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Etnia Hroven
Mundo Sel

Hrovell is a nation under the domain of the Fjordell Empire located on the continent of Opelon[1] on Sel during the Late Era. It is located in the rural southeast of the Fjordell Empire, so they have very little knowledge of what is happening in the world outside their nation.[2] They speak a dialect of Derethi that has evolved so much that many Fjordell have difficulty understanding them.[3]

Like all the nations in the Fjordell Empire, Hrovell had Shu-Dereth as their state religion. However, due to the nation's isolation, some places do not see a Derethi priest for months,[4] many other religions were still practiced in secret, such as the Jeskeri Mysteries.[3] Priests of Shu-Dereth considered their souls to be in great danger.

Hrovell had a standing army which was at Wyrn's disposal.[5]

The Hroven were an oppressed people who lived in fear,[6] likely of the Fjordell Empire.

Notable Citizens

  • Forton - Capable brewing of elixirs to create incredible effects and antidotes to unstoppable poisons.[3]


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Chaos2651 (talk) 16:27, 5 June 2017 (MST)

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