Fuerza de Defensa Desafiante

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Fuerza de Defensa Desafiante
Mundo de origen Detritus
Universo Skyward Universe

The Defiant Defense Force are a military force responsible for the protection of the Defiant League, the human settlers on Detritus.

They normally maintain twelve flights, having four on duty with one or two on patrol in the air, four on call, and four in deep reserve at any given moment.[1]

Their leader, Admiral Judy Ivans (callsign Ironsides) also acts as leader of all of humanity.

Ship Models Used

The DDF uses a variety of starfighters, each built for a specific purpose. While some ships, such as the Poco are traditionally used in dogfights against Krell, other ships like the Val are used for reconnaissance. The most common destructor type used in DDF ships is the 138 Stewart destructor and generally cap out at speeds of Mag-10.


A Flight at the Defiant Defense Force usually consists of 8-10 pilots who have graduated from the flight school. At any given time, 1/3 of all starfighters and pilots are down in Igneous Cavern in case Alta Base is bombed, so the DDF can rebuild. Each flight has a flightleader, who is responsible for coordinating the flight and relaying messages from Flight Command. Each flight ideally has an even number of pilots, so that each pilot can have a wingmate.

Notable Flights


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