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ReDawn US Cover Art.jpg
Hermanos Gilaf[1]
Capacidades Citónicas
Especie UrDail
Mundo natal ReAlba
Universo Citoverso

Alanik, identificador Ángel, es una UrDail citónica del planeta ReAlba.

Apariencia y personalidad

Casi podría haber sido una de nosotras. Me sorprendió. No sabía que existieran alienígenas allí fuera que pareciesen tan... humanos.

—Spensa, sobre la apariencia de Alanik[2]

Alanik es una mujer humanoide de piel morada clara, ojos violeta pálido y pelo blanco hasta los hombros.[3][2][4] Tiene unas mejillas extrañamente pronunciadas, con crestas óseas blancas y cristalinas que sobresalen bajo sus ojos y a lo largo de su rostro "élfico".[2][4] Tiene manos delgadas con uñas afiladas y puntiagudas del mismo material óseo. A pesar de sus extraños rasgos, los humanos la considerarían hermosa. Su cuerpo tiene la forma de una hembra humana[3][5] y mide aproximadamente lo mismo que Spensa.[6] Lleva un traje de vuelo cuando pilota su nave.[2]

Tiene una voz tranquila y su lenguaje suena elegante a oídos humanos. Habla con Spensa de forma bastante enigmática durante su breve interacción, aunque en aquel momento estaba gravemente herida.[2] Más tarde demostró ser muy pragmática y mostró una notable desconfianza hacia la autoridad.[4][7]

Atributos y habilidades

Alanik es citónica. Conoce mejor sus habilidades que Spensa, aunque cree que aún le queda mucho por aprender.[2] Es capaz de sentir a otros citónicos y determinar su ubicación, y es la única citónica UrDail capaz de hipersaltar sin la ayuda de un taynix.[3][4][8] Es capaz de llegar a otros citónicos y hablarles psiónicamente,[9] y también es capaz de colocar las coordenadas de Visión Estelar directamente en la mente de Spensa.[2]

Es una piloto relativamente hábil, ya que consigue atravesar los sistemas de defensa de Detritus con su nave "milagrosamente" de una pieza.[2] Su nave tiene un tamaño similar al de M-Bot, y parece ser un caza de largo alcance equipado con destructores y una torreta con lanza de luz.[3] M-Bot califica su nave de "no muy avanzada", aunque también desprecia las naves FDD;[10] la base de datos de su nave contiene una gran cantidad de información sobre la historia de su pueblo, junto con cartas planetarias y su propio diario de misiones.[2] También contiene un módulo de interferencia que puede detener algunos tipos de ataques citónicos.[11]

Se parece a un humano con algunas diferencias superficiales, y su fisiología también es bastante similar a la de un humano. Los sistemas circulatorio, respiratorio y reproductor de su cuerpo parecen funcionar como los de un humano, con pequeñas diferencias, como una sangre más oscura y la respiración de gases diferentes. Su dieta también es similar a la humana. Debido a la antigua alianza entre los UrDail y los humanos, puede hablar chino mandarín y una pequeña cantidad de inglés;[6] la estructura de su propio idioma tiene algunas similitudes con el inglés, aunque los sonidos son diferentes y Spensa no puede entender nada de él.[2]


Alanik vivía en ReAlba, un planeta "atrasado" que no formaba parte de la Supremacía.[2] Su pueblo, los UrDail, se había aliado con los humanos en la última guerra humana y estaba muy influenciado por la cultura humana.[2] Aunque algunos UrDail afirmaban que los humanos ocupaban su planeta por la fuerza, Alanik creía que se trataba de propaganda y que los humanos no eran peligrosos en comparación con la opresión de la Supremacía.[2] Debido a que la Supremacía había confinado a los humanos en "reservas" como Detritus, Alanik ni siquiera estaba segura de que siguieran existiendo, pero continuamente intentaba contactar con ellos mediante sus habilidades citónicas con la esperanza de contactar con alguno de ellos.[2]

Una vez fuimos aliados. Dicen que sois monstruos. Pero yo pensé... que nada puede ser más monstruoso que ellos... y si alguien puede combatirlos... serán aquellos a quienes encerraron... el terror que una vez estuvo a punto de derrotarlos.

—Alanik, a Spensa[2]

Selección para Visión Estelar

La agencia de Cuna envió un mensaje a los UrDail y a muchas otras razas que no era ciudadanos principales de la Supremaciía en busca de pilotos potenciales para su ejército.[2][12] Alanik fue elegida como la única emisaria de los UrDail par ala misi´n de entrenamiento;[2] es de suponer que Cuna tenía especial interés en Alanik, ya que era citónica.[13] Se Se le encargó viajar a Visión Estelar para formarse como piloto. La esperanza era que una prueba exitosa de Alanik llevaría a más pilotos UrDail a unirse al ejército y, finalmente, a la ciudadanía para toda la especie.[6] Sin embargo, Alanik tenía varios motivos ocultos. Quería aprender más sobre sus habilidades citónicas[2] y también actuaba como espía; esperaba robar la tecnología de hipermotor y liberar a los UrDail.[4]

Choque en Detritus

Alanik nunca llegó a Visión Estelar; oyó el grito de pánico citónico de Spensa tras ver el vídeo de un zapador[9] y pudo determinar, citónicamente, la ubicación de Detritus.[14] Hipersaltó directamente allí, pero por desgracia desconocía los sistemas de defensa del planeta y tomó un camino que la llevó demasiado cerca de los cañones automáticos montados en plataformas que rodeaban el planeta.[14][3] La FDD se sintió confundida por la presencia de una única nave alienígena que no se comportaba como una krell y desplegó algunos cazas.[14] Su nave sobrevivió a duras penas a la entrada atmosférica; su anillo de pendiente resultó dañado y una de las alas estuvo a punto de desprenderse, pero Spensa pudo sentir a Alanik y salvar la nave de la destrucción total utilizando su lanza de luz.[3]

Spensa, disfrazada como Alanik

Después de que Spensa ayudara a aterrizar la nave, intentó prestar atención médica a Alanik. Esta pudo hablar con Spensa utilizando un alfiler traductor, y le habló de Visión Estelar. Colocó citónicamente las coordenadas de la estación en la mente de Spensa y le dijo que no confiara en la Supremacía antes de caer inconsciente. M-Bot fue capaz de piratear los sistemas informáticos relativamente rudimentarios de su nave y rellenar los espacios en blanco relativos a su planeta y su misión.[2] Spensa urdió rápidamente un plan para disfrazarse de Alanik e ir a Visión Estelar en su lugar, en un intento de robar un hipermotor.[2] La FDD no comprendía del todo las necesidades médicas de Alanik y se limitaron a vigilarla mientras permanecía inconsciente durante toda la misión de Spensa.[15] Los UrDail intentaron ponerse en contacto con ella; Spensa intentó explicarles la situación[16], pero los UrDail también estaban en contacto con Cuna y no parecían saber en quién confiar.[17]

Recuperación y partida

Alanik remained in a DDF medical bay under sedation for nineteen days while her injuries healed. DDF Flight Command had Alanik taken off the sedatives hoping that she could help them contact Cuna, who had sent an emergency message to Detritus after Winzik's coup.[18][4] With Spensa absent, Cobb suggested that Jorgen and FM speak to her first. After some time for Alanik to adjust, FM struck up a conversation with her. Alanik seemed willing to work with the young pilots, although she became agitated when she learned that the Superiority had tried to contact the humans. She wanted to contact the UrDail regarding her mission to Starsight; Jorgen and FM did not have clearance to tell her that Spensa had taken her place.[4]

My people were punished because we fought alongside yours. Some on my planet think it is better to go along with the Superiority. To accept their peace. But their peace is a tool to maintain power.

—Alanik, to FM[4]

She discussed the oppression of her people by the Superiority, noting some parallels to the plight of the humans. She emphasized that any "peace" treaty offered by the Superiority was false; FM realized that the National Assembly was considering the exact scenario that she was warning against. She told Alanik that she was ready to fight.[4]

Alanik seemed to be connecting with FM, but their diplomatic efforts were put to a full stop when Jeshua Weight intervened, treating Alanik like a prisoner rather than an ally.[4] Alanik immediately took offense and projected a message into Jorgen's mind telling him that he was powerful and should not allow anyone to control him.[4] She then hyperjumped back to ReDawn.[4][8]

Unity’s Military Coup

Progress for ReDawn! May her enemies be swiftly silenced for the good of us all.

—Nanalis to the UrDail[8]

Alanik attended a sporting event at the Stadium Tree, the match between the Unity and Independece faction. At the match she talked with Rinakin, and witnessed a thinly veiled message from Nanalis saying that the divisive Independence faction must be silenced. They left the match partway through, and were summoned by Quilan and the other Unity cytonics to come meet him at the Council tree.[8] She refused, flying to Spindle instead. They were intercepted by Quilan there. She landed, and Quilan struck Rinakin with a concussion bolt.[1] Two of his men apprehended Rinakin, and Alanik got away. She cytonically communicated with Jorgen, saying that Detritus has an inhibitor and she needs the key. Their minds connected and she received the key, and she hyperjumped to Detritus.[19]

Alanik met with Jorgen and FM, and discovered that the taynix are the hyperdrives, and learned more about them. She reluctantly agreed to meet with Jeshua and Cobb, after Jorgen tells her that he doesn’t have the authority to help her.[19] She met with Detritus’ leaders, plus Minister Cuna Alanik asked for them to form an alliance with the Independence faction and send a force to ReDawn to help resist the Unity faction. In return she offered to help train their cytonics. Cobb and Jeshua argued over wether the National Assembly or the DDF should make the descision, and Alanik was given quarters where she could wait.[20] She met with the rest of Skyward Flight, who were friendly towards her.[21]

Cobb arrived and told them that Alanik’s request had been denied, and that his hands were tied. He told them that he couldn’t officially order them to go, but heavily hinted that he wanted them to anyway.[21] Alanik and Skyward Flight hurried to the hangar, and Alanik found that her ship had been taken apart to be studied. The maintenance crews tried to stop them, but Jorgen said they had been given emergency orders to scramble. They went to their fighters, FM showing Alanik the basic controls of the unfamiliar fighter.

I can handle two ships. Just because I don’t have combat experience doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing.

—Alanik to Jorgen during a dogfight[22]

They flew upwards, Alanik managing with difficulty. After interlocking with light lances and preparing to hyperjump, Jeshua radioed them and warned them that if they left, they would be considered deserters. At Jorgen’s go-ahead, Alanik teleported them to ReDawn.[23] They arrived just outside Hollow, and Alanik explained the nature of ReDawn and its trees to them. As they neared the Superiority transport where Alanik’s people were being held, Skyward Flight engaged the numerous Unity pilots. The transport fled and Skyward Flight worked together to bring it down, Nedd using his IMP and Kimmalyn taking out the pilot, while Alanik and Arturo grabbed the transport with their light-lances.[22]

Alanik hyperjumped the transport to the Independence base, and the Independence prisoners unloaded, the pilots entering their fighters. Quilan’s fighters arrived, and Skyward Flight and the Independence pilots held. More Unity reinforcements arrived however, and Alanik decided that they should retreat to Wandering Leaf, a floating platform with automatic turrets. Skyward Flight used their taynix to teleport them and the Independence pilots underneath the turrets, while Alanik dueled with Quilan.[24] Upon trying to land on Wandering Leaf she was forced to eject out of her plane, landing on the platform with her parachute.[25]

On Wandering Leaf

Alanik met with the Independence pilots, including her brother and Rinakin’s daughter. Because of Wandering Leaf’s effective turrets, Alanik and the others were then safe from Unity attacks. Jorgen tuned his radio to a broadcast from Nanalis to the UrDail population, and Rinakin’s voice came on, allying himself and Independence with Unity. He then told Alanik to turn herself in.[25] Many memmbers of Skyward Flight had doubts about rescuing Rinakin after the message, but both Alanik and Inin strongly argued that Unity was forcing Rinakin to agree with them. Alanik introduced the human and Independence pilots to each other, and explore the Superiority shuttle. Inside they found a blue and green taynix with the power to inhibit cytonics. Afterward, Alanik talked with Arturo alone. Arturo bluntly asked Alanik if she would betray them, to which she said that she won’t.[26]

Are mate-pairs taboo in your culture? You all seem very embarrassed to talk about them.

—Alanik to the members of Skyward Flight[27]

Alanik got to know Skyward Flight better, chatting cytonically with Jorgen. When they began talking about their romantic relationships, Alanik was confused about how embarrassed they got about the subject. FM decided that they needed to retrieve Rig from Detritus[27], and her and Alanik hyperjumped there. They convinced him to help, and found that Detritus’ leaders had been negotiating with the Superiority and would likely hand over their taynix.[28] They returned to Wandering Leaf, where FM and Jorgen got into an argument about the taynix. Alanik and the others tested out the platform’s cytonic inhibitor using the new blue and green slug. After their test was successful, Rig repaired Alanik’s starfighter.[29] Arturo talked with Alanik more, asking about why she fights so strongly against the Superiority. After figuring out how to work Wandering Leaf’s mindblade weapon system, Alanik and the others discussed how to rescue Rinakin.[30]

Alanik, Jorgen, and Rig used a hyperslug to hyperjump Wandering Leaf just outside of Tower, one of the biggest UrDail trees. Skyward Flight and the Independence pilots got into the air, and Quilan and the other cytonics left the Council tree to come inhibit Wandering Leaf. With the Council tree now open, Alanik and Arturo used Naga to hyperjump their ships to where Rinakin was staying.[31]

Rescuing Rinakin

It suits you. An angel with a big sword, coming down to exact justice.

—Arturo to Alanik about her new callsign[32]

Alanik and Arturo discussed callsigns as they approached Rinakin’s quarters, Alanik deciding that her callsign should be Angel. They used Naga to hyperjump into Rinakin’s room, and Alanik rushed in to convince Rinakin to leave with her. Rinakin acted strangely, telling Alanik to come with her, then turned on a cytonic inhibitor. Alanik realized that the person was not Rinakin, but an imposter.[32]

Arturo came in and physically attacked the imposter, who turned out to be a Dione using holographic technology stolen from M-Bot. The Dione told them that Rinakin was already gone. Alanik and Arturo returned to their ships and chased after the ship that was transporting the real Rinakin, fighting off several Unity pilots. During the battle, Alanik killed an enemy pilot for the first time, which shocked her. She managed to hook the ship with Rinakin with her light hook, then teleported the ship, along with herself and Arturo, back to Wandering Leaf.[33] On the deck of Wandering Leaf, she fought off Rinakin’s guards by hyperjumping them away and abandoning them, then rescued Rinakin from his bonds. She caught him up on events, and Arturo comforted Alanik about killing someone.[34]

Defeating the Unity Faction

Thank you, for not abandoning my people to the Superiority when the inhibitor went down.

—Alanik to Jorgen[35]

Alanik and Arturo joined the fight against the Unity pilots, whose cytonics were trying to get in formation to make a cytonic inhibitor. They succeeded, and a Superioirty battleship appeared, guns trained on Tower. Alanik shot down Quilan during the battle and killed him, and another cytonic was shot down. The inhibitor deactivated as the battleship began to fire, and Rig hyperjumped Wadnering leaf close to the battleship and destroyed it with the platforms’ autoturrets. A varvax cytonic hyperjumped onto Wandering Leaf and marched on Rig. Alanik tried to stop it, but Boomslug protected Rig by cutting through the creature’s exoskeleton.[34] With their cytonics shot down and Quilan dead, the Unity pilots retreated as Rinakin made a broadcast to the UrDail people.[35]

Back to Detritus

Alanik and Arturo talked about the battle and Alanik’s killing of Quilan, and were interrupted by Cobb calling them. Jorgen gave him an update, but noticed Cobb was acting strangely. At Alanik’s suggestion, they realized that Cobb had been replaced by an imposter. Alanik communicated with Gran-Gran, who was being handed over to the Superiority aboard a ship. Alanik warned her of the trap, and sensed a commslug aboard the Superiority ship. She opened a line to Jorgen’s parents, who didn’t believe Jorgen’s warnings about the trap. After ending the communication, Rig hyperjumped Wandering Leaf to Detritus.[35]

Thank you. I can tell by your spirit that you have the heart of a warrior like my granddaughter.

—Gran-Gran thanking Alanik[36]

Alanik and Jorgen hyperjumped to Detritus’ command center and grabbed the fake Cobb, then found a taynix aboard the Superioirty ship. Jorgen went with the fake Cobb to find his parents, and Alanik went off to find Gran-Gran. She discovered along the way that there was a bomb on the ship rigged to blow, and that Superiority personnel had evacuated. She retrieved Rig, who didn’t know how to disarm it. After Rig returned to Wandering Leaf, Alanik found the cells where Gran-Gran, Cuna, and Cobb were being held. After Alanik disabled the cytonic inhibitor, Gran-Gran jumped away with Cobb, and Alanik dropped off Cuna at Wandering Leaf. Alanik hurried to where Jorgen was, and found his parents and other politicians trapped in a room, the area cytonically inhibited. Unable to find the inhibitor and unable to break into the room, Alanik and Jorgen were forced to leave them behind, Alanik hyperjumping herself and Jorgen back to Wandering Leaf.[36]

Afterwards, as the ship exploded, Alanik could feel Jorgen’s grief and anger. Alanik couldn’t feel Gran-Gran’s mind, and concluded that she and Cobb had made it away, but to an unknown location. Jorgen told Alanik that they’d have to delay returning to her people, as there were some things they had to do on Detritus first.[37]

Alanik went with Jorgen as he led Skyward Flight down to Platform Prime, where he yelled at Vice Admiral Stoff. Alanik helped Jorgen in his argument with Stoff, and kept trying to use her cytonic abilities to locate Gran-Gran and Cobb.[38] Alanik returned to ReDawn with a few other members of the flight to finish solidifying the alliance between Detritus and ReDawn, and over the course of two days she still wasn't able to find Gran-Gran or Cobb with her senses.[39] Jorgen volunteered to help Alanik search, and she tried to teach him to hone his cytonic skills. They both heard a communication from Kauri of the kitsen, saying they had Cobb and Gran-Gran on their planet.[40]

Mission to Evershore

After getting permission from Stoff, and then gaining more information from Kauri, Alanik, Jorgen, Cuna, and the rest of Skyward Flight traveled to the kitsen planet of Evershore. Alanik was more familiar with the kitsen than the humans in the flight, and was able to give some limited information to them about the kitsen. They went to the kitsen capital city of Dreamspring, and visited Gran-Gran and Cobb, who were both in comas. Alanik initially wasn't sure that it was actually Gran-Gran, since she couldn't sense her cytonically.[41]

Keep going. You have to convince them.

—Alanik cytonically encouraging Jorgen to speak to the kitsen senate[42]

Deciding to wait and come back to them later, Alanik and the others attended a feast held by the kitsen. She went to a kitsen senate meeting with Jorgen and FM, trying to tell the kitsen that they came in peace, so they could form an alliance. After Jorgen threw the meeting into chaos by accidentally exploding outward with mindblades, Alanik cytonically encouraged him to talk anyways, making his case to the kitsen.[42]

While the kitsen Juno went with Jorgen to try and help him gain better control of his mindblades, Alanik went to visit the unconscious Cobb and Gran-Gran. But when she and the med techs tried to move Cobb and Gran-Gran to their medical transport, their condition started deteriorating rapidly. Alanik cytonically told Jorgen to come see, and she explained the situation. Deciding to keep them where they were for the time being, Alanik and Jorgen discussed the possibilities of what was happening. At Jorgen's request, Juno took them to the library, where Gran-Gran and Cobb had first appeared. They found a nowhere portal, but before they have much time to discuss it, Arturo radioed them to tell them that the Superiority was attacking.[43]

Battle for Evershore

Alanik and Jorgen hyperjumped to their ships, and released everyone's taynix from their boxes. They both got into the air first, and helped cover their flightmates as they got to their fighters.

This rodent keeps talking to me about birds. There are no birds living in my mind, Jorgen, and I don't know what he means about waves either.

—Alanik expressing her frustration about Juno's teaching[44]

Several kitsen ships joined Skyward Flight in the air and began to fight, and the Superiority ships temporarily retreated to await reinforcements. Jorgen and FM hyperjumped to Detritus to get reinforcements of their own, and Jorgen had Juno fly with Alanik and try to help teach her.[45] Juno tried to instruct her with the same exercises he used with Jorgen, but Alanik didn't understand them and grew frustrated.[44]

Jorgen fetched Wandering Leaf from Detritus, and Alanik communicated with him cytonically to direct where he should hyperjump the platform. Alanik used Snide to send Juno back to Jorgen's ship, since Juno had decided she simply didn't have much aptitude for mindblades.[46] At Jorgen's suggestion, Alanik hyperjumped to ReDawn to get UrDail ships to come to Evershore and join the fight. She convinced them, and soon returned with more reinforcements. Arturo spotted a lifebuster bomber, and Kimmalyn shot it down. Alanik caught the falling bomb with her light hook, hyperjumped it a safe distance away, then hyperjumped to safety. Since their lifebuster failed, the Superiority ships instead began to spread out across the planet, attempting to target the various kitsen cities and inflict maximum civilian casualties.[47]

At Jorgen's order, Alanik and the other members of the flight focused their efforts on evacuating as many kitsen civilians as possible. However, the battle was soon won, as Jorgen and Rig managed to hyperjump the entire planet of Detritus to Evershore, using its platforms to tip the battle in their favor and force the Superiority to retreat.[48]



Unlike the rest of my family, Gilaf wasn’t going to swallow Unity lies.

—Alanik thinking about Gilaf [8]

Gilaf is Alanik's brother. He is the only family member she mentions by name, and he is the only one who doesn't agree with Unity's methods. When Alanik comes to rescue Gilaf and his the rest of the holdouts from Hollow, he trusts her enough to obey her instructions without knowing the whole plan.[24]


Rinakin trained Alanik in the use of her cytonic abilities, though he is not cytonic himself. Alanik found him intimidating at first, because of his intensity, but came to realize that's just the way he is. Though he expected a lot from Alanik in her training, she notes that he was never discouraging of her efforts.[8]

When Rinakin is captured by the Unity faction working with the Superiority, Alanik knows Rinakin well enough to see that they are somehow forcing him to promote their view.


Arturo is initially suspicious of Alanik, and approaches her after Skyward Flight defects to come to ReDawn. He tells her frankly that he's worried she is using the humans and planning to turn them over to the Superiority for an advantage. Alanik is offended at the idea of cooperating with the Superiority, but admits to herself that his concerns are valid. Arturo warns her not to cross them, and leaves.[26]

Later, Alanik and Arturo talk about why they fight the Superiority, and grow to understand and respect each other's reasons. Arturo volunteers to accompany Alanik on the mission to rescue Rinakin, which annoys Alanik at first, as she thinks he still must not trust her. During the course of the mission she realizes he just wants to help. They engage in friendly conversation, and he helps her choose a callsign.

When Alanik is panicking over having killed another pilot, Arturo pulls her aside and pushes her to talk. He helps her think through her feelings and calm down, making sure she's alright before they continue fighting.[34]

After the battle on ReDawn, Alanik and Arturo spend lots of time together.[40] Arturo takes it upon himself to make sure Alanik is well-assimilated to Skyward Flight, though this is somewhat unnecessary, as she is already an excellent pilot and quickly accustoms to flying with them. Of late, he flies with Alanik as a wingmate instead of Nedd, like usual.[45] When Jorgen is communicating cytonically with Arturo, he sees that Arturo has feelings for Alanik, though nothing is yet happening between them.[47] It seems likely that Alanik feels the same; she finds the idea of asking Arturo (in particular) about human mating rituals "disorienting,"[35] and the tone of her novella is consistent with this.


  1. a b ReAlba capítulo 2#
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Estelar capítulo 8#
  3. a b c d e f Estelar capítulo 7#
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k l Solar capítulo 6#
  5. Estelar capítulo 16#
  6. a b c Estelar capítulo 10#
  7. Solar capítulo 9#
  8. a b c d e f ReAlba capítulo 1#
  9. a b Estelar capítulo 5#
  10. Escuadrón capítulo 43#
  11. Solar capítulo 10#
  12. Estelar capítulo 31#
  13. Referencia rota - Book shorthand incorrect: sky
  14. a b c Estelar capítulo 6#
  15. Estelar interludio I-1#
  16. Estelar capítulo 13#
  17. Estelar capítulo 33#
  18. Solar capítulo 5#
  19. a b ReAlba capítulo 4#
  20. ReAlba capítulo 5#
  21. a b ReAlba capítulo 6#
  22. a b ReAlba capítulo 8#
  23. ReAlba capítulo 7#
  24. a b ReAlba capítulo 10#
  25. a b ReAlba capítulo 11#
  26. a b ReAlba capítulo 12#
  27. a b ReAlba capítulo 13#
  28. ReAlba capítulo 14#
  29. ReAlba capítulo 15#
  30. ReAlba capítulo 17#
  31. ReAlba capítulo 18#
  32. a b ReAlba capítulo 19#
  33. ReAlba capítulo 20#
  34. a b c ReAlba capítulo 21#
  35. a b c d ReAlba capítulo 22#
  36. a b ReAlba capítulo 23#
  37. ReAlba epílogo#
  38. Perpetua capítulo 1#
  39. Perpetua capítulo 2#
  40. a b Perpetua capítulo 3#
  41. Perpetua capítulo 6#
  42. a b Perpetua capítulo 8#
  43. Perpetua capítulo 11#
  44. a b Perpetua capítulo 13#
  45. a b Perpetua capítulo 12#
  46. Perpetua capítulo 14#
  47. a b Perpetua capítulo 18#
  48. Perpetua capítulo 20#
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