

(Riino's Lighthouse) The building is a large stone tower that is topped by an enormous bonfire. The bonfire does not give off any heat and, unlike the Shadesmar sun, casts shadows away from itself instead of towards itself. Because of this, it may be a manifestation that has been pulled through from the Physical Realm.[12]{/{ref|group=fn|text=This would be in the same vein that Kelsier manifests a campfire in the Scadrial subastral.{/{msh ref|4|2}}}}

Water can be produced using hydrators that will manifest liquid via condensation using ice from the Physical Realm. Pure water can be produced by ice that is physically located on high mountain tops that has never melted or known warmth.[22]

Some humans know how to manifest souls, however, they are few and far between. It is also a rare skill amongst spren. Cultivationspren with gardening skills are amongst the best at manifesting objects.

While it is unclear, spren may build their cities using objects manifested from the Physical Realm.[27]

Manifesting souls can be dangerous.[11]


By touching beads, those with the surge of Transformation are able to change the physical form of the object in the physical realm through Soulcasting.[14]

It may be possible for Soulcasters to appear in Shadesmar with a given bead in their hands if they are holding the corresponding object when they peak into the other realm.[14]

Shallan is able to take Memories in the physical that capture Cryptics in the Cognitive even when she is not actively looking into the other Realm.[14]

Can control how far their mind travels into Shadesmar, allowing them to peak in without fully entering.[9] Also able to have their mind be full in Shadesmar? able to lose mind? even while peering if fully immersed and with not enough stormlight? {/{book ref|Shallan at end of WoK}}

Entering Shadesmar is described as objects popping into beads.{\{Shallan in WoK}}[9]

Soulcasting is not thought to work if one is already in Shadesmar, as it would change the physical form without affecting the bead.[21]

When the realms are combined, or close together, it is easier to use Soulcasting, including on living souls.


Elsecallers and Willshapers have access to Shadesmar using the Surge Transportation which allows them to move between Realms.[32][Falta cita]

It is easier to Elsecall to Shadesmar than it is to return to the Physical Realm.[32] Although it is possible to leave the Cognitive from any point,[Falta cita] those who are less experience with using Transportation, require a transfer point, where the Physical and Cognitive Realms are closer together, to be able to make the journey.[32]


The Oathgates allow for transportation between the Physical and Cognitive Realms. The mechanism that allows for them to do this, is unknown.

In Shadesmar, only the control building platform exists,[Falta cita][17]. It is made of white stone. Each Oathgate is guarded by two gigantic spren, approximately thirty feet tall, which carry spears[18]- one pitch black and the other a brilliant white that reflects a kaleidoscope of colors.[17] When corrupted, these spren turn red.[Falta cita] Although they may appear statuesque, these spren are alive and able to interact and speak with those who are nearby.[24][17] They are bound by the oaths they took but do enjoy granting passage and wish they were permitted to do so again.[17]

Despite having a physical form in Shadesmar, a bead of the Oathgate still exists.[Falta cita]

Prior to the the Final Desolation, Sja-anat had been unable to corrupt any of the Oathgate spren. Their corruption is thought to potentially lead to odd consequences when the gate is used. This is used to the the advantage of Shallan and friends when escaping Kholinar City.[12]

The platforms can be destroyed to prevent travel, however, as long as the spren aren't compromised the control building can be rebuilt and then utilized.[13]


Several of the Unmade have forms in the Cognitive Realm, however, it appears that they do not all act in a similar manner. It is unclear whether all the Unmade have Cognitive forms and if they can move between the Realms by choice

Ashertmarn exists in both the Physical and the Cognitive Realms simultaneously.[18]{/something from Kholinar}} It is unclear if this is the Unmade's permanent state or if they have transferred part of themselves through to the physical in the same vein as high spren.

Nergaoul appears as a large mass of living red light. It appears wrong and can almost cause pain to those that look at it.[17]

Moelach appears to exist entirely in the Cognitive Realm. The effect he has on humans when they are on their deathbed indicates that they may have interaction with the Cognitive before they pass on, even if it is not to the same extent as on Scadrial. Moelech has been known to move across different parts of Roshar and is currently located in the Horneater Peaks.[Falta cita]

Yelig-nar appears as a figure of black swirling smoke and is the size of a normal person.


Honor's Perpendicularity

Dalinar was able to view the Cognitive Realm when he summoned the Perpendicularity.[44]

Honor's Perpendicularity forms during each highstorm,[45] however, the storm itself is not the Perpendicularity.[Falta cita] It pierces all three realms combining them into one - this allows for the renewal of gemstones with stormlight as they are exposed to the Spiritual Realm.[45]

Honor's Perpendicularity is known as unpredictable and dangerous. It appears randomly across Shadesmar. Guides warn against trying to find it.[21]

The perpendicularlity has been summoned by Dalinar Kholin - while open the three realms combined in the surround area. In Shadesmar, the perpendicularity appears as a brilliantly glowing pillar. It has some effect on the beads around it, causing them to lock together and form a highway to allow people to cross to the perpendicuarlity. The Fused appear to be negatively affected by the perpendicularity.[36]

Cultivation's Perpendicularity

Cultivation's Perpendicularity resides in the Horneater Peaks.[Falta cita] Since the Fused have increased their influence in Shadesmar, travellers moving through the perpendicularity have become rare.[12] They sail warships in the bead sea in the area and demand tribe from any who approach.[27]

The area around the perpendicularity has gained a poor reputation due to the number of ships vanishing.[35] Many spren refuse to sail towards the perpendicularity.[27]

Their goal is to build their own empire in the Realm, and they took the perpendicularity to be able to control travel between the realms.[11]

Weird Stuff

Jasnah[4] and Axies, backwards shadows. Misbehaving shadows are referenced in folktales as showing someone is cursed.[4] Jasnah notices this happening in the feast hall, when Ivory is not visible, and in the hall when he is. Implies this has been happened to her before.[4]

In Shadesmar, beings cast shadows towards the sun.[9]

Ivory pulls Jasnah into Shadesmar?[4]

Singers are closer to the Cognitive Realm than humans and this, in part, is what allows them to change forms.[46]

Lift is weird and partially in the Cognitive, allowing her to physically touch spren when it shouldn't be possible.[37]

If the person is strongly influenced by Odium (and presumably certain other Shards), the flame turns red.[17] A flame vanishes when the person represented by it dies.

Ivory suggests that Jasnah search for Taln in Shadesmar as it is harder to hide due to the the manifestation of souls.[34] (Easier to find how?)

Odium appears to have the ability to draw spirits, and Unmade, through to the Physical Realm.[17] According to the Oathgate spren, souls of the dead can be pulled along ancient paths across realms to take over hosts.[17]

Venli is able to see into Shadesmar shortly before she interacts with Odium.[17]

Lift being partially in the Cogntive, allowing her to physically touch her spren.[47]


Ingesting the beads and then moving to the Physical Realm would not be good for a person.[48]

quotes and images [/[File:Shadesmar.png|thumb|left|300px|Shadesmar by LittleGreyDragon]] {/{quote | ... a place with a black sky and a strange, small white sun that hung on the horizon ... Flames hovered nearby ... Like the tips of candles floating in the air and moving with the wind ... An endless dark sea, except it wasn't wet. It was made of the small beads, an entire ocean of tiny glass spheres | Shallan Davar[14] }} [/[File:Elsecaller.png|thumb|right|150px|An Elsecaller in Shadesmar by LittleGreyDragon]]

{/{quote | She stepped up beside the bead statue, noting for the first time the strange clouds overhead. They seemed to form a narrow ribbon of highway, straight and long, pointing toward the horizon. | Jasnah Kholin's first visit to Shadesmar[4] }}

something tugged on her leg, pulling her down. She screamed, slipping beneath the surface, tiny beads of glass filling her mouth. wok 70

OB “All Radiants have an attachment to Shadesmar,” Jasnah said. “Our spren originate there, and our bond ties us to them. OB 33

“We must search Shadesmar,” Ivory said. “In this world, men can hide easily—but their souls shine out to us on the other side.” OB 47

Hovering in the air were two enormous spren—they looked like stretched-out versions of people, and stood some thirty feet tall, like sentinels. 87

Another spren stood beside her, with ashen brown features that seemed to be made of tight cords, the thickness of hair. She wore ragged clothing, and her eyes had been scratched out, like a canvas that someone had taken a knife to. 87

Azure looked up at the sky. “Damnation,” she said softly. “I hate this place.” OB 87

"Yet here he was, kneeling on a white marble platform with a black sky overhead, a cold sun—if it could even be called that—hanging at the end of a roadway of clouds. An ocean of shifting glass beads, clattering against one another. Tens of thousands of flames, like the tips of oil lamps, hovering above that ocean. And the spren. Terrible, awful spren swarmed in the ocean of beads, bearing a multitude of nightmare forms. They twisted and writhed, howling with inhuman voices. He didn’t recognize any of the varieties. “I’m dead,” Adolin whispered. “We’re dead, and this is Damnation.” " OB 89

Terrible, awful spren swarmed in the ocean of beads, bearing a multitude of nightmare forms. They twisted and writhed, howling with inhuman voices. 89

Her eyes … they weren’t empty sockets. Instead she was like a portrait where the eyes had been scraped off. 89

“Everybody,” she said, “those flames are the souls of people, while these spheres represent the souls of objects. Yes, there are huge philosophical implications in that. Let’s try to ignore them, shall we? When you touch a bead, you should be able to sense what it represents.” OB 89

“Isn’t this your land? Where you come from? I figured you’d … I don’t know … be more mortal here.” OB 91

When Adolin woke up, he was still in the nightmare. OB 93

I used a portal between realms. Cultivation’s Perpendicularity, they call it. On your side, it’s in the Horneater Peaks.” 93

“There’s supposedly another perpendicularity,” Azure said. “It’s unpredictable and dangerous, and appears randomly in different places. My guides warned against trying to hunt it.” 93

This felt different. He rode in a shimmering, rippling surge of colors. Around him, the clouds streamed past at incredible speed, coming alight with those colors. Pulsing with them, as if to a beat. 97

“Celebrant is a prominent city. In it, we could find passage wherever we wish to go. 97

“At Celebrant, the moneychangers have perfect gemstones that can hold the light indefinitely. Similar.” “Perfect gemstones? Like, the Stone of Ten Dawns?” “I don’t know of this thing. Light in a perfect stone doesn’t run out, so you can give Stormlight to the moneychangers. They use devices to transfer it from smaller gemstones to their perfect ones. Then they give you credit to spend in the city.” 99

“I’m certain,” Ico said firmly. “The region around Cultivation’s Perpendicularity has gained a poor reputation of late. Too many ships vanishing.” 101

Reaching this city marked a welcome step forward, toward finally getting out of this place and reaching Dalinar. Unfortunately, a brand-new city full of unknown threats didn’t encourage him to relax. 102

“They seem to wear whatever,” Adolin said, pointing. “That’s an Alethi officer’s coat over an Azish scribe’s vest. Tashikki wrap worn with trousers, and there’s almost a full Thaylen tlmko, but they’re missing the boots.” 102

Even in comparison to the improvised market of Urithiru, this seemed … ephemeral to Kaladin. But there were no stormwinds to worry about here, so it probably made sense. 102

“You like?” the shopkeeper asked. She was made of vines—her face formed as if from green string—and wore a havah with a crystal safehand exposed. “Only a thousand broams of Stormlight.” 102

Oh! She says she would rather trade with honorspren than take another trip to the perpendicularity. I think this is an insult. Ha ha ha. Mmm…”102

“Sure!” he called down. “Always interesting to have humans aboard. Just don’t eat my pet chicken. Ha! But negotiations will have to wait. We’ve got an inspection soon. Come back in a half hour.” 102

“Oh, glorious day. Glorious! We have waited so long for the honor of men to return!” He stood up and gestured. “Go, please! Get on a ship. I will stall, yes I will, if that one comes back. Oh, but go quickly !”102


  1. Barnes and Noble Book Club Q&A
    Arcanum - 2009-07-08#
  2. Words of Radiance San Diego signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-04#
  3. Words of Radiance Omaha signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-13#
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Palabras radiantes prólogo#
  5. a b Orem signing 2014
    Arcanum - 2014-12-06#
  6. Oathbringer San Francisco signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-15#
  7. Rithmatist Omaha signing
    Arcanum - 2013-05-17#
  8. a b c d e f g h Palabras radiantes capítulo 1#
  9. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Palabras radiantes capítulo 7#
  10. a b c d e f g h i j k Juramentada capítulo 95#
  11. a b c d e f g h i j k Juramentada capítulo 108#
  12. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y Juramentada capítulo 97#
  13. a b c Juramentada capítulo 117#
  14. a b c d e f g h i j El camino de los reyes capítulo 45#
  15. a b c d e Juramentada capítulo 91#
  16. a b El camino de los reyes capítulo 48#
  17. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Juramentada capítulo 116#
  18. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Juramentada capítulo 89#
  19. Oathbringer Portland signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-16#
  20. a b c d e El camino de los reyes capítulo 70#
  21. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Juramentada capítulo 93#
  22. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Juramentada capítulo 99#
  23. a b c d e f g Juramentada capítulo 110#
  24. a b c d e Juramentada capítulo 87#
  25. Words of Radiance Omaha signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-13#
  26. Mapa de Shadesmar
  27. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa Juramentada capítulo 102#
  28. a b c d e f g h Palabras radiantes capítulo 3#
  29. a b c Palabras radiantes epílogo#
  30. El camino de los reyes capítulo 29#
  31. El camino de los reyes capítulo 42#
  32. a b c d e Juramentada capítulo 33#
  33. Juramentada capítulo 39#
  34. a b c d e f g Juramentada capítulo 47#
  35. a b c d e f g h i j k l Juramentada capítulo 101#
  36. a b Juramentada capítulo 119#
  37. a b c Palabras radiantes interludio I-9#
  38. Danzante del Filo (novella) capítulo 1#
  39. Danzante del Filo (novella) capítulo 2#
  40. a b Palabras radiantes capítulo 60#
  41. a b El camino de los reyes interludio I-8#
  42. Palabras radiantes capítulo 53 Epígrafe#
  43. Juramentada capítulo 120#
  44. Juramentada capítulo 5 Epígrafe#
  45. a b Juramentada capítulo 64#
  46. Palabras radiantes capítulo 32 Epígrafe#
  47. Danzante del Filo (novella) capítulo 4#
  48. Skyward Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-16#

{/{partial}} {/{stormlight}} {/{cosmere}}