Resumen:Juramentada/Capítulo 8

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Chapter 8: A Powerful Lie
Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg
Resumen de Oathbringer
Sigue a Chapter 7
Precede a Chapter 9
Datos analíticos
Punto de vista Shallan
Número de palabras 3,408


That moment notwithstanding, I can honestly say this book has been brewing in me since my youth.

—From Oathbringer, preface

Plot Summary

Shallan tries to draw the towers of Urithiru, but is having trouble comprehending the massive city. Pattern tells her that he understands why she would hate him, but she only hates the sword, which leaves both of them confused. A scout comes and reports that the highprince wants to see her. She marvels at the drawings despite Shallan's frustration with them. As they walk, she notices the notoriety she has as a Radiant. She pretends to be an Elsecaller to hide her ability creating illusions. The scout asks her about her sword but seems disappointed that Shallan doesn't intend to use it. She arrives at a meeting room with Navani and Dalinar and his sons. Dalinar is struggling with uniting the various rulers of the continent. He asks Shallan for information, but she has little knowledge of the political world. Dalinar fetches a cup of wine and passes by Shallan, and she is drawn by him to the map on the wall. She draws her remaining Stormlight and creates a three-dimensional projection of the continent in the room. Dalinar believes that the Stormfather helped create the vision since he sees everything in the highstorm, meaning that their powers have somehow merged to do something new. The projection helps him decide to focus on securing the Oathgates in Azir, Jah Keved, and Thaylenah. Lyn knocks on the door and reports that another murder has been discovered.


Mentioned only


Jesnanach 1174.

Urithiru, outside and in Dalinar and Navani's quarters.

Chapter Header

See Also


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