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Padres Praxton, madre
Capacidades Maestro de la arena
Títulos Lord mastrell[1]
Grupo Diem, Taishin
Residencia Kezare
Etnia del Lado Diurno
Nacionalidad de Lossand
Mundo natal Taldain
Universo Cosmere
Parece que esta página necesita actualizarse con nueva información de Arena Blanca!
¡Ten cuidado! Es posible que en su estado, no contenga toda la información adicional todavía.

Kenton es un maestro de la arena medio oscurense, medio lossandino, en el Lado Diurno de Taldain. Kenton es el actual lord mastrell del Diem.[2]

Apariencia y personalidad

Kenton tiene el pelo rubio dorado y la tez ligeramente morena, debido a su herencia medio oscurense. Sus ojos son naturalmente azules. Sin embargo, cuando utiliza toda la potencia de sus poderes de maestría de la arena, sus ojos brillan con una luz dorada y sus pupilas parecen contraerse o desaparecer, dejando sólo el blanco de sus iris.

Kenton ha vivido gran parte de su vida desafiando a la autoridad. Lo ha hecho tan a menudo que a veces desafía instintivamente a los demás con el único propósito de desafiar a la autoridad, sin un objetivo mayor en mente.[3]

Atributos y habilidades

Maestría de la arena

Desde su infancia, Kenton ha sido un maestro de la arena extremadamente débil, sólo capaz de controlar una cinta de arena.[4] Pierde su habilidad, posiblemente como resultado de sobredominar,[5] pero más tarde la recupera, y es más poderoso, controlando tres cintas y no sólo una.[3] Después de esto, Kenton intenta aumentar sus habilidades sobredominando deliberadamente, lo que con el tiempo le permite controlar cinco cintas. Kenton es excepcionalmente hábil con una sola cinta, capaz de utilizarla con una velocidad y precisión inigualables por ningún otro maestro de la arena.[2]

Lucha con espadas

Kenton es hábil con la espada, pero su debilidad con la arena le lleva a entrenarse con los guardias de la Torre.[4]


Vida temprana

Kenton es el hijo menor de lord mastrell Praxton. A pesar de que ninguno de sus hermanos había mostrado habilidad alguna para dominar la arena, Kenton, que entonces tenía diez años,[6] intentó unirse al Diem. Fue el último de su grupo en someterse a la prueba y apenas consiguió ennegrecer su arena. Praxton intentó impedir que Kenton entrara en el Diem diciéndole que no tenía talento para la maestría, pero Kenton discutió con él, diciendo que la ley dice eso es suficiente. A regañadientes, Praxton permitió que su hijo se uniera al Diem.[4]

Kenton sólo era capaz de controlar una cinta, y se entrenó para llegar a ser extremadamente hábil en el uso de esta. Rechazó cuatro veces el ascenso al rango inferior de infrafen, ya que aceptarlo significaría quedar relegado a ese rango de forma permanente.[4]

La Senda del Mastrell

Kenton fighting the sandling

When he was eighteen years old[6] he insisted on running the Mastrell's Path to prove that he could do anything a Mastrell could do, and so deserved to be elevated to that rank. Prior to running the Path, Praxton offered Kenton advancement to a slightly higher rank of Fen if he wouldn't run the Path. Kenton refused his father's offer and while undertaking the Path, he killed the Sandling guardian, something thought impossible, destroying the Path forever.[4]

After Kenton's feat during the Path, his father was furious and once again offered Kenton the rank of Underfen. Kenton again refused and Praxton granted him the title of Mastrell. He explained to Kenton that the rest of the Diem would hate him for it.[7]

Battle Against Kerztians

During the advancement ceremony, a group of Kertzian warrior-priests launched a surprise attack on the ceremony. Kenton, having also been trained in martial arts, led a group of Sand Masters in defense against the attack. Ultimately he failed and was buried in sand by Praxton's final act, which abruptly ended the battle. The Kertzians killed virtually everyone, leading Kenton to believe that he was the only survivor.[5]

He was found hurt and dehydrated by Khriss and her party. After they revived him with water, Kenton agreed to be their guide, and accompanied them to the city of Kezare. While in their company he kept his Sand Mastery a secret. Along the way they stopped at a Kerztian outpost, where Kenton bartered for supplies. There, he learned that there were other survivors of the attack. After they left the outpost he discovered that he could no longer use sand mastery when a group Kerztian warrior-priests attacked their party.[3]

Acting Lord Mastrell

He parted from Khriss after arriving in Kezare. He went to the Diem where he was found by Dirin, who informed him that Drile, the highest ranked Sand Master, was speaking for the Diem before the Taishin. Kenton immediately went to the Taishin to argue against what he thought was Drile's appointment to Lord Mastrell. While on his way there he discovered he had regained the ability to master sand, and remarkably he could now command three ribbons. Kenton was named acting Lord Mastrell, since he was the only surviving person holding the title of Mastrell. He argued for the Diem's survival to the Taishin when they attempted to dissolve it. He was given two weeks to attempt to change the minds of the heads of the other seven Professions.[1]

After he returned to the Diem he confronted Drile. Each accused the other of being the Kerztian traitor. A short fight with sand followed and Drile fled. Aarik arrived at the Diem, looking for a place to stay after returning from Darkside. The next day Khriss travelled to the Diem to discover that Kenton was not only a "sand mage," but the leader of the Diem.[6] After explaining the situation to Khriss, he was confronted by Ais, a trackt sent by the Lady Judge, ostensibly to protect him.

Securing Support

Kenton quickly realized Ais was, in truth, Heelis' spy, though he permitted her to accompany him as he visited several Taisha in an attempt to drum up support for the Diem. He managed to secure the Lord Admiral's vote under the condition that the Lord Merchant votes opposite, and the Lord Artisan's if the Diem pays off its debt to them.[8]

Following an assassination attempt and the return of his old friend, Elorin, Kenton sought out the Lord General, Raagent. Though initially opposed, Raagent promised to vote to preserve the Diem after Kenton saves his life from a Karak. [9] After returning to Kezare, Kenton found Drile attempting to sway other sand masters to his side and challenged him to a duel. Afterward, he went to visit Vey, the Lord Merchant but found little success. After reuniting with Khriss, the two of them, along with Baon and Aarik, searched the Diem for the missing money after dodging yet another assassination attempt, but located very little of the riches supposedly in the Sand Master's possession.[10]

por Nabetse Zitro (sketch, lineart), Justyna Dura (coloring, render)
With Khriss

On invitation from Lord Admiral, Kenton went with Khriss to his party, where he learned that Delius intended to support him regardless of Vey's decision. After Khriss urged him to leave the party, the two of them stumbled on a collapsed construction site, where Kenton used his Sand Mastery to rescue the trapped workers. Having come to a realization, he returned to the Diem and begun to tell the other sand masters that they must begin to mend their public image by paying for their expenses and helping the common people. However, he was interrupted by Khriss seeking to learn sand mastery. As part of his new philosophy of how the sand masters should be run Kenton agreed to allow Khriss to join the Diem.[11][12]

Kenton decided that since he had already visited all the Taishin he could, his only hope was to study everything in his father's library that related to them. He hoped to find some way to outsmart or bribe Lord Vey but initially met with little success. Kenton explained to Ais how the position of Lord Admiral functioned and concluded it was the cause of Lord Delius's drunkenness and extravagance.[12]

Kenton went to get Khriss so that he could test her ability to sand master; after retrieving her Kenton was interrupted several times by sand masters with basic administrative questions. Khriss suggested that Kenton appoint someone to oversee the day-to-day administration of the Diem, and Kenton decided to appoint Elorin. Kenton tested Khriss for talent in sand mastery but she showed none. Kenton was disappointed by this because he had hoped another Darksider would have talent, however, Khriss said that she was not disappointed because she just wanted to know how the testing process worked. Kenton then showed Khriss the fighting pit where he intended to duel Drile. Kenton said that he believed his duel with Drile might as well be an execution because he could not possibly win as Drile was much more powerful than him.[12]

Kenton returned to visit Lord Vey in the hope that he could find some way to get Lord Vey on his side. After being made to wait for a long time, Kenton loudly exclaimed that he expected Lord Vey to continue paying tribute to the Diem for the same reason as always. Upon hearing this Lord Vey invited Kenton into his office for a private meeting. In this meeting, Kenton pretended to know why Lord Vey had been paying tribute to the Diem and attempted to use this knowledge to blackmail Vey into voting for him. However, Vey realized that Kenton did not, in fact, know why the merchants guild had continued to pay tribute and refused to vote for him.[12][13]

After Vey refused to vote to maintain the Diem, Kenton went to a restaurant. There he discussed the morality of blackmailing Lord Vey with Aaric and Khriss. Aarik felt that because Vey had a poor moral character Kenton was justified in using whatever means were necessary. Khriss stated that scholars at the Elisian University had debated whether someone is justified in committing a minor evil in pursuit of a greater good but that they had not come to a conclusion. The group was then attacked by Kerztian assassins. Kenton and Ais managed to kill most of them; one grabbed and threatened to kill Khriss if Kenton didn't surrender, but was killed by Jon Acron. Ais said she was surprised the assassins would attack that day as it violated the KerKor.[13]


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