Winnow (Escuadrón)

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Winnow (Escuadrón)
Oficio Medical technician
Grupo DDF
Mundo natal Detritus
Universo Cytoverse

Winnow is a medical technician in the Defiant Defense Force.[1]


Winnow traveled to Evershore with Skyward Flight and Kel to recover Cobb and Gran-Gran.[1] While things were worked out with the Kitsen, Winnow and Kel stayed to work on Cobb and Gran-Gran. They tried to move them out of the medical tent on stretchers, but their condition began to immediately deteriorate the further away from their original position they got. They later reported to FM that their blood pressure had begun to drop, their heart rate becoming irregular. Winnow decided it was better to keep them in their current position, until they knew more.[2] Winnow, along with Kel, stayed with Cobb and Gran-Gran even as the Superiority attacked and the battle raged. They stayed indoors as the battle occurred, and Jorgen warned them to keep an eye on the rising tide levels, which were caused by the arrival of Detritus near Evershore.[3] After the battle was over, Winnow and Kel carried Cobb and Gran-Gran to the transport ship on stretchers, despite Gran-Gran's loud protests that she was able to walk.[4]


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