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Etnia Aónico
Nacionalidad de Teod
Mundo natal Sel

Count Graeo is a young member of the Teoish court, and the former fiancé of Sarene.[1]


When Sarene began making attempts to become more approachable to the men of the court, Graeo began courting her.[1] Despite the fact that none of his friends thought that she had seriously changed, Graeo and Sarene eventually became engaged to one another. However, Sarene did not love him, and she believed that her presence would be stifling to Graeo, so she ended their engagement. Graeo, believing that Sarene had been making a fool out of him, left the Teoish court and retreated to his estate, which he did not leave for three years.


Graeo was not a terribly bright man, and although he was an adult, he acted rather simply, almost child-like.[1] He was earnest though, and always did his best to succeed in the world, even though he was not as intelligent as those around him.

Graeo was brave enough to court Sarene, even though she had so often humiliated the men of the court.[1] After she broke off their engagement, Graeo became a recluse due to his shame and embarrassment.


  • Graeo's name is based off of Aon Aeo, meaning bravery.[2]


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