General Notes

  • The age and immortality of each can be hard to know, since there are three ways people could show up hundreds or even thousands of years later: (
    • Relativistic time jumps forward
    • Age really slowly
    • Functional immortality

More about immortality: "Depends on which definition of immortal you mean. Doesn't age, but..."( or

  • While a few people could have abilities that allow them to worldhop, that is not common. Most just use Perpendicularities.
  • I will try to keep these notes to things that are not otherwise recorded on each person's page.
  • Worldhopper either learn the language, or use connection magic to magically speak the language or have others understand. (



  • Bradon once said that Hoid could have his head cut off and it would grow back. How does that work? And did similar stuff work for the Lord Ruler? I think there was some WoB that said people had to be connected to the land or planet to stay.
  • How much Breath does Hoid have? If stormlight can be used as breath, he would have unlimited. Hoid doesn't know how to do that yet ( but he has at least 500 for perfect pitch.
  • How did Hoid know shallan was a radiant, just by looking at her. What could he see? Is that an aspect of his breath? Is that why Zahel took an interest in Kalladin? Could he have used Bronze?
  • He has the Moon Scepter? What is that? It is a scepter from the Emperor's Soul. There seems to be some question about if he actually took it, even though Shai thought he did. And the deleted scene, Hoid said he did. There is a wob that talks about what he would do with it, so I we know he has it and he is going to use it for something. And we know braize doesn't have it. Note about the moon scepter,
  • Someone suggested that Hoid was collecting stuff so he could reform Adonalsium. That seems like a cool idea. But also a little silly to think a Larasium bead would enough of a bit of Preservation to help with the reforming. And really, the whole idea is kinda dumb. The way to reform Adonalsium is to have one person collect all the shards. Why not go back to Scadrial and get an earring from a Kandra, and have a chat with Harmony to try to encourage him?
  • How did he get feruchemy? Was he there at the beginning? Did he talk preservation into giving it to him? I guess currently we don't know for sure if he has it.
  • Second oldest in the Cosmere: (WoB: Frost is almost certainly the oldest by a small amount. After that, Hoid.
  • What is Hoid looking for? (Q: Why does Hoid show up in all of your books? A: Because they're all connected and he's searching for something.
  • Hoid's thefts
    • The Topaz Gem
    • Moon scepter
    • Larasium bead
    • Taln's sword?
    • Elhokar's spren
  • Hoid's abilities:
    • Yolish Lightweaving
    • Being very very very hard to kill.
    • Immortality, He is the second oldest in the cosmere
    • Heals his Soul (Aluminum or Nicrosil Feruchemy?)
    • Recognizes investiture in others (7th Heightening Breath, or Bronze Alomancy?)
    • Ability to jump forward in time (Possibly uses Feruchemy?)
    • Ability to know when and where to be for an important event... more or less (Possibly uses Feruchemy?)
    • Perfect pitch (2nd Heightening)
    • BioChroma awakening
    • Surgebinding, through King Elhokar's spren


  • Member of the 17th Shard (link)
  • She is the most knowledgeable in the Cosmere.
  • Author of the Ars Arcanum (link)
  • Nazh's boss.
  • WoP "On Roshar many people would mistake her for Makabaki." (link)
  • How did she become so knowledgeable about the Cosmere? Just because she is a scholar and has been around for so long? There is some quote about how she it very thorough in her research.
  • How is she still around? What magic does she have? She must have learned how to do what Scythe could do, at least for his immortality.
  • Her first time showing up (ourside of White Sands) is Bands of Mourning
  • Abilities:
    • Long life


Galladon / Grump:

  • Member of the 17th Shard
  • Does not have lightweaving or shapeshifting (although on Roshar he looked like his pre-elantrian state. Does that mean he does have some illusion ability or does it mean he reverts when far from elantris?)
  • Does not have auto-translation
  • Abilities:

Demoux / Thinker:

Baon / Blunt:


  • Mraize is from Roshar. (See the note below about being Thaylenah) Probably one of the ones referred to in This quote, but if so we should be able to find him in other books.
  • Ranking mnember of the GhostBloods.
  • Possibly a member of Silverlight because his babsk is a member.
  • Items in the room
    • Giant uncut Gemhearts, not infused with stormlight
    • Familiar looking shells
    • Tusk, possibly from a whitesprine
    • Eye socket, structure of a santhid's skull?
    • Vial of pale sand (possibly from White Sands) (WoB: Now there's something odd about that sand. What color is the sand in WoR?)
    • Thick hairpins (hemelurgic spikes?)
    • Lock of golden hair (from warbreaker?)
    • Tree branch, strange writing
    • A silver knife
    • An odd flower (from warbreaker?)
    • Pale pink crystal, delicate. Aether?
  • Note from WW: -According to Peter, Mraize is from Thaylenah, does Shallan just never mention his eyebrows or is he not ethnically Thaylen?
  • Dont know what he looks like but he is Thaylen. (WoP: And I wasn't being sarcastic or joking when I said I thought it was obvious from the text that Mraize was a Thaylen from Thaylenah. Peter talks about Signing)
  • Has an Avian that grants unknown ability. [2]. This has big consequences. How did he get one? I was not aware that there was a way to get to first of sun other than spaceflight, and that has not happened yet.
  • Abilities:
    • No known abilities


  • She has an odd world view that is unlike anything else we have seen on the world.
  • Yup. She is the one that takes Mraize to other worlds. (WoB: Mraize. Is he a world hopper? Yes, he’s been to a few planets, highly supervised by his babsk. Orem Lib Signing Dec 2014)
  • She is not from Roshar (WoB: So what planet is she from? Well, that’s kind of a hard thing to say. She has 3 planets she’s “from”. For example, she’s living now on Roshar, but then she’s from a different planet, but that’s not a planet that her people are from. Orem Lib Signing Dec 2014)
  • Her people are from Scadriel, Malwish (or the southern continent) [3]
  • She is not from Threnody or Taldain [4]
  • We have not seen the planet she was born on (as of Oct 2015) [5]
  • It now seems she is from Silverlight: [6]
  • She used to be part of the 17 the shard. [7]
  • Abilities:
    • No known abilities

Vasher / Zahel:

  • Was born on Nalthis, died there, became a Returned, and a scholar.
  • Was he the First Returned? No. But one of the 5 Scholars.
  • Has auto-translation? Or the ability to learn a language quickly? Perhaps through Breath as well?
  • Can he use stormlight to awaken things?
  • According to this, he traveled to Roshar 300 years before Warbreaker, saw a shardblade and decided to make Nightblood.
  • Abilities:
    • Long life
    • Possibly auto-translation
    • BioChroma awakening
    • shapeshifting through being returned.

Vivenna / Azure

  • Abilities
    • Long life? (300+ years since her birth.)
    • Possible auto-translation
    • BioChroma awakening



  • From Sel
  • Has Breath? He talks about hightening.
  • Auto translation, no accent? Or is that a natural situation in shadesmar?
  • Member of the Ire, but is not on Roahar for the Ire's general purpose on Roahar.

Lemex's Nurse (Terriswoman)

Unknown Kandra(s)

  • Q: Are there kandra hiding in any of your books, besides the Mistborn ones? A: Yes there are! [smugly] yes there are... Link
  • Female. and Agent of Sazed. Link
  • Not MeLaan. Orem Library Signing
  • The form we see her is not always female. Orem Library Signing
  • Very few, or none, lines on-screen. Orem Library Signing
  • Abilities:
    • Shapeshifting, mimicry
    • Long life
    • Some enhancement from the blessing spikes
    • Worldhopping?

Unknown Rosharins

  • Q: In The Way of Kings, we see a lot of worldhoppers on Roshar. Have you already seeded worldhoppers FROM Roshar in your other works? A: Yes. You’ve met several. link
  • Mraize could be one of those, since we know he is from Roshar, but no proof of that.

Unknown Ardent

  • Way of kings, pg 755.
  • [8]




  • Brandon responded to a question about Shai being on Roshar and he said we have not seen her yet. I think that would imply that we could, so watch out for her.
  • Rafo on her being a worldhopper. (


  • Member of the 17th Shard
  • She was from Scadrial and was in a relationship with Demoux
  • Because Demoux is a member of the 17th Shard, it was speculated that Aslydin was also, which Brandon confirmed. (
  • Because she is a member, and "about her own work", she is probably a worldhopper, going to different worlds to do her work.
  • There is something about her ethnicity


  • Something about him makes him suspect? [9]


  • Some people think might be a kandra? He talks about being able to turn off emotions?


  • Not verified as a Worldhopper, could just be a foreigner?
  • Used the phrase "Foreign Soil" in Way of Kings.
  • Described as features that were a little off in Oathbringer



