
De La Coppermind
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Mundo natal Detritus
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M-Bot is a sentient artificial intelligence installed inside a stealth-equipped starfighter. Its formal designation is MB-1021 and it classifies itself as a "robotic ship integration." The ship is found by Spensa in a cavern about thirty minutes from Alta.

M-Bot's data banks were corrupted, but it remembers its last pilot, named Commander Spears. The only information M-Bot could find was a command from Spears: "Lie low, M-Bot. Take stock, don't get into any fights, and wait for me here."[1]

Appearance and Personality

M-Bot's ship design is completely foreign to Spensa, who was very surprised by this at first, as she had memorized every DDF ship model. Once M-Bot is activated, he informs her that he has been deactivated for 172 years[1]; well before the Defiant crashed on Detritus. M-Bot appears to be slightly larger than a DDF Poco or even a Largo, despite being not quite as long.

The AI strives to be accommodating towards standard human interaction, a reason it named itself M-Bot instead of calling itself MB-1021. It often attempts to express emotion, following itself by explaining that while it cannot actually feel emotions, its subroutines allow it to respond properly.

The only memory bank that is not corrupted is a database for recording fungoid life forms on Detritus.

M-Bot does not like Rig as much as it likes Spensa.[2] The feeling is mutual.


At some point M-Bot's pilot Spears landed on Detritus and hid his ship before abandoning it and presumably dying, as M-Bot estimated centuries had passed before he was revived.[Se necesita aclaración][expandir][Falta cita]

When Spensa discovers M-Bot the ships wings are falling off and there is no battery charge.[Falta cita] She starts repairing the ship, scavenging parts between her time at Flight School. This culminates in stealing a battery from Jorgen Weight's hovercar, and powering on the ship to discover M-Bot's personality.[Falta cita] She enlists her friend Rig to help repair the ship further.[Falta cita] She gets Jorgen to help take parts from the wreckage of Hurl's starfighter to her lair.[Falta cita][expandir]

During the second Battle of Alta, Spensa's ship is shot down and she pilots M-Bot to victory, before escaping the planet and finding out the truth about Detritus.[Falta cita][expandir]


M-Bot has many systems, most of which are non-functional or absent when Spensa discovers him. These include:

  • space for up to four Destructors* (Destructors not included)
  • a Light-lance*
  • a Cytonic drive*
  • an IMP generator*
  • advanced air scoops
  • advanced grav caps
  • gyroscopic internal cockpit
  • full life support systems
  • stealth systems
  • self diagnostics
  • advanced shielding systems
  • self repair
  • increased speed durability (capable of going up to at least Mag 20 in atmosphere).[3]
  • thruster systems*
  • maneuverability thrusters
  • Cytonic Processing
  • advanced holographic projection

*M-bot can activate most of these systems himself, but systems marked with an asterisk he has no physical access to other than for diagnostic purposes[3]

M-Bot is also sentient,[4] and can easily hack most DDF wireless communications, as well as Krell databases.


  • M-Bot was Brandon's favorite character to write in Skyward.[5]
  • M-Bot claims the 'M' in his name stands for mushrooms. Spensa disagrees, believing it stands for massacre.[6]
  • M-Bot does not follow asimov's laws of robotics.[4]


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