Maestría de la arena

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Maestría de la arena
Relacionado con Autonomy
Tipo End-Positive
Mundo de origen Taldain

Sand mastery is a manifestation of Investiture on the Dayside of Taldain. It involves manipulation of white sand at the cost of the user's internal water supply, which can lead to dehydration. In addition, white sand that has been manipulated will become black, becoming unresponsive. Black sand will become white again after four hours of sun exposure.[1]


The form of initiation is not known. It is, however different from on Sel.[2]


Sand Mastery allows for the manipulation of ribbons of sand. The more ribbons a sand master can control at once, the more powerful they are. Powerful users can also slatrify. Slatrification allows the user to turn white sand into water.[1]


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