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Mundo natal Detritus

Callsign Bog is a member of Nightmare Flight along with Nose, Tunestone, Sushi, Jager, and Nord.[1][2] He is around eighteen years old and flies a Poco.[3]


Bog, along with his flight mates, accompanied Skyward Flight in a routine mission to tag debris. When Jorgen called out some of Nightmare Flight for trying to haze Skyward Flight, Bog made fun of him, jokingly wondering where Jorgen callsign, Jerkface, came from.[1]

Paired with FM and Spensa, Bog and his wingmate Tunestone, attempted to show off their light-lance skills, assuming the cadets to not be overly familiar with the manoeuvres. Neither of the cadets found the display overly impressive, and in turn they demonstrated their own competency using a light-lance.[1]

Later, when the group were attacked by Krell ships, Bog was ordered by his flightleader, Nose, to fly defensively and keep an eye out for Lifebusters until reinforcements arrived. During the battle, Bog was hit by enemy fire, which destroyed his shields. Hearing his mayday call, Skyward Flight went after the Krell who were targeting Bog, managing to divert three of the four ships that were tailing him. While being chased, Bog moved further out into the open and began to use increasingly erratic and reckless manoeuvres to avoid being hit by enemy fire. Spensa, who had fallen in behind Bog to chase down his tail, managed to spear the Krell ship using her light-lance and pull it off of its path and away from Bog. Doing so, however, allowed the Krell tailing Spensa the opportunity to hit her with their destructors, ultimately forcing Spensa to eject from her Poco in order to save her life.[3]

Later, Nightmare Flight participated in the Second Battle of Alta.[4]


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LadyLameness (talk) 03:20, 27 January 2019 (MST)

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