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Mundo de origen Sel

ChayShan is a magic system on Sel.

Not much is known about it, though it appears to be practiced via a meditative martial arts style that focuses on speeding up motions and gaining power from them,Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido which then appears to draw upon the Dor. As all the Investitures on Sel are form based,Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido it is quite possible that the different forms and moves of the ChayShan are what determines what powers a practitioner is using. So far, the only known people who use ChayShan are Jindoeese,Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido so it is possible that this Investiture can only be used by people who are of that race. Shuden claims that it is simply a way to focus a warriors mind and body before battle.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido However, the fact is that ChayShan is clearly a magic system and useful in fighting. It is possible that this is a cover story to hide the warriors's powers, or that some warriors aren't capable of accessing the magic, so they simply use it for the reasons Shuden gives.

A person using ChayShan moves their body in specific circular patterns, slowly gaining in speed.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido The person continuously keeps his or her hands and legs moving. He or she moves as though he or she is "struggling against some unseen force" with his or her muscles tensed. The leaps and arm motions of ChayShan seem similar to a dance. When the Dor is actually being accessed, a dim glow is visible in the wake of the motions of the limbs of the practitioner.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido


One of the abilities that appear to be granted by ChayShan is an enormous amount of strength.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido Someone performing ChayShan is capable of breaking the ribs of a Dakhor monk and hitting one in the head so hard that the spine breaks. When seen in context of the fact that the Dakhor monks's bones are so incredibly strong that it took Kiin multiple strokes to hack through them with his axe,Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido the strength of someone using ChayShan becomes even more impressive. Another ability that may be granted is vision without the use of one's eyes, as Shuden performs all of his motions in battle with his eyes closed.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido

Known Users

  • Shuden is an amateur practitioner, who says he lacks "speed and focus".Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido
  • Jindoeese warriors


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